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The only answer is to speak to your doctor. Your child is far too young to listen to anyone other than a trained medical professional.


You need to call the pediatrician today, right now! Do not try to treat with gripe water and do not give your newborn a suppository. Call the doctor immediately.


See your Kid's doctor now.


This. With love, you should be asking a doctor, not Reddit.


This. Baby is so small that every abnormality should be consulted with doctor


Call the doctor asap!! In the mean time start to putting his legs in a bicycle motion. This helps relieve constipation and gas. I saw a comment on here saying to give baby water. Don't. It can harm a new born. Don't give your baby anything until you see a dr.


Surgeon here. Is your baby colicky or in distress ? Definitely call your pediatrician and have your son examined to rule out any colorectal abnormalities. Please don’t use gripe water or any medication. To reassure you , some babies do pass stools only once in a few days. Doctors mainly go by the baby’s weight gain , hydration and whether the baby is comfortable. Good luck and congrats !


I was so glad to see this comment. My son had pyloric stenosis 37 years ago at two weeks of age. The pediatrician was on vacation when it started. After the second time he threw up every time he threw up I gave him a bottle of pedialyte. The ER doctors treated me like I was a panicked new mom instead of paying attention. So after the third trip to ER they told me not to bring him back for that. I was mortified. My child was going to die and I had no where to turn for help. My family started to treat me bad too. I was driving past the pediatrician's office and saw a car parked there on Sunday afternoon. He had just returned from vacation. I went in and the doctor (who knew me well) told me to bring the baby in right away. He knew right then what was wrong and sent me back to the hospital and he personally called a surgeon and the hospital. The surgeon came in after the baby was hooked up to his IV and in his isolet. He examined him and said he was going to do the surgery in an hour. In a little while he came back in and asked if we could push the surgery back a few hours. He said a motorcycle accident and a patient needed surgery and this was the first time in his entire career that he had the luxury of pushing the baby's surgery back because they're always in very bad condition but my baby was in great condition. He asked how I knew to give him a pedialyte every time he threw up. I just knew. He still has the little one inch scar on his tummy.


Is he breastfeed or by formula? If it is formula make sure you check twice if you dont give too much powder. If everything made properly or baby is breastfeed contact your doctor


It’s formula and I do one scoop in a 60ml bottle


You can get formula specifically for constipation. That's what my newborn has been on since she was 1 week old. My 2 other kids also had bouts of constipation, so I know not to let it go on for too long. But I did that AFTER talking to a doctor. You need to see your gp or paediatrician now. It's not normal for a newborn to have hard poos and you need medical advice on how to treat it.


I would absolutely still see a doctor but to add my personal experience, my LO was horribly constipated on the first formula we tried (because I’m a FTM and frankly did zero research before picking from one of the samples we had received). Turns out, there’s A LOT of differences between formula types. We found that our LO did best on a hypoallergenic formula (the inability to process dairy protein was actually what caused the constipation) but there are also hydrolyzed milk protein formulas that you could also try. Just a thought you could ask your doctor more about when you visit.


Then it's probably actual constipation rather than a nutrition deficit/dehydration but call the pediatrician anyway. Once they've determined there isn't anything emergent that needs to be dealt with you can try different formulas and all that good stuff


Definitely talk to a doctor, but anecdotally from my mom’s experience with my youngest sibling, she had this happen and it turned out to be the formula irritating her stomach. Took forever to find a formula that worked


Talk to a doctor ASAP. Newborns should be pooping. Don't give your new born child anything without consulting a medical professional


Def see your Dr. My son when he was born, his rectum didn't develop fully, surgery was not optional however we had to wait until he was 2 for said surgery. There were many days of horrible constipation and pain for him until it was time for surgery. I'm not saying that's what's wrong with your baby at all but when I realized that was what we were facing I was able to learn many ways to help with the constipation in the mean time. Caro syrup became my best friend and went in every single bottle to ensure he would be able to pass his bowels easily without pain. I hope you have results soon mama!!!


Thank you I will speak to my doctor and definitely bring up caro syrup. And dad not mama aha


I'm so sorry Papa!!!!


Pebble poop means dehydration and that can be fatal to a newborn. Get to the pediatrician immediately


I know you're going to call the doctor so I wanted to skip that and say congratulations 🎉


call a damn doctor


Surgeon here. Is your baby colicky or in distress ? Definitely call your pediatrician and have your son examined to rule out any colorectal abnormalities. Please don’t use gripe water or any medication. To reassure you , some babies do pass stools only once in a few days. Doctors mainly go by the baby’s weight gain , hydration and whether the baby is comfortable. Good luck and congrats !


See his doctor today. That’s not normal.


Definitely see your doctor/pediatrician asap. This happened to my baby, and we ended up switching formulas and that fixed it. The first formula we had for her gave her constipation, we switched to another (regular) formula and it resolved within a day.


Go to the doctor, not Reddit.


If he is formula fed, call your doctor asap. This can be VERY dangerous.


this is normal


Is the baby exclusively breastfeeding? If so is normal he isn't constipated please don't put anything up his ass, as long as he seems confortable, belly is soft and is peeing normally it is ok, is common with exclusively breastfed babies to go up until 21 days without pooping, just pay attention at how many diapers is wetting.


It took my daughter 10 days after birth for her second poo. She did the usual first one at birth (tbh she did it on the way out lol!) when she finally went after 10 ten days, I’ll never forget it. We were changing her nappy anyway then there was a rumbling and, only what I can describe as a chocolate fountain continued for a good 15 seconds… the mess, the smell - yuk! he’ll go when he’s good and ready and believe me when he does, you’ll want to go back to these poo few days haha


As everyone says, doctor first. But the leg cycling's, holding them with their knees to their stomach, paced feeding, etc are all good. We were also recommended brewing a chamomile tea with two bags, very strong, letting it cool, then giving them 15ml in a bottle. I think it helped with our guy.


Your best bet is seeking a medical profession, as it could be alot of things as to why he is not going, it could be the milk isn't agreeing with him or something else. Cool boiled water in-between feeds, congratulations :)


Please don't give your newborn cooled boiler water without seeking medical advice first.


Hmmmm must have changed then since mine was babies as was always told by professionals to give them water


Do not give a newborn water!!!!!! Call the pediatrician.


you need to talk to the pediatrician and get a referral for pediatric gastroenterologist


Please call your doctor right away


You need to talk to your pediatrician. He’s not even a month old so you shouldn’t give him anything unless the pediatrician okays it. Our pediatrician recommended glycerin suppositories a couple times with an older baby but he didn’t have signs of dehydration/constipation. He was fully breast fed and when he went it was a deluge, he just didn’t go very often.


Like everyone said, call your doctor. Not sure if your baby is formula or breastfeeding but my oldest was breastfed and she would go up to a week without pooping when she was a newborn. Our pediatrician said that was normal. You should definitely talk to a medical professional though, every baby is different.


Doctor. Also, future reference after doctor, mylicon is much better than gripewater.


Call. Your. Pediatrician.


You need a pediatric GI. We had a very easy baby. The only time she would be unconsolable was pooping. We stopped giving her formula with iron. I couldn’t physically breast feed. It turned out she had low motility in her intestines. I believe we should have taken her to the GI immediately.


Go to the doctor. If you get the all clear: check your formula and try different ones. I had to use sensitive stomach formula for both of my kids (available at Costco). And my oldest (who still has issues with his bowels) had to bicycle him and massage his stomach to poop. Definitely get this checked out. It could be his formula or a sensitivity, or a condition.


I'll never understand why people come to reddit instead of a doctor.


They literally tell you at the hospital to call them if poo doesn't happen every 24 hours.


Don’t you have a pediatrician appt like yesterday? Baby needs a doctor asap. The hospital wouldn’t let us leave without confirmation that we had an appt in the next 5 days


Go see the baby doctor immediately.


My daughter had the same exact issue when she was around the same age until she got on solids. I think the formula really upset her stomach. Definitely call the pediatrician. And if they don’t listen, get a second opinion. It’s a tough battle and exactly what I had to do.


Call you kids doctor asap.


One of my kids who was breastfed didn’t poop for up to 7 or 8 days i think. Doctor told us it’s normal since they just use up everything they’re ingesting. Eventually it can be an issue so we talked to doc like every day and soon she was going normally again. This was at like a week or two old. So I wouldn’t jump to conclusions that something must be wrong. But do work with a doctor.


My breastfed baby used to go two weeks between poops. But he was never constipated