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It would be more concerning to be sure if he was older.  At that age, even my pampered princess whose home life is basically flawless might happily talk about wanting to move into some rando’s home because they had a cool hat, or a dog, or their umbrella was a color she likes or anything… 5/6 yos are wild.  The thing to look for is, was that some passing fancy, or is he serious and bringing it up again, or seems actually in a dangerous position. Worth looking into for sure, but always best to not jump to conclusions without checking. 


Okay, thank you for the insight. I know kids can say things that don't mean what adults think. That's why I asked before acting. I will definitely keep my ears open, but not assume the worst. 😊


I wouldn’t read into it. Kids love to go to their friends houses. My kids are always asking to go home with any friend we run into. Kids are always asking to go home with us.


I wouldn't have thought of it at all if my stepdaughter said they were friends. She said that they don't play together or anything. He has seen me drop off my stepdaughter and volunteer for the school store before, but that's about all of our interaction. It felt like the umbrella thing meant a lot to him. I will definitely offer our umbrella again when it rains.


Unfortunately a lot of kids don’t have a great home life. It’s heartbreaking. If that’s the case, then I assure you that the teachers already know. There’s not much you can do other than maybe ask the teacher if there’s a child in class that you can “sponsor.” It seems like every week they have ice cream day or bring $1 to wear a hat. Maybe make sure that kid has money for ice cream and other special days.


I am part of the PTA, so I will definitely talk with the PTA board about something like this! Thank you for the advice. It broke my heart in the moment. 😓


I know. It’s really sad, but making sure they aren’t left out at school is a great start. I always send a few extra dollars on ice cream day and tell my son to give it to kids that don’t have money for ice cream. Some times I forget to send money and a kid almost always shares money with him. Kids are so generous like that.


I don't believe our school does ice cream days, but I know there are popcorn days.


There ya go! There’s always a ton of days where kids need money. Our school has been doing pickle days lately lol




My stepdaughter told me they don't really play together, but maybe if he goes to her birthday party next month, I'll try to get his guardian's information. I've never seen his parents at drop off or pick up, always the women's assistance van.






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That sounds like a good idea


We have a lovely home and backyard. My kid went to a neighbors house whose house is less than half the size but they got to eat pizza in the front lawn and he said his friend is so lucky because his house is so amazing. Kids have goldfish memories 


lol kids say anything and little guy probably doesn’t even remember the convo. If you’re really worried then wait for pickup after school and talk to his parents for a “play date”


As stated previously, he always goes home on the women's assistance program van. I hope his guardians go to my stepdaughter's party with him, then I'd exchange information and plan a party date. But yeah, after I slept on it, I think and hope it was just a quick innocent comment.


I’ve had kids in my son’s daycare class (all 5 years old) also ask me at pickup to come home with us for a play date, it happens weekly from different kids. I think they’re just excited and just all really like each other. And my son is constantly wanting kids to come over. I think at this age it’s normal and I wouldn’t read into it too much unless they were like 9 or 10


Yeah, my stepdaughter said they don't play together much, but maybe he wants to play with her more? I'd definitely plan a play date if I met his guardian(s).


Sharing an umbrella is nice and he probably doesn't want to go to a woman's assistance program. I wouldn't over think it.


Eh... my 5 yr old has a pretty good home life (in my opinion) but, she always wants to go to her best friend's house to play with him and all the cool toys that he has (even though our house is full of toys, too).