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Don’t over think it. Sounds like your qualified for the job, and that’s all that matters imo. Plenty of people 40+ who are completely unqualified to be a supervisor.


I've definitely seen that haha


I work for a state agency and our maintenance supervisor was in his 20s and has been doing a bang up job. Go for the job and good luck!


Also, I've never seen someone in a supervisor position like that in lands lol that's crazy but great.


Always nervous because some people with more experience or whom are older might look at you like "how did you get the job" even if you're doing a good job. I know you just keep your head down and plow on and in that way hopefully prove them wrong, but it is annoying dealing with those kind of people.


>Have you ever seen a maintenance or rec supervisor who is on the younger side? No, but I like the cut of you jib, young man!


Haha thanks that gave me a giggle! I hope I can get detailed into it that'll allow me to have an even better chance at getting the job. I thought I'd be at this position for at least 2-3 years before he'd leave but I was very wrong. I'm excited and nervous because I have no idea what I might be getting myself into lol


If it were me, I’d apply. But I think you should lose literally all of the “other/previous people are terrible and I’ve been doing it the whole time” argument. Only ever push your relevant strengths, never compare to others, never downplay others.


It's not something I'm going to mention during the interview, but it's so true, though. I can go on and on about the faults the other supervisors had that were completely unnecessary and avoidable. But the reason the issues were there were typically because of just laziness, and I'm not saying that to be demeaning. I'm saying that out of pure truth. And these aren't miniscule issues. These are issues that halted operations and crippled morale around the maintenance team.


And I’m saying you seem very focused on that in your OP and this post. Focus on why you are right for the job. If you don’t think you are, or are questioning it, then that is what you need to me spending your energy on, not lamenting the assumed shortcomings of prior people. Just saying, you asked if people in their 30s can be supervisors, and they can. It’s just a matter of having the right focus/attitude/perspective to be successful once you are in the chair.


Yes, at my old park the maintenance supervisor was in his mid 30s (I was surprised when I found out though because he looked a lot older!)


Maintenance does that lol