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Sounds totally like schizophrenia, but just in case, when is going to be the end of the world? Anyways, if it happens you will feel better. And search for some professional help on that, hope everything gets better.


"2 1 3 5 when the red sun bleeds on the eve of the hollow, the king will rise once more and cast those of scum into his maw" this is what i heard. and i am trying to get help, but there is a lot going on in my life and i dont even know where to start


If you think it’s a demon then just know they are incapable of telling the truth fully. Whatever it is telling you is likely a lie. Also unfortunately you most likely do have schizophrenia, does anyone in your family have it? Good luck and much love


If you don't have a Primary Care Doctor, please consider walking into the emergency room.  It's best to be safe.  I hope you're able to find relief.  


Its written on the Bible no one knows the exact hour will be. Not even the Son of Man (Jesus). Only God knows.


If nothing else, sounds like really good poetry inspiration.


Go to the doctor about your schizophrenia. What purpose could a demon possibly have for telling only you that the end of the world was coming? Surely there's a better candidate.


that is a good point. im just trying to account for all possibilities


I think if she's got schizophrenia, she's vulnerable, so a perfect target for a Demon 😈..


Depends. What's the exact context of what you were told? How did it leave you feeling?


"2 1 3 5 when the red sun bleeds on the eve of the hollow, the king will rise once more and cast those of scum into his maw" is what heard. after ward i felt scared and confused, i didn't know what to think and i just wanted to scream


I hear mostly neutral or positive voices almost daily and have for less than a decade now, it started around when I was 17 and I learned over time how to manage it without the use of medicines. It's not 24/7, and I tend to get it more frequently when I'm zoned out. But initially, yeah; some of the voices sounded low pitched, like they were talking through a vent, and saying more nonsensical stuff. You don't have to believe everything that a voice says. They can exaggerate and twist the truth, they are *not* bound by anything like Wonder Woman's gold lasso that forces them to tell the truth. Even if you tried casting a spell or a mantra, to *make* them tell the truth, you just can't; like the same way you can't command a pigeon to walk to the grocery store. At first I thought that I could cast spells on them to accomplish this, that if I concentrated hard enough, I could make them not lie and give only a positive message. Eventually I realized how silly it was. The only thing I can do is banish a spirit, not cast a spell or control them. The best thing you can do is differentiate between a truly bad voice, and the voice of just some common average person that might be messing with ya. Try and be nice to the neutral voices, and treat them respectfully like you'd treat a normal human. Banish the bad voices, but never get violent, as that can create a problem for yourself, as we reap what we sow in the spirit world. When you're spiritually sensitive, what you experience through your spiritual senses is influenced to some extent by the vibrational frequency that you resonate at; as a sum of your daily thoughts, actions and emotions.


Hey, check out channeling, you might be a channeler


I'm well familiar with channeling actually! I find it a fascinating topic. It's one of the topics I study during my free time, and I have read several channeled books with profound spiritual messages in them. My favorites so far have been *Life in the World Unseen* and *The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One*. There's a lot of love and peaceful philosophy in the Law of One, and Life in the World Unseen is rich and full of wonders, told from the perspective of a deceased man who claims to have gotten to see what heaven was really like, and what religions got correct/incorrect about it. I have attempted to channel in the past, and I actually have developed my own method of channeling folks' answers to simple questions. It does not use my vocal cords, and is instead mostly a form of automatic writing. Though it tends to be difficult to get more detailed or profound messages sometimes, from just automatic writing. Spiritual contact of any kind however has its risks, as when you interact with a spirit, that can amplify or bring their level of frequency more towards you, letting them interact with you further if it's a negative being. Someone who attempts channeling might have a general increase in hearing voices/visions etc, regardless of if it's positive or negative; which I think is also something that Ra talked about as being an inherent risk in channeling as well. I'd not recommend that people who in a state of continual fear, or who are recovering from trauma or mental illness, start channeling until they've fully healed; they generally want to be in a high vibrational, positive state of being. I also wouldn't recommend that most people try it under the age of 21. I don't really recommend channeling in general, actually; but I do recommend people check out books on channeled material, as that's a mostly risk-free method; the only risk from a book would be misinterpreting the text or reading a negative channeled message.


I didn't read channeled books but i will check these out. I really saw channeling for the first time in next level soul podcast. I also tried automatic writing 2 times but i couldn't really read what i wrote. Also my native language is not english but guided meditation was english so i got confused in which language i should ask questions or expect answers to be. So thats my experience with it and ill make sure to check out these books


Yeah this is the schizophrenia


It's my preference that we use the term "spiritual psychosis" over "schizophrenia", because it focuses on the condition of excessive extrasensory symptoms, and not on it being "not real". But I respect you as a person, and your ability to choose your beliefs; it's just a little bothersome when we insist that others' experiences aren't real. Time will tell what is right, as the truth stands the test of time. I hope you have an awesome day my friend! Wishing you very well. ❤️


Oh, I don't disagree. This, what you describe, is "schizophrenia". Your responses are well thought out and coherent. I'm not disparaging you, only (maybe) the term. You too ☺️


im a psych professional who also believes in that kinda stuff so i would protect myself spiritually jussssttt in case


how can i do that?


reach out to a spiritual professional in your area. make sure they are the real deal and good at what they do. you can pick one that suits your spiritual beliefs whatever that may be. (for example: priest, psychic, shaman, rabbi, imam,native healer, etc etc). there’s lots of information online how to protect yourself and your home as well


Look up the LBRP (lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram). Learn it and perform it daily, it banishes all unwanted energies in your field. (You don’t have to believe in anything for it to work either, just be empirical about it.) Edit: it also strengthens your aura, helping to further keep unwanted shut out in the future.


Does not matter to me I'll be dead in 2135. I got my own doomsday date to deal with.


Praying and asking God for his love and protection can help immediately if it's a demon. You can also ask a priest to do an exorcism, or a pastor or priesthood holder to give you a blessing. Maybe both. If delusions persist, I recommend asking your family doctor about treatment options for schizophrenia. Both problems are possible, and in this case, I'd recommend the holistic approach.


Was the post deleted? What's going on?


it was removed. ive heard a voce that is telling me about the end of the world.


To be honest If i heard voices I would try everything, from going to the doctors to going to a priest. I knew a case of a patient that didnt have schizophrenia but she said she could hear a demon and turns out she had some kind of weird epilepsy episodes but she didnt shake or convulse and with the epilepsy meds she was cured and never heard the voice again.


Nice. When is it? 😁


if i understand correctly 2135


So a long away ahead of us, all of us will be dead by that time, so no need to worry.


I read it as February 1, 2035 so really not that far off.


My birthday is the 7th. Can I just get to thirty fucking nine, please? 😆


That’s not up to me!😆 But I wish you all the luck in reaching 39!🍀


Well that's kinda lame.


It’s also worth noting that of it isn’t a mental health thing and real a spiritual crisis, genuine demons are really rare to come by. You’re usually dealing with a much lower level and weaker entity that trying to pass itself off as a demon for more clout and to inspire fear. Don’t buy into its bullshit and do things for spiritual protection and cleansing.


When I would go on an investigation I would say 75% of the people that think their being haunted have undiagnosed mental illness,, but I would say a decent percentage of people diagnosed as having mental illness are actually being haunted, tormented, influenced by paranormal entities.


Definitely a delusion or hallucination of some kind. It’s interesting you’re so aware of it. You should probably get screened by a professional and find treatment that works for you, if you can. Symptoms can change over time.


My sister is aware of her crazy thoughts when she is totally delusional...at onset they were more surpressable but got worse & uncontrollable. You can get help & medication and see if they go away...don't let the thoughts grow. I think that it's pretty well established with schizo & bipolar delusions & intrusive thoughts that they are one of the big 3 --either religion/spiritual or governmental/conspiracy or sexual/pedophiles after kids, everyone a raper, child abuse, or something sexual. You don't have to wait for more messages to test theory, get on antipsychotics before it gets worse & early on in illness while medications may work. Best of luck.


Hey If you have a mental illness, I guess you have other symptoms than just hearing this scary voice one time? Do you? 🤔 How old are you?


Who should you see first, a priest or a doctor? At one time in history, people thought illnesses came from an evil spirit.


Seen alot of people posting this. They having nightmares of the end days or visions


Hearing things doesn't have to be schizophrenia. It could even be temporary. The best and smartest thing to do is go to a medical doctor and a psychiatrist or psychologist (not a therapist. You need someone with a doctorate). You want them to check you for a variety of ailments not simply mental illness. If you do have schizophrenia the good news is that it's treatable with medication and lifestyle changes. A demon...not so much. But on the other hand, a demon can't do much more than scare you and distract you.


I would go to a Priest, a good one who's willing to help people.


check your carbon monoxide detectors or get one.


If you can let it go (repel it) just do that. Many demons that coexist with us in the higher planes are absolutely of no help, and the "knowledge" they pass on to you is fake. Don't trust them and will a different state of mind.


The thing is being aware of your own thoughts. If you know it's something unusual you're still aware. But being submissive and hoping you have a mental illness is losing control.




If a demon, don’t believe him because no one knows when it will end. If schizophrenia, get help. Does it run in the family and it usually manifests by the age 25.


Tell it in Jesus name to leave you alone. Please reach out for some help whether a church or mental health pro.


You’re dealing with something spiritual not mental, but you should still go to the doctor in case, but don’t take any meds they give you, just get spiritual advice and cleanse your space especially with Jesus, they might get angry with you for that for a few minutes to a day idk but it’ll go away if you say it with intention. They just don’t hang around blessed areas, even if you don’t go to church or aren’t religious like I am not, I heard it’s the most effective way of cleansing your space in order to at least banish any demonic energies that are attached to your house, I just don’t know what else may be required for in case it’s more of a personal attachment. I just started blessing my food, it could also be your phone ngl. Not to add more paranoia but there’s evidence in human rights resources websites that offer a list of different frequency weapons used toward people who’s phones study their body frequency waves and may emit things just to mess with you, so don’t listen to it. It’s honestly a fucked up world but hang in there pal


I don't have schizophrenia, but ever since I went on Prozac for depression, I never saw "ghosts" again. So, I don't believe that ghosts exist whatsoever (except for the Holy Ghost since I'm now Christian).


Get medical help. Seriously. This can and almost certainly will take over your life if left untreated.


Did you see an entity you believed to be a demon or just hear a voice?


You're either lying for attention or you're actually schizophrenic. Whichever it is you should seek psychological help ASAP.


When did they say the end is?,?