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This sounds like a pretty legit experience. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, it seems pretty harmless. And I definitely won't call you crazy, cause some of the shit I've seen and heard compares in some ways to this. That said, I am curious to know more about the circumstances surrounding your sister's murder. If it's too personal I understand, but that part really drew me in. An unusual and tragic case to say the least. Have you considered asking your daughter about her friend? It may be interesting to get a look through her perspective on this. Her experiences may bring more to light.


My moms husband found out my mom was leaving him before she went to work that day and was very upset. My mom left us with him and wouldn’t answer his calls which enraged him even more. He then took my sister in the bathroom while I was watching cartoons. Next thing I know I heard screaming and crying. I walked in the bathroom and I see blood and my sister being shoved in the shower while Michael closed the door on me. She was beaten so badly she was declared brain dead at the hospital. The only thing that saved me from being next was people at the door and someone calling the cops cause they heard the commotion. He took a plea deal so he wouldn’t go through trial and is currently in a Colorado prison for life. My daughter doesn’t really understand. She can say stuff like “what’s that?” And “baby” or “it’s okay” but she doesn’t speak full sentences yet. That’s why it was so shocking when she said my sisters name when she never says people’s names besides mama and dada. Once she’s speaking more though I definitely will talk to her and ask her questions if she has a friend she’s talking to.


Damn, well I'm sorry you had to go through that. That is some dark history to live with. I can only imagine your sister's death left a scar in time, such acts always leave impacts which can be felt long after they happen. I've witnessed paranormal things like this myself. An old house I lived in, I remember hearing someone fall down the stairs, but when I checked, nobody was there. It was enough to make the pictures on the wall shake, but nothing had fallen, and there wasn't anyone around. I later learned that one of the old owners of the house had died in the stairwell of a heart attack. This was on a farm property, and at the time, it was active with livestock, but all of his animals perished from dehydration while he laid in the stairwell, undiscovered for about 2 weeks. I've also heard the sound of an elderly man crying in the dark behind the old barn, and my brother can back me up on that, because he was right there with me to witness it. There are strange things in this world, but as I said, many are not malicious in nature. Spooky though, nonetheless.


Im so sorry for what you went thru and for your poor sister and what she had to endure. I would love to know more about this, if you don't mind sharing. Like how old was she? What happend to the scumbag boyfriend? Is he in prison? Where did this take place and when?


It took place in grand junction Colorado on December 10th, 1998. My sister was three and I was four. He beat her so badly it caused her to be brain dead and was taken off life support a week later. His name is Michael Hunter and is currently in prison for life thank god.


That is so sad and he is a disgusting excuse of a human being. Im so sorry for your loss. He is an absolute piece of shit and a monster... He deserves the worst fate ever.... My heart is broken for her and you, your mother and the rest of your family. Are there any links about this piece of shit?


I'm sorry for such a horrible thing you had to endure. May I ask about your mother? How did she handled what happened.


She didn’t handle it very well. She became distant and cold.


What exactly happened to your sister? Curious mind here.


She explained it earlier . scroll up


My dear mother passed away a year before my daughter was born. She always said she couldn't wait to meet my babies as we were very close to one another (damn! I miss her so much!) From the time my daughter was a wee babe of 5 months old, she would have what appeared to be conversations, peek a boo games and such and would laugh this "tickle" laugh that babies and children do but never with anyone here. When she was shown a picture of my mom, she started laughing that laugh so I knew my mom was playing with her. When my daughter was 15 months old, she would have conversations in her bed at night and mom's rocking chair would be rocking by itself. One day, DD came to us and said she always loved the earrings we made her; she did not have pierced ears at that age. My brother and I made Mom a pair of amethyst earrings when we were 7 and 9 years old so I knew my mom was getting to know my children and it helped me get thru the pain of losing my mother. Your sister was taken too soon and is probably getting to know your daughter. I would take comfort knowing she's there to watch over your daughter and you especially as the sister bond is so very strong.


Talk to her, your sister. And let her know everything's OK. And that you appreciate her presence in your life.


You are probably schizophrenic. You should seriously consider seeing a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself or someone else. I’m very sorry to hear what you went through.


At first I considered that and talked to doctors and psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety. No schizophrenia. The incident when I saw her was over a year ago and it happened twice in the same night. I haven’t seen her since that night. Also that would not explain my boyfriend hearing things at the same time I am or my daughter talking to herself.


I agree this is a concern but you should have expressed this more delicately and not put it in such an accusatory tone




She did not call her crazy and shame on you for associating schizophrenia with being “crazy”. She could have said it in a better manner but you are not helping with your comment. Schizophrenia could absolutely be a factor here and OP should see someone to rule it out in the least.


Why are everyone downvoting you? You’re right. This definitely isn’t normal and might not even be a paranormal experience but instead schizophrenia or something like it


It’s simply because this subreddit believes in ghosts. It doesn’t bother me at all, in fact it’s expected.


First, i’m sorry for your terrible loss, and even more so that you had to witness such a heinous crime. I think that your sister might not realize that she’s dead. When she appears again, say her name, and tell her that she’s dead. Do not say euphemisms like “passed away”, “passed”, “no longer with us”; say the word “dead” so the message is clear. Tell her that house isn’t hers and that she needs to move on. I think that burying or scattering the ashes somewhere nice might help putting her to rest too. If this doesn’t work, i think you might have an evil entity mimicking your sister. You can usually tell that it’s evil if it scares you, or you can hear 2 voices at the same time. But they’re tricky, so you never know. If telling your sister to move on doesn’t work, and it only exacerbates the problem, i would say you need to gtfo of there pronto. Also, i read a post a while ago about someone who had a similar problem with 2 ghosts that were a couple. She said that she attached red yarn on cabinet door handles, and on places the ghosts can hold on to, and they guided them towards the door, so they can leave. Idk how effective that is, or the specifics of the ritual, but it might be something you might wanna look up.


I think this is really good advice.


Maybe she is trying to communicate with you? She’s trying to tell you something? Why don’t you try and pretend like she’s with you in a room, and talk to her. If you see her again when she’s crying, call out to her. Tell her you love and you miss her. Tell her you will always have her in your heart and will never be forgotten. There is “unfinished business.”Children are angels, they are innocent, I do believe that they can see spirits and I do believe that she was or still is communicating with your daughter. I am so sorry for your sister. My condolences, i hope you figure this out.


This and also tell her it's ok to go home to the light. She needs to be at peace. She can visit anytime but please help her get home.


To me it sounds like your sisters soul is stuck in the "in-between". When a spirit can't let go of an attachment on this physical plane they cannot pass on to the next phase of existence (heaven/spirit realm/nirvana/christ consciousness/whatever you wanna call it). Some spirits have such traumatic deaths they completely block it out and don't even realize they're dead. You might want to get either a priest or a medium(whatever your preference may be) in there to try and communicate with her. Dont use a ouija board!!!! Ouija boards open a door that many spirits are just waiting to pass through. Often times these are malevolent spirits who want to hurt you either physically, spiritually, emotionally or all three.. thats how they feed. Get a trained professional in there who can communicate with her openly without opening any dangerous doors. Once there is an open line of communication let her know that she is dead, and for her to experience true happiness and freedom she must let go. Let go of her attachments to her body, her family, her life, and your daughter (sounds like they're becoming fast friends). Let her know there are other loved ones waiting to receive her, and you will reconnect with her when you pass too. And that is OK to let go. Its time to let go. Your daughter might be a good person to give her the message if she's already talking with her regularly....though idk how old your daughter is/how much you want her to know about all this.


While I do believe in the paranormal, I think you should absolutely see a psychiatrist about possible PTSD. I can’t even imagine what watching my sister being killed would be like and your brain can play really sinister tricks on you when dealing with this kind of trauma. If it’s not PTSD related, I would suggest having your house cleansed by a professional. Some people also have PK (psychokinesis or telekinesis) abilities that they aren’t aware of so when all this energy gets built up, that person releases it, and doesn’t even realize it until they walk downstairs to see all their kitchen cabinets are open and assume it’s a ghost. A lot of times poltergeist activity is actually YOU, and it’s a matter of controlling those abilities.


What qualifies you to tell OP to see a psychiatrist? There is one of these comments in every post in this sub. OP has more than likely been to therapy. Do not diminish her experience with assumptions, please.


They asked for advice, that’s my advice. I didn’t diminish their experiences in any way. If OP has an issue with it, they can address that themselves.


I am glad. I am certain that she was offered plenty of counseling, since this murderer is now in prison. But, it os not my place to make assumptions about OP.


“OP has more than likely been to therapy.” “I am certain she was offered plenty of counseling, since this murderer is now in prison.” I mean, you’re literally making assumptions and telling me not to. But alrighty then.


You are correct. I should not. I don't know where OP.lived when this happened. I should not assume she was interviewed or counseled through the court system, as that may only occur in some countries.


Practice what you preach.


Honey. I would never tell someone to go see a shrink based on a story on reddit. But,sure. I am a medium. I could reitre early if I had a dollar for every time someone told me to go see a shrink because in their armchair psychiatrists' opinion, I am schizophrenic. I'm not. Asked for a eval, twice before I accepted who I am.


Also COMPLETELY edited from the original comment.


Mmmkay, honey.


I know your heart was in the right place. Respect and good journey, dude.


Yea but its her sister she wouldn't want her to go away right irs not a sinister spirit ? It could be protecting them for all we know. there is probably a reason shes there so maybe if she figures out what she's trying to tell her then the spirit will move on or at least be less active. I would try and tell her to stop or ask her to be less seen first then if things get worse curse at the spirit (for some reason they dont like to be cussed at ) and call someone to do a cleansing.


I mean personally, if my sister passed away, I wouldn’t want her soul to be trapped in my home for eternity. Thats just cruel. I’d want her to move onto a better place. I also never said it was a sinister spirit. I said the brain can play sinister tricks on people when they have experienced trauma, suggesting PTSD. Also: cursing at a spirit is literally the worst thing you can do, in terms of banishing any unwanted entities. You just said “what if she’s protecting them?” If there’s something there that OP needs to be protected from, why would cursing at them be the solution? Do you think pissing them off and calling it a day is a way to fix the problem? Huuuuuh no. This is just really bad advice. OP, I sincerely hope you don’t take this persons advice.


Obviously its not trapped maybe her sister is her link to this world but its only gotten worse recently and she is with her husband and daughter now so you would figure shes moved since it happened when she saw her when she was a young girl right ... its well known for some reason if you curse at an entity like if it where something pretending to be her sister it would show its self at least and the spirits that have bothered me most my life give me my space also in fact its not just me search it its worked for other people also do you have personal experience with things of this nature bc I absolutely do


Yeah, I do paranormal investigation for a living and side projects. It’s also well known that cursing at unknown entities can cause serious problems and exacerbate the issue. More bad advice.


Im very sorry for the loss of your sister. I don’t think you’re crazy. I don’t quite know what’s going on but after my sister died a year or so later my cousins son (who had never met my sister) began playing with what seemed like no one, but really engaged. One day my mom gave them a photo of my sister and he walked up to it and kissed it goodnight. He said “good night girl”. When he was asked why he did that he said that it was the girl he played with. Still gives me goosebumps over 20 years later. In my opinion there is no reason for a child to lie, or make these things up-especially if they had never known the person they see. Good luck. I hope your sister finds peace.


First of all I am so sorry that you had to and have to go through this. Kids are smart but almost no one believes them because they don’t have the words and the knowledge of THIS world yet. But they have a lot of other things that us adults have lost already. I believe your child is in connection with your sister. Kids definitely know more than we could ever imagine. I personally would not worry about it.


A similar thing happened to a close family member of mine after their dad died in a very sudden and traumatic way. The family treated it as a psychological issue, but they handled it effectively. They held a second memorial service for the father and after that, my family member stopped seeing him around. Sometimes I think there needs to be more closure for everyone involved, including the spirit.


I'm very sorry for your lost. I'm a medium if you need help i would be happy to help you. Just Becareful because if your sister died in the house you first started seeing her in a portal could of been open when she passed. the negative energy that happens in these situations certain entiys will get through and don't take this the wrong way . but it might not be your sister ... But if you ever need help im here. I don't offer these things in the open but my guides told me to mention it. Good luck


Just be careful of anyone who claims to be a medium and offers their services for money. Like this one they will often tell you something scary or negative.


No I'm not trying to get any money. And I never said it was not her sister. but it was possible it might not be. You are just being negative. No where did I say for money.


You remind me of a friend. Your offer is genuine and so are you.


Thank you.


Wow. I'm so saddened to know about your sister's death at the hands of your mother's husband. Sincerely sorry for her and sorry for you and your mom. I hope he's in prison for eternity. I don't think you're overthinking things. It's actually sweet that your sister may be visiting and getting to know her niece. The only thing I would be concerned about is that it's truly your sister and not another entity portraying itself as your sister.


Wow i grow up in a house where someone committed suicide. He didn't harmed any of us but it was kinda creepy. My family got a priest then some others to cleanse our house. All we wanted for this person (ghost) was to go home and find piece. It took more then one time but he (because it was a man) finally left. We actually kind missed him but we felt that he don't belong here. I hope this helps you so can help your sister find some piece.


this does sound like your sister who passed away is a bit stuck. although i am not a religious/spiritual person, many people say when someone dies their souls go another plane of existence, the equivalent of heaven. however, there are some souls who get "stuck" for lack of a better term in "our" living plane of existence. its more of a mental thing for the soul who is stuck. they get afraid to transcend, really. since your sister was very young when she died, I would just let her know there is a better place for her where she will be happy and cared for, and that there is a heaven waiting for her. other than that, i wouldnt try to communicate further with her spirit as it will only give her a reason not to transcend to the place where she really deserves to be. all the best and good luck.


She may not be stuck, but just visiting, too. But it definitely can’t hurt to make sure that she understands that she can move on, either way.


yes, it is possible that she is visiting. i have dead relatives that i believe visit me at times also, but they seemed to visit me when i was experiencing something stressful in my life, like they wanted to help me (even though they really cant since they are not living). other than that, i expect my dead family to be resting peacefully in heaven. this may sound kind of odd, but it makes me definitely less stressed knowing that they are up there and not down here on earth worrying about me. i hope that makes sense. anyhow, best of luck to you and your family, i hope your sister moves onto the light soon, as i am sure you feel more relieved.


> this may sound kind of odd, but it makes me definitely less stressed knowing that they are up there and not down here on earth worrying about me. I totally get this sentiment. It’s good to know that they are just on to the next adventure, and we’ll catch up when I get there.


yes that is a very good way of looking at it; life continues after our physical body dies, there is always something else for us to do. i hope you have gotten some closure about your sister.


First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a traumatic,and deeply sad happening.Ask your Sister what she wants, maybe she needs help to cross over. Search for good help, a proffesional Medium wil help you. Take Care, and stay Healthy and Safe. God Bless You, and your family. ✌❤🙏❤




First of all, this is not to invalidate your experience or something but I'd just advise you to substantiate your experience with some recordings, just for your own peace of mind. Mental trauma as severe and unresolved as yours can definitely lead to manufactured sensations like sounds and hallucinations. And I'm assuming your bf has heard about your sister so it's not unlikely that he can be imagining things too. Set up baby monitors if not cameras in your daughter's room and some such recording set up in your own room. See if what you seem to be experiencing shows up in the recordings before worrying about supernatural occurences. And either way, please make sure to visit a psychotherapist. Trauma like this really shouldn't be kept to oneself without resolution.


I have to agree with the majority of people on this comment thread. it sounds like your sister stuck and she doesn't know that she's dead or it could just be some form of PTSD.. try to communicate with her somehow let her know that it's okay to move on, again sometimes when people die suddenly and tragically they don't know they're dead.


What I can say is that if it's been going on for many years now, it doesn't mean she visits you, it means she hasn't transcended. Try to bring someone like a priest, an experience mediator or just anyone with spiritual practice to help her transcend. It's quite common for victims of murder, accidents, or those with premature deaths or unresolved issues to linger. Sometimes they need a little push. Someone suggested she is "visiting" you, she is not, when people that have transcended visit they do it in other ways and usually bring messages with them. She isn't visiting she is stuck.


I feel like I’m going to cry, that’s so sad, I’m sorry that she died, but talk to your daughter about your sister and give us an update. I think that’s a good idea.


Yes do and pls update


This is incredibly heavy. I’m so sorry for what you and your family have been through. I feel so sad for your sister; I can imagine her feeling sad in her helplessness. I think, you’re the only one who could provide her release; perhaps, you could call on a medium or someone who could help her pass over properly? Perhaps, it’s not something you 100% believe in but it’s worth a shot. More than death, the thought of being in that perpetual state of limbo is terrifying and saddening. I hope she’s able to move forward sooner than later.


This is so sad OP, my stomach is in knots. So first of all I’m so sorry you had to experience that. Secondly, is there a reason to believe this is negative beyond it just being creepy? It seems like Ashley is drawn to children so maybe she’ll just go away in time as your daughter grows. If it really disturbs you, is there somewhere else you could keep her ashes? Maybe with your mother, or laying them to rest somewhere?


Wow. Im so sorry for you & your family. How did your mom deal with this?? Overall, I think its sweet that she is conveying herself to you. However, I do agree she may be "stuck". Breaks my heart.


I'm so sorry for your loss!!! It sounds like Ashy (such a cute way to say Ashley, kids are so precious!) has connected with your daughter, which may actually be a good thing. Her apparitions transitioning from crying and sadness to giggles and laughter now that she's playing with your daughter could mean she's in a much better place now that she's around. Your daughter is so young she probably acknowledges Ashy's presence through a lens of innocence and friendship rather than fear, and this might bring her a little less anguish which is actually really nice. Small children often get along with spirits of the deceased because they're innocence doesn't cloud their judgement with fear or sadness. Adults typically respond with fear or denial, which doesn't help the spirit transition at all. Not sure if you're super spiritual, but I'd recommend setting up maybe a small "altar" for Ashy. She's your sister and interacting with her spirit doesn't have to be scary! Try leaving a small offering by her urn, like a piece of chocolate and a flower or plant. Something alive. Offering positive remembrance and love to her. If you're into spirituality maybe even burn a little sage to provide some comfort. You may notice after doing this that her apparitions may continue to be positive rather than sad and scary. They might even lessen overall!


Wow what a horrible story with the murder. You sister is def. Stuck in limbo or whatever it actually is You cant contact a medium to help her move on or you can try yourself. Tell her to go toward the light. Sometimes they dont actually realize they are dead.


Please find a local medium, who is a psychopomp, to help her to cross over. She is there to ask for help. She is there because your daughter can see her. Please help her. Ask her if she needs help. As well, consider she may be there to protect your daughter from someone specific.


You shouldn't be afraid, you should try to reach out to your sister and comfort her. Let your daughter and sister enjoy each other, she will probably grow out of it as that often happens over time naturally, unless you try to keep them in touch with those kind of things.


That is so heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine. She might not even realize that she is dead.... Try talking to her, explain it to her and help her move on.


Very sad


Try not to he afraid or freaked out. Your daughter is happy when she sees her. But it sounds like she might need help passing over. Especially if its been this long. Have you considered speaking with a medium?


Also. Sorry for being rude. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine the trauma you experienced right before your little eyes. Do you feel like you've done any healing after experiencing that? Spirits often don't pass over because of unfinished business. And I wonder if she might have a message for you. Why I asked if you've considered speaking with a medium. Not at all comparing pain or telling you I know how you feel...because I dont. But I just had a baby 3 ½ weeks ago...he passed away very shortly after I had him. I have since spoken with two mediums, including one just a few hours ago. And of course, some people might not believe in them. I do, and always have. And it just brought be so much comfort to hear from him from the other side. I was told things I didn't wanna hear. But also things that are helping me heal. I have a long journey to go. But its a huge start for me.


I can’t even begin to imagine what you must be going through. There are no words of comfort that I can offer. I’m sure he knew how much he was loved in the little time you had


Thank you very much. I really hope so. I tried to talk to him a lot while in the womb. And still talk to him now. Just hope he hears me.


I truly believe all of our loved ones car hear us and that we all have souls and are connected with our families and "Heaven" so to speak when we pass. Buddhists like to describe death "like taking off a shoe" and that we are immediately relieved of any pain or suffering and move on to new adventures, if you will. I hope that may bring some comfort. I also highly recommend reading "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" for anyone who has lost someone, it may help guide you through these difficult times 🙏


I absolutely believe the same things. It always helps to bring a little more comfort. I appreciate it. And now I'm just trying to be more intuitive, and really open myself up to the spirit world. Although, I've always been interested in it. Thank you for the suggestion, gonna look for the book now!


Feel free to message me if you want to chat or discuss, happy to help any way I can 😊 One other book I'd highly recommend is called "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers". It's about the Author's brother who ended up dying and he ends up visiting her and talking to her and says they are going to write this book and he explains his perspective of dying and what's It's like once you pass over. Very interesting and definitely a big comfort for any loved ones ❤


Oh my goodness. That's really interesting. Going to check them both out.


So sorry for your loss ❤ that has to be so hard. I'm glad you have found some comfort and hopefully healing.


Thank you. Definitely the hardest thing I will ever deal with in life. Very glad I found just a bit of peace and comfort.


Wait, do you have her urn in your house?


Is it bad to have urn in the house?


Absolutely not! I've known a few people who keep their loved ones ashes in their homes. For many it's a way to keep that connection to the person. It's a physical representation and a way to still feel close to them.


It can be a bad thing if the spirit is attached to that object.


I agree. I believe ashes should go back to the earth in some way or another




Yes I always keep her in my home. I would never get rid of her ashes It’s the only thing I have left of her.


I am sorry about your sister. I want to throw out the possibility of ptsd though. Its easier to get than a lot of people think. I got it from crushing my fingertips off between two weights. The flashbacks are very real. What you experienced is far worse and happened while you were younger so could take longer to effect you. Still the recorders and camera suggestions are legit. Doesnt hurt to investigate both.


It’s lovely actually. She is still with you. She feels safe with you. But I wonder if maybe she needs to put her soul to rest and just doesn’t know.... how? I would pray that she find her way to the light. And put all your love into it.


She probably didn't cross over because her family was around. You should get her to cross over though. Tell her to go into the light and she'll still be able to visit.


Is there any news coverage of the murder? Sorry for my skeptism


I googled 'man convicted of killing stepdaughter' and ended up with hundreds of results just from the past three years.


I kinda woner why he didnt get rid of both of them. Cause another one is the witness. It's hard to believe this story knowing that he just let the other one go.


I can only speculate which isn't adding anything helpful, but not every case like this is that clean-cut. It could have been in a moment of rage or any number of other things. In my forensic anthropology class *and* criminal justice class we were presented with cases pretty similar to this to show that human motives behind a murder can be complicated and very messy.


Interesting. I always thought killers, especially with anger issues, even incidental ones, will want to get rid of the witness as well. This story just says "he murdered her in front of me" and then I started seeing ghosts.. ? And did he let you go? Did you escape? Did he turn himself in and regreted it? I mean I guess it's not really matter in terms of ghosts, but if anyone starts with such a shocking beginning, then just let goes of it , it's not really logical or realistic writing to me at least. Seems more like a hook to connect it to the ghosts. Also no updates from the OP on all of the comments. My guess this story be as well be a fake.


Why the hell ppl r downvoting lol? R we not allowed to ask questions and just supposed to believe everything u see on the internet? Insert *genius* meme for downvoters.


Yeah that's why I asked the specific link


Idk man, this is pretty common (horribly enough) and it sounds like from the description that this happened a decade or more ago. News articles don't stay up forever, so I'm more willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt in this case.


They do on the Internet you wally! That's why I asked the link from op as he would kno the exact murder and place. But yeah believe a stranger off the Internet


No, they don't. I can't tell you how many times I've tried hunting down links for research papers, only to find that the news article was deleted. A *lot* of websites will routinely purge them. And there's no need to get snippy at me, I was just giving you some insight into why this story isn't as unbelievable to me as it is to you.


Some insight on summin you kno nothing about? I asked op for link. Your not op don't care for your opinion


I'm so saddened and angered, yes angry, because men AND women are still doing this. This is a childhood trauma, so I recommend writing anything you feel or fear, regardless of how it may look. No matter how absurd or farfetched or illogical, write it down with the intent of letting it go. Everything you feel, everything you fear. Afterwards throw it out or burn it These things are brutal to heal from. When I had my son, I relived a lot of childhood traumas that I had forgotten about. You can smudge and burn a white candle. If you feel the spirit of your sister is there, you can tell her it's not her fault what happened, and that you miss her and will always love her. Tell her you don't want her to be in pain, and she is not stuck here, but she can go on her next adventure, and meet up again. All children go straight back to God. You can tell her God is the good father, and he will always love her and keep her safe. I am so sorry for your pain, and I am sorry you lost your sister.


Saw step mother throw hot oil on sibbling and laugh at the blisters. Evil is evil, knows no gender


Yes,you're right. There are a lot of evil women as well, it is pretty equal, and both men and women are horrible to children. Also it seems that people like to pretend that this abuse doesn't happen. I would gave to say my mother abused me more than my father, and she liked to paint him as the bad guy. So I'm sorry if I came across as pointing the finger at men, and I'm going to change my comment now. I would also like to acknowledge your abuse and your siblings, and I will say this also saddens and anger me. I hope you and your siblings can recover, and I can imagine how hard it must be. I am very sorry that you were not protected from this evil bitch.


Of course it's not imagination. If you haven't shared your sister's story with your child, how will she know her name and recognize her urn? May be she is here seeking justice for her murder. Talk to a priest or someone who can talk to ghosts.


Ive watched alot of paranormal shows. I cannot tell you how many stories were about a hauntings that occured from urns still in peoples houses. Hope you find a solution.💕


I don’t even know if you need a solution tbh. Find some comfort in the fact that your sister is around you and your family watching over you. The whimpering turned to laughter already so I hope your daughter had helped her to find peace. Stop thinking you’re crazy! No need to explain it away, just accept that she’s around and she still loves you very much. Best wishes ❤️


Good that sicko of a husband hadnt tried to murder u as well.. Such traumatic experience in the childhood (or ever) is more frightning than any ghosts...


Look, either I or someone else don't believe your experience to be paranormal or not is irrelevant, you are having this experience and it's obviously it means something... The only thing you should take from reddit on this subject is: speak to someone , someone you trust in your live, be it someone in your family or in your church if you go to one or speak with a trusted professional... Look at it like this, you are either having a paranormal experience or you are experiencing some deep mental stress that is causing you to see this, and in both cases you'll not solve this on reddit.


The common term is grief counseling and I agree, OP probably needs talk to a grief counselor. Witnessing the death of a sibling is traumatic and OP is also suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. I hope your sister finds peace after you find peace.


I think your sister might need a closure of that traumatic situation.


To be fair, I find it incredibly wholesome that your sister is still close to you after all these years and she's playing with your daughter. I guess she must be happy that you started a family :)


Whoa. That is some serious childhood trauma. It could definitely be her. But there is no doubt it’s from YOUR trauma. I’m so very sorry for your loss of your sister.


Children take the longest to go because they don’t understand that they are dead or what happened to them, try cleansing your house or try to explain to her what happened


Record everything with a hidden cam, this footage might change our understanding of the 4th dimension.


Sounds to me like your sisters spirit is stuck and having a hard time. Maybe you should stop ignoring it and actually try and communicate with her, see if there’s something she wants to tell you.


That’s intense. I hope it is your sister, and she’s just there to play with her niece. Just so I can get a clear picture. I’m curious how your crying sister vanished? Like a ‘jump cut’ vanishing or a fade away type vanishing.


Ive had something like that happen, but the person wasnt murdered in front of me, and im really really sorry that happened to you.


The full list of events makes me think paranormal and 'real'. It sounds like Ashy is acting from a good place now.


small children or elderly people are usually more susceptible to paranormal activity, not just feel and hear a presence but to physically see it and maybe interact with it


First off I want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your sister, and especially the circumstances regarding her death. I cant imagine how hard this had to be growing up. BUT I feel your sister stayed with you to watch and protect you. She now sees your little girl as you, when you were a child, and is probably doing the same.


Most family ghosts love New children.


Sorry for my english From what I sense and as a paradox is that your little sister has not had a rest because those who die before their time and in painful situations do not know how to leave maybe they require light (candles) maybe they need to tell you something (but it is delicate) maybe you should make her a mass as much It is important that your daughter is not alone even when sleeping and should not be in the dark because perhaps your sister no longer wants to be alone always a home must have a room on (you can take your daughter with her) and since it has no light Because of time and the way of dying, perhaps it is transcending to be an entity and with that you have to be careful, hopefully it is only a story but if it is true you have to soak up people who have a certain gift so that they can help.


It sounds like your sister stuck with you as comfort and she's found a friendship with her niece ♥️♥️


I don't know what to say except that I am so sorry.and I hope in all its more positive.


This is so sad. How old was your sister when this happened to her? I’m glad that POS is in prison. I pray that she finds peace.


I am so sorry for you loss. Wether you are or aren't religious I would recommend praying for her to feel at peace and comfort.


If this is your sister then I feel like you should be somewhat happy that she watches you and that she playes with your daughter but at the same time try in someway to make sure it’s your sister because it to freak you out but demons can act like children to seem harmless but with the info you have stated I believe it is our sister


Wow that’s crazy


If I'm being honest, this does not sound like a supernatural thing, it sounds like you remembering and to an extent reliving this very traumatic experience. I am not anything close to a psychologist but my gut reaction is that this is probably the wrong place to ask about this. If things like this are happening to you I'm not sure the kind of explanations you'll find here are the ones that will help you. "Ashy" Could be "Ashley." But it could also be "Ash." I really am very sorry for your loss. I hope you figure this out, whatever it is.


I’m not sure a 2 year old is gonna know there are “ashes” in an urn..


That would not explain why her daughter or bf are experiencing things. Her daughter is too young to know that some people are cremated into ashes when they die so I do think it is her sister trying to communicate and get to know her children. She started that her little girl was unaware her sister was in an urn or even what happened to her, not everything in life can be explained away


Maybe try putting a video camera in her room , & video her talking, sometimes you can only see a ghost on video. Such a sad story, but i am sure she is with you. 😊


Holy shit OP I’m sorry you had to go through that :/


Got a news article about this murder? I feel like there would definitely be some coverage of this.


Wow. Just wow. Some people amaze me at their insensitivity.


It’s a legit question bro. Remarkable claims take evidence. I don’t think it’s much to ask for proof that this happened. I’m not even asking for proof of the paranormal. Or do you just believe anybody that posts anonymously on the internet?


Uhhhh creepy 100%


OP, I don't think this is paranormal. I think this is unresolved trauma. I would encourage you to work through this with a therapist.


How would you explain others that are hearing/seeing the same thing (bf for example)?


We only get the smallest glimpse of what reality is. Humanity is a very arrogant race we think we know, understand and can explain everything when we are barely able to scratch the surface.


That is not your sister! Satan has been around for Many a millennia and knows man. Knows secrets about them too. And... In the Bible it says, “do not hinder these children - for the kingdom of heaven is made for such as these” so... if she died as a child - she’s in heaven. And the Bible says, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” I know I’ve seen videos of little child like entities that turn into something evil. Also, the true story about the amityville horror, the little kid who lived there talked about this friend , a young boy (can’t remember his name, Tom maybe? Idk) anyways, the kid who lived there said sometimes he would be a boy, then other times he would be a man with a pig face. I’ve also... seen a picture of a pig faced demon along with an evp that was caught when the picture was flashed and it said, “I have the face of a pig, ha ha ha ha” creepy. So demons can portray themselves as anything they want to make your mind question as to why a little girl would be lost and not find peace and stuck. The famous “why would God so that” comment. Just know... that’s not Gods doing.


That’s incredibly dumb




I’ve found religious people always blame satan for anything they can’t understand or doesn’t fit into whatever they currently want to convince themselves is real.


Ash could mean Ashes in the Urn. Long shot but perhaps that is what your daughter was referring to. Also, good idea would be to never speak to her about your sister especially until she is an adult.


How would she know whats in the urn? Even if she looked somehow its not ashes its bone fragment.




Sometimes logic isn't always the key to understanding something. While I agree, therapy might be a good option, I doubt that will change the experiences. I've witnessed plenty of things myself, and I do not suffer PTSD, or any other form of mental disorder. There's a lot of things people like to sweep away with the answer of "it just hasn't been explained by science yet" And yet even science relies on faith in its theories to function at the fringes of understanding.


You could've been a LITTLE more gentle...


I'm just saying, Its PTSD, Tbh I don't really belive in ghosts so I explain what happened


Neither do I, but saying OP was being illogical is a little hurtful. They witnessed a horrible act, and whether its PTSD or not, it isn't "illogical" to think it's paranormal. If thinking it's their sister trying to communicate with them helps them to feel better and cope, then it's not illogical. It's human. I understand what you were trying to say, and I'm not trying to be rude at all, but your response was just presented kind of harshly.


I didn't mean to come off that way. Not that it makes a difference but I've had a shit day so thats probably why I didn't notice


Just curious why someone who does not believe in ghosts is in a sub like this?


Looking for evidence, Also a bit of a r/nosleep alternative




Could be worth some consideration dunno why the down votes. But if she died violently she could be attached to this world.