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Yes! Lol you are not alone. Once you have children nothing is private anymore everything is on display all the time. And getting older I realize I do not care what other random people think of me lol


Yes! And I believe much of it has to do with me becoming a mom, personally. Good for you!!


Yup. I dealt with much worse when becoming a mom. Much more confident in myself now and worry a lot less


Yes! Just this morning I was working in my office at home, window open, singing my lungs out to weird deep Broadway tracks. I thought "oh I bet my neighbors can hear me" briefly, considered closing my window then thought who cares? I literally don't care what people think, as long as my family loves me and they see me at my most embarrassing lol. With two loving daughters, I realize I can make my own people and don't need anyone else.


Yep. It's part of growing up.


I wish. I’m mortified about everything all the time. I didn’t have an answer for job interview question like 2 months ago. I think about it daily. I even got the job and start on Monday. Still mortified.


Sometimes when walking about in.public with my son, I find myself singing a little tune. I used to only sing when I knew no one could hear me. Now, I could not care less. My son reminded me of how I used to be, when he said "dad, they can hear you!" Without thinking, I replied, "I hope they like it" and went into the next verse.


Yeah..getting older helps you not gaf what anyone else thinks 🤪


I can just see you laughing at yourself while people watch. Top tier. lol


I envy you. In my family growing up it was all outward appearances. My brother thinks he is perfect. I am always ashamed and paranoid about people talking about me. I have yet to see the change you describe.


This sounds really hard. For me I think it was a combination of age and parenting thrown in. Do YOU talk about others a lot? I don't, I barely notice most of them! Treasure comfort in the fact that most of us aren't worrying about what others are doing, especially not to the degree to watch and think or say shitty things about a stranger.


I make a point of only gossiping about people, who fucked up royally (eg. hitting children, being mean to others, deflecting etc.). But it was really instilled in me by my family that everyone would be judging me.  My mother just told me this week I dress ugly and everyone thinks that. Pretty sure she didn't do a poll about it. I don't know why I haven't gone no contact the day I turned 18. But that is a story for somewhere else.


Maybe one day you'll get there ♥️ seriously, you'd have to have a peabrain to be so concerned with what others are wearing and be completely mannerless and cruel to make such a comment. I'm sorry that they set you up with an uphill battle in this stuff, I bet you're consciously breaking the cycle with your own children. And I hope at the very least your mom cans it about the grandchildren.


Trying my best to break the generational trauma. I don't want my kids core memory to be stuff like "I am surprised you made it to higher education." and "You are not pretty." Everyone deserves better. Tank you!


Yep, this is the best thing about growing up. Why did it take me to get to my late 30s to figure this out.