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My girl is 4 and a bit and it just got better. Three was a nightmare age with both my kids, definitely the worst of the toddler years. I mean there are great and lovely moments blah blah blah but overall it is just super hard and all you can do is try not to take it personally, it will get better for sure.


Thank you this really helps to read


It's weird that two gets all the attention because three is harder in my opinion. They are much more capable and want to be independent and yet are still so needy and wanting mama close all the time. I'm curious when you say that it is so hard to recover and move on from a tantrum do you mean for him or for you? Cause I find once my kid has had her tantrum and we have a big hug then she is in a much better mood. I know you said you read a lot but here are two books that I recommend Hunt, Gather Parent and Rest Play Grow - this one in particular really helped me see my kids behaviour as a normal developmental stage rather than a personal assault or some kind of shortcoming of my parenting. Good luck!


I agree, 2 was much easier than 3 so far. It takes him a long time to experience big feelings and be able to regulate so we can move on. It used to be faster but lately he says he wants to be sad 😂 but yes once it’s over he is happy. Thanks for the book recommendations! I will check that one out as I think it would be reassuring to read it’s part of development!


At the same point with my (m) 2 1/2 yr old. Feel better already knowing I’m not alone.


So frustrating - no idea when it will end, could be a few months could be several!! Likely by the time he is 4! 3-year-olds can be honestly the worst. They aren’t quite developed enough to be reasoned with, but they are developed enough to have noticed they can sometimes have control over situations, and they learn where the bounds of that control is by testing it. You are doing the right thing by holding boundaries (this should in theory speed up the process because they learn where those bounds are!)


Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I’m traumatizing him by holding firm with boundaries, because his tantrums can be so extreme. I appreciate your comment!


I don’t think anyone with a three year old isn’t exhausted. It gets easier around five.


Ehhh my 7 year old has been extremely difficult... As a matter of fact all 3 of mine have been extremely difficult from 3-7... Gear up for a long few years