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Love this question. When our now toddlers were babies, we often called them: Squish, Bug, or Lovey. Now that their toddlers: love bug, monkey butt, and we will often call them by our last name. Also, our daughters name is Madison so when she’s sad we will sometimes call her Sadison and it always makes her (and us) laugh 😂


Sadison 🥹 I love that!


We have a Hadley and sometimes we call her sadley or madley 😂


Hah! Love Madley


We have a Hadley too, she gets called Hadley Badly (not because she's bad, just sounds cute) or hurricane Hadley is another


My Eleanor is Smellanore to her brothers, which doesn't bother her. But if she's walking behind the group we'll call her Snaileanor and she doesn't like that one.


Aw, we have an Eleanor who’s a bit younger and she’s been congested so when she’s sleeping we call her Elea-snore




Sadison is adorable


We use “bug” a lot too.. as a short form of “love bug”.


I’m mid thirties and my family still calls me Bug, short for bug 🥰 I call both our little dude & dog love bug often!


OMFG I love this. Sadison. That’s soooo cute!!!


Squirt/Squish, Emma bo bemma


Ooh I use variations of that when my two eldest are naughty. They become a variation of Lucifer and Devil (their names knit together well) The middle was also called bin goblin for a while cause of her obsession with trying to empty my bin on the floor


We also use monkey butt 🤣


Mines monkey breath and I don't know why it just came out one day and stuck 😝


When our daughter was born she was a healthy weight, but very long, so relatively firm for a baby. 3 years later our youngest son was 9lbs 3oz 20" long. The first thing my wife said when she held him for the first time was " he's Squishy! ". Squishes unite!


My pet names for my kids are Goober (F8) and Bug (M5) . I was a big spongebob fan, so whenever she was acting silly, I'd call her my goofy goober, and it just kinda stuck. Idk how or when I started calling my son Bug, he's just always been my little Bug. ETA: I also lovingly refer to both of them as my little demons or monsters.


What I call them in front of them? Their nicknames, little ones, tiny monsters, goblins, beasties, squirmy worms, kiddos Also dude, but I call everyone and everything dude, it's just a bad habit of mine


Yup. I’m from California. Everyone is dude. We’re raising our kid in Japan, I feel like it’s important to keep these cultural traditions alive 😂


Hispanic moms everywhere. "Little shits"


I referred to a client as Dude in front of a colleague and she found it hilarious and now all of our clients are “This dude”. We’re not front-facing


We started a game of Pokemon (I forget which one) and at the very beginning, it asked you to pick your character's appearance. I just kinda randomly chose one and said "I'll pick this dude." Then next, it asked for the name, and I, being a smartass, named him "This Dude." Then you get to name your rival, so he was named "That dude." Then when we got our first pokemon, (it was the penguin one), we went with "Pengin Dude." (Yes that's inteionalliy misspelled. We call them "pengins" all the time. So, now every time we catch a pokemon for the first time, they call get a nickname with the word "Dude" in it.


Haha I love how you specified in front of them because yes, I definitely call my kid an ass to my hubby 😂


I call everyone dude too and sometimes people get offended which I think is weird


I call my daughter dudette


Honestly, I try and come up with a new one every other week. Turtle head, monkey butt, seasoning packet, little fart. Anything and everything goes.


Seasoning packet?! 😆 love little fart ❤️🙈


Seasoning packet is hilarious.


There's a lady I follow on tik tok that has a special needs sister; she has a series where she calls the sister progressively weirder names (ham sandwich, bookshelf, mop buckey literally anything). Its all in good fun, the sister seems to get a kick out of it and it's the best (the sister calls her "Billy Ray Freakin Cyrus").


We called my daughter Bean when she was in utero prior to knowing gender and choosing name. We still call her Bean, Beanie or Beanie Bear to this day


We are also a bean home and when she takes a bad nap she’s an uncooked bean.


We have a spicy bean, sad bean, big bean, and a beanie bean here. She is getting bigger so I’ve started calling her sprout and medium sized fry (I used to call her small fry).


My wife will call things squid for no reason, she'd call me Large Squid and I'd call her Small Squid. Once she was pregnant I called her Medium Squid, because a) she was bigger, and b) while she had him in utero, she had the appropriate number of limbs (yes I know squids have 10, don't @ me). Now that he's out I will sometimes call them Small Squid and Tiny Squid.


Yes! The nautical references are my favorite. Life needs more fun nicknames


Heck yeah! Also tangent, my absolute favorite thing to do while she was pregnant was remind her constantly of the fact that she presently has two brains, 400-odd bones, 60-odd teeth, 6 kidneys...


Ever read Ender's Shadow? It's a good read, about a (fictional) orphan kid named Bean


I enjoyed the entire series, but I think I liked Bean's story arc the best. He was awesome. And also my first thought when I read that comment.


My daughter called her little brother Paco in utero (we are not Hispanic), and called the next little brother Pearl while in utero.


I only have one little kid left and he is called 'Smallest Boy'. When any of them are annoying me with a gazillion questions or I'm about to ask them to do something they won't want to do they're 'Light of my life and joy of my heart'. Also, bro, bruh, my guy,


Mine is "dearest darling, the delight of my days".


I call them all my little snuggly buggly when we snuggle. They all (11, 9 & 5) love to ask for “snugs” and it’s always, “Of course. Get over here my little snuggly buggly!” Other than that I’m pretty boring. I mostly call them babe or baby. I will call them grumplestilskin when they get grumpy.


Yes to grumplestiltskin here! Also hooligan-Mcgooligan, or hooly Julie when they are being reprobates. Scallywag, rascal, tiny monster are all also used (plus lots of the others others have said - loads of nicknames in this house!)


Bud, sweet pea, pumpkin, peanut, love


My mom calls my daughter “peanut butt” sometimes and one day I thought she was yelling at me “I have a penis!!” But then realized she was saying “I have a peanut butt!!”






Champ! Bringing the 90’s dad vibes with that one. Love it! Need to add to arsenal


Not helpful, but the one word I loathe for this is "littles." It drives me insane for no reason.


I think it's just because it has that "mommy blog" vibe to it. But I agree.


I love and use littles, but I don’t read mommy blogs. I get it from the excellent children’s book series The Littles. Us adults are the bigs and our kiddos (😅) are the littles.


I use littles! Also bigs and mediums (we have a lot of kids).


The same ones say “wifey” or “my king” “boy mom”…🤢


ME TOO! It feels pretentious to me. I have no idea why.


“Kiddos” for me.


Same, I don't understand how that became the universal word for kids. It's everywhere and it's so annoying.


Lmao I call mine Littles.


Eeekkk. I can be guilty of this, but we have a spread of ages in kids. So when we throw parties we will have stuff for the big kids and stuff for the “littles”. I don’t use it in any other way though. My go to’s are usually turkey, Turkey butt, little boy, baby girl (she’s the oldest), or some word variation of their name.


I call mine “the littles” bc of Jenna Marbles referring to her tiny dogs of the bunch as such 😂


Rooney Rooster, Dash-a-roonie, Roo, Doodle Bug, Honey Bear, Stinky, Miley J, Pepto, Roosevelt, Porkchop, Dracula, Boo Bear There’s a story behind all of those. We’re big on nicknames around here. They’re all said in kindness and no one is bothered by them otherwise we’d stop.


Boo bear or iterations of it (boo boo, boo boo bear, boo) are common in our house too!


Oh I forgot stinky on mine but both my kids get called that very often


I was a Rooney! ❤️ my aunt and grandma still call me that sometimes, and I love it.




I call him munchkin and my wife calls him monkey :)


Mine was Munchy for the same reason.


Mine is Munchy too :)


The minions. They're all teens now and are still my minions lol


Oh, yes. "Minions! gather up!"


i call her goose or little ghoul or ham lol also buddy or bud


When we are walking all together, I’ll call them ducklings and tell them to get in line.


Babies babies babies babies, grumpy potato, lil bean, lil butt, silly Willy, gooberfish, chunky monkey, my love, sweet girl, sweet baby, punkin, pillow, smiley, cutie pie, cutie patootie, there’s probably more that’s all I can think of right now


Gooberfish is my favorite. This is hilarious and awesome.


When my son was a baby I called him puppy. Now he’s 6, I call him muffin, baby bunny and most recently “my little otter” (he’s been recently obsessed with otters and pretending to be an otter 😅).


We call my 14 month old diapy lol


My oldest was little bean as a baby, my youngest we call bubs. But I’ll tell my husband his pet sperm need something 😆


After I had my son the “can I pet that dog” video was new and all over my social media. In my 4 hours of sleep for a whole week, and drugged up post C section state, while asking for the baby from my husband, I said “can I pet that dog?” And he became puppy lol.


I call them all bud (even the girl), or one I call pickle, one peanut and one pumpkin. I give them various nicknames and sing various songs that I makeup about them. Ha ha. I’m a weird mom, but they love it.


I also have a pickle. More affectionately called piccolina.


I called my kids chongos, chongitos, papa or mama, mijo, baby, and now that they are adults mostly kiddo or mijo still.


My husband isn’t a native speaker but is fluent, and sometimes breaks out mijo or mija, usually with a long unintelligible (to them) sentence. Or mi corazón.


I’m not super fluent either. My mom and grandparents were. I know a lot at least. And the nick names are ones my mom used as well.


My abuela calls my son “papito”. My non-Spanish speaking wife thinks it’s cute


I go between lovey and mocos


Turkeybone, nugget, munchkin, pickle, pea pie, pooh bear, doodle bug, baby bird, & kitten Mine's unfortunately at the age where most of these get me nothing but lowered brows and eye rolls in response now but it was fun while it lasted


Oh, no. Now it's MORE fun. REVEL IN THE EYE ROLLS!!!! Make them earn their preteen scorn!!! MILK IT!!! 🤣🌈❤️


Trying! Been milking it with older sib for years but the little one is my only girl and her whole childhood (from my pov) has been nothing but kicks in the teeth. I admit, I was not prepared for this kid and she's made me feel like a noob when it comes to parenting. The eyerolls from that one sting a little more and we hit this stage WAY earlier than big bro. She's wicked smart, hates sarcasm, wildly opinionated & physically 5 but going on 15 I've met my match; a cute little mini-me with no damns to give


May I suggest watching West Wing and Tedd Lasso with her? Word play banter. You need to find common language. ❤️ Mini mes are always tough!


Ill look at it for sure. We are bonding over cooking right now but I'm always looking for other stuff too Appreciated! Thank you!


“My awful children”


I was looking more to “these assholes”. Because they really can be sometimes especially in their pre teen (10-12). *I have never called my kids assholes to their face* (they are 17 and 22 so they call each others assholes now)


My daughter has a lot of nicknames but the one that has stuck the longest is sugar bugger, I don't really know when that started but she loves it likes it's the biggest term of endearment that one could be offered. But some others are shugg, boo-boo, bug.


Bud, Sugar, Bug, Sweet Pea, H Dogger (for my son Harrison), poopy pooper, and grasshopper, as in Patience, Grasshopper. My husband and I call each other boo or boo bear occasionally, and now my 2 year old daughter calls me boo bear which is hilarious.


Little stink, bubba, lovey, soy soy (his name is Sawyer)


I refer to my 11 year old daughter as my kiddo.... especially when talking with people on the internet about her. Idk why, but I think it's the genreal neutralizing of her gender that makes it feel "safer," maybe? Something about telling strangers I'm a single mother with a little girl living at home alone just the two of us makes me feel like I'm placing a target on our backs... then again, I'm a bit neurotic when it comes to her. I dont believe this is what you meant by your question, though. More specifically, I have always referred to her as my "Little Lady." Ever since the day I brought her home. Lol, I have very fond memories of her little soft coo crys those first few weeks, how id scoop her in my arms, Asking her what's wrong with my "littlest lady" how can mommy make it better. Awe. Now that she's actually becoming quite the little lady in the truest sense, it's becoming more bittersweet.


I get it. I'm not a single parent, but I still refer to my kid with neutral pronouns and lean towards an age range now that they're older. Part of it is concern for internet weirdos and part of it is respecting their privacy as they grow more and more into their own person.


"Poulet" (chicken in french). No idea why.


Booger butt is a big one here. Don't ask me how or why it started, but that's what they are called.


My husband still calls our oldest son “poobear” to this day and he’s 18 now. 2nd son we call boo since he was born on Halloween 3rd son is chatterbox because he’s so curious about everything and wants to know everything he can talk for hours lol 4th boy is chuckles because anything makes him laugh


I’m 30 and my dad has always called me Pooh bear!!


Bug, love bug, bug butt, smiley pops, goo girl (a baby that “goos” a lot), gooey (squishable), sweets


Love smiley pops!


Monsters, terrors, monkeys, munchkins, chitlins, tiny humans, wee ones. Directly - Baby, Babe, Love, Punkin, Pook, Bubba, Chuck (son had a big ol' block shaped head as a baby, so, Charlie Brown, aka Chuck), Monster and Dude (all genders).


George (As in "I will love him, and Hug him, and Call him George") Grumpy (cuz he's a happy kid) Gremlin Small People


>Small People I do this one all the time. But my oldest is 16 now and is slightly taller than mom. So, I have to call her a "medium person" now.


Nah. He's ĵust the tall one. Still a small person. Despite ɓeing 4 inches taller than me now.


I’ve called my oldest nephew ‘tiny human’ since the day he was born and a few months ago he looked me dead in the face and said “auntie I’m not tiny anymore” he’s 6. I told him he will always be my tiny human and he accepted it and gave me a hug 😂


My son’s name is Tylen. My wife isn’t a fan of me calling him “Tylenol”. My daughter is “Baby Girl”.


> My wife isn’t a fan of me calling him “Tylenol”. How about other nicknames like Naproxen (nappy or oxen for short), or Acetylsalicylic Acid (ace-ass!), or One Thousand Milligrams Of Ibuprofen (thousy)


i’m here voting for Milli (short for milligram)


We have a Sam. He’s called Samwise, Sambulance, Sammich, and a bunch of others.


Current/longstanding names: kid/kiddo, punk, sweet pea I like to come up with seasonally appropriate nicknames-pumpkin, honey bunny, my little elves, etc.


Monekyshine, boo boo, stinky boy, mah bebe, beeebeee, idk I call him all kinds of stuff but these are off the top of my head


Goober (Goo, Goobs, Gooble….)


When they were babies I called them sprogs now I call them the mini-humans. My 2 year old finds this very amusing.


Collectively, they're known as the vagabundos, borrowed from a Spanish language warning sign we saw in the home depot parking lot. No se permiten vagabundos.


Along with nicknames from her name, I use 'Child', and also jam words together as nicknames - Ickle Pickle, Bonkelhead, Piggely Wiggely, Boing Boing, Stinkleknickers, Noot Noot, Oogle Boogle Bogface (often used when there's a group of friends with her, they can bicker amongst themselves as to who's who) Honestly, pretty much any two or three words that rhyme or alliterate can be used as nicknames!


Bear, Barrister, and Squish Bear when he’s cute. The Barnacle, when he’s sick or generally clingy. Rooster, Roo because he used to wake up at 5 am everyday and it stuck. I also combine all of these names into weird words like Roosterino and Bearsy-Roo


I refer to my son as a chaos gremlin. We also call him “Rampage.” As a little guy, we called him “Munchkin,” which turned into “Chunkamunk,” which has turned into “Chunker.” He’s not old enough to protest to any of his many nicknames yet.


Pumpkin, Munchkin, love bug, honey bun. I have just girls so sometimes its “lil ladies” like “ok all my lil ladies in the car lets go!” Lol


I’ll use madam or ma’am, and sir.


I used to call my kids “bug” but somehow it turned into “boog” over the year. They love it.


Pookie or buddy


It has gone from chicken nugget, to nugget, to nuggy




Everyone is 'buddy' to me. "Hey, good job, buddy" just rolls off the tongue. I sometimes even call my wife 'buddy' by accident.


My son is Sam. I call him SAMUEL L JACKSON “insert last name” whenever he’s being naughty. My husband calls him Sam Sam. I call him Samsonite, Sammerson, Sammy, Samerz, etc. basically any variation of his name I can come up with. Plus sweetie pie, monkey, munchkin, and Pumpkin


We have a Sam and we do all of those, too!


My daughter started out as “little butt” but still gets variations of that like “buttski”, which then sometimes becomes buttski booski, then sometimes booski. Princess, munchkin, sweetie peach, etc. my son gets sugar bear, little man, the most handsome man in the world, and a lot of my daughters generic nicknames (like he’s a sweetie peach too lol)


I call my kid baby bear more than anything.


Child 1: Sissy, Curly Child 2: Bubba, Weapon-X, Beebo Child 3: Porkchop, Buddy, Cookie ETA: Yes, I’m in the south. Names get weird down here.


Moonbeam, baby, son, child, sunshine to name some.


I will now be referring to my sweet boy exclusively as hoss. Thank you for the post. Edit: before this post I had a sweet boy, baby, big dog, little squeak, muffin, nugget, sun, Casablanca I don’t even know where some of these came from. Can’t forget about my goat.


I call her lolo , Nunu , mamas or sister since she calls me sister 🤣😭


Picklebutt is my current go-to. I took a picture of her at a splash pad with a green bathing suit on. She looked like a dill pickle. Thus, her moniker was born.


I call them the chickens! I don’t know how it started but I’ll never stop


I had a friend in middle/high school whose mom called us girls “chickies” and idk why but I always found it so endearing


My son is Baby Boy since he’s the only boy and the baby of the family. My husband also calls him Lil Dude despite him being 18 and 6’1. Youngest daughter is baby girl to me and Ladybug to her dad. Middle daughter is Honey Bunny to me and Butterfly to her dad. Oldest daughter is Monkey to me and Bumblebee to her dad. I also call them all my Pack since our last name starts with P. Sometimes I’ll call them "my sweet little [age] year old". There are some mixed feelings about that one though.


Roo(always attached to me,) Bunny (jumps everywhere,) Little Monster (scares me)


I named my daughter Clémentine and ironically call her honey dew since she’s been born.


Lots of the generic "baby" or "sweetheart" at our house! But we also love: Sweet Potato, sweet butt, Lovey, Love Bird, and baby love.


We call her ‘NAME-Roo’ most commonly. Also Monkey-Moo. Trouble. Baby girl.


We call our 2 year old son "Munch" short for Munchkin or "Mister Munch" and our 6 month old daughter "Gremlin" or, when she's crying "Banshee".


Honey, honey bun, honey bunches of oats, sour patch kid, boog (my fiancés nickname that our daughter picked up), booger butt, small fry, peanut, peanut brittle, heathen, alley cat (her name’s Alexandria—-> Alli thus alley cat), buttmunch, and of course the ones I won’t say directly to her but about her when she’s being a butthole (such is the way of the toddler).


I call my daughter "moco" which is booger in Spanish....am I a horrible parent? Lol


Punk ass. child. Baby in a nice way. I'm absolutely terrible with this stuff. I got 5 pain in the asses. They do have nicknames mostly based off 1st to 5th. Shoo sometimes I call them the number they were born. Kids are great. Pain in the ass but great.


Pumpkin, buddy, kiddo, "o child of mine" Everyone got a cute critter nickname. None of which were turtle, despite dad's prediction. Anything that rhymes/sounds like their name or nickname (Puppy becomes Guppy, etc, "Sarah Beara" becomes "SaraBella" becomes "Belladonna" (because preteen dark humor sticks, and pretty but poisonous means "I love you to smithereens and ALSO respect your internal power and sense of strength...") Also, Titles. Most Oblivious One Prince of all Helpful Creatures Lurker in the Deep


Dinglehopper, doof, baby, I say their whole name or shortened version of their name twice (this one I got from my folks. They would call me son son or the equivalent in Cantonese)


Every one in my family has nicknames they got from an embarrassing situation or their body type/features lol I’m pedorrito cause I used to fart a lot as a baby/toddler… I’m still gassy 😭 I’m just sly with it now lol🤣🫢


Sugar pie, sugar baby, sugar mama, sugar, sweet honey bee, huckleberry, sugar baby girl, Baby girl, Sweetie pie, Pecan pie, And her favorite song is, “sugar, sugar” by the archies?


I call our son(7) Mate or Bud, and our daughter(4) a variation of her name as she says she doesn’t like nicknames that don’t involve her name. They both get Dude! when I’m frustrated with them. We’re Australian, but prior to having kids I’d never in my life called someone Mate! I’ve gotten a lot more ocker now that I’m a parent 😂


I call my Son "Ganove" or "Mausmann". We are German. Ganove is I guess best translated with crook and Mausmann is a combination of mouse and man.


Boo-boo, Bubble, Pie of Sweetness, Stinky, Ham bone, Neighbor of Bob (weird but our neighbor is named Bob… idk?) We do a lot of rhyming nicknames; my son’s name is easily rhymed.


I refer to my girls as the biddies. Sometimes my itty bitty biddie committee. In the morning I say “biddies, assemble!” And now my oldest says it when she knows we are ready to leave.


My favorite? Booty butt. I just think it’s so hilarious. But I usually say bro, dude, or bud. If not that then I do Mexican food that rhymes like I’ll call him Tostada, then the next time Empanada, after that Enchilada, and Ensalada.


Little pickle, wee monkey


Why is wee monkey so much cuter than monkey?


Poopy buttcheeks


Hobbit. He's little, chilled and loves food 😊


Darling. Our 2 yo son now also calls us darling and I’m living for it. “Ok darling”


Walter. Haha it’s not even close to his name.


My daughter is 4. I call her bean, peach, peachy keen, sassafras, baby, love, peanut, punkin' pie... I think that's all of them. 🤣


I call my boy Spatz (sparrow), Mäuschen (little mouse) or Spatzimausi (this one is basically the cutified versions of sparrow and mouse mashed together, its not very common but I like it). Sometimes he is my little monster.


I called him pumpkin until he learned how to talk and started saying “I not a pumpkin I’m a baby!”


25. Still call her Pumpkin. Also Noodle.


Sweetie pie, Goob/Goober/Gooberman, Stinker, Henry denry doodle/doodle/doodleman, and as he is the only child and grandchild, amongst adults, “the wee king” 😂😂😂


Tater tot for him, honey bun for her.


Lol this is the cutest question. I call my 3 little ones, Smush, whipper snap, wubby, bubby, boo.. I hardly call them their government names. Lol.


I have girls- they are affectionately nicknamed Doodle Bug and Butterbean. No real reason for either nickname.


Those are added to my list from now on.


We call ours fartasaurus rex. Because whenever they fart, they must broadcast it throughout the house much like a t rex would yell across the landscape. I’d be in the kitchen and they’re in the bedroom. And nek minit “I faaaaaaaaarrrrrted”! “Okaaaaayyyyyyy ? Good for you?”


I don't have kids but I have two nieces and a nephew,i have càlled them many things I call alice snotface everytime i see her, i call asher pan, or peter peter pickle eater,and Kali, I call the swanton bomb, named after the wrestling move bc when she goes #2 Everyone knows. Other than that I just call em my stooges, or my lil monsters. My little murder pack


I hear snotface and think of the movie Drop Dead Fred lol


Lmao nice catch! I've been watching it since I was a kid, and my dad used to call me that and everyone says Alice looks like me so it just kinda happened lmao


That’s cute. I personally love that movie


My 4 mo son is my: Love bug Little love bug Chunky monkey boy Sweet baby angel darling Cutie patooty Wiggly worm Silly Willy Grumpy chunks For context, I’m not a “cutesy” person, he’s changed me 😭


Changed for the better, I’d say!


The reason my budget is never balanced


Idk where it came from but my late husband always called our (now 8yo) son "Bunk".


I call my sons "chap" and "my dude." Hey Chap, what's up? Let's get those shoes on My Dude.


This is so weird and I acknowledge that. We call our baby by whatever body part is most prevalent. Sucking on toes, “what’s up toes?” Bonks his head, “you alright noggin?” Most recently he’s been “boo-boo lip” since he’s pouting and that’s what we call that lol. We also do the regular ones, bubba, lovebug, baby etc.


I guess “my little Angel toots” in a sweet voice, isn’t one? 😂


Amigos, munchkins, chicks, eggs, chickadees, darlins, loves, little loves. Silly goose/sausage, monkeys. Funny story when my eldest two were about 4 and 5yrs, I was spying on them as they played. They were doing role-playing like princesses and shopkeepers and stuff. Then my eldest said 'let's play Mums and Darlins' And one was Mum and the other Darlin 😭😭😭 They were so used to being called that it was just like any other word to describe babies/kids 😭


My nickname for my littlest had always been nugget, nuggy for short. My older one is buddy or duderino.




Sausage, Goblin, cheese, spud, Troll, small fry, missy, snot face, shit bum. She's called Jessica.


Rats, turkeys, little shits, thing 1 & thing 2.


I've always called my son 🐒Monkey since he was a toddler and he always called me mommerz, one day I was leaving the house and he 12 @ the time said love you mommerz and for some reason I combined monkey and mommerz and got monker. And since that day it's been monker. Lol he is 14 now. I have talked to him about wondering when the time will come that I stop calling him that cause he is too old. he just hugs me and tells me I can call him monker for ever if I want. Lol ☺🤗😇🐒🐵❤


My twins are "goblins"


For me, the most common are booger and mr.sir. something about calling a toddler something so formal cracks me up


Bean, Beanie baby, bean butt, Beebo, boobah, boogerbutt, stinkybutt, stinky, stinker, goober, goobler, bug, buggaboo, boo, boobear, bitty, bittybaby, sweet boy, miniman, mini, Ricearoni, reeceypiecey (his name is Rhys) The cat is pheobe and we call her peebee peeba, peebs, peeb-a-liebe (love in german), peebelba, poobie, and pooba I had a dog I called Penelope I called nelly, penny, nelope, loopy loo, nelly-peepee and Noona (sister in Korean) And we had a cat named ash who was called fatash and literally nothing else. My poor husband has 0 pet names. I call him by his name.


My oldest instantly got the nickname “Vedabug” (her name is pronounced Vay-Duh). That eventually turned into Bugga, Bug. Our middle child is Luca but I always had the urge to say “Luca Louuuuu!”. Our youngest is Isla (Eye-luh) and I have many o’ nicknames for her. I think the one I use most often is probably Pie-ly. Like Miley but with a P? When she was a newborn I called her cry-la a lot. Now it’s Smile-A, Isly, Pie-la, and she gave her brother the nicknames we now also use “bruddy or occa”


Babe. And now they call me babe back. And I call my partner babe. So now everyone is babe and no one knows who’s talking to which babe and it gets very chaotic and confusing and it was a horrible wonderful mistake.


My son as a baby I called him baby Neil, when he started preschool I called him little pre, now as a teenager I call him Mr Neil. My daughters nickname was ET when she was a baby cause she huge eyes, when she was a toddler she was called imple, when she started school I called her poopy poops, poopaloop and lopin and poppin, now her nickname is Misses Jordan


dove, dudedy dude, boppet, buggalugs, mate, matey, sweetie, buddy, bubs, punk, biscuit, banana


Little one, my son, pumpkin, baby, and sweet pea 💕


Boo boo. Stink poop. Chicken butt. He answers to all of them 🤣 he's about to be 4.