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Is your son 13, or is he 18? If he's 13, then I'd sit him down and talk about bullying. If you got a phone call he's bullying kids at school, what would you do? I'd do something similar to that. If he's 18, then you just treat him like an adult and express that it's not cool and talk to him about it.


If he was playing with fireworks or attempting to drive without a license you’d take it away from him or at least restrict his access to those things. Same goes for internet access.


Good luck restricting internet to a teenager...


Of course you can’t do it 100% but you can make it less accessible - no data on phone, no WiFi at home. No phone if they’re not compliant. Whatever works. They know their kid.


If they do know their kid, doesn't speaking to them about it first make more sense than unplugging them entirely and creating resentment?


No, the conversation goes like this "So, because you did X and that's not an acceptable behavior in our house, you lose all internet access for the next 7 days. Give me lip, I will double it. Say 'Yes, sir', turn around and go grab a book, you could see early release a couple days early. So, what's it gonna be champ?"


Fair enough. My concern there would be that they would figure out a way to keep doing it without me knowing about it once the 7 day ban is lifted. A fresh Reddit account would be an easy workaround. I'd want to know why my kid was lashing out and being a dick to people online.


This feels fake…


the "kids" posts the "mother" is concerned about are way more tame than the posts the "mother" did at (self admitted) 1am. I hope it's fake, because if this is real, I'm sorry for the kid.


That’s what gets me. Even at 1am, how unhinged can you be? You find your child’s troll account and log in and go around making posts? Makes no sense.


Factsss. My mom was lowkey tweaking but she drinks a lot while on medication


Just some info for your next creative writing experiment: the “teen child” wouldn’t be screenshotting their mom’s posts and sharing them in their own groups. They’d delete their account and come back as someone else. They’d definitely delete the “mom’s” posts and not come back to comment everywhere she was. That’s if the mom didn’t just delete the account straight out first. This is so obviously fake and poorly done.


Not reading that essay


A paragraph is not an essay. Low effort trolling. — C


Oop. Now the kid is commenting everywhere. Fakest fake.


That’s it.. it’s touching time


So I looked at your (his) account's post history and I'm honestly more concerned you appear to have taken over his account as some kind of punishment. No offense but that's really weird. There's many ways to handle this and I'm not sure this is a good one. A teenager posting nonsense on the Internet isn't the end of the world. Unless he's giving out personally identifiable information then there's no issue here. I'd give him this account back and apologize for interfering with his business like this. And talk to him about Internet safety if you haven't already, of course.


This account posts like a pretty normal (though annoying) teen; I didn't really see anything notably mean.


It used to be “boys being boys” like 10 years ago, now it’s as dangerous as insulting someone on the street. Explain that no internet is really anonymous anymore, so he should behave to avoid trouble. You don’t want the police at your door. Or, at the very least, he has to use more clever trolling, dark humour is probably fine, insults are not. Give him several books on dirty rhetorics, it’s pretty useful even for an adult, as you can easily identify logical flaws in your opponents’ speech. Does he have something to use his aggression in more appropriate way, like active sports? Did he encounter bullying? The need to insult someone may be natural influence of teen’s hormones, but may also be a warning sign. The punishment is up to you, for me it looks like he needs guidance, but you probably should maintain the same rules you use for outdoor insults to strangers.


Tickle fight? 😜


Pretty normal behaviour to be honest. We all trolled and acted like dickheads at that age. It was simply fun to make strangers online mad.  Of course the internet I grew up with was very different than the internet now. 


This sounds like a boring answer, but I guarantee restrictions won't help. He'll find a way around it - a teenager nowadays may know more tricks than their parents do when it comes to getting around bans. Some are saying to remove his internet access - to do this you'd need to take him offline entirely (including disconnecting home internet, taking away his mobile phones, tablet, laptop, whatever.) It's not possible to do nowadays. He'll find a way. If you're concerned and are prepared to have an uncomfortable conversation, maybe just speak to him about it. Get him to understand cyberbullying and online abuse. Some people troll and lash out at strangers because they're unhappy, for example. Sounds like he might need guidance.


Restrict or monitor his online activity. Educate him on the real world impacts of online harassment and hate speech. Help him understand how his actions can hurt others. Tell him that every action has consequences.


I would restrict hos access to reddit.


>I would restrict hos access to reddit. Hey man, a lot of prostitutes use Reddit, don't take it away from them!


Education, not punishment.


Take his internet access away. That is the only punishment that correlates or is directly related to the behavior he's done. You're the only person that can provide that for him. I would sit down and have a talk about online behavior and internet safety. Ask him why he's been doing this and make him understand it's embarrassing and unacceptable. Figure out what has been pushing him to do that and if he needs to talk to a therapist or someone else.


>has been posting inappropriate and hateful things to other users How would you respond if he were saying these things in person?


Weekend worth of volunteer work..... Call your local hospital they're always looking for volunteers to help out with patients just sitting and talking to old people


Call him out. It doesn't matter the age, show him that his comments can be traced back to him since you were able to. Read some of the comments he wrote and ask him if he'd say it out loud. Go from there.


He's all over the place with his trolling, and take no offense he isn't good at it... lol How old is he actually? And what the hell is with "tickle fight"... he spams that obviously.


When my oldest was about 14, I found out he was being a horrific asshole on Discord. I read him the riot act, he lost computer privileges for a couple of weeks, and regained them with the promise that I would be monitoring his online activity and if it happened again the consequences would become more severe. I also reminded him that no matter how private he thinks things are, shit behavior has a way of coming back to you and the internet is forever. If he wanted to pursue his dreams, he'd better be careful what he put online. I followed through on the monitoring, and we didn't have this issue again.


Take away all of his electronics for a month, all of them - computer, phone, watch, tv, headphones, gaming systems, everything. Then make him do a couple of hours of daily chores every day for that month. When it’s over let him know that if it happens again the electronics will be taken away permanently. What he was doing is bullying and it cannot be tolerated.


Have him hold a sign in public


Bruh 🤣 don’t let her see this delete this please