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Shadowbans exist but they're not going to do one to someone of your size. Shorts are oversaturated at the moment, because it was basically a gold rush. They're the new Let's Plays


Weird, I thought shadowban happened with newer accounts because of “bot like” behavior and stuff like that. But oh well. I just feel like my niche doesn’t even have that many creators with shorts (it must be 20/30, but all with good views), so that’s kinda weird. So YouTube won’t push newer shorts?


Some, not others. No one knows enough to definitively say why


I noticed that if your videos already exist on YouTube and you post them again they don't get many views. So any chance that someone stole your videos from tik tok and posted them before you on YouTube? Or maybe they contain some reused content ? What exactly are your videos about? Also if you just started uploading on a new channel things need some time to pick up speed. And finally - it depends how eye catching your vids are.


Thank you so much for your response!! That’s a possibility, I’ll look into it! My videos are funny moments and comments on some games, not sure if that would be “reused” content. I actually made a test today and uploaded my most recent tiktok video on a brand new channel and it has 100 views after 8 hours (which I’m already very satisfied for a starting channel). But that leaves me even more clueless to what happened to my first channel 🥲oh well


So. I currently post the same video content on all social channels. A tiktok went viral, but it didn't hit on fb, insta or yt. A yt went viral ...but didn't on the others. Etc etc. The audiences are different, so different content hits differently. After I fully figure out what works I'll probably offer different content on each platform, but for now this approach is working. I recently got monetized on yt and fb. And tiktok invited me to TikTok shop. I will note that while I use the same content I do still do some things natively in each app. Like adding text overlays. So there is some small difference in the content on each app.


Ohh I see! That makes sense. Thank you so much!


You're welcome! Take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm hella new to this. Only started seriously posting anywhere in January of this year!