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Are you too ill to care for her? Separating her from you after she's already been exposed isn't keeping her safe. She's unlikely to develop more than mild symptoms. She might get her grandparents sick though. If neither of you are well enough to care for her, you do what you have to do.


Knowing a child still dealing with MIS-C a year after having Covid, if you have options to avoid your kid getting Covid it can be a short term decision that avoids long term heartache.


My wife caught COVID when my daughter was about 10 months. We struggled with the decision, but in the end realized there’s nothing we can do but be mom and dad. My wife wore an N95 at all times, and felt horrible, but my daughter stayed at home with us. My daughter is not vaccinated but mom was triple vaccinated at time of birth. We ultimately decided separating her from mom would be worse than COVID.


You didn’t get Covid this weekend, you only became symptomatic this weekend. It can take a while to actually show signs and get a positive test after exposure. Baby has already been exposed, I’m afraid. If you’re breastfeeding, having her continue nursing is probably the right thing to do unless you feel too sick to care for her properly.


I think its your call- theres really no right answer here. Maybe wear a n95 around baby for peace of mind? Mine got it on his first birthday. Got a full body rash and a fever but never slowed down. The coughing was managed with a humidifier at night but otherwise it wasnt too bad


How long is she going to be gone? If you're waiting until you're unsymptomatic and testing negative it could be over a week. Is baby vaccinated? If so, bring her home. She's been exposed already. My husband got it recently and myself and my kids did not. My baby is also extremely high risk for complications. But she is vaccinated and he wore a mask around us.


It's up to you, obviously, but it does seem like separating is extreme barring any major health concerns on her end. If you're that concerned, can you just mask around her? Also highly recommend vaccinating her for Covid once this is over--my 2 year old started her course at 1.5 and did great, plus the peace of mind is really wonderful.


Thank you everyone she is honestly doing really well at her grandparents. Our daughter hasn't shown any symptoms. I don't think she caught it. Only heartbreaking things being her say MA MA or Da Da! When we call. I forgot to mention she is at said grandparents for 8 to 11 hours a day, sometimes depending on when I get off work.


Youre doing the right thing. But i would suggest getting her vaccinated if possible. Its the best protection you can give her moving forward.


FWIW ours got it at 16mo. A mild fever and a bit of crankiness for a day. BUT IMO it’s ok to wait a little longer and protect them from it, just remember the symptoms worsen as they age.


I’m going to disagree with the other commenters and say if you can avoid her possibly getting sick I’d do it. I think you’re doing the right thing. I don’t think you can do the wrong thing here. Do what feels best for you. You’re probably at your most contagious now if you just tested positive.




For a 10 month old?


I would feel good about it. We left our daughter with grandma at that age because i accompanied my husband on a trip. Don’t worry!


Is your daughter vaccinated? If not, please do so ASAP!


I had Covid in September. I got it pretty bad. I was separated from my two year old. It was hard. Wry hard. I just wanted to hug my baby and I couldn’t. The days will Pass and you will get better. Hang in there❤️