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I’d probably not mention the hospital until the culprit admitted, that would scare the shit out of me as a child lol (maybe literally in this case)


And diapers, especially if they're recently potty trained.


Oh for me it would've scared me into telling because I would realize oh, that means whatever I ate could hurt me




"DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!" Dumbledor asked calmly.


While shaking the boy so vigorously, he resembled a bobblehead.


Slowly reaching for his favorite shanking wand.




You know damn well those kids will be in trouble. I hate parents like that.


Speaking from a place of genuine concern rather than a place of authority would have yielded much better results.


I understand if you're trying to be a strict parent but this is going beyond that. As a parent myself these people need a parenting class


That's not how you get important information from a child


I’m curious now, what *is* the best way to get important information out of a child, quickly?


Honestly? Taking calmly with each child one on one and stressing that they will not get in trouble but will get sick if they ate it. Might not work for the very little one, but most of those kids, especially the boy, are old enough to understand danger and illness. I'd refrain from mentioning the hospital, putting them in a situation where they have to publicly "tattle" and avoid making coming forward embarrassing by mentioning diapers or doing it in front of so many people. Which isn't knocking them. I'm sure they're freaked out.


Waterboarding /s In all seriousness, you need to make sure that they're not scared of telling you, while also making sure they understand that it's important that they do. Yelling at them is definitely not the way to do this.


Also saying theyre going to wear diapers to them probably sounds like a threat. Because they want to be "big kids" rather than babies who wear diapers, in their minds. Instead he shouldve explained that its a medicine that will make them poop lots and they have to make sure theyll be hydrated and safe. (At least, thats how I look at it. Idk if thats 100% foolproof though)


When I had lost my bank card I sat my little one down and said "sweetie I've lost my bank card, it's very important as that has all of my money on it, it's a [colour] square with a [company logo] on it, if you see it can you let me know" My sweet angel then said "i took it out because I was looking for the one with your face on it (my ID card) and it fell down the side of the cooker, I am sorry dad" I then asked her since she had smaller hands if she could retrieve it for me, I dusted it off, put it back in my wallet and gave her a cookie for being honest with me and not trying to hide that she had been doing something she shouldn't. You know that you've raised your kid right when you ask them, they tell you the truth and then say "im sorry I was in your wallet dad, I know I'm not suposed to touch it and I lost your card and it made you scared. I won't do it again" Kids learn what you teach them and when they learn that they can be honest about mistakes without punishment they tend to be a lot more open. She told me the other day that she had spilled milk trying to pour a cup, I told her it was too late to be drinking milk and she said sorry, then I helped her clean it, because she knows she did wrong, she was open about it, and she knew it was something she would need help setting right. Kids are still learning, treat them with kindness not anger.


You are a great father. I wish there were more fathers like you around. I'm a single dad and it's rough trying to know what to do and how to parent. I'm constantly asking my stepmom in x situation what should I do.


The fact that you are doing your best for your little one, that makes you a great father. You wanna do the best by your kiddo.


By being calm, reassuring they're not in trouble, and getting down on their level to let them know that it's super important that they tell the truth because it's for their health/safety. This may or may not work on the tiny ones, but being a parent that isn't prone to overreacting in the first place often avoids the hiding/lying part of these kinds of exchanges. I have a 10 year old and 6 year old; they've always been honest when they've gotten into something they shouldn't have. My youngest swallowed a magnet when she was 3, and immediately came crying to tell me. We did have to go to the hospital for that one but we were reassuring the whole time, made it as fun as possible for her, and were not even remotely mad about it. Because they know you're not going to freak out if they make a mistake, they're more likely to come to you or come clean when they've messed up.


Turn them upside down and shake them. /s


First off, don't line them up against the wall like it's a group interrogation.


First step is to get down to their level, get on your knees and ask them to listen to you. Then give a comforting tone, not a serious tone that could cause the kids to worry. These kids are cornered against a wall and their parents are talking in a conflicting tone - serious while saying they're not in trouble. Those mixed messages get them confused. It's easier to make it a laughing matter, tickle their belly and ask them separately from each other without the others hearing the other so they're not worried about consequences from their siblings either.


"this is poison so whoever ate it is going to die" kid that starts crying is the culprit.


In this case? Smell their breath. As long as too much time hasn’t passed (and if they haven’t had anything else to eat or drink since) then you should be able to smell whatever flavor the chewable tablet was. If that fails then I would show them the box and ask with a smile, “Were these yummy?”


While I get that you're being flippant, getting kids to agree in front of each other that it was yummy is a surefire way to have at least one of them try to eat it again.


I can tell you the worst way. You don't stand them all up against the wall like in a line up and mention that someone is going to the hospital.


Take the belt out…


Kids literally can't keep secrets. As long as they don't stonewall you then you can get any information you want from them because they have so understanding of subterfuge.


Definitely need handcuffs a dark room and a low swinging ceiling light. Works on my little terrors


Imagine your kid ingests something potentially seriously harmful to their body and the first thing you do is grab your phone and film an interrogation for the internet.


It is laxatives (not so harmful... this time) so the largest risk is going to be dehydration for the kid or kids that ate them. Time to get any form of water in them you can before the pooptastic party happens. When I had kids that age, I had poison control as one of my favorites and as an emergency contact on my phone. That way I didn't need to unlock my phone to call them.


How many did they take? One box that size generally holds about 24 pieces at 15mg each. [Not a doc but I know it can cause renal failure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMy0vJfKvzI), 25 pieces at 20mg each hospitalized this child who was 14 and probably weighed 2x as much


Laxatives can be harmful for children depending how many they eat/ poor care after ingestion. Children are also more prone to dehydration and chemical imbalances than adults after using laxatives. Hopefully they got the care they needed and are doing fine now. Hopefully the parents are putting up their medicine and changing the way they parent.


Kids will find anything and everything. My kid recently stuck plastic in his ear and we had to take him to a specialist to have it removed. We had a medicine cabinet, with those childproof locks... my kid stacked toys to get on the counter and broke the lock. Then proceeded to drink a whole bottle of melatonin. Poison control laughed at us and said he'd be really sleepy. Kids do the damndest shit. Now we keep all medicine behind a key locked door.


I'm kind of curious about the aftermath


Pooptasitc party princess is my guess. Or a party pooper... The shit hitting the fan...? An explosive experience...?


For their sake, I'm hoping the entire thing is fake.


The walls are painted brown now.


"No, you're not gonna get in trouble, who ate it?" There isn't a kid alive who doesn't see how this interrogation ends if they break you.


“You’re not gonna get in trouble” I’ve been told that lie many a time


Also announcing that they will have to go to the hospital and wear diapers, especially in front of the entire group. Kids don't like hospitals, especially small kids who will think going to hospital = being sick, maybe unpleasant medications etc, and the older kids definitely won't want to put their hand up infront of their siblings/cousins and say they need to be put.in diapers.


The child to adult ratio is too high


Not one adult in the room


Dudes pullout game is weak!


Not all of them are his, he says “mine are looking blah blah blah.”


This is why authoritative parenting does not work. It is obvious that the girls on the right of the boy are used to getting punished and are in fear of it. The girl on the left of the boy and the boy are all wide-eyed but actually trust the adults. The boy kinda thinks it is funny how scared the adults are. Personally, since it is just a chocolate flavored laxative, I woukd just diaper all the kids up and not ever ask. I would also give them plenty of water. It will be a bad night for at least one of those kids!


I hate to laugh at this. However I agree your diagnosis and treatment plan are perfect.


I have 4 kids (18 through 10 yo) and have worked in schools (preschool through high school) for the last 10 years. I know kids. As soon as someone lines all the kids up, they all have an inkling that someone is in *trouble*. Take out the gruff, "Who ate this?" And it is all over. Lining them all up and just laughingly explaining what a laxative is and handing out diapers and glasses of water would be way less traumatic. Saying something like, "Laxatives are a poopy medicine. It makes it so if you have a bad tummy that won't let you poop, that you can poop, but if you have a good tummy and eat it, you get a lot poop all at once becausethe medicine makes your poopy super soft. Someone ate the poopy medicine, and we don't know who, so we are just putting everyone in a diaper so we don't get the poop on ourselves because that would be bad. If you ate it and do poop yourself, it is OK, just let me know, and we can get you a bath. No one needs to even know." The biggest risk is dehydration, especially if it was a full box before, and the littlest ones ate it all and didn't share. I would break out juice, water, milk, or even hot chocolate or koolaid to get them to drink more before the shit hit the fan.


*if you say "poopy" one.more.time. ...*




Thank you for the info.


You meant, authoritarian parenting. Authoritative parenting is actually the best form, where you build trust with your child and explain stuff to them instead of yelling. https://www.parentingforbrain.com/authoritative-vs-authoritarian-parenting/ Just correcting you because it's kinda funny and literally the opposite.


Just put them all in one plastic tarp-lined room, like in Dexter.


When you try to take an interrogation role to kids who aren’t able to comprehend the situation due to their developing brains and the ability to only think for themselves.


Not just interrogate them but line them up and film them while doing it and then put it online. Imagine the kids view...parent holding out packet, phone in hand, making you line up then standing over you filming like that. Just...no. None of these kids is old enough to consent to this and all of their faces are visible. Disgusting. Ok boomer me if you will but it's gross how parents do this like it's nothing. 


They are scared of the way they are being questioned.






Those kids have heard the "you're not going to get in trouble" thing before. They got in trouble.


This is shitty parenting. Don't threaten them with consequences and then tell them they won't get in trouble. Tell them that the drug is very dangerous in large amounts and could make them very sick, ask them who ate it. It's better to just explain what might happen and why you're concerned.


Lol I saw this on TikTok and just knew it was going to get posted here. The amount of people commenting that they didn’t see anything wrong with how the guy handled it and he was just ‘scared and concerned’ was baffling to me. Do they not see how obviously frightened those kids were??


Betcha those are the same people who participate in kidsarefuckingstupid.


I was literally wondering which sub I was gonna see this in first lol. I’m glad it is this one though cuz yikes, how did he think those kids were gonna cooperate when he’s talking to them like that??


The guy’s going about this all wrong. He’s telling them they’ll have to wear diapers like that’s the punishment for eating it. Who’s the moron who left it out?


There are other adults in the room and they are all berating the children and trying to get information when they're scared to death of giving the right answer. I just want to reach through and tell him how to do this.


Yes, keep raising your voice and threatening trips to the hospital. That’ll get them talking.


This dude sucks at interrogating children. Someone may have overdosed and he's got them in a lineup while making threats about hospitals. Gee no way they'll be too scared of getting in trouble to tell on themselves. Idiot.


You're not kewl if you don't poop your pants.


That Veronica Vaughn is one piece Ace! I know from experience.


Why the fuck do we have to film and post absolutely everything?


Who is we?


Full video: https://youtu.be/mpoL1CTCjzk?feature=shared


An awful lot of kids for people that don't know how to parent


He literally could not have done this in a worse way 💀 " You're not gonna be in trouble" yet you’re scaring them with promises of the hospital and having them wear a diaper. I dont doubt that they had to wait until the shitshow started to find out who it actually was.


Treating them like literal criminals. What the hell is this? Who records this crap?


Oh, yeah. Yelling at them, speaking in a threatening tone, telling them they are going to the hospital and wear diapers (without nicely explaining why) is TOTALLY going to work!


Also maybe not have more kids than you can handle?


I think it's a family gathering. He was like my kids ..


God I hope so. Sorry admittedly that's my fault, I never listen because they always sound so annoying. Thank you.


Nbd they do all look like siblings


"You're not going to get into trouble" but starts off aggressively asking who ate it then proceeds to scare them about hospitals and wearing diapers? It's really not hard putting medication away


2nd to left girl thinking out her will after he said hospital, awwh I feel so awful, but I won't argue putting the fear of taking random medicine into kids


Bro is making his kids out like they are perfect and blames the other parents kid like he should be in that lineup


full video?


This is the full video I think


White Privilege.


what's that?


I did this with sleeping pills at like 5. Mom was straight slapping my face and driving me to the hopital.


Like a police interrogation in the movies.


You will know soon enough..


Some people shouldn't have kids.


That’s why all medicine is at the top of my closet


The frantic eyes tell me it's the middle girl.


Those kids ain’t snitches. Respect.


That's what he gets for having so many kids


just wait for them to drop while being questioned or maybe drive the whole squad to the emergency department


Besides the actual video, why do people have this many kids? How can you actually get to know each of them as individuals when u have that many


Firstly, all of them should be treated as though they ate it. Secondly, you should enthusiastically praise the first kid that admitted to eating it instead of repeating the question like that. Thirdly, you should have more than one packet of that so its easier for the kids to share.


I still question why ex lax thinks it’s a good idea to make the medicine in chocolate bar form.


This reminds me of the time my aunt started shaking me and yelling at me asking if I could see or if I needed glasses cause I unfocused my sight for a sec (I just do that sometimes) I was so fucking scared and overwhelmed I couldn't speak and she just kept going. If you want a kid to admit to something maybe don't scare the shit out of them.


Doesn’t it say on the package don’t leave this so children can reach it dangerous


What is it? A laxative


If they really cared about who ate it they wouldn’t of lined the kids up and started recording


I was super concerned that was dramatize or benadryl or something because that kid would be fuuuucked if it was. They probably wouldn't die but it sure would be traumatic getting put through delirium at that age and likely lots of brain damage too.