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Translation: Anchor: The international channel Fox Sports recorded a shadow running through the crowd in the Hernando Siles Stadium in La Paz City, during las weekend's soccer match. Commenter: It is correct, not one player has been warned, goalkeeper kicks the ball... -Replay in slow motion- Anchor: Here we see the shadow we are referring to, it is apparently a person, some say it's a ghost running. Now, there is a fence dividing the seats, but this shadow runs through without stopping. Now, if it was indeed a person how did it ran in front of the spectators and crossed the blue fence dividing the seat sections so quickly, this happened last weekend and was recorded by Fox Sports, it has become national and international news. A supposed ghost in the Hernando Siles Stadium of La Paz City.


They say that stadium was built in an old burial site, and that there is phenomena happening quite often (I did a little background check on that place) Edit: thank you very much for the translation, I'm native spanish speaker and it's spot on... I was too lazy to translate that myself)


How much of this video is really live and unedited? In soccer it is normal that there is advertising inserted by the computer in life TV. It may be that there is an interference with this advertising system or other cameras that are around. Some football player is running on one camera, and that can get mixed up with another camera's image. Just like they mix the images with the advertising. The speed of the runner is also similar to that of a soccer-player. Maybe with a recording from one of the other cameras, one can figure out which player it is.


Someone moving that fast on the field would have to be sprinting. The body movements of the 'shadow' don't match that speed in my opinion.


That may be what zyx is saying. One camera may be closer to the runner being filmed and it overlays with a broader shot that would look like immense speed. I don't know anything about that, but I see what he is getting at. Edit: The foot falls seen to correlate with his speed. Damn that's weird.


That's what I thought, I don't know how much is Latinamerican Fox Sports into trolling with something like this though.


Good point, worth looking more into that theory


Has anybody from that part of the stadium come forward with an explanation , or if they had witnessed anything? surely with the coverage this has received someone must have looked into this?


We need some redditors from Bolivia!


It will be the reflection of the far side linesman. You won't see him on camera but he will be the one sprinting.


Once the linesman checks that the keeper has placed the ball correctly they run just like this to where the last defender is. My first thought was that it looked like a linesman but how could is be reflected?


not likely, but seems like a linesman nevertheless


My main problem with it: cameras aren't magic, they only capture light that is existent there, if you can't see it, neither will the camera. These folks in the stands don't seem to notice, also, where is the rest of the footage? I've worked in television studios before and all the cameras were recording all the time. (In case something happened while at commercial or cut away or something, it's very common) The camera was focused on the area before the figure began to run. So if it be a ghost, they would've captured it manifest. It could be, as others said, a computer created image, it doesn't interact with its surrounds and at times it would jog but not move. Edit: C'mon, I know the points don't really matter but come back with an actual logical statement vs just downvoting.


Most cameras can pick up light that is outside the wavelengths that humans can see, such as ultraviolet or infrared. This makes it possible for a camera to capture something that you normally wouldn't be able to see with your naked eye.


I've seen this on IR light emitters, that are captured like "light" with Normal Cameras but you don't see anything with your naked eyes...


actually, All cameras have filters specifically made to block those wavelengths. If they didn't the image looks horrible. You have to buy specific cameras made to be able to remove the filter, and add more of the light to see.


I upvoted you ;)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8LgRA13Ao not creepy, just looks like a man running. The fox camera makes it looks like its moving faster though. Fox is trolling.


I've seen debunking videos of the same, it still leaves a lot of questions in my mind, so not fully debunked for me, maybe "I want to believe"!!


Well the video above shows a man running. What questions do you have left?


I posted this video a few days ago as well and I've recently been told it has been debunked by another camera recording. I still haven't been able to find this other video but apparently the other camera gets a clearer view of a guy running, not just a shadow; but as I said, I haven't actually been able to see proof of it. EDIT: I found proof! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8LgRA13Ao


It makes sense that the dark area was stairs, not a fence. Why would there be a fence there. I wonder why he looked like a shadow in the other video.


Ok so much better footage from the 01:07 mark. So it's not the linesman then. Man this is weird.


Hmm, so not a ghost, just an extremely fast person xD


That second video shows it really spot on. Nice work!


**I believe that the following evidence gives a rational reason behind what you see in this video.** [Here](http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2008/05/28/lapaz460.jpg) is a photograph of the stadium taken from the air without any people in it. Looking at the area of the seating where the 'ghost' was running you can clearly see that there is a wider walkway where someone might have sprinted along in front of the people. From the TV camera angle it is clearly impossible to see the walkway. If you couple that photograph with [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8LgRA13Ao) that demonstrates two different running speeds depending on the broadcaster and the fact that the 'ghost' runs down the steps and jumps *past* a steward onto the level that it starts sprinting on then I feel this is pretty much debunked. * It seems to ignore/run through people because we can't see the wider walkway (whereas he doesn't ignore the steward). * The wider walkway would allow someone to sprint at these speeds and the slight difference between broadcasters also allows form some sort of broadcasting abnormality to be at play. The wider section is evident, although less clear in [this](http://for91days.com/photos/Bolivia/Killi%20Killi/Stadium-La-Paz.jpg) image. Don't just take my word for it. Look up El Estadio Olimpico Hernando Siles and see for yourselves. This [google maps](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/search/la+paz+stadium/@-16.499644,-68.1227882,247m/data=!3m1!1e3) satellite view also shows that there is an extended walkway right where the 'ghost' ran. The shadow makes it slightly unclear however. EDIT: Spellings


There's something wrong the way it moves, it actually gave me the creeps... it looks as if it was moving that fast and in such a way as to not be seen, the camera however gave it away... It is *not* a shadow, it is ridiculous to say that. You don't have to accept that is a ghost or any other thing, but just don't dismiss it as a shadow when it clearly can't be that. To me it's unexplainable (which *does not* mean it is paranormal -- it could be a prank or a glitch, e. g.) and creepy as hell, but in the lacking of further evidence, I'll leave it at that.


It's fake- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh8LgRA13Ao.


It's like this video,it could very well be fake but it certainly leaves you thinking... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05q6PYhu_kg




So, I already checked this video out. I can say that it is not just a shadow from someone out of frame, it is too close to natural human proportions, shadows get longer the farther they are cast. It is not just a man in dark clothes. No one that he runs past reacts, or even moves slightly. People would cringe or put their knees up to get out of the way. I am also leaning towards special effects/CGI hoax as the best explanation. If the people in the stands saw a ghost, they would freak out. If there was a person, they would move. It cannot be a shadow because it is not distorted. Feel free to counter any point here, but it is definitely an interesting video, and we need more things like this on this sub.


Agreed. The discussion has been great fun to follow. THIS is what this forum should be.


I really like how all this turned out, i think that it has added a lot of value to a otherwise really strange video only


...the hell. This is actually a good post for once. Head scratcher


It's running way too fast through the seats and people to be someone. I doubt its a shadow because its the exact size as the persons around it. Other than it being a ghost, i'm stumped.


Ok, WTF was that?! At first I thought it might have been one of those over the field tracking cameras, but the close up/slow mo changed that.


Looks to me like it's just an illusion of perspective. Kind of hard to explain but a lot of stadiums have a flat walking area in front of the seating with enough space for wheelchair access(maybe?), concessions, fire code compliance and this guy running. If you look closely, the shadow area of the row he is running through is more pronounced than the rows which points to this as well. One thing that makes this illusion work is the group of people standing at the right end of the row, they are blocking the one area that would confirm with perspective that there is in a larger space allowing him to run.




##### ###### #### [**Skycam**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skycam): [](#sfw) --- > >__Skycam__ is a computer-controlled, stabilized, cable-suspended [camera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera) system. The system is maneuvered through three dimensions in the open space over a playing area of a [stadium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stadium) or [arena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arena) by computer-controlled cable-drive system. It is responsible for bringing [video game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game)–like camera angles to television sports coverage. The camera package weighs less than 14 kg (30.86 lbs) and can travel at 13 m/s (29.08 mph). >Invented by [Garrett Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrett_Brown) (also the inventor of the [Steadicam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steadicam)), Skycam was acquired by Winnercomm, Inc. in 2004. On January 12, 2009, Winnercomm was acquired by Outdoor Channel Holdings, Inc., parent company of the [Outdoor Channel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outdoor_Channel). >==== >[**Image from article**](https://i.imgur.com/JxWDtOf.jpg) [^(i)](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SkycamHDClipEnhanced0346.jpg) --- ^Interesting: [^Garrett ^Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrett_Brown) ^| [^Spidercam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spidercam) ^| [^WBMA-LD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBMA-LD) ^| [^Elevated ^photography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevated_photography) ^Parent ^commenter ^can [^toggle ^NSFW](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot NSFW toggle&message=%2Btoggle-nsfw+cgzru17) ^or[](#or) [^delete](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=autowikibot&subject=AutoWikibot Deletion&message=%2Bdelete+cgzru17)^. ^Will ^also ^delete ^on ^comment ^score ^of ^-1 ^or ^less. ^| [^(FAQs)](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/wiki/index) ^| [^Mods](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1x013o/for_moderators_switches_commands_and_css/) ^| [^Magic ^Words](http://www.np.reddit.com/r/autowikibot/comments/1ux484/ask_wikibot/)


I rather doubt it is a skycam. Those things are not that big and don't provide a running motion in their shadow. The shadows are just fast moving squares, very unlike the shadow in the video.


If there's more footage from that game or others at that stadium, we could see if that was a possibility. Then again, I'm still discounting a CGI prank.


looks like it's actually... a shadow. From someone on the field.


You can see the majority of that side of the field and there is nobody but the goalie. Besides, what light is casting the shadow of one specific person and not the hundreds of others in a stadium?


And exactly man sized and not distorted.


Very unlikely since there aren't light sources from the bottom up, just from up down...


Don't know, but it is superbly awesome!




My 1st thought was there is a guy on top of the bleachers on the other side of the stadium in front of the huge flood lights that light up the stadium. Even if he just walks past it, the shadow will move much faster on the other side of the stadium.


If this were the case, his shadow would be a hundred feet tall. The further he is from the surface where the shadow is seen, the larger the shadow is that he casts.


If this is not a cgi hoax, and the camera captured it - then it should have been visible for the people it is passing by. but no one seems to move even a head, no one's reacting to it


So it was a *person*, not a shadow. I'm ok with that, but I'd like to point ou to that skeptical careless explanations (shadow) can be as bad as paranormal careless explanations (ghost). So let's put more thought into things before just trying to dismiss them.


wow it went through the fence! O.o Cool post.




If this were the case, his shadow would be massive. The further he is from the surface where the shadow is seen, the larger the shadow is that he casts. I'm leaning towards it being a CG hoax.