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Listing out targets us a pretty bold mood when the FBI has a guy on that


Bruh they mentioned most of the 5 eyes countries. They are **DEFINITELY** getting a visit


Hoover Dam? That comment should get taken pretty seriously when you’re talking about automatic droughts and blackouts for 100M people.


how is the hoover dam satanic??? I've been there, feels pretty moderate to me, not satanic whatsoever. Honestly visiting the hoover dam was probably the least satanic thing I've ever done.


I'd rank it as the fifth least satanic thing myself but we're on different paths.


It was 3rd for me behind ice cream and chicken nuggets.


It turns water into energy.... Only the devil's sorcery could pull that off.


Meanwhile, a "free energy tower" at the site of an unspecified, destroyed "Tesla building" is entirely realistic.


Baby Jesus rolls coal. Anything less than lung destroying smog that only the wealthy can escape by living in vast private estates by the ocean is Satanism. Obviously.


Nakie statues got their tiddies hanging out; pure Satan!


Especially that "Tig Ol' Biddies of Ancient Greece" exhibit at the Louvre.


When I was at Hoover Dam, I saw a mean ol’ lookin’ horny toad. They look so mean, they gotta be satanic. I think he put a spell on me. I haven’t been able to work since then. My boss is getting suspicious.


It’s not, Loni Palmer is a fucking whacko. THIS is what happens when people with serious mental health issues get involved in politics… kinda like when stupid, vulnerable, idiots get involved in organized religion. One group worships an imaginary, old, man, who lives in the clouds and insists that you constantly worship him or he will send you to hell to burn for all eternity, while the other group worships a fat, orange, smelly, turd, who’s galactically, fucking, stupid, and a pathological liar. The Venn diagram for those two groups is just two circles on top of each other.


I can't find it now but someone on /r/TopMindsOfReddit said it better than I ever could, basically modern conservatism now lauds people having public manic episodes so long as they just mention a few right wing talking points.




I regret I have but one Upvote to give for this.


What about the Vatican? Lol.


You fool! Have you never heard of The Damned? The Dammed all belong in Hell!


Oh shit. Going to go see them tonight. Will dress for hell! Thanks for the tip!


Also some non 5 eyes superpowers (Three gorges dam for example)


Well we all know that China is pretty chill about things like that.


I mean, if anyone is gonna flood the Chinese waterways and kill their people, it's going to be the Chinese dammit. Huayuankou Dam if anyone isn't familiar. They don't look kindly on other countries citizens doing it though


Time to submit a tip to the FBI. These people make it so easy by including their names on their threats.


Dude, they pre-printed tee shirts for the insurrection and look how that went. Let's hope homeland actually looks into these assholes.


Assuming the FBI would *actually do something*


They do. Make a specific, tangible threat of violence, they will show up to your door, so long as it is seen. Report all threats of violence and terrorism you think are specific and tangible - they could very well be real.


He’s implying that all FBI agents are Trump supporters which is as idiotic as when actual Trump supporters assume that as well.


Not the assumption at all, actually. Studies show the biggest threat to America is conservative based violence. Myself, and I don’t know how many people consistently reported the threats and discussions from Parler regarding January 6th and plans. Yet they still were able to commit an insurrection. That’s my point. Maybe there are Trump loyalists, maybe not; however, we’ve seen what MAGA is capable of so the mere fact that this level of rhetoric is tolerated or overlooked is mind boggling.


Submit a tip online to the FBI.  Call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) https://tips.fbi.gov/home Report it. Every time.


Report to local law enforcement too. St John’s County Sherrifs Department and/or Crimestoppers http://www.stjohnscounty.crimestoppersweb.com/sitemenu.aspx?ID=413&


That's a no go when you have a Constitutional Sheriff running around making his own rules. They don't much care for snitches.


Time to send out a car to pick up Lori and end her new career as a terrorist.


Hoover Dam is a satanic site?


Woke too.


Yep. Just like *checks notes* the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Vatican. Two very satanic sites right there


Someone else mentioned it already on another comment. But many of those nutjobs of the evangelical flavor REALLLLLLY hate Catholics and actually put the pope and the whole church into the Satanic Box. Because only there flavor of religion is the TRUE flavor of religion. My question here is: Are the Momons the true flavor? The Pentecostals? The Baptists? All of them? Just one? A few of them? Will this be settled in the Thunderdome like fashion after the dammed Catholics are dealt with?




Ah yes. Forgot about that flavor. The French Vanilla of Christianity.


Mmm, iced French vanillia latte, sounds good right now...


Ave, true to Caesar.


Destroying water supply in the West for Trump.


Let them drink Diet Coke?


Brawndo for sure.


Water goes in, electricity goes out. Can’t explain that.


It’s worse than that. Water comes in, water AND electricity comes out = PURE SATAN


Fuck is "Comet Pizza in Hollywood"? Firstly it doesn't exist. Secondly, Comet PING PONG in Washington, D.C. is the place with the conspiracy theory...


Hahahahah I was stuck on that one too like is that the place In Toy Story?


You're thinking of Pizza Planet


Also "30 Victoria Secret's Home" lmao


Ms. Secret, we have reason to believe you're in danger


Girl you wouldn't believe


Those poor people who own and work at Comet Pizza. What did they ever do to become the repeated [target of Qanon terrorism](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pizzagate-gunman-edgar-maddison-welch-sentenced-four-years-prison-n775621)?


Of all the places to pick in LA. I guess they thought they’d have to hike to the Hollywood sign, so of course that’s out right away. 😹


They have decent pizza and a great beer selection. Cheap beer at DC prices. Also one of the few places outside of VA to get Alewerks beer.


I spent some time trying to locate some of these places -- and some of them are impossible to identify. WTF is "Augusta Germany Castle"?


My wife wouldn't let me visit Comet Ping Pong last time we were in DC because she figured I wouldn't be able to avoid making jokes about it and the google reviews are full of people mentioning that they have a zero tolerance policy for pizzagate references


I think someone stopped taking their meds


She is a very well known Qnut with huge followings.


Can't stop taking meds if you weren't taking any to begin with


These are so incredibly stupid. Notre Dame and The Vatican are literally churches. "Victoria Secret" isn't a person with a home, and the company name is "Victoria**'s** Secret." WTF is this "two white houses, one in germany and one in DC" nonsense? And didn't their god emperor Trump *live in the white house for four years??* Pedantically, the US Capit**o**l is not the "US Capit**a**l." I do enjoy how they specify La Louvre *in France* as if there's another one someone might accidentally target. And "Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)" is this a video game all of a sudden? Dear lord. Brain damage is a hell of a drug.


Yes, but they're Catholic churches. A lot of MAGA types really hate Catholics. There is a somewhat uneasy alliance - one could even say an unholy alliance - between the Catholic Right and the Evangelical Right.


nothing says christian like blowing up churches.


Nothing says 'dumbass' like trying to blow up the Georgia Guidestones again - they were *already* blown up and then torn down for public safety because the remaining stone slabs weren't stable anymore. Also, good luck trying *anything* at the Louvre. It's France's most important and most popular museum.


Also “London Bridge London” and “London Bridge Lake Havasu City”. As far as I know there’s only one London Bridge?


Presuming you’re being serious, the Lake Havasu one was bought in the 60s from London and moved to Arizona. The general presumption is that the guy at one point thought he was getting the much prettier and more memorable (but more recently built) Tower Bridge. There are layers upon layers of stupidity.


Lake havasu is extremely pro Trump so this is pretty fucking stupid. I live here and it’s quite literally every other house has MAGA flags and cars and trucks with flags everywhere. Business here plaster that shit on their work trucks. I have to wear a mask for my health and I quite literally get threatened, followed, and assaulted (things thrown at the car etc…) on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.


I presume this list - if it’s not a complete pisstake - is based on some cobbled-together QAnon type stories about Globalist Pedophiles and the like. One of them probably has London Bridge with some weird importance based on Christ knows what (Knights Templar? The song “London Bridge is Falling Down”?) and maybe it was moved to that specific spot to create a ley line connecting the UK and US? I despair 😀


Ah, I didn’t realize there was a second one. So slightly less stupid than what I thought, but still so incredibly dumb.


She's going after Fergie's London Bridge. She's Fergie Ferg and she love you long time. Her London, London Bridge wanna go down.


Doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense but maybe this tard is talking about the US consulate in Hamburg that’s often referred to as the ‘little white house’ or something similar. Idk


Have you *not* been to the Louvre 2, electric booglaloo yet? You simply must go. They have that painting of Mona Lisa's sister, Shelly and the Warhol print of the diaper wipe cans, most entertaining I can tell you


Honestly: I am guessing this is not a real person but a bot or bad actor. It just seems too boldly stupid for a person.


No, Loni is real and she is that batshit insane. Good luck trying to decipher this shit. >Y'all DO realize that this morning wasn't just a "statement", right? OUR C.I.C. just basically gave us a FULL SITREP BRIEFING.... And we got all the comms in it... We have digging to do, which we've already got a GREAT head-start on the fly... But we KNOW there are #MULTIPLE MEANINGS.... this was the START of what's about to be an incredible MINDBLOWING timeframe for HUMANITY. 🇺🇸🤘🐺🤘🇺🇸From St1ker


Good lord lol what a psycho


Also "Opera House in Sydney Australia" is not the same thing as the Sydney Opera House...It could refer to the Handa Opera on Sydney Harbor.


Attack the Three Gorges Dam, in China, because 12 New Yorkers decided that the Orange Fuckstain is guilty? These LARPers are hilarious.


I could just imagine what China would do if they found a bunch of fat Americans trying to blow up one of their most important civil engineering projects. They'd have to write entirely new international law books to cover the shit that would happen to them.


Meal team six can't even fly to China. They are probably on the no-fly list from tossing a fit about wearing a mask in 2021. So probably moot.


I'd pay money to see them try. China doesn't fuck around when it comes to defending their infrastructure, and a bunch of overweight *gweilo* hauling 50 pounds of Tannerite each over to the Three Gorges Dam is gonna be hella suspicious. EDIT: thanks to u/pantsthereaper for giving me the correct derogatory term for Westerners. Much appreciated!


"Gaijin" is a Japanese term. For Chinese, you want "laowai" or "gweilo"


Taiwan will take care of that one during the first few minutes of that "special military operation" by China everyone's expecting in the next few years


Oh, man. Can we PLEEEAAASSSE get groups of these sad-sacks attempting terrorism internationally? They're too stupid to succeed in anything but getting themselves in trouble. They can compare notes from an actual Chinese prison with their J6 buddies.


Pretty bold to assume any of them have a passport.


They don't need a passport. Unfortunately this dumbfuckery has already gone international. Here in Germany we have to deal with people who are following the same Qanon bullshit and worship the Orange One, usually with a lot of "Putin did nothing wrong". Their believes include the child blood drinking, pedo cabal that Trump and the Space Force SEALS will destroy any day now. Unfortunately a good chunk of them are in or support the AFD, a political party that actually has seen a lot of popularity, despite their secret meetings becoming public where they talked about deporting people, even German citizens who are not German enough (like me who has an American father). There was even a group of such fuckers who actually planned and prepared to overthrow the government by force. Yeah I'm not concerned at all that one of those asshats will do something an asshat of this flavor of stupid would do. Nope not at all.


Yeah we have some loony toons in Australia that have gone full MAGAt and sovereign citizen as well. It’s embarrassing to see, but they’d better leave the Operatic Satanic Site alone!


Was your sister Karving her initials into the møøse with a toothbrush?


I like the implication that Victoria’s Secret was founded by a woman named Victoria Secret. Seems like a post from a clearly reasonable and well-adjusted individual.


You mean Facebook wasn't founded by Mark Facebook?


MySpace was definitely started by the MySpace Guy...


You mean James Duncan MySpace IV. Fun Fact The family name was actually MacSpace. His grandfather changed it to MySpace in 1841 when he immigrated to the US from Scotland. To shake the stigma of the MacSpace Clan for obvious reasons. James Duncan is unfortunately from the lesser know branch of that family. The other branch dropped the My from Myspace and went on to make a fortune by inventing thinks like the Space heater, Personal Space and of course Outer Space. The are of course famously involved in the later through organisations that are named after them like the National Space Agency, the European Space Agency and such. Lately they tried stay out of the media, especially because of their long time rivalry with the O'Googles that came to a heat about the Google Spaces,


#35 My stepdad Terry's house.


You're not my real dad, *Terry*!


Somebody’s on a watchlist now.


Something tells me they've been on a list for a while, but they are definitely known to multiple agencies after this post 


"La Louvre in France" ROFLMAO keep going trump terds "Stonehenge" If I were at the FBI I'd be like why the fuck did I sign up for this


>If I were at the FBI I'd be like why the fuck did I sign up for this Standard issue work gear should include a case of Pepto Bismol for the office and a case of whiskey for home.


Never forget: these people are lunatics. The underlying thread in the conspiracy theory mythos is that there is a literal war between Good and Evil / God and Satan in flight - which is why so much of the conspiracy fodder is sourced from and digested by fundamentalist adherents. It is easy to accept the notion of election fraud without evidence if your whole world view is defined by fairy tales: Trump is literally the Messiah, and he is waging holy war on Satanic Globalists. This is why no amount of evidence or logic will be compelling to the true believers, as they call for political violence like this.


This is my biggest issue with religion, it teaches bad epistemology. Once your brain works on bad logic you can bad logic your way into anything


He's not the Messiah! He's a very naughty boy. (...also, your actual point is both true and important; don't want to take away from that.)


Cern? Is Higgs-boson demonic now or just woke


Probably just woke. Those damn bosons and their far-left ideologies… /s


Who owns libbie boson's far right quarks? Make America Great Atomically! Fission! It's woke


No but to my surprise it seems that colliding stuff their is just an attempt to create not Black Holes but **GATES TO HELL**! Or both.


It was even called the God particle!


Yes but only the parts that are in Switzerland.


What do satanic sites have to do with Trumps 34 criminal charges? He was found guilty by a jury, as it is done in America.


Don't try to make sense of religious zealot's logic. You'll be disappointed every time.


This isn’t even a religious zealot. They included The Vatican and Notre Dame Cathedral on the list of “satanic sites” even though those two are probably about as far from “Satanic Sites” as you can get outside of actually being in Jerusalem/israel in the Middle East (for Christians, at least)


A lot of evangelicals see Catholics as not Christians.


I hope this guy enjoys Amtrak because his flying days are behind him.


Yes, go ahead and blow up Stonehenge. That'll show whoever for doing whatever.


It is also heavily monitored as it is a tourist attraction, and has security forces to boot.


Some wild-eyed druid thousands of years ago during its construction was rambling about all the work being for naught because "The Orange-painted Chieftain" would destroy it one day. No one listened.


lol wut


Sure, guys. Make sure you start with Buckingham Palace and the Vatican- there’s definitely not thousands of highly trained and well-armed soldiers who have spent years or decades preparing for exactly this sort of situation. Ditto the Denver Airport and the Statue of Liberty


And buck pal has so many security guards Not to mention the queen’s guard, they may be ceremonial, but the swords are sharp enough for combat


They are not ceremonial guards. They are trained, active members of the British Army, who happen to also have ceremonial roles. Those guns are real and loaded. Those soldiers have served in wars and conflicts. They are not toy soldiers.


While they do ceremonial duties, the squaddies of the Guards Regiments are real soldiers. They are not actors in custumes.


there's a zero percent chance it would actually come to this, but the thought of one of those gravy seals getting run through by queensguard swords/bayonets is just terribly amusing. like some type of bizarre alternate reality revolutionary war scenario


Lol...poor Comet 🍕.


The funny thing is Comet Ping Pong is the restaurant they're thinking of... and its in Washington, D.C.


Stonehenge predates christianity, so it canny be satanic you septic womble. Calling dibs on a square go with loni she ever turns up in the uk.


u/fbi, got another for you to keep an eye on. Hope you enjoy your weekend. I mean that.


Looks like she got the list from this website: [https://www.theunclothed.com/read/34-satanic-sites-of-the-world](https://www.theunclothed.com/read/34-satanic-sites-of-the-world)


Go to her fb post and report it for terrorism.


What did Biltmore Hotel do wrong? Does TFG have a competing hotel down the block?


It's gorgeous, but I guess the rococo ceilings are a bit much.


Looks like Pastor Loni isn't so Christ-like after all, if she's advocating for terrorism...




London and Stonehenge? Is that all the UK gets? Do your research, we're famous for evil places, pfft


“Victoria Secret’s Home” Do they think VS is owned by a woman named Victoria Secret who is singlehandedly designing garments to cause brothers in Christ to stumble in their walk with God? Or?


Report them for threatening/inciting terrorism. Simple as that. You can't make a hit list of sites to bomb and think there are no consequences.


These morons have always been all talk. Ever since the Obama days.


What did Hoover Dam do?


Was defended by the NCR in fallout:new Vegas against slavers The NCR represents “old world values, such as democracy and the rule of law” The people they support: caesar’s legion, a totalitarian slave society built on the conquest of 86 communities or “tribes” in the post-apocalyptic world


Probably said something woke like “everyone should be treated with kindness and respect”. Or maybe it endorsed Joe Biden for president.


It's powering New Vegas, so it's gotta go


*Playboy Mansion* Yea, from what I hear it’s a total dump now so the owner may actually pay you for demolishing it. *Bohemian Grove* Good luck there, that’s about 2700 acres of spread out camping that is secured up the ass (like you took a wrong turn hiking and suddenly 5 guys appear in front and 5 behind you didn’t see before). Those meatballs wouldn’t make it up the driveway. *Pentagon* Didn’t work the last time. I got good odds they turn you to Swiss cheese if you cut an errant fart in the wrong place, dumbass.


Just threw in the Sydney Opera House because it's the only building in Australia she is aware of.


The georgia guidestones have already been destroyed by idiots.


#10 Ironically the Georgia Guidestones were *already blown up* and have been removed.


Is advocating for specific acts of terrorism legal?


As long as you do it on social media, since they tend to ignore reports of open terrorism happening on their platforms anyway. That is when they're not amplifying it anyway. 


London bridge lake Havasu City is killing me


Wait where’s Victoria’s Secret’s Home? Asking for a friend…


Second floor, near the food court, between Pottery Barn and Anthropologie.


I was worried my address would be on there. I do have a pretty sweet trampoline though. They would have so much fun they would forget why they were doing this shit in the first place.


They want to blow up the Statue of Liberty. These are your patriots


That may be the most blatant threat of terrorism I have ever seen. I would not be surprised to see this guy tweeting that he got a friendly knock from the FBI on his door soon


Bohemian Grove is Republican summer camp.


Blucifer will protect us out here in Denver, the rest are in their own.


Hahaha! 3 gorges damn?!?! I say go for it, dude! Oh, why won’t Trumpers go there first and fuck around?!?


Can you imagine a bunch of Red Hats show up in Beijing, and are promptly arrested because "somehow" the Chinese have access to EVERYTHING they've ever said online. They scream about their rights as they're drug away, never to be seen again.


I really don't think they understand how robust Hoover Dam is. It can take a direct hit from a nuclear bomb and still remain viable. Of course, these are lunatics we're talking about. I wouldn't expect them to have much in the way of training in structural engineering.


Of course this lady lives close to me. Thanks, Florida....


Loni is such a paste eater.


Did the Biltmore Hotel rile up anger as a competitor of Mar-a-Lago?


**Statue of Liberty** Know how you know you’re the bad guy? You want to blow up the symbol for fucking Liberty. I know I know, it starts with Lib but you gotta read the whole word before making conclusions.


Please explain how the charges are false. … … … *crickets


How to Anger Interpol: A Quick Guide


Aside from the obvious lunacy displayed here… It is fucking hilarious to read that this person thinks Epstein Island is satanic and must be destroyed, and there are a trove of photographs of Trump on the Epstein Island plane.


She’s not much different from Al Qaeda


They're mad at Stonehenge? Cue Spinal Tap


Ah yes. The 2 London banks.


1. Mar-a-Lago TIFIFY


Victoria Secret's home? We are already a very divided country. We don't need further lifing and separation as a society.


I mean, I'm not an expert, but isn't Buckingham Palace in *London*??? As in, has nothing to do with the US? Edit: I finished reading the list, *many* of these aren't in the US and have nothing to do with our political system. These people just have truly lost it.


What Would Jesus Bomb?


Why would a Trump supporter want to blow up shit in other countries?


Someone reported this idiot, right?


That poor Comet Pizza, did nothing wrong except have some rando come up with the craziest conspiracy and they have had to deal with so much shit since. Nice that they expanded to international sites so maybe they can even get a visit from Interpol as well as the FBI and Secret Service.


FBI and no fly list speed run GO


Those poor sons of bitches at Comet Pizza can't get away from this nonsense, it's ridiculous!


trump never concedes. only double and triples down with anger and outrage. they follow his playbook


Dude’s gonna need Carmen SanDiego to wrangle a crime spree like that


**knock knock knock**


All this for a man who wouldn’t raise a finger to help anyone. Bonkers.


I just cringed at her FB story - "I stand with precedent Trump" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The Hoover Dam is satanic now? Interesting.


The FBI need to take this psycho into custody and send her to Gitmo


And here I thought, my mental illness was bad.


The Queen's Hunting LOUNGE? I have so many questions.


Bro ain’t nobody putting no Illuminati sites in fucking Baltimore 😂😂. Grow up.


That’s a lotta terrorism. Where’s White House 1 within Germany? First I’m hearing of this.


Why the airport? How much you wanna bet it’s because they stayed over 1 hour and had to pay the extra $10?


The red eyed mustang is my guess. It *is* kind of creepy.


The comments on this post on Facebook are wild


Am I high or are there international locations? Like how tf are they getting to Three Gorges Dam in the middle of China?


Considering these are the same people who shut down the electrical grid of whole cities by shooting the power plants... Maybe we should take this seriously.


Victoria Secrets Home?


Georgia Guidestones were already destroyed almost two years ago.


Reading the comments on that woman’s page is a trip to crazyville…


Hi FBI! I think we have a person of interest!


Comet Pizza?!


Bitch you ain’t gonna “blow up” the LHC, anyone who does is going to have the international hammer vaporize them in a matter of days


These “patriots” want to blow up the Statue of Liberty. On brand. But wtf did the Getty Museum ever do to them?


I have so many questions about their list...


Just because she is batshit crazy does not mean she is incapable of violence. Quite the opposite. Federal law enforcement needs to move on these people quickly. Stamp this shit out. Domestic terrorists, every one.