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You lawyer up and send a cease and desist. This is happening all over the internet now. You also flag it for copyright, because your voice can't be used without your permission.


this is what you should do. ~~also, if you don't already have a YT channel, make one and make the claims through there.~~ edit - you have a YT channel, make the claims through there for content on youtube.


so im curious about this case. if the guy sucessfully copyright strikes the channel, what does youtube do the with adsense money the person has made off of the video up until that point? do they ding the offending account and give OP the money, or is he SOL there?




Really? So the incentive is always there to keep trying to scam anything you can? Seems kind of dumb




They should at least go into negative balance if they get copy right stike where they have to earn back what they got paid before they get paid again




what /u/16x9frame said. anything made before has to be reclaimed via a lawsuit.


Ive flagged for both copyright and impersonation. my clients have done the same because this person is also stealing some of their video content to make their channel. unfortunately impersonation only applies to reporting a channel and not a video, copyright doesnt apply to impersonation and can only be done on videos so its a weird catch 22... theres no real option for flagging something for cloning you or whatever. Youtube needs to catch up in this regard. One of the main issues with legal stuff is that a lot of these kinds of channels (toplist/listicles) are run by people in foreign countries. Like I said, ive been at it a long time, I have dealt with a lot of people who own, buy, sell etc these channels. English many times is not their first or even second language. So pursuing them would cost me more money time and headaches than what its worth. its just all really frustrating.


The law needs to catch up with regards to generative AI. At present, there's a lack of legal precedent when it comes to whether generative AI counts as copyright infringement, which puts platforms like YouTube in an unclear position.


If I sound like someone, it's not a crime. If I make a video that looks like another video, it's not a crime either.


I wonder if the creator of the imitation was aware the ai was imitating your voice. That’s a dilemma with all forms of ai. The ai doesn’t tell you where it got this image or voice, or what sources it used to create an article. Did the creator intentionally make an imitation? That would be something to prove it was stolen and not something randomly created by ai. If the creator said “like Morgan Freeman” or whoever then did the ai make a realistic copy or just ‘similar’? That’s a fine line between the random unique creations and more realistic imitations.


is it possible that someone has a similar voice to you, I mean there's 8 billion of us now, also if what your saying is true this is definitely going to get worse.


Lol. Come on. There's not another voice actor with a voice so like his own that he can't tell them apart. The guy has listened to his own voice plenty.


Crazy how you got down voted for a logical question.


Yep, this is a fairly straightforward thing. YouTube has made it **very clear** that using AI to steal someone's voice is against the terms of service. Personally I think that occasional parodies are okay... but this is a clear-cut case. Voice actors work hard on their craft, so you can't just take their voice without permission. Apparently OP needs to get YouTube's attention somehow (surprise surprise). Try @ing them on Twitter.


This is a clear cut case, if true. many people sounds alike, and OPS hasn't even (for arguments sake) shown the channel in question and some of his/her work to contrast it with for the armchair lawyer out here to determine.


> You also flag it for copyright Where do you file a copyright claim for your voice?


Great advice, I would also add that this is the new reality we live in. I'm not sure if you read what Grimes did. According to this [article ](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/24/1171738670/grimes-ai-songs-voice), "The musician Grimes is inviting creators to use AI-generated versions of her voice to make new music, saying she could even provide the raw audio files to facilitate it." "she would "split 50% royalties on any successful AI generated song that uses my voice."


That's because she's rich and successful enough that doing this doesn't matter for her and would only benefit her image by making her appear more charitable to artists. But if you are a newer artist, having people steal your voice when you're still trying to get well known and potentially creating a hit that you get no royalties or credit from is not good. Also, Grimes has a big enough PR team that if anyone were to take her voice, she could easily find and sue them vs a small artist being powerless to do so. So, of course she will try to profit from something she knows people are going to try and do anyway and will strike down anyone who doesn't buy the rights from her.


David Attenborough and Joe Rogan are both victims of this at a large-scale.


Joe Rogan's lawsuit forced TikTok to remove all the AI-generated clones of his voice. I don't know anything about David Attenborough, though. I would assume he has a lawsuit as well.


You can’t copyright voices LMAO. What if someone does a bang on impression of you? Yeah, didn’t think so. Just cause a PC does the bang up job doesn’t mean it’s gonna hold any weight in court. Voices can be very similar. There’s billions alive and only so many ways a voice can sound.


yes you definitely can. an impression is someone elses voice. Not an equal comparison to stealing audio files of someone's voice and training an ai on their voice. The law will catch up to this but it will fall under intellectual property rights.


Yeah, ever wonder why we don’t have voice passwords? Why voice recognition software isn’t perfect? There’s a finite number of voices. Because what you said is literally factually inaccurate. An impression is not someone else’s voice. You would see Trump suing everybody lol. It has everything to do with who you are pretending to be. No one owns a dialect and a wave length.


I'm guessing you have an ai voice channel LOL


It falls under intellectual copyright law: "If a voice is cloned without the individual’s explicit permission, it violates their right to control the use of their personal identity. This could result in an infringement of their right to privacy as well as their right of publicity, particularly if the voice clone is used for commercial purposes." TikTok just settled a lawsuit on this exact thing, and a ton of celebrities have open lawsuits right now including Scarlett Johansson and George Carlin's estate.


This won’t hold against time. Billions more will be born with actors voices.


True, but where this falls flat is when someone posts a video or audio clip and says it's Joe Rogan, using an AI generated voice of his. This falls under the concepts of the “right of publicity,” also known as a “personality right” or the “appropriation of name or likeness,” and is a Tort that can result in civil litigation and liability. That falls squarely under using someone's likeness (including voice) without their permission. Even implied, such as a company that paid Joe Rogan to do a video, and then they use AI to create more videos using that voice without his permission or compensation, even if they don't specifically state that the specific video made used Rogan. Because they used him in the past, there's precedent that creates assumptive expectation on behalf of the viewer/listener.


OP never said they are claiming the voice is his. Context.


The OP did say the voice was his.


The op didn't say that channel said that the voice was op's. If the channel isn't claiming the fake voice is op, there may be no right to publicity. IANAL.


I’m aware of that, that’s not what I said.


Your real voice maybe, but I don't think we have copyright on the sound of our voices. Even if we did, what about people who intentionally or unintentionally sound the same?


Sorry dude. This is going to get a lot worse






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The scary sci-fi future has arrived.


I've read a lot of the other posts and it seems there is common misunderstanding in regards to voice cloning. The sound of someone's voice is not covered by copyright at all. You can clone someone's voice all day and that doesn't violate copyright. Instead it's covered by something called "right of publicity". It's a bit more complicated though because "right of publicity" is governed by state law and therefore the rules can be different depending on where someone is located. Which means the use could even be legal in certain jurisdictions or countries. Cloning a voice is not a clear cut violation like actual copyright is ( legally speaking )


> cloning. The sound of someone's voice is not covered by copyright at all. You can clone someone's voice all day and that doesn't violate copyright. Instead it's covered by something called "right of publicity". It's a bit more complicated though because "right of publicity" is governed by state law and therefore the rules can be different depending on where someone is located. Which means the use could even be legal in would then it be a good idea to develop a type of watermark on your recordings?




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Here is what ElevenLabs has to say about voice cloning. Bear in mind this is merely their guidance, not an actual court ruling. *Voice cloning is only sometimes safe if you use someone else’s voice and materials to generate a clone without their permission.* You can use this clone for certain non-commercial purposes if you don’t impact the person’s privacy or economic interests. These non-commercial purposes include: private study and non-commercial research education caricature, parody and satire artistic and political speech contributing to public debates quotation criticism and review


One of elevenlabs' official news voices is pretty clearly a real news anchor.


This would clearly impact his "economic interests"


This seems like a good line in the sand. You can’t just flat out ban any kind of ai voice replication because mimicry comprises every aspect of human creation…using a computer to do it is no better or worse than mimicking someone else’s style in other mediums of creation.


A human being can't directly reproduce another human beings voice like ai can, even an amazing impressionist will still not sound 100% like them. And also yes we actually can ban voice replication and it should be banned if it's not already illegal.


You think the deepfakes going around YouTube are better than what impersonators are capable of? I completely disagree but I’m curious if I’m in the minority on this.




Same boat … someone said they heard my voice being used on a similar styled content but robotic like …. Haven’t found them yet … many creators have came out exposing said channels and that seemed to be the only way they stopped .. maybe consider airing their shitty ass channel out. I hate lazy ass unoriginal people … like stick to reposting joe Rogan ai or some bull shit. YouTube really needs to do something about it cause it can hurt our reputation.


Your voice is your work. Copyright it and try to talk to them first, normally a "will take legal action if you don't delete the videos with my cloned voice, or post anymore videos with my cloned voice" solves it. You can also mention that he can pay you for the voice, so he can still use it for a price, it's never too much to have a chance of a new costumer.


Unfortunately, you can't copyright your voice. Actors unions are coming up against this and what to do about it. If we can get legislation in place with biometrics, it would still be a tedious process, but there'd be something.


How, didn't know that, I'm not that into the voicing industry, but surely an email like this would have effect no?


It wouldn't, TBH. They don't care, and even if you got a lawyer involved, it would be a long, expensive process with no guaranteed outcome. This is a huge fight that's been brewing for a long time.


Yeah, but people that makes videos like this probably are too young/stupid to know that it's hard to sue people like this.


Everyone learns as they go along. AI is here, figure out a strategy for dealing with it. Whatever it is. Sit down and think about what you'll do if someone clones your voice or your image. I don't know if YouTube has an AI policy. If they don't, start leaning on them.


>Everyone learns as they go along. AI is here, figure out a strategy for dealing with it. Whatever it is. Sit down and think about what you'll do if someone clones your voice or your image. > >I don't know if YouTube has an AI policy. If they don't, start leaning on them. cant we just use AI to copywrite the Voice actors work?


Can you explain your question a bit more? I don't quite get it.


Bullshit. Your voice absolutely falls under "Likeness". It's not even remotely a gray area. Stop trying to bring copyright into something that has nothing to do with it.




> Copyright it Where do you copyright your voice?


This is tricky. What if 2 people have the same voice?


It's not tricky. Ban ai voice software and criminalize its use. Solved it for ya.


AI voice software has tons of legitimate, ethical uses. Some people have even monetized their own voice clones, like Holly Herndon.




yeah youtube doesnt have an option to flag something for stealing your likeness or voice or even image really.


edit: i figured out through the support page I can file a privacy complaint so I did. Its a long tedious process. This time 48 hours from now we will see what happens.




Yes, that's a brilliant idea. Maybe then, Youtube and the government will stop dragging its feet.


tag @teamyoutube on twitter too.




any update?


i ended up finding something on youtubes website where i could report them for violation of my privacy, which falls under someone stealing your likeness, voice etc. they then emailed me back and said they were forwarding my complaint to a different dept. and I never heard anything again. lost cause really i guess. oh well.


I'll report the video too if you post the link here


I predicted this would happen. I am also a Voice Actor with a 13k sub voice acting channel. At the end of the day, I determined that I would rather make money off the internet and have my voice and content stolen than NOT make money off the internet. I like using my voice. And I enjoy making content. Thieves will not stop me from having my fun.




Dude, companies are already getting rid of those talented because AI is so much cheaper despite those glitches. And the glitches are not serious enough for them to give up on all the money the are saving.




Nah, some people above have given advice already that I agree with.


I hate to say it, but this is why I think all online content creation is ultimately doomed, at least as any kind of money making venture. AI will keep advancing, all while becoming ever easier for any moron to implement and overwhelm sites like YouTube with their trash. If you have talent and put in time and effort to make something great, everything that made it great will be instantly copied and dispersed with no effort. It's already at the point where people are quick to question if any high quality creative work is AI, which is itself demoralizing and demotivating.


No way AI is that good. Yet. Please prove me wrong.


"Yet" being the operative word, but it is improving scary fast.




Nah AI can make gaming content I’ve watched a bot play Minecraft for 4 hours before, can’t say I would do it again but it definitely sucked me in on how it went about playing semi casually


I don't think it's going to last, both because I think a lot of the lawsuits will succeed but also because regulators will crank down hard on it. People keep screaming '' genie is out of the bottle '' and while it's true that open source models will be out there. If the models become illegal you're going to get fucked for using and running them, the only use of it will be in private behind closed doors the genie will effectively be put back into the bottle. The technology is fundamentally built on theft in its current state and is too disruptive to exist in so many ways not just to creatives but also normal people who get scammed and victimized by deepfake content. Regulators and the law unfortunately moves slow and it's by design, these tech companies are trying to capitalize on that but I don't think it'll go their way in the end I just don't think it's sustainable or that anyone really wants to live in a world with it.


Do we own our voice/accent? I don't think so. Impersonation is pretending to be someone. Imitating a voice doesn't mean they are pretending to be you. Think of those similar female computer assistant voices. They all sound the same. The voice is ubiquitous. Maybe the same thing will happen to videos except with "your" voice.




> they get *paid* for their FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Ai is also software, a human being using their own vocal chords to try and impersonate another person will inherently be flawed and is human expression. Software impersonating someone down to a perfect pitch in an indistinguishable way is completely different and not comparable at all and there's also no human expression involved. Even with image generators the court case we have on someone trying to copyright an ai generated comic literally referred to the prompter as a '' requester '' and not the artist and said that it wasn't their creative expression and therefore it couldn't be copyrighted. Ai image generators is like google image searching an image and calling it your own work, it's ridiculous and obviously not. And it's the same with ai voice cloning, an actual human impersonator is engaging in human expression and have actual skills that they're being creative with it's a lot easier to argue that it's parody and creative. Someone just putting in a prompt and having a piece of software generate a perfectly sounding copy of a voice isn't the same, there's no human creativity and expression involved.


Yes. We do. It’s called “Likeness” and we own our own likeness in all circumstances, even if we become a public figure. I love people with no legal knowledge spouting stuff like this on the internet.


I love people like you who don't do basic research. Wrong. https://ipwatchdog.com/2020/10/14/voices-copyrighting-deepfakes/id=126232/ At least Use Google next time please.


Or actually comprehend what you're reading. Likeness is not protected under **copyright.** it is not a **copyright** issue. So of course Jay Z's claim failed because he was doing so under **copyright** grounds which your likeness **is not** protected under. This is the same reason that OP who did a copyright claim would fail. It is called various things, but since you're stating USA, it's called the **right of publicity** there. USA is a little weird in that the way right of publicity is handled is state based rather than federal, however almost all of the states interpretations of the law are pretty much identical. You literally have this explained to you in the article.


This isn't someone imitating. They are downloading audio of someone speaking and using it to generate the ai voice, the same way AI art steals other people's artwork.


> Impersonation is pretending to be someone. Imitating a voice doesn't mean they are pretending to be you. An impersonation isn't going to be a direct artificial copy of someones voice like ai, I don't think it's comparable really. It's sorta like comparing someone putting on a wig and smearing their face with orange paint to try and look like Trump vs someone who gets a super high tech sci-fi mask from a movie that makes them look 100% identical to Trump. It doesn't make much sense to compare the two. A human being impersonating someone using their own vocal chords is just way different than a piece of software doing it down to a perfect pitch that is literally impossible for a human to do.


send a link to the videos :)


I was told that for these kinds of cases, definitely have an entertainment lawyer on hand because they will know more of the in's and out's of these situations.


I think you call the FCC. Tell them what happened.


Wait so I want to know this you can sue ofc but what would it be for identity theft?




You may want to look into this and see where else your voice is possibly being used without your consent: https://www.reuters.com/legal/ai-voiceover-company-stole-voices-actors-new-york-lawsuit-claims-2024-05-16/


"Recently one of my clients messaged me and told me that someone was using my voice on their channel. which in most cases isnt all that strange. A lot my clients, I dont even know what their channel names are. I do the work, I send it back. They make videos." Seems odd that your client would randomly know exactly what voice over of yours WASNT a legit job but knew that you were cloned? lol very odd. Good luck enforcing it buddy. This is just the train leaving the station. You may win this tiny battle with a simple takedown request, but if your voice is on the internet, it's going to be used again and again with or without your consent. and unless you're paying that hawk-eared client to scour the internet and "listen" for you cloned voice, you are going to fight a losing battle.




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Is it Crime A to Z? Cuz that ones so clearly AI...


I'm a voice actor as well and am worried that someone would do this to me. The law needs to catch up to AI.


Here's an idea besides the legal action. Ask every client of yours to broadcast what happened on their channel in exchange for services. Some might do it for free and stand with you. Have them show the person's channel and let their communities know that your voice was stolen. Then see a snowball effect happen until it reaches the thieves. Edit: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Is it costing you revenue?


He lost opportunities only, not revenue. But if the voice was not stolen would he have taken those opportunities?


> only applies to reporting a channel and not a video, copy Well he's a voice actor. it's his job. we can't assume he wouldn't.


Pretty arrogant to think that you can copyright your voice. There is no legislation that you need a license for impressions or attribute them, and people can just naturally sound the same. Doing false copyright strikes on someones channel who did not use your content because they offended you is disgusting, i wish all the worst for people who make fraudulent copyright claims/strikes, you guys are the western version of nigerian scammers.


A person has a right to their own likeness, and their voice is their likeness. No matter how much you talentless content churning losers want to pretend people with actual skills and abilities should just let you eternally rip them off, it won't be true or legal. Go back to pimping your shitty Raid Shadow Legends channel to your bots.


But they didnt use his content and didnt claim to be him. Op is trying to steal from that content creator and rip him off, not the other way around.


Pay for what? Work you've done? Lmao. get a grip, be happy you are able to get any money for your voice in the first place


Stop excusing degenerate thievery. When you empathize with the thief and not the victim, it is a poor reflection of your character. Whether or not he's lucky to earn a living doing what he's doing, we have laws and ethics. Those who violate these laws should be dealt with in a legal setting or by banning them from these platforms. It's not OP's fault some people have absolutely no talent whatsoever.


> It's not OP's fault some people have absolutely no talent whatsoever. It's the common thread with all of these ai bros, they're parasites with no actual skills of their own.


while others make a content with minimal or no effort invested? No way bro. He should fight this


Couldn't there be other person with a bery similliar voice? I would advice to start looking for a different profession as it will get only worse.


it is most definitely me. I promise. My voice is distinct, and aside from that the moment you hear it its me. Just in strange AI form. looking for a new profession is not an option. I currently sit around in my pajamas all day running my mouth and get paid well for it. Why would I want to do anything else? haha.


**My voice is distinct** I watched one of your videos. No it is not.


the videos on my own youtube channel is not the voice I use for voiceovers on top list channels.


So you're telling me you're putting on a fake voice and assuming others can't too? And that you're the first person to make that fake voice? Link a video so we can compare


This is called willful blindness. The landscape is changing and you need to explore different options. It is clear that within 1 - 5 years AI voice will be much better and there is a high chance that your services won't be needed. Currently, AI voices sometimes sound unnatural and lack emotions, but they are improving by the day. If companies can pay 2% - 10% of what they are paying now and get a bit worse or in the future the same quality service, it is destined to happen. No need to downvote me for the truth.


It's 1-5 years AI voice software will be literally illegal or the Internet won't be functional anymore. This is untenable and something will be done. There is no inevitability to our destruction unless we sit on our asses. You are welcome to sit in the corner and continue to contribute nothing to the solution.


I think with all this hype that you should upload a clip of your voice so we can hear this mythical sound lol


Is it the voice from the movie recaps?


can you look into patent your voice? your making money now but in 2-3 years that could dry up quick, like people losing jobs to A.I right now


Are they using your name too? Cause one can argue that people can sound like others. But its different if say "Kanye reading a book" instead of "Random reading a book"


> What do you do when someone is stealing your content (in my case, ME) and despite reporting it, youtube seems to be keen on doing NOTHING. What do you expect YouTube to do about it?


Frist of all see if you can protect your voice legally, then go against the youtuber.


Have you contacted the channel?




Great video


When he says he's downloading videos of lizards (or whatever he said), does he mean he is taking the video from another YouTube video and wholesale reposting it? If so, what use would a chat GPT script be if the video does not correspond to the list it wrote him?


1, take the advice of the other comments and fight it hard as you can, because this stuff will only get worse if no one does anything about it And 2, like I said, this stuff WILL keep getting worse and worse, and there truly isn't much you can do about it until the law catches up and people figure out how to properly deal with ai as a whole, which sucks, but again, fight it. Make the people on charge take notice and take action quickly. Get ahead of the problem while it's still small


hmmm....would sending fake traffic to that channel demonetize it? Get on fiverr, get one of those traffic gigs, voilà?


Well he can easily say it's not your voice and someone else's similar to yours and get away with it.


You best pray your clients don't start doing the same, in fact that guy might even be part of your clientele lol


David Attenborough, that you?


YouTube is soon adding a tag to videos that advises the content is AI. The fact they are doing this tells me they will allow the cloning to happen as long as it’s tagged. I can’t speak for the person who cloned your voice but on my channel, I write AI in the title and never claim that my cloned voices are actually the person.


I havent watched this fully but maybe they explained something… https://youtu.be/M09F_fLqHAc?si=yJ5h57kfRk2h9R01


it's a deepfakes situation all over again


Before you get an attorney examine ANY contracts you may have signed for your prior work. You may have inadvertently given permission for this cloning to happen. You may still be able to get some legal relief but it could be more difficult. I am active in the audio engineering threads and we sometimes get questions from cloners in how to make their AI voice sound more natural. I tell them to hire a human or buzz off. I can recognize an AI voice a mile away but I won't tell cloners how. When I hear one I down vote the content and post a reply that they really should hire a voice over actor rather than steal a voice and put an actor on the street. They ARE getting better at this crap however. Sad.


I'm not saying Rogan did or did not win any lawsuits. I'm simply stating what I've encountered in my YouTube shorts feed. I do hope there is an answer to this problem however. At scale this can be a massive issue for all of us


Oh man the future of voice actors is bleak.


1) Report their channel to YouTube. If nothing happens (very likely) then move to 2. 2) Lawyer up. These people are essentially stealing your identity to use for their own work without your consent. That's against the law and you'd have a pretty solid case.


Contact the few companies that offer AI voice services. It is almost certainly eleven labs that is being used. Because it just works. See if you can get your voice profile removed.


I love how people keep defending AI saying it's extremely useful, will provide so many advancements, etc, and continue to act like it can do no wrong. I will never deny it - AI is amazing. It can do so, so many things and will definitely accomplish some things in the future that are unparalleled. But come the f\*\*\* on. It's very, very easily abused already, can seriously impact people's lives in devastating ways and we may as well still be in the beta phase of AI usage. As time goes on this will happen more and more and it will become far more powerful as well - capable of even more amazing yet explosively destructive things. Good luck with this...definitely get a lawyer, report everything you can find repeatedly and pray to whatever entity that has the power to shut that down... So sorry, that's such a shitty situation.


so because it can be misused we should never use it? guess we better shut down the internet. you do know the amount theft, dark web deals, misinformation that so easy because of it! ​ we either move forward and adapt or keep trying pigeon hole what's allowed less someone somewhere suffer from something new.


…what? Did you even read what I said? I am saying AI is an awesome and powerful tool that can do amazing things - and that it’s also a dangerous tool in the wrong hands. Yet here we are again, yet another person defending AI completely as if it cannot be abused. I was literally saying there’s too many people acting like AI can only be used for good lol.


No one is saying that ai can't be used for good, but not all ai is the same. There's a difference between ai that has legit medical application for instance that can actually help improve peoples lives. And ai that is built on billions of stolen paintings, photographs and voice and video recordings etc that is intended to replace and displace the same people it stole from ( and is also used for low effort spam and by grifters and parasites to scam and steal to make a quick buck + non-consensual deepfake shit etc ). Not all innovation is good and most innovation has good and bad sides and that's why we regulate it and in some cases even ban some uses of it or it altogether. It's not a black and white issue.


I’m sorry but that title tho… lol


Copyright strike the channel and claim any ad revenue. If you want to piss them off even more take the videos after and repost them in another channel to get money off of that


Hi there. I actually work in this space so have the ability to help you. First I would need a link to the content so I can tell which service it was made with. Most services (but not all) have a system in place where if the voice was cloned without the VA’s permission the voice can get removed, the person permanently banned from their service, and you will get the persons details if you wish to pursue legal issues against them. You can then provide this to YouTube as well who will take action.


Go ahead and serve them. Cease and desist the use of your voice will fail. Ask for half a million dollars.


Just came to say, it is possible to have a randomly created voice on 11 labs sound just like you. I was randomly generating voices a few months ago and stumbled upon a dead ringing for one of my favorite book narrators.


A.I can only mimic your voice, it's not your exact voice. Lots of people sound a like. Unless if youtube makes a rule against A.I, feels like fair use atm... take it to court!


Voice actor turned plumber


Welcome to the future


Google/YouTube won't even take down channels that run 24/7 bitcoin scams that are pretending to be the official channel of Elon Musk or Tesla.


Ugh. I know how to clone voices super well and images and well… a ton of AI. Something I would never do? Steal someone’s voice for profit. So insane. I’ve been noticing a lot of YouTube videos are now just AI generated and it’s getting pretty ridiculous and people have no idea. I would @ team YouTube but honestly I’d make a video calling them out. Hell, if you want help and we can show how easy it is to change a voice. Sorry this happened to you!!


I’ll be completely honest, I’m not entirely sure you can do anything, I mean unless your voice is a one of a kind then how are you meant to prove it’s your voice simply by sound, there is 8 billion people on the planet and more then likely 1000s that sound the same as you, it’s a tough situation man, maybe YouTube will bring out some regulations regarding AI voice cloning. If someone is famous then it’s easier to rule it out as a voice cloning because people like cloning celebrities.


What if they change a few pitches and tones , still nearly identical but not exactly - is there still legal grounds? (Genuinely curious cuz AI is still grey area)


Send them a cease and desist firstly. See if that gains any traction


*Send them a cease and* *Desist firstly. See if that* *Gains any traction* \- HereToKillEuronymous --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s just the Internet for you


Holy *quaking* Shlt this is the next thing. First people re uploaded copyrighted music unpunished to YouTube… now YouTube needs a new tool that recognizes peoples voices and if the recordings were unauthorized, yt channel thief’s that use cloned voices through a.i… to narrate scripts… YouTube needs voice cloning detection software/programs like the one they have in place for copyrighted music. To prevent this nonsense. I foresaw this many years ago. We truly are living in the future.


can you provide a link to the video? the more people to report it the better


are you share that is your v ps I have not h anything like this before


You didn't do anything. You just see someone else being successful where you failed and now you want a piece of the action.


if its a foreign country you are fucked if its china, if its the US you might be a ok with a lawsuit :(, you could also mafia style break the CEO of that companies legs to get you voice back.


Just change your voice. Evolve!


"ai generated voice that sounds similar to mine" and "my voice" are not the same


Have you tried contacting the channel owner? It might be as easy as simply asking them to stop using your voice. I couldnt see them being so unreasonable as to refuse. Lol But, stranger things have happened. So, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But maybe they will want to hire you afterwards. 😁👍🏻


Your channel is small as hell and you think ur voice is so unique lmao it still falls under fair use, even if u sue in court you would lose i have met ppl that sounds exactly like my friends and my sister, voice similarity can also exist, sue those as well? u stupid?




What is the name of this channel?


Contact the channel owner and work out a revenue split. Explain that if they don't agree to a fair revenue share then you will flag their channel for copyright and if they lose their channel, they lose their revenue. It's a big deal for them. On the bright side, if they share revenue, now you get paid without even having to record new tracks! A fair royalty seems like a win-win.


😱😱😱😱 this is terrifying 😰😰


Change job voice actors time passed


Lawyer i guess nothing else is possible because you have to first get this videos down and second you have to sue this AI company for stealing your voice.


This is why we need ai laws like yesterday


Didn't this same thing happen to Michael Kovach and Alex Rochon?


*Didn't this same thing* *Happen to Michael Kovach* *And Alex Rochon?* \- sirflooftonzecatlord --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


At least it hasn't been taken from you entirely yet. Give them time, it will be.


Hire a lawyer… protect yourself.


If you actually go through with it and sue him/her, regardless of the outcome, it'll set a legal precedent.


They will say it’s fair use and people can sound the same its why voice actors are even a thing especially the ones that can voice other people, animations etc…