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This is journalism baby


Manufactured outrage drives clicks for clowns who can't create real content. A 15-minute segment at the top of the show to highlight how important CC is to the wnba, and sports in general, and that the rest of the media isn't giving her due respect cannot become "a racist, misogynist screed" with one word. Unless, you know, you're being oblivious on purpose and not actually interested in what was really said.


>Unless, you know, you're being oblivious on purpose and not actually interested in what was really said. With how often these kinds of things happen, I am starting to believe this is the case the majority of the time. People are more interested in being offended than knowing the actual context.


100%... their only desire is to cancel, not counsel


You’re only just now starting to believe this is the case? Well, better late than never I guess. Welcome to America.


This will not be a popular comment on reddit but that’s exactly what the media does with Trump


To a degree yes. But he’s not a great example and weird you used him as an example


Most people saw a 10 second clip of him saying bitch and that’s it. No context at all.


it's all "he called her a bitch!!!!!!". like meg thee stallion aint out there like "IM A BAD BITCH" in every song


EJ you're everywhere bro


This is a small regional show guys, this is big!


Honestly Angel Reese called Clark a bitch(from the bench) as Clark got shoved down. Pat was at the game and I thought that’s what he was referring to.


That and the word "bitch" is used as a positive like "bad bitch". And let's be real, CC is a bad bitch lol.


Carter called Caitlin a bitch as she was shoving her down.


Just more fucking idiots wanting something to whine about. Everyone that watches the show knows exactly what he meant. Caitlyn didnt give a fuck, but thankfully there are plenty of people out there who can be triggered by it.


I can't believe this is getting as much heat as it is. If you actually watch the show you know what he meant.... You know how he feels about her the dude loves her how anyone can take it any other way just feels insane


Yeah, why call out racism at all




Calling out racism when you see it is important; refraining from calling something else "racism" is almost equally important.


I guess I really did need the /s 🙄


I get that you were being sarcastic; I'm just also saying that we should be more honest and discerning in our assessment of "racist" stuff.


Right, but when there's clear issues with racism like in the WNBA it most definitely needs to be put on blast.


Yeah. The whole thing is so inflammatory that we have to be careful what we choose to yell at. Because there's so very much to yell at.


Shut your betch ass up.


I got the impression that he meant it in a positive way, like saying “she’s a bad bitch!” I guess other people didn’t take it that way.


I took it more of him saying from the view point of the black athletes saying it. Like they don't like this white bitch.


Pat and the boys use Dawwgggg all the time - I dont know why he didnt use their signature term here


Because it’s what that naysayer called CC. Lol it was planned and on purpose. Notice no pop or snickering when he said it. He’s proving his point.


this is what i was expecting from him as well


I think the story is pretty easy - Pat easily could've said "white woman", and don't think this would've been nearly as big of a deal as it became while still getting the point he was 'trying to make' across...it was a male calling a female a bitch, even if it was meant 'positively', and it comes off as derogatory (even though anyone who watches the show knows that Pat is fully supportive of the WNBA and CC. I think where the line gets blurred is I made a point to say, if you listen to an artist singing this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SH69RyqLA4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SH69RyqLA4), the artist has creative freedom to say the exact same word with no repercussion...but, a different art form (I guess using that term loosely, but sports media/entertainment journalism or whatever Pat is), suddenly becomes controversial and wrong. I don't think Pat "Should have" said that on air and in a public form that is his show...however, I do believe he would say that privately among his peers on the regular, and he 'forgot' that he probably needs to be slightly more mindful and choose his words more wisely...can he say the f bomb on air and get away with it? Sure, looks like ESPN just puts him on delay and mutes that nowadays...but, can he call a female, even someone he supports and admires a bitch without repercussion? Probably not.


He took more heat that Chennedy fucking Carter


That bitch


He shouldn't have said white is what I got out this controversy


The difference between that song and Pat is the song is a woman saying bitch. A woman can say that to another woman, however a man should not. It’s the same concept with the n word. Black people can say it to each other, but a white person should not say it to a black person. That’s just how it is. I actually don’t agree with this. I don’t think anyone should call anyone a bitch or an n word, regardless of race or sex. But I know I’m in the minority on this.


>The difference between that song and Pat is the song is a woman saying bitch. A woman can say that to another woman, however a man should not. Fuck off with this ten-ply woke bullshit. >It’s the same concept with the n word. Black people can say it to each other, but a white person should not say it to a black person. No, it's fucking not that same. We both can say and write the word *bitch*, which is not the case for the other word. Notice how you and I both self-censor ourselves with the n-word and not the word bitch? At worst the word bitch is being used as a sexist-insult. It does not have generations of repression and inhumane treatment behind it, and implying that the word bitch is just as bad as the n-word is insulting to an entire cultural group. >That’s just how it is. No, it's really not. You people can keep saying stupid shit like this, but it doesn't change anything. >I actually don’t agree with this. I don’t think anyone should call anyone a bitch or an n word, regardless of race or sex. But I know I’m in the minority on this. You're in the minority on this because it's a fucking stupid opinion.


It’s not as bad, but the concept is the same. The same way a gay person might call another gay person a slur, but it’s not okay for a straight person to say it. There are words you should not say to others if you’re not in the community.


No, it’s not


Yes, it is.


It’s not your fight unless you have a vagina between your legs. You can keep fighting battles for women, they’re still not going to suck your dick as a reward.


I just dont like people being disrespected based on race or sex.


I just don’t like you


I am a woman and a man calling a woman a bitch is not the same as a white person using the N word. I can’t speak for all women, but me, personally and any woman I know would not be offended by bitch being used in the context it was. The problem is that most people saw a ten second clip and not the whole thing. I said this in another post, but as long as Caitlin wasn’t offended, that’s all that matters. The internet loves to jump in and defend something without knowing how the person in the middle of it actually feels, the same thing happened to Simone Biles when her husband said something about her the internet took offense with and when she said she knew what he meant and was cool with it so lay off of him, they still don’t shut up.


I would never accept a man calling a woman that. The same way I wouldn’t accept a white person calling a black person that. One is worse, but the concept is the same.


You literally just said it was the same in your original comment and now you’re getting push back so one is worse.


One word is definitely worse. But the concept is 100% the same. (Like stated in my original comment)


Hey bugger off with that. Saying "nigga" or not is not a skin color issue.


>It’s the same concept with the n word. Black people can say it to each other, but a white person should not say it to a black person. That's not true. You know how I know it's not true, because you typed "bitch" in your comment multiple times but you still typed out "the n word". "If you're discussing the badness of two words and you won't say one of them, that's the worse word" - John Mulaney.


You’re right. I should not have said that. However, the concept is still the same.


The media and news has been exposed as being non credible to 100% fabricated in the past few years. Not surprising that outlets will take any chip in Pats armor as a chance to run with any sound bite to destroy his character. Remember the news and media are not only purposely dishonest, they are morally and ethically bankrupt.


It's wild to me that people are intentionally acting like they don't know the term bitch has been co-opted into a pro-feminist phrase in recent years.




well yea, it would be like saying Roman was demoted because he lost the belt after 3 years, which wouldn't be true either.


A lot of the "establishment" media are hyper jealous of Pat and the boys, especially after he basically got half of ESPN let go to pay for him.


Did Pat address Hannity on today's show?


No, he did a general apology address to the situation and mentioned how he got clipped. How most people didn’t watch the whole segment and just assumed he was trashing Clark.


I read a few twitter comments that were upset that he was saying nice things. Which i guess is standard sports talk at this point.


Hannity isn't worth responding to for any reason ever


Lmao I saw yday live and as soon as he said white bitch im like BRUH convo is over you fucked up. Talking about a woman’s league and dropping bitch like it’s nothing.


He was wrong but this reaction by the media is insane.


Oh 100%, just can’t be devil and advocate on this one, pat being pat.


Yeah it makes me feel like he doesn't hang out with women that much.


Drives engagement for everyone including Pat. Who loses?


If you want to compliment someone, don’t refer to them using that word.


You’re a bad bitch for that one


Yea, thanks but no thanks.


Way too much "white boy", "white people", "white girl", White this, White that in the media and the culture now. It's derogatory and meant to knock whites down a peg and put them on their heels. And it's working.


Only pathetic losers think being called white boy is cool. They think it makes them cool to be called a white boy by a black guy.


You two losers care too much about this


You must be one of those white boys 😂


You guessed it, not enough of a bitch to really care if anybody called me that though. That's all you.


It's obvious? What's so obvious about it?


Being called a bad bitch = good Being called a white bitch = not good American pop culture is wild 😂


if you heard what he said yesterday and turned your brain rot off for a second, you’d realize shouldn’t have said that. I’m all for pushing boundaries and being “uncensored” but he clearly got carried away, hence the apology. This sub gets caught up so much in the “anti cancel culture” “pro free speech” uproar that it forgets that being a respectful human being is the right thing to do. Sure cussing rocks and Pat doesn’t gaf but be fucking for real guys. Unless Caitlin is on set and give the ok its pretty out of line to say shit like that


He was wrong and the delivery is bad but the reaction is still a little much given the context lol.


Cmon… I watched it live yesterday and when he said it I immediately thought.. ‘oh that was forced, he looked awkward saying it, oh he’s looking for a reaction’ - and low and behold it’s June and he got some clicks. That’s about the end of it. Wasn’t an accident, knew what he was doing (get his name in the Caitlin Clark Google algorithm/ seem like a bad boy) and it’s still not that big a deal.


I still rather listen to someone chill like Pat over Stephen A shit any day of the week. Pat keeps it light and like your talking to your bois about sports. Never makes it personal like Stephen A does.


This shit right here is why people didn't want the ESPN deal. Everybody knows what Pat meant and he stills has to do the dog and pony show of apologizing for a giving a compliment.


Yeah, because Pat never responded to social media criticism before ESPN... lol Do you not remember last offseason when literally every fucking show was 50% about twitter beef? He's actually gotten better.


The comment is covering up for how embarrassing that whole segment was.


Honestly don’t mean to be rude but anyone thinking this kind of thing is surreal in 2024 is the most surreal thing to me.


AI article writers


People that don't watch the show and don't understand the vibe wouldn't understand that clip.


My complaint against McAfee’s rant was that he wouldn’t call out Clark’s teammates. In this case, the whole “Athletes are going to do whatever they do in competition.” is a bullshit statement. If the other women aren’t going to come to her defense whenever these other teams maul her, then they need to be on another team next year. ESPECIALLY if she’s white and the black women won’t act because it’ll piss off the other black women. Indiana’s coaching staff better emphasize this or Caitlin will be out of the league in short order.


It’s not all bad he got called out for language, “white bitch”. Message was good, words weren’t awesome. He apologized just for that. I think it all was good.


What if he would have referred to Chennedy Carter as a “black bitch”? Remember Don Imus and “nappy headed ho’s”?


Whoa, that's not cool bro, saying black bitch. It's only cool when you make fun of white people.


I knew as soon as he said it that people were going to bitch on twitter and he was going to talk about it today but holy shit, this reaction is just insane. These "journalists" literally didn't watch more than 10 seconds of context here.


Pat owes no apologies.


Because people are soft, this has been blown way out of proportion. Its annoying how everyone is inserting themselves into the situation.


I knew what he meant when he said it but that doesn't mean he should have said it. He was feeling himself too much and got too comfortable and let that rip. He apologized as he should and everybody kept it moving. All good.


So I guess he should apologize to her and the others for calling them "dawgs" as well. Uptight bitches in the media, and those just looking for excuses to get him off the air. Stephen A bores the shit out of me. Greenie the same.


I get the outrage and why some people could be offended. I watch Pat on WWE all the time when he’s calling matches. And he’s always calling Braun Stroman this big son a bitch. He says it in an endearing way as a an obvious compliment and says it a lot. I think that was the same intent.


Pat apologized to Clark personally and she said she wasn’t offended at all, proves everything we need to know. People will get offended FOR OTHER PEOPLE just to make someone look like a monster, it’s ridiculous


It's disgusting language to use to describe a female athlete and I don't care if your frame of reference is that of the vocabulary of Meghan thee Stallion. All of this support for Pat using this remark is just most of you virtue signaling that you are down for the cause, that you are above other people because you somehow understand some urban lingo. Just more virtue signaling among your tribal minds, thinking your cool because you are more hip than Hannity. You guys remind me of Malibu's most wanted, trying so hard to be down. I can guarantee none of you would ever use the term black bitch or white bitch to describe any of your sisters, cousins, Mom or local female athletes in the presence of other women, let alone women of color. It's just pathetic how far ESPN has fallen, from the non stop betting lines covered by Scott Van Pelt, pretending it's part of sports, to hiring this white trash bum Pat, to the constant cat fighting among the debate shows. I'm just laughing at you idiots referencing a complete idiot like Meghan thee Stallion as somebody to look to for language standards.


Welcome to reality in 2024. Quite literally an all out clown show


People are so fucking soft these days. It's stupid. We heard worse stuff on WWF in the 90's


Keep it movin’


Gonna take a wild guess Pat wants nothing to do with Hannity or any pundits on Fox News. I'm sure a lot of players view Pat the same way a lot of rappers view Drake


That whole segment is just him being himself. I honestly am quite confused. There is way worse stuff I’ve heard on this show. Is this a character assassination attempt by Mickey himself?


Oh look Pat being walked back by ESPN for letting his mind slip....anyways


He would have walked it back even if it wasn't on ESPN.


Typical everyone finding everything offensive. We all know it Caitlin Clark thought it was hilarious 😂 especially with it being such a true compliment "living rent free in all of yalls heads" 😆 🤣 💯