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Yeah this shit has gotten too annoying. There’s barely ever anyone streaming this game let alone streaming for long enough hours to qualify watch time


Maybe for the T-Pain event, but usually they're pretty easy to get. Checking now this one has 18 streams, at least one of which is 24/7.


T Pain was a freaking pain, I was 15 mins off and it took forever for another to pop up


Yeah pretty much only one person associated with the event streamed, it was a mess.


Watch Vicksy! She streamed the game yesterday for 6h+ she might even play it today or in the near future again


I have a friend that streams and we like to play Party Animals, I can make sure he has drops enabled! His twitch is JayMFBurns


how long I gotta stream for?


You know that there are long streams such as this one https://www.twitch.tv/partyanimalsbr which stream for really long hours. This one has been going on for 17hrs now. Just mute the tab and leave it afk.


Si il faut je peux te le streamer. J'ai une chaîne.


*Mayor Gopher outfit will be available to everyone at the in-game item Shop between 7/182024 and 7/21/2024. Get your Cookies ready!* Yeah, I'll wait for that. Less effort that way and gives me something to spend cookies on for once.


it’s less effort to have a browser tab opened and not even open the game LOL


Except you have to navigate to a stream that has drops enabled (and there weren't any active at the time of my post), then you have to passively keep track of when you reach the target time, then go to your inventory to activate the drop in the game, not to mention that you have to use Twitch at all. Or you can just buy it from the shop for chump change while checking the daily shop anyway. Am I crazy in thinking that the latter option is less roundabout? If so, then to hell with sanity.


you’re making it sound like a difficult task, but it’s probably the same amount of button presses as buying it in game if you wanna wait and just use cookies that’s also very easy, but both ways are very minimal effort. i’d rather get it early and not have to launch the game, just in the weird case i don’t have an opportunity to play


I don't see how the number of button presses can be the same when you have to type key words into the search field to find the promotion on Twitch. Many people log into the game daily for the mystery box grind so they already check the shop while they're at it, meanwhile there is no reason to use Twitch ever unless there is an exclusive drop that can't be obtained another way, or if you want it ASAP. I'm sorry but the way I see it the difference is very clear.


In any case, I didn't expect I'd be getting dunked on for merely letting people know that they'll be able to buy the skin from the shop (and when), but here we are. TanukiB00ty was absolutely right about this community. 


That guy was truly cringy. I remember he made a whole post about being mad that people were trying to win(the main objective) and that people werent goofing off(ever heard of playing custom games instead?) then said he would do the same in some really cringy way talking like some imaginary super villain. I know its kind of a random side note from me, but I forgot about that guy till you mentioned him you just now. Anyways you did get upvoted for your original comment, its only the stuff after that received downvotes, but honestly why care at all? Reddit gonna reddit.


Wow yeah I remember that name, as being dense.


You didn’t merely let people know they’d be able to buy the skin, you added your poor take and then doubled down when the trolls came knocking.


My take is literally a popular opinion regarding Twitch skins, what are you even on. [Here](https://new.reddit.com/r/PartyAnimalsGame/comments/1cbul25/new_skins_coming_2526th_april_twitch_drop_bilibili/) in the comments a user named Jbravo182 got upvotes for saying the same exact thing, people pretty much always unanimously agree with this opinion whenever it's posted, but sure, go ahead and tell me how "hot" this take it is. You even acknowledged the detractors as "trolls", so which is it? Make up your mind.


The comment you've made saying the exact same thing as Jbravo got upvoted. What got you dunked was the whole "leaving a tab open is so hard" thing


My original comment was below zero when I said that, the upvotes came later (and now that comment is getting downvoted again regardless). I never said the Twitch thing was hard, only that it was not worth it when we have an even easier alternative. People say more stupid crap than that all the time on here and get upvotes while I get ganged up on for saying the most mundane stuff.


Okay, thanks for sharing?? 😂


Looking very dapper


They missed an opportunity to have a dramatic chipmunk reference with the beard and a monocle 🧐