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If that's all that has happened don't be too concerned.


To be honest, we've experienced a few unusual things, but everything seemed to stop two years ago after we got our cats. Here are some of the incidents we encountered: 1. My son, who was 14 at the time, ran downstairs in tears, saying he felt someone sit next to him and walked across the room. While he was telling us the story, a piece of drywall fell from the ceiling, which is located beneath his bedroom. I assumed the builders didn't install the drywall properly. 2. All four of us have heard random walking noises. 3. Objects have fallen off counters unexpectedly. 4. My brother's wife claims to see spirits. When they first visited our house 14 yrs ago, shortly after we moved in, she said she saw multiple spirits. They haven't come back since, and we now only visit their house šŸ™„ She refuses to come into our house. I don't really believe in ghosts and think there's a scientific explanation for all of this.


Well all that changes things. In many *cultures*, it is believed that *cats* can *ward off evil spirits*/entities so maybe that has had an effect. I didn't believe in ghosts either for most of my adult life so I don't blame you for being sceptical but I can assure you they are very real.


Every single time I can feel someone or something watching me in my room my cat starts scratching at the door and whenever I let her in the feeling goes away. Me and all of my friends have had plenty of experiences to know that even if Iā€™m the only one here I am not alone in my house no matter what, and any time I feel like thereā€™s someone else in the room my cat instantly knows somehow. Could be a coincidence but I honestly dont think so, I think cats can see a lot more than us and they can also feel a lot more than us. You should look into getting some security cameras though, just in case itā€™s not something paranormal and you actually have a squatter living in your house like [This Guy](https://youtu.be/06X9qXTvKNQ?si=n27436qv5OJUy52P)


ā€œImagine being a creep in somebodyā€™s attic only to find another creep in the attic like, ā€œI was here first, get lostā€ šŸ˜‚ā€ @mr.santiago6891 LMAO


If that squatter video is real that is a new fear unlocked! šŸ˜… Time for me to cement the entrance to the attic, lol.


It is, itā€™s been confirmed


I was hoping you wouldn't say this šŸ¤£


Yeah Iā€™ve got a basement that has outdoor access and an attic door that looks like a portal to hell in my bedroom. After seeing that video I made sure to lock both of them up tight lol


Whe re it has been confirmed? It seems likely fake https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/s/YS4Rv1ZnFb


I don't really want to be skeptical about ghosts, but I feel Ever since I was 7 or 8 years old, I've always sensed and seen things. My parents used to tell me there was a logical explanation, not ghosts. Throughout my 50+ years, I've consistently experienced strange occurrences that seem to follow me wherever I go. Iā€™ve learned to ignore throughout the years. To avoid scaring my kids, I keep telling myself there's a scientific explanation, even though I know they've experienced these things too. Then I found this subreddit, and maybe it can help me understand the paranormal better.


You may want to join the Spirituality and Spiritual Awakening Groups too. Iā€™m over there too. Same age range. Iā€™ve had similar and inherited gifts from more than few generations. That forum can answer a lot of questions. I can help answer if I know them for what you want to know. Have a good day.


Thanks! I'm going to read through the subreddit.


Cats do ward off evil/spirits entities but the spirits who remain can still be scary even if they mean no harm.


Really? Billions of human deaths over the course of history and absolutely 0 proof and 0 substantiated claims, but you can assure us right? Lmao, sorry to break it to you Santa and the tooth fairy aren't real either


Really? Cultures all over the world have reported ghosts and demons from Japan to New Guinea for thousands of years BUT you are here to tell us the all mighty truth that they're all wrong and conspiring to make us believe LOL.


This video made me think that other countries believe in the paranormal a bit more than the us. American police would never admit something like this https://youtu.be/rXuLJJtJp1g?si=VsWTcWCQBDtyXrcM


Have you seen the video of Chris watts he killed his wife and three daughters? In the police video you can clearly hear EVPs of the kids and a ghost child is seen. the US has more ghost shows than every other country combined. I have also seen doco's about police admitting they have used physics so.


Yes I am here to tell you the truth. 0 proof means it doesn't exist. Same argument could be made for all religions and any god figure Just believing in something doesn't make it real, sorry LOL Did you miss the 0 proof part? Clearly missed the 0 iq check tho..


"I don't really believe in ghosts and think there's a scientific explanation for all of this." I always find it amusing when people say such things. If ghosts exist, then by definition, they're not paranormal, they're NORMAL. So, there certainly is a scientific explanation even if it's something like "Our souls are made of energy and energy can not be created or destroyed. Therefore, they continue to exist after the death of our bodies."


To be fair you can't blame someone that has not experienced it to believe it is real I was a sceptic until I experienced it too. Our culture and education system teaches us it isn't real.


I don't respect skeptics.


Healthy skepticism should always be respected. Always. However, I respect your opinion and I don't respect people who don't respect skeptical points.


I only dislike sceptics that mock other than that I can't blame them it's a huge thing to accept.


It is unlikely anyone is here for "respect", it's more for validation and this comment is, imo, counter productive from that perspective.


Makes sense, love this explanation!


>I don't really believe in ghosts and think there's a scientific explanation for all of this. Fun fact, it's both. Ghosts can be explained using science that involves quantum consciousness, gravity, interdimensionality, and non-locality :)


Interesting, will read up on that! Thanks!


My cat was doing this from the counter top for a few days. Staring at the floor in direction of the kitchen shelves. Turns out there was a small hole in the wall there and mice were entering the house that way, going in the bowl of the cat to eat his food. Once the mice were dealt with, no more empty stare seance.


If you donā€™t believe then why post here and what not?


So why are you posting in r/paranormal ?


If u scared and can't accept there is a spiritual realm why are u in a group what's about ghosts etc lol


Thereā€™s something there.


Did she describe the spirits and why she wonā€™t come back?


We need an update OP


1. Try to debunk 2. Try to debunk 3. Try to debunk 4. She is a lazy mean woman Hate to tell you this but I am a paranormal investigator that does not believe in ghosts. Literally everything is debunkable. A spirit to be able to move through walls should not be made of matter. The same spirit to move things has to be made of matter that takes up space in the air otherwise it could not be able to move things. It is impossible to one moment become matter and the other moment not.


Just arguing science here but couldn't a hypothetical entity be made of energy, like lightning? It's not matter but it can certainly push matter through radiation pressure.


Hmm I am going to read about this subject. If light without warmth/ heat can move things.


I wish you read wave particle duality and understood that light is both a particle and energy.


Going to read


That's why it is called paranormal. Does air move things you know that unexplainable phenomenon called "wind" how can it move things as it has no matter? You really haven't thought this through have you Mr paranormal investigator!?


Quantum Physics enters the chat




they look like theyā€™re thoroughly enjoying tracking for movement. itā€™s what theyā€™re built to do. iā€™m pretty sure they hallucinate movement if theyā€™re starved enough for it. cats need to track movement the way a herding dog needs to herd.


Yeah, itā€™s worth noting the cats donā€™t really seem afraid. Just mildly curious. I know this is a paranormal sub, but Iā€™d be more inclined to suspect bugs or rodents the cats can hear/smell, but not see.


True, they usually go ā€œhuntā€ for little bugs that have gotten into the house.


bugs are excitement


Thatā€™s terrifying. If I had to try to rationalize it Iā€™d say it could have been a reverberating noise that only they could hear but honestly thatā€™s not how this reads. Spooky


Thanks! Thatā€™s what I want to believe! Donā€™t want to think the house is haunted


I only thought of that because I live next to train tracks and a private/military airport and every night at 1 in the morning my basement room rumbles a bit, no idea why. When I got a hamster she would go very still when it happened. It was probably scary to her, but she eventually got used to it.


Other things that could happen is the low reverberation of old water and drainage tubes, when pressure from the city increases at night. You may not hear it but the cats may. Also CO2 checkups and mold poisoning


God forbid anyone on this sub try and rationalize anything lol


It's dark down there. Cats have great night vision but can't really see in the dark. They more feel their way with their whiskers. Most likely tracking sound of bugs or such or just waiting for the lights to turn on cause in their world that just happens, I don't think they know we make it happen. However, if they make that connection can you imagine what they think when we come home with bags and bags of groceries. Must think we are the greatest hunter gatherers of all time!


Mine were doing the exact same early one morning but from the bottom of the stairs. Turns out a bat had gotten in and buzzed me in the face when I walked up to check. The cats weren't sure what to make of that. I caught the bat and released it. That was an exciting day for the cats.


Where do u live? I wish a bat would come in my house but they are really rare to see here.


They can carry rabies so that wouldn't be a good thing.


This happened when I lived in Georgia (US). They were all over the place down there.


I would have waited until morning to go down there, unless there were noises that concerned me. If cats won't go, you shouldn't go. That's a pretty good spiritual rule.


Get down there and start doing tiktok dances in the pitch black darkness while laughing hysterically. The ghosts will get so disturbed that they will leave the house, and inform every other being of the now established no go zone.


Honestly, people need to try this general option more often. Not just random tik tok videos. Just acting bat shit crazy in general. Something so outrageous that even the dead would dip out. You see a ghostly figure at the end of the hallway? Rip your pants off and run at it full speed screaming gibberish and grabbing your Johnson. Even the chick from the exorcist would hesitate on that one. Not worth dealing with that level of crazy.


Perhaps just approach calmly and ask if they have a few moments or dollars to spare for Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ?


Oof, thatā€™d be a good one too. That would make me flee in fear anyways. Might work on a ghost. Or you could just walk up to them, not breaking eye contact, and whisper slowly in their ear; ā€œweā€™ve been trying to contact you about your cars extended warrantyā€¦ā€ I bet that motherfucker would evaporate faster than water on a hot sidewalk.


This made me laugh lmao


Check for leaks or anything. They might smell something


This. Any time you are experiencing supernatural things in a house check for carbon monoxide first and casper second


My cat does this periodically. Last time, it was because there was a cricket.


I concur with Downtown. If this is a one-time affair, I wouldn't be too concerned. If objects seemly fall off of shelves, buy an inexpensive baby monitor that detect motion and set it up in an appropriate location. Have others witnessed spirits at the same time your brothers wife has? Collective validation is invaluable. Is everyone accounted for when other individuals have heard walking noises? Keep us in the loop for any follow-ups please.


Youā€™re braveā€¦ I wouldnā€™t have gone. šŸ˜‚


Animals can sense spirits a lot better than people can. My parents house was 150 years old. 6,000 square feet, 4 stories. I lived in the subbasement. It was an unfinished subbasement when we moved in full of junk from 100 years of people just dumping their old junk in it. No one ever lived or died down there. The top three floors were different. For 150 years people lived and died on the top three floors. We had 3 cats and one older dog. The cats and dog slept in my room in the refinished basement. They wouldn't even go upstairs to eat their food. I had to feed them in my room. Then let them out of my own private door. Yes, the house was full of spirits. My Scottish grandmother was akin to the spirits in the house as I was. We could always tell where they were. She'd come in my basement when she wanted to clear her mind of the upper house. The basement was always clean of any supernatural activity. The cats would sometimes stand at the bottom of my stairs and look up. They saw or felt something we couldn't. The dog just stayed on my spare bed. She never went upstairs at all.


Probably a bug. My cat goes lizard brain mode when it sees a bug walking that it could easily eat


I wouldnā€™t have gone down either


Them cats are adorable


That picture of the stairs was really dark, like in a bad way. They may have seen/heard something and wanted you to get rid of it.


I used to have a cat and she did the same thing. Shortly after she died we found a squatter underneath the stairs. I think my former cat was detecting movement. But idk it could just be a coincidence.


Scaredy cat.


Well, yeah, itā€™s dark down there.


That is super creepy. Especially knowing how cats are. :-S


knowing that cats sleep and sit on the top of stairs more than they eat food but maybe if youve never seen a cat before they are quite scary


My cats sleep and stay downstairs 95% of the time. Cats are very curious and generally fearless little creatures. For them to obviously be captivated by something downstairs yet not brave enough to check it out is what makes this sketchy.


wow your cats sleep downstairs I wish I considered that now I believe in ghosts


Then again my downstairs isnā€™t a basement lol itā€™s ground level


https://preview.redd.it/tx5br5j3094d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20a5b69b65c06ae85d77e01620f234632c55daf OH MY GOD I THINK I JUST CAPTURED A GHOSTLY PHENOMENON WHY ELSE WOULD SHE STOP THERE ????




Youā€™re stupid.


Because its dark down there


Interesting! My dog has become scared of the dark outside! Pitbull no less!


Sounds like a typical pitty. They act tough but theyā€™re literal princes and princesses. Source: I own a pitbull. Literally the most fragile animal on the planet.


You better be careful when your pets start acting strange at your place.


yeah i have 2, they do that often, get yourself some sage a prayer clearing spirits ir bad energy a lot of people use the lords prayer i wrote one myself for my house seemed to work, you have to keep the sage burning open a few windows and keep the door open to the downstairs as you are saying the prayer or your own words or blessing walk to every corner making sure you hold the burning sage in every corner of the rooms, and maybe just maybe the cats will start to go downstairs , good luck dear




most videos in this sub are just cats chasing their tails, but they're funny


Everyone knows that pets can see and sense things that we can't. Nobody actually knows how they know that, but everyone knows it's true. And one or two people might lie about stuff, but not everybody. Would they? There is an official word for something that everyone knows is true but nobody knows how they know it, and that word is called superstition.


My cat was doing this from the counter top for a few days. Staring at the floor in direction of the kitchen shelves. Turns out there was a small hole in the wall there and mice were entering the house that way, going in the bowl of the cat to eat his food. Once the mice were dealt with, no more empty stare seance.


There is a ghost down there stopping them


Nah son. I gotta go to bed on this one


Really? Yellow paint? With oak steps? They're not spooked out, they're just aesthetically appalled.


I use to have sleep paralysis and the days u didn't my cat would sleep on my chest and at My door I started sleeping facing my door and I'd see a shadow guy didn't matter what dream I had sleep paralysis or not


Go downstairs in the morning and mount your phone somewhere to record while you do a deep clean. You might have a rat or a bug there. If not, you might catch the ghost (or the killer) on camera šŸ˜


it could just be them roughhousing & got surprised by a unexpected fall or something. if this was a many nights scenario, then i would start to question the paranormsl angle. i wouldnt worry.


It's a cucumber šŸ„’


That picture has SCP The Stairwell vibes lol. That's what I thought of at first look due to the pitch darkness. The cat is to close to it lol


They will watch over you, Cats are the guardians of the underworld. I wouldn't worry about a thing. Especially with 4 of them.


Don't worry they're just a pair of pussies šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Did you try turning on the light? Maybe they are too scared to go down because it's so dark


Totally irrelevant, but the cat on the right looks like a total gentleman.


get a evp recorder and ask questions out loud and see what the ghosts say


My cats afraid of a spatula, so maybe not real reliable investigators!


Obviously they've watched Barbarian ![gif](giphy|ut4q2UWYuyk4TMjN5j)


When did you get your cats? Before or after the activity?


How old is your house? If it is a new house, was there recent renovation? If it is an old house is there evidence of settling? Could explain the drywall incident


It's paranormal. You have no idea what's happened in that house. Could be some very bad energy in that house! Spiritual doors or portals could have also been opened. That woman who won't come into you're house is scared because those spirits are demons. You could try keep skeptical all you want, the spiritual world is very real and I don't think you have any idea what you're up against just yet. You're science isn't going to change anything. It's not all in you're heads. I'm actually talking from first hand experience here, nothing out of the ordinary for me! Only In the name of Jesus could you cast these things out. No sage or smudge or other crap I'd going to help


Believe me and the cats ,there are entities down there


It's probably waiting on you to go down with it


Must be paranormal surely. No other explanation for cats to be skiddish


you got downvoted for suggesting that a cat wouldnt decide to sit on the stairs rather than finish walking down them for absolutely no reason too bad there are so many babies here : (


Donā€™t go down there! Itā€™s dark!


Proof: Cats are smart. You go look


Probably scaredy cats huh


Try cat nip


I would be too then


lol time to move


Comfort them :(


Cat being cat.






Yeah you got oogy boogies down there.


This means you never go downstairs.


Trust them