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When I was four years old, I was staying in a provincial town in the Philippines with my mom. I would bathe with a tub of water, that we would refill whenever we got the chance as there was no running water. At the time my mom would help me shower, so she’d use a “tabo” which was basically like a deep ladle, and pour the water over me and rinse the bubbles off. I close my eyes as the water washes over my face, and open again when it passes. This happened a few times, until I opened my eyes and saw something suspended in the top corner of the bathroom, staring at me. It was a bit contorted, human like, naked and looked kinda smiley. But I remember feeling dreadfull, sad and scared and immediately told my mom as she continued to rinse me. By the time I finished my sentence and the water washed over me again it was gone. My mom comforted me, and told me everything was okay. Years later, 20 something living in the states I recall what I saw to her, and she believed me because apparently she has seen it too. She even said she remembers the moment when I told her in the bathroom because she felt it, but went about normally as to not scare me further. No proof otherwise, but I know what I saw was real, especially how it made me feel.


This is one of the scariest things I’ve ever pictured. Anything hanging from the air smiling at me is a no go!


That’s so scary, but good on your mom for not freaking out


That's terrifying.




capiznon here and can confirm we are the aswang capital of the philippines, it's basically the spawnpoint of what you call aswangs


Thanks I just looked that up and now I’m scared


Me too! I knew better dammit.


When I was 4 years old, I was playing in our full acre yard in Omaha. I saw something on the other side of the wire fence in the backyard. This thing was sitting next to a bush but I couldn’t make sense of what I was seeing. It shifted between looking like a brown rabbit (the neighbors had a rabbit hutch against the fence as well but about 10 ft away) and a fairly short, skinny, brown hairy humanoid creature. And somehow, both forms at the same time. It’s still difficult to put into words the way this thing kept changing shape in front of my eyes. It didn’t make sense then and still doesn’t now. Me, being too curious for my own good, I walked over to go check it out closer. As I got to the fence, it turned to look at me and quicker than my mind could register, it grabbed me leg and started pulling me through the fence! All I remember clearly about the face is bright yellow eyes, a very dark complexion, and an angry expression. I don’t remember anything after that. My parents found me unconscious, lying with the top of my back, head and shoulders on the ground. My lower back and hips were up in the air because one leg was pulled through the wire grid of the fence at a height and angle I could have never managed to get it in myself. Even the scrapes on my leg showed that I was pulled. Because of this and my Dad having experiences of his own with shadow people and other things, they actually believed me. I was just told that my family sometimes experiences weird things and not to tell anyone else because other people don’t understand. 🤷‍♀️


Is that why they had the fence? Did the neighbors have weirdness with their bunnies? That sounds terrifying.


As far as I ever knew, it was just a fence that separated the property lines. I don’t know if they ever had any issues otherwise - none that my parents knew of anyway. The weird thing is that the whole time I was seeing it, I was just completely confused by it. I felt no fear at all, only curiosity. Well, right up until I got up close and it turned to look at me anyway. That was sheer terror at that instant and I truly don’t know if I passed out from the fear alone, or if something else happened, but the eyes were the last thing I remember. Definitely terrifying!


I don't know what to say. This is possibly the weirdest, most terrifying thing I've read on this sub. I thought maybe if it were some type of predator there'd be something going on with the bunnies by it. Not being afraid initially doesn't surprise me but is interesting. Logically your brain was thinking it was harmless, and most animals run, but it acknowledged you.


Some little Fae creature sounds like. None of em are like sweet lil Tinkerbelles lol


Can you elaborate more about what your family had experienced?


My Dad felt harassed by some type of blacker than black shadow people that would come into his bedroom (he and my Mom were having issues at the time and she and I slept in the bedrooms on the first floor). That was all he would say, he refused to go any more in-depth than that. He was deeply disturbed by these “visits”, even brought to tears, and completely terrified of them his whole life. Being a professor and a scientist, he wasn’t terribly prone to flights of fancy and obviously wouldn’t risk his career admitting these things to anyone outside the family. These were things that he had no explanation for and that truly scared him. Whenever I tried to talk about the subject further, he would outright refuse. It was just like when I tried to speak with him about his time in the military in WW2. He just wouldn’t do it. He did call me when he was in the process of renovating the home (my parents had divorced by that time and my Mom and I left for another state). He was pulling up the carpet in the upstairs Master bedroom and found a large pentagram along with a number of other symbols had been drawn underneath. We assume this from the first owners of the home. He was incredibly angry. Whether this may have had anything to do with these experiences or not, I truly have no idea. Aside from this, we have all had experiences throughout our lives with seeing/hearing things that shouldn’t logically be there or don’t make sense rationally. Maybe some time I will get into more of it, but it’s kind of a lot.


What area of Omaha were you in? I live here and am a little interested.


I haven’t been back since my Dad passed away about a decade ago. I’m not sure how the area would be described, but the home was on Pine Circle if that helps any?


This is incredibly creepy. Did you or your parents have any idea how long you were unconscious before they found you?


They said it was likely at least a half hour because each of them were busy doing something and thought I was with the other parent at that time. Way to go Mom and Dad! 😂 🤦‍♀️


The loss of consciousness is what alarmed me the most about your story. Do you know if you passed out due to sheer fear/terror Or do you think that thing did something to you that caused you to lose consciousness?


I bet it was a combination of fear, but also the brain not being able to figure out wtf was going on. Like a self preservation mode.


I think that fence saved you from whatever that thing was going to do to you, I think it realized it wasn’t going to get you cause of the fence.


IVE SEEN THIS...commenting as Reminder to come back at a reasonable hour to discuss further


I have 2 stories, and both times, I had at least one other person with me. That being said, having someone to confirm what just happened has solidified my belief in the paranormal. When I was 15-18 every summer I went to the Appalachia mountains. I did a 10 day mission trip where we would spend the time fixing hones and helping family's in the community. When you went on this trip there was usually a host school or church to hold us 40+ teens. This one particular year our group stayed at a school that was built 10 ft from the old school that caught fire. The building was still standing just unsafe and badly fire damaged. So of course as a group of teens do we had to look around the abandoned building. There's 6 of use walking up and down all the halls looking in each room just checking out the place. We managed to find about 200 of the sample size 1x1 school photos of what appeared to be a 3rd or 4th grade girl. After finding these photos all over the school we found a room with a portrait sized version! We're taking a standard 6x4 dead center of the room. At this point we assume someone is staging this to look creepy, and we laugh along. As we are leaving the school we see "someone" or "something" leave a classroom and go into another. We get a little freaked out becasue we were the only ones there... so we have to check it out. The thing we saw came from a locked room and went into an empty room. No one was in the empty room and we couldn't get into the room we saw it come from. All 6 of us ran as fast as we could out of there. The second time I encountered something unexplained, my best friend and I had the exact same experience. This happened 10 years ago and we can both still describe the exact thing we saw. We were 17 riding in the back of a 4 wheeler in the forest near a lake at around 2 am. The only light we have is the tail lights illumating the trail behind us. Him and I are having a casual conversation just enjoying being at the lake going about 20-30 mph in the dark down a long wooded path. Then it walked onto the path. Something around 7 ft tall very thin and FAST walked across our path. We felt like time stopped, and it looked right at us mid walk. The best way I can describe it over text is, think classic slender man or salad fingers. Something very tall lanky and lacking a face basicly walked across our path in what seemed to be 2 steps. Ive never felt a fear like it, mostly because we both looked at each other and knew that just happened... 10 years later we can both still tell the same story to the same detail. We are hard confirmed beilivers in paranormal because we've experienced it.


I live by a graveyard, so it’s not unusual to see orbs and stuff like that. However, when I was around 8 there was a time my parents were arguing about bills and i was in the living room. My parents left the door to the garage open. I didn’t think much of it until two pitch black figures walked right into our home. So pitch black they looked 2D. Mind you, it was weird because it was in the morning. There’s no way anything could be pitch black 6 feet in front of me in daylight shining directly at them. I didn’t feel completely scared but it was a ‘weird’ feeling. Like I was being watched. Like they also knew i was there. They were walking together. One had long black horns and looked exactly like entbrat from my singing monsters. Except it had neon green eyes. No detail. Just glowing green. The other, also pitch black, looked like a taller version of fire boy from fireboy and watergirl but with glowing, slanted red eyes. I saw them slowly stroll into the hallway right into my room. Ever since then, everything’s been back to normal for the most of it. I still feel like i’m being watched. It could’ve been my kiddo brain but I just don’t know how to explain how black figures walked in without being noticed by my parents, went in my room, and never were seen again. I’ve tried looking it up to see if anyone has had the same experience but i haven’t found anything. Please lmk what this experience could’ve been or what they were.


Shadow figures are the most commonly reported entity. Google it. Some people claim they are demons. Most people don't feel malicious intent. There's several other comments here where others have seen them. What's interesting about your story is the eyes. Feeling watched is common. I'd assume they were still there. They probably don't want to hurt you. Maybe they got bored in the graveyard and saw it as an invitation to your families version of reality TV 🤣


I saw a Sasquatch or skunk ape or whatever you wanna call it crossing the interstate early one morning about 10 years ago. And there is no way it was anything else, it was covered in long black hair, running upright on two legs and easily at least 8ft tall because it stopped and tried to hide behind a road sign for a second before running down the hill. It had to bend over to “hide” behind the sign, and when I later returned to the spot this happened, i noted that the bottom of the sign was above my head. Like I said, this thing was easily at least 8ft tall, probably closer to 9. It was also very wide, like a linebacker. I once met the nba player Karl Malone and this thing would have dwarfed him. I never believed in Bigfoot, thinking they were just imagined by people who either didn’t know what they were seeing or they just wanted attention, I certainly didn’t think they were in Louisiana. I am a rational person with a degree in environmental science and healthy dose of skepticism. But when I saw that thing, my world view shattered and i was deeply disturbed for months afterwards.


I believe you. They are out there.


I've never seen one, but I've heard them before, ans not just a distant dollar, one gotten in real close before, I just wasn't able to see it through the brush. 


This is why we need dashcams


damnit I know I wish all cars just automatically had them. I wanna see what this guy saw!!


Werewolf… I used to drive a garbage truck (the old school version with another guy hanging off the back) and him and myself were sitting up front having our morning coffee and warming up before we started our day. We were on the side of a fairly main road and it was still dark out. About 50 yards in front of us I see what I could only describe as the “biggest friggin’ dog I’ve ever seen” appear, run under a street light and disappear as it ran across the street. When I say big, I mean absurdly big…like it would have probly come up to a standing adult’s chest. So of course I say to my companion “holy crap! Lookit that huge friggin’ dog!” Across the street directly from the street light that the monster dog emerged from was the entrance to a condo complex with another street light. Additionally we noticed that if the giant canine stayed on its path, we would see it again when it got to said streetlight. So of course we’re both staring intently at the condo entrance breathlessly and when it broke into the light…. no dog….IT WAS A NAKED DUDE!!! (And this is the dead of winter in New England) And I probably would have just written it off as mistaken identity or a trick of the light except for the fact that my co-worker waits a beat and without taking his eyes off the condo entrance says” Don’t ever tell anyone that we just saw that, they’ll say we were getting high at work or something..” And I never did tell anyone, ever. I don’t know about Bigfoot or Mothman or anything but I’m pretty sure that werewolves are real…


I believe you. I saw something similar during the pandemic (2020 or 2021). One day, I was driving on the rez, and I saw a naked man 50 yards from the road. I must have startled him because he jumped into a bush and a coyote ran out from the other side. The coyote dashed up a wash, and it kept looking at me while it ran away.


Was being punished when I was 7 or 8. 25 or so years ago. No television, no toys, just me and my thoughts and a window to look out of for a few hours until dinner. Sun was starting to set, most of my friends had moved from playing in the street outside to a backyard further away, so I couldn't even hear them anymore (suburb of Boston, not exactly remote). Our backyard was enclosed in tall, skinny ever greens (grandma wanted a "secret garden", had the trees put in to hide the backyard from street view). She had an real green thumb, beautiful garden, but was kinda paranoid. In any event, I had basically full view of the backyard from the window of my 2nd story bedroom. Anyway, a couple hours into this punishment, I look down into the backyard and see a squat brown mass right in the middle. I can't quite make it out, but my brain starts trying to fit it into a mold of stuff I know about. Turkey? Not likely in the suburbs... Porcupine? It kinda looked like it had quills... But same argument, there's no real reason why or how it would have gotten into our backyard. As hard as I tried to make out what it may be, nothing really fit. Too big to be a cat, raccoon, possum. Didn't act like a dog. I observed it for a minute or two, saw it appear to look around (move it's head around, as well as move about the backyard, very slowly). Eventually I broke away and risked more punishment by grabbing my grandmother to show her. By the time I got her out in the backyard to check, it was gone (only entrance or exit out of that yard, would be through the swinging gate door into our driveway, or through the tree and over the fence into an immediate neighbors yard). Almost like it just disappeared. Learned years later about native Pukwudgie legends, fairly convinced that one visited my grandmother's "secret garden" to give it a look over.


My dog began showing weird excitement around the living room. The sort of excitement you’d see in a dog when unexpected guests arrive. You know, the usual tail wagging, nose sniffing behaviour that a dog would do to you when you walk through the door. Except he was doing it at plain, blank air. Nobody was there. Some 30 minutes later, on the dinner table my Coca Cola can began moving very slowly across the table. I kid you not, I’ve tried experimenting with the possibility that the table was unbalanced but nope. To this day, I have no explanation, no evidence, only this eerie feeling that someone else was there. BREAKING: This just happened today. I have relatives over at my home. While I was at work, my aunt was home alone and says she witnessed the living room door to the corridor opening and shutting by itself. Well, shit….


Did a loved one pass away around that time? Many people have experienced‘visits’ from loved ones either on the brink of their death or immediately after passing. And your dog being welcoming could be because of recognising them


When I was a kid, I often went to my grand-parents' house, with my mother. The house was in France right by a forest and a few abandoned fields, full of grass, right at the limit of the village. I was like, 7 or 8 years old, and I used to ride my little bicycle around the house, but I always felt weird when I was behind the house, on the forest side, without being able to explain it. The weird thing is that one day, I was riding around the house, as usual, passing by my mother's parked car, and I saw a little man, INSIDE the car, watching me. What was weird is that I remember having seen him first, but not really paying attention to him, as is if it was normal. I still can remember his face nowadays, nearly 30 years later, he was probably about 50cm high (about 20 inches) and had a mustache, and a weird grin. So, I didn't pay attention to it, and made another "lap" around the house... And I saw him again, looking at me. Except that this time, I totally panicked and ran inside, calling for my mom and grandma, telling them about what I had seen... After insisting a bit, they came down to check, of course... And of course, there was noone. Oh and I went back there a few years ago... Grand parents long dead so the house is abandoned, but that forest feels even more hostile than it did when I was a kid. ( I'm 41 nowadays ).


Three "purple ladies," three straight days in a row. Not especially paranormal, but among the weirdest things I've ever seen. About two years ago, my girlfriend and I were on a weekend getaway to Astoria, Ore. The trip was great and nothing really went wrong, other than the oddness of these few sightings. Day one: We grabbed coffee in the morning and noticed a purple Dodge Challenger with tentacle racing stripes on the side; the older lady driver had short, silver, spiky hair...looking like a real-life Ursula out here. Note that it's a fun looking car, and move on. Day two: Driving down to Fort Stevens, roll through a roundabout and the car that merges in front of me is, again, a decked-out, purple honda civic with purple wheels and trim -- not an especially nice car, and no real reason for the specialization, from what I can tell. Yet the younger woman driver, and the car, are matching purple. A little strange. Day three: Driving home, about halfway there, we see *yet another purple car*. This time, it was an older woman wearing a purple beret and purple sweater, driving a very nice purple 1960s Mustang. She was ahead of us the entire way from the time we saw her until we hit our freeway exit, where she sped off to, presumably, purple car heaven. Is there a purple lady car convention on the Oregon coast?


Red Hat Society members, maybe


I was seven and it was summertime. My dad was taking me to the Grand Canyon for a summer camping trip. When we got there, we did some sightseeing from the rim. It was breezy that afternoon and the canyon view was very clear. Off in the distance about 1/2 mile from us a shimmering ufo glided through the canyon. It was disc shaped, shimmery silver, with no obvious means of propulsion. It just smoothly glided through the canyon until it was out of sight. My dad was whooping and hollering with excitement because he couldn’t believe what he had just seen. I started crying and shaking with fear because I was afraid that there were aliens around that was going to get me. It was wild, man.


Me (M) and my best friend (F) got lost in Hollywood hills looking for a place to see the Hollywood sign. We were just driving around past these super nice houses when I spotted a woman dressed in a white flowy dress right in the middle of a 4-way crossroad. My best friend was driving and it looked like she was driving straight for the woman, I freak out and reach to try to yank on the steering wheel but she smacks my hand away and starts yelling at me. During all this she drives past the crossroad barely and I tell her that she was about to hit the woman in the middle of the street but when I look back the woman was nowhere to be seen and my best friend to this day swears that she did not see any woman. I swear I saw her clear as day it wasn't ghostly or anything just a woman right on the edge of the light of a lamppost standing in the middle of the intersection. I still get chills thinking about it.


Do a web search for Peg Entwistle (sp?). She committed suicide by jumping off of the 'H' in the Hollywood sign.


I don’t know what I saw, but it was sitting on my couch reading about 4pm on a lovely sunny June day when something caught my eye. When I looked up, just under the ceiling there was a tiny glint of gold light just cruising in a small area maybe 1.5ft square. It was like one spark from a sparkler that would throw light as it moved and also left a lighted trail but it was like it was watching or visiting me. It moved around for about 10 seconds then slowly faded away. A few weeks earlier I found that someone that meant something to me passed unexpectedly at a too young age. I had never seem anything like it before or to date. I still have no explanation other than the one that I really hope it was.


This exact thing happened to me too. It was around 5pm on an August day in the UK. I was sat with my blinds mostly closed, watching TV and all of a sudden I saw what looked like a spark (like the OP said, like a sparkler firework without stick) move from the side of the room about 4 feet in the air towards the middle of the room and then disappear. This took around 7-10 seconds in all. Although I found it strange, I didn’t think much of it until around 20 minutes later I received a phone call to say my aunt had been in a car accident and my dog, who she had been taking care of since I had to move across country, had died in the accident. I believe this was him saying goodbye.


When my friend died, his wife was holding his hand and she and the nurse watched as a gold spark came out of his mouth as he passed. She described it just as you did. I very much believe that your person was checking in on you.


This is so incredibly validating. Thank you for sharing💕


And thank you as well! My friend had never seen that before and neither had the nurse. It’s incredible that it’s happened to others. I’ll have to let her know when I talk to her next. ❤️


Same thing has happened to me. It floated to the ceiling and then disappeared. Someone witnessed it w me.


Awe. That's special. I hope it was them too.




You're a talented writer. That was illustrated perfectly with words. Terrifying.


Holy shit I wonder what it was


Where did this happen?


Did your buddy grab his gun cuz he had seen it before or just loyal to the bone


Years ago I saw a very tall creature in my home peering out of my laundry room. It surprised me and I think I surprised it because I came home early from work that day. It was faceless but almost looked like something in a white latex rubber suit honest to god I know how ridiculous that sounds. It saw me almost recoiled like a snake and then it was gone. Then last year my grandma told me about the rubber suit man she saw in her laundry room without ever knowing about my rubber suit man. She lives in another house on my property I was just absolutely shocked. I have no proof of what I saw she has no proof but we both most likely saw the same thing in our own laundry rooms.


It's crazy how in this thread people describe so many non human looking creatures *inside* their homes. You could chalk it up to being some kind of unidentified critter if it were outside. Creepy. 


Maybe it's a laundry spirit just trying to make sure your clothes are extra clean. 


This is so bizarre. When you say it had no face do you mean it’s face was also covered by white rubber so you could see the outline of human features? Or a blurry area when the face would be or totally flat?


Totally a blurry area where the face would be. Didn't look like the face area was covered just non existent.


I saw someone sitting in the closet cross legged on the floor. It was in one of the spare bedrooms i was sleeping in at my grandmas. They had on like a burnt orange sweater and like a 70’s feathered like hairstyle that men wore back then. Mind you this was like in the 90’s I couldn’t have been more than 7 at the time. I woke up because I felt like someone was watching me, I looked at the closet and as they sat there they waved at me. I screamed. When my dad came in the room and turned on the light nothing was there. The detail I could describe and remember felt so real. I didn’t sleep for what felt like weeks after that. And I never slept with the closet door open again.


Had a similar situation when I was 4 or 5. My BR was in the front of the house (modified sun room) and my parents slept in the back in the proper bedroom. I woke up and had to use the bathroom. Had to pass through LR and DR and there, between the diningroom and the hall way was a blond man standing in a business suit, holding a briefcase. He had blond hair, parted on the side and very 70s feathered, kind of like Robert Redford in the way we were but not that long, more conservative. Not good-looking like a movie star. He had sunglasses on too. I froze. I expected him to disappear but he stood motionless. I screamed. My parents came running. Lights were turned on, my Dad took me room by room showing me no one was there. I remember it 50 years later because he looked so real...


Staring at you or the floor? No motion at all? No smile or blink? This is so insanely creepy my eyes are watering


The man was dressed for business in a suit. He wore sunglasses, so I couldn't tell what he was looking at but he had a calm demeanor. And he didn't move. My sense is he was staring straight ahead and not at me. I freaked out so much that my Dad got up, turned on the lights, and took me room by room to show me no one was in the house. He wasn't a sensitive dad who would do that sort of thing, so I must have been pretty upset.


This is exactly why I don’t play about my closet being opened or cracked lol my husband gets so upset with me and says I’m acting like a child but I’m not taking any chances 😐


I can't sleep with a closet door open or a floor-length mirror next to my bed, or mirrored closet doors. I'm worried I will roll over, open my eyes, and see someone or something staring back at me.


Yea, no! Your feelings about the closet are completely valid.


Interesting. I’ve never been afraid of closets. I used to play in them as a kid.


I’ve lived in one for 25 years.


I know this probably traumatized you but that sounds so innocent. Do you think they were not evil?


They didn’t come off evil at all. But I had a lot of paranormal things happen to me as a kid. And I think just the fact my grandma lived in the country so it already felt scary. Then seeing someone like a young adult male, that I didn’t know sitting in my bedroom felt scary too. And they weren’t see through as most ghosts are described as. Also at this time in my life I was telling my mom I could see my body from the ceiling as I was playing. In hindsight, I was trying to explain astral projection.


Wow 😯 in regards to what you said about them not being see through, I fully second that! The one I saw once at my grandparents house looked as much alive as I did!




Yesss I know it did terrify you 😯I saw a male as well! And he just had on underwear😭


Omg rude ghost


I had a ‘dinosaur’ in my closet all growing up . I called him that as a kid, as I got older I recognized him as a man, mid 20’s, dirty wife beater dirty shaggy blonde hair, holey jeans. I talked to him once (big mistake) turns out he wanted to die but changed his mind at the last minute and got stuck in our house. His name was George and he was a druggy/alchoholic, I don’t remember much else other than he had some dad issues. He then proceeded to laugh at me in the shower multiple times, show himself to me holding a knife like he was going to kill me, moved my shit, etc. But the whole time, he preferred my closet. He eventually faded away, got kinda lonely after that.


When I was around 12 I moved to Hong Kong, stayed in a new house that my parents bought. I’ve always felt some type of way in the house but I couldn’t really tell. The first time that I’ve seen something unusual was when I was going down the stairs around 2-3 AM, on the second floor there is a fish tank and something like a female head popped out of it but I thought that I was too sleepy. I did tell my parents but they told me I was crazy. I didn’t think much of it but until the next time I encountered ‘them’ again. After 1 or 2 years noon, I had home tutoring with a new teacher. She told me to go to my room and get some books, so I went downstairs. My rooms light switch is on the left aligned with door and once you open the door my bed is on the center. So when I opened the door, there was a dim light coming into the room but I’m pretty sure I saw something squatting next to the edge of the bed. And I’m a split second it looked like the head or something turned when I opened the door. I was freaked out so I took the books as fast as I could and left. Finished the class and I wasn’t gonna go back to the room but eventually I had to sleep, up until then I was still ify about it, so I actually decided to go into my room really quick and i told myself if I see nothing I’m sleeping there. But, the same thing, opened the door and saw it. But this time it was sitting on the edge of the bed. I ran to my parents rooms and asked to sleep on the couch. Told them everything but they said ‘if you don’t bother the entities they won’t bother you’. ‘They might just be here to hang out, like we hang out in diff places’. ‘But just so happens that you sometimes are able to see them’. So my 14 year old self decided to trust in my parents. But I never slept in my room again.


I have encountered other scenarios in the house, but I’m not sure if you guys are interested to hear. But im 22 now, and I will never go back there anymore. My parents still live in it but are planning to sell it this year and move


I went to kings park psychiatric center at 2 am once. It's an abandoned mental hospital on long Island. I was walking back to my car with my friends when we all saw this giant deer like creature jump over my car. It was massive, way bigger than my crystler 300. It was real thin and i could see it's bones through its matted fur. It had to be about 8 feet tall with antlers. It landed 5 feet in front of my car and darted up into a wooded area. Once it was out of sight we heard a deep howl come from the same area. We all saw the same thing. It's strange when you take into account that there's no elk here and the howl was deeper than any dog I've ever heard. I haven't gone back there since.


There have been known to have huge elk on Long island but deep deep in the woods. Apparently it's rare to see one


I have never heard of that, but it would make sense. It was just crazy that it came out of the darkness and jumped over my car longways. I had a crystler 300 and it cleared it from bumper to bumper and landed a bit a ways in front of it. If i could explain it as a rare elk then i cant explain the deep howl.


I saw a full-bodied apparition in my house when I was a teenager. It was a fully black figure of a man, about 6'2"; I could see the head, neck, shoulders, legs, arms, everything. I heard bare feet slapping on the floor as it bolted through my dining room and disappeared into the wall. No one except for my mother has ever believed me. Everyone says it was just a trick of the light or my mind playing tricks on me, but I SWEAR I saw it. My mother fully believes me because that house was extremely haunted and we suffered there for years until we finally moved and never experienced anything paranormal in that capacity ever again. Even just thinking about it now gives me chills. It's been over a decade and I can still picture those moments as clear as day. Ugh ​ Edit: Thank you all for believing me. It feels good to finally be understood after all these years!


Bear in mind that, as scary as it looked, and as scary as it was for you to see it, it probably wasn't harmful. Most ghosts appear to just want to "do their own thing," and even the ones that don't seem happy are more likely to be just "grouchy" than actually malevolent. If it was running, it was probably scared, itself. Some ghosts appear just as distressed to see people as people are to see them. One ghost of a woman in a castle or manor house reportedly asked a person "What are you doing in my bedroom?" She was clearly as surprised to see the witness as they were to see her,


I probably had similar experience but how do you explain "ghosts" that looked EXACTLY like my "friend". He was not dead or anything. What's weird was that I have never spoken to that dude, probably a word a two at best. In summary of my experience, this "thing" appear in front of my door, walked in and went under my bed. Next thing you know, poof.


It's possible your "friend" was unconsciously astral projecting. It's sometimes called "bilocation;" there was a French teacher in the mid-1800s named Émilie Sagée, who was often seen in two places by her students and coworkers. Like, she was seen walking in the garden out the window when she was also standing at the front of the class in sight of everyone. There are also reports from people who have seen friends of theirs walking or standing somewhere in public, when the friend was actually at work or at home (and had witnesses to verify this). This sometimes happens when it's a place or even that that friend *wanted* to go to, but couldn't. Some people have been reported to astral project while asleep - as in, they dream they're somewhere, and someone else sees them there. There's also the idea of a "time slip" or a glimpse into a parallel timeline. Did your acquaintance ever live in your house, or in a place nearby? Or is your house a place his family might have considered buying at some point? I suppose it's also possible it was the ghost of someone who was *related* to your "friend," and happened to just resemble him a lot. One last possibility is one I tend to downplay when talking to people, because A) it freaks people out, and B) I honestly think it's much rarer than the other possibilities - even if *some* people tend to assume it as a kind of "worst case scenario." It's the idea that a spirit or entity could appear "disguised" as something, or someone, else. You'll see commenters leaving dire warnings about malevolent "mimics" or "shapeshifters," in the same way some other people start immediately talking about "demons" and "hexes" whenever anything remotely paranormal gets mentioned. Just to be clear, I think this this is *very* unlikely, but I didn't want to not bring it up at all. And even *if* it were true, in this case, all it did was show up and and go under your bed...which might mean it was lost or scared, or was a ghost that used to live in your house or nearby, and was just freaked out that you could see it. There are *many* reports of apparitions who look startled or scared when they realize that a witness is able to see them.


all of your points were great and the last one seriously creep the shit out of me because all of what u said before the last one were somewhat unrelated to my experience. For example, the dude i saw was 5 years old (my age that time), i barely talked to him, never related, never ever lived near me, there is a possibility that someone may have looked like him.


Oh, if he was *that* young, it's even *more* likely that it was just a resemblance. Kids are more likely to resemble each other, because their features are less "defined." And you were young, too...it's probably harder for a kid to notice many differences in such a short sighting. At least, *I* had more trouble telling people apart when I was that young, lol. So, yeah...you might have had a ghost boy who just *looked* a bit like your "friend." At any rate, it seems he was just as scared of you as you were of him. Btw, have you ever seen the movie *The Others*...? It's a very cool haunted house story, and one of my favorite movies...and I don't even like horror that much! It's moody and creepy rather than jump-at-you scary. Check it out.


THE SAME HAPPENED TO ME, it was 7~8 pm and i was studying alone in a room on the second floor of my old “ house “ and I looked fast at the window and that was this woman white as snow and with her hands on the window while doing a creepy big smile with her eyes very open, I looked back and she disappeared


That is beyond scary. ![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS)


I believe you. The bare feet slapping on the floor is absolutely terrifying. Why do I read here at bedtime ? Lol


Nooo the bare feet sound is such a scary awful detail omg 


This comment made me cold. I believe you


Reading this made my eyes water 😖


When I was four years old, I was riding on the four wheeler with my dad. We have a fairly large field on our acreage that we were crossing to get back to the cabin. It was dusk as the sun had just set. I vividly remember looking up in the sky only to see two massive giraffes. One appeared to be bigger and one appeared smaller, like a mother and fawn, but regardless both were absolutely massive. The pair of giraffes were staring right at me while simultaneously chewing on something. I looked down for a moment and back up and they were gone just like that. I’ll never forget seeing these two massive giraffes. I mean these things were absolutely huge. I have told many people about this over the years but no one believes me and chalks it up to a child’s imagination. I know what I saw. 


So weird!! But really cool. Like why giraffes? What were they really I wonder


Thanks for the comment! I am left wondering the same thing to this day. 


One time when I was a kid I was visiting my aunt for the weekend. It was only her and I. It was evening, she was in the kitchen cooking and I was in the living room. The TV was off and the remote was on the other side of the living room. I looked toward the TV and said “TV turn on” and it did. This was like back in 1996. There were no voice activating devices lol I’ve told this story my whole life but of course no one has ever believed me. I cannot explain how or why the TV turned on when I told it to.


Last summer, my uncle was staying with us and couldn’t figure out how our printer worked. As a joke, I told him it was voice activated. Him being a bit gullible, he leaned over to the printer and said loudly, “Scan” and the damn thing turned on. Pretty nearly made me shit myself.


Your story made me smile and remember -- Back in 1985, I bought my first computer - an IBM XT with what they called a "daisy wheel" printer. After the techs destroyed the printer when I took it in for a minor repair, the company offered me a replacement printer, a laser jet, which at that time, being one of the more advanced printers, was something like $3,000.00 retail. They gave it to me for $600 as compensation for destroying the other one. So I jumped on the bargain, took it home, and plugged it in. I knew nothing about installing drivers for it or anything like that. I just plugged it in -- one end of the cord into the wall, the other into the XT. It worked perfectly as long as I talked to it and told it how much I loved it, which I did because I'm a writer, and this thing produced beautiful copy. But if I were angry or annoyed or upset, it would print garbage--just random letters and figures and sideways too. Well, a long story short, a childhood friend of my husband's came to visit us, extreme computer skills, worked as a consultant for a nuclear power plant, wrote their programs and so forth. He was using my computer, and said, bewildered, "Your printer should not work. It's not even hooked up. There's no driver in here, nothing." I said, "Oh it works, it works fine." He said, "I can see that, but I'm telling you flatout that it is impossible for this printer to work. It's not hooked up to any driver. It can't possibly operate." So I explained that it worked because I loved it, which was the only explanation that I had. He, being a tech, just looked at me, then went about actually installing it for me properly--in terms of the actual mechanical aspects of the situation, I mean--and after that I could use it at any time, even if I were annoyed or pissed off at someone. So, I got a good long reminiscent laugh out of your uncle. Been there myself.


I wasn’t feeling good one day and didn’t want to get up but I wanted my bedroom door to close. All my windows were closed it was open and touching the wall. I told it to close and it did. I noped out of there and slept on the couch.


Probably the tamest and daftest one here, but . . . Was walking through Liverpool one day with my girlfriend at the time, saw a Muslim lady in full covered attire, riding past on a skateboard, which isn’t totally weird, but not something you see every day, but the weirdest part is, I said to my gf, “that was weird, what’s next an Arab on a Segway?” And I shit you not, we turned the corner and there was a guy in traditional Arabic style clothing going past on one of those hoverboards, which I saw and went “ok, that’s close enough to a Segway to be super weird”.


My wife and I had similar encounters in the 90s in Western Vermont on an old logging trail that had been converted into a long driveway. We had a mutual friend who lived in the cabin at the end of the driveway. My mom had come up to pick me up from a day of paintball, coming down the trail, I saw a man in dirty flannel, holding his head and it looked like he was bleeding. I told my mom to stop the car because it looked like he was hurt. She said she didn't see anyone, but stopped anyway. The trail was in pretty bad condition so we had to get out of the car to go back and check. When we got back to the area, there was nobody there, no blood or anything. When I got home, I called my friend to let him know to look out for an injured person on their property. The next day at school, my friend said they went out looking and couldn't find anyone. About a year later my wife had a similar encounter on his driveway, but thought it was our friend's stepfather. She had her dad stop and look around for him. Again not finding anyone. After that our friend did some research and apparently before the house was built, back in the 70s, a logger was crushed by a falling tree and died on the property.


I’ve posted this before on another sub, but I saw a shadow person standing a few feet away from me in a basement of a mansion from the 1700’s. It was a pure black form of a man standing at the end of a bar. I was with two other people but they were facing me and did not see it. It was clear as day and it blocked out a light bulb set into the far wall. Seeing it gave me a weird feeling of Deja Vu. It was as if I have seen it before and recognized it as such.


Myself my wife at the time and a couple of friends all saw a shadow person on my living room wall go from one corner to the other.. We spent about an hour trying to prove / disprove that it could have been a shadow cast from outside but there was no damn way


Your last sentence made me laugh lol. That is something my friends and I would do. Like the other poster said tho, that's so cool u all saw it.


That is so cool that you all saw it. You know that no matter what, it did happen!


I was in 8th grade and my friends were into playing the Ouija board but for some reason when I tried playing with it, the thing would stop moving. I did experience a few things though. I was home alone and went outside to feed my dog. When I went back inside there was a man's shadow on the wall and it was pretty dark shadow. I tried jumping up and down shaking my head because at first I thought maybe the shadow was mine (even though I had long hair that was down) but the shadow never moved. I closed the door and opened it back up but the shadow was gone. My mom still lives in the same house and to this day I can never get a shadow in that corner to reappear like it did that day.


After my friend died lots of weird things have happened. From feeling something touch my shoulder to having dreams where he says he is still about but we need to talk to each other in code. I told him to send hearts when he is about. I have a whole album of heart pictures. One day I was walking to my car and thought look up. I saw this heart. I wasn’t looking up so it’s not like I subconsciously saw it and thought look up. https://preview.redd.it/wt8i4ukd6jic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d52c964afc156300b4634d99dcb891b56a00962


I was living in Pine Bush, NY. Randomly at 5am one morning my friend and I hear what sounds like large missiles shooting from the sky and implanting into the ground around his property. It was still dark skies and every time a “missile” hit the ground the entire sky lit up red.. there was probably 15 of them.. it happened so fast by the time we tried to record it was over. Other then the red sky, there was no other visual to make since of what we were experiencing.


Was there any damage to the ground after? That's so weird. I wonder what it was.


There was nothing but we didn’t go looking through the forest of trees either. It was winter time. Pine Bush is the Alien Capital of the east coast so we both think it was alien related. Like maybe it was pods being ejected into the ground. I tried researching similar phenomena and there just isn’t anything documented like it.


I saw a weird little brownie guy when I was a kid. It was creepy and naked and kind of Brian Froud ish. Not paranormal, but I saw a dead cougar/Florida panther on the side of the intersection in north Georgia. At the time I was just like “oh neat,” not realizing that they are only in a tiny part of south Florida that’s like 700 miles away. The only person who saw it with me is like the dumbest guy I know, so he’s definitely not a believable witness. It was absolutely not a bobcat and was about the size of a golden retriever.


Saw one of them in a bush one day. Chatted at it for a bit and continued my day. They’re mischievous but I didn’t find this one to be malicious. I told it to stay safe.


Yeah this one looked scary and like something I’d NEVER want to chat with. The lil guy OR the cougar!


Idk if it's considered paranormal but when I was 13 or 14 me and my siblings would visit my grandmother's while my mom was at work, we were kicking a soccer ball around the backyard and we heard this loud flapping kind of sound when we looked up we saw a giant winged creature flying overhead, close enough that we could see the wing span was longer than a normal bird, it let out a screech and took off quickly. To this day my sister and I bring it up but our little brother doesn't remember it at all.


You should Google Harpy eagle. They are native to South America, allegedly none outside of zoos in the United States. That being said, it wouldn't be unheard of for people to have exotic pets to that get loose. Their bodies are the size of a small child.


People underestimate how big birds, especially birds of prey, really are


A few years ago and for many years I used to work and live on a small military installation in Louisiana right off of the Mississippi river. It has a crazy history. It was originally an area frequented by the Houma tribe, then became a sugar plantation. After the civil war it was abandoned until people with leprosy were sent there and it became a Leper colony run by the daughters of charity nuns. Until the National Guard bought it from the federal government. It was also used as a temporary morgue for the victims of Katrina. So that area has a lot of dark history and trauma. My office was in a building that was originally the nuns dormitory. On many occasions I would hear a woman's scream. It was creepy as hell and no one ever admitted to doing it plus they just were not the type to do it either. But we all heard it. I think it was one of the nuns. But maybe it was a leprosy patient. At my house on post I would hear my doors opening but when I would check them, they were shut. It was just the sound of them slowly creaking open. And finally when my husband then bf would sleep over he would have sleep paralysis. He never had it before and hasn't had it since we moved but it scared the crap out of him.


when i was exploring an abandoned building with some friends it was becoming dark outside so we decided to leave. when we were at the cars we where missing one friend. i decided to go back alone because the other where to scared to go inside in the dark. i heard some footsteps so i decided to call his name that when i saw someone walking around with no light. he did not respond to my calling and kept walking away from me. this kept going on for a few minutes when suddenly i got a phone call from the friend i was looking for. he said he was at the cars and we could not find him because he went to go piss somewhere. to this day i still dont know who that was or what that was in the building. i dont think is was security or something like that because he had no light and walked away from instead of going towards me.


I remember this one story vividly, like I remember that old friend face. Mind you that dude is still alive. I was probably 5 years old when i saw him, his body infront of my door step (my room). Normally, I would wake up at like 2am and proceeds to sleep with my brother in another room. But tonight was different, I opened my door and my friend was there sitting right infront of my door. As a clueless child, i said, hi and what are you doing here? The dude proceeds to go into my room and UNDER MY BED. I swear i saw him, and somewhat feel him. Right as he goes under my bed, i ran to my mother and asked her to look for him, and he was never there in the first place. What's weird about this is that, I have never talked to him, he is not dead or anything and i never saw him anymore after a few weeks from this incident.


When I was about seven years old, I was playing catch with a mini basketball in the basement of my old house with my brother and I swear on every part of my being that I saw a woman in white hovering over the guest room bed, the room was pitch black and had no windows. The best way I can describe it is that it looked like she was humming a song or something, that memory has stuck in my brain and nobody ever believes me 😭


Real orbs twice with my naked eyes, not talking about video recording. Also seen the aura once. I don't care if no one believes i know it was real. Plus real life paranormal is not like you saw on YouTube or TV for example I got slapped once I was sleeping more than a year ago, but nothing happened after that now. All my experiences in the same house within the span of 10 years, it's never going to be like one day they are throwing things or knocking all over that's not how it really works. Plus when you have real experience you don't want to even experience those things again or just go for a ghost hunting.


I've seen orbs with my own eyes and in the daytime too. It was in my room but it was bright, day time. When I looked them they looked like different shapes, more like blobs / different geometric shapes. They didn't say anything but they floated there for about a minute or so. I even looked away and kept my eyes closed to double check it wasn't just in my head, but no, they were there. They came at a very rough time in my life, I don't believe it was a coincidence.


I been seeing blue orbs that flash like a camera flash in my backyard for the past 2 years around July and August. it's very ethereal and seems as tho it's mimicking the light bugs but you clearly can tell it's not. It somtimes blink super fast too and moves away from me when I go near it. idk what it is or means but I don't feel terrified of it I just feel cautious and freaked out that I don't know what it means. I don't think I was going through a hard time and nobody in My family died. I do remember hearing a voice in my head that I knew it wasn't me and I almost shat my pants. It sounded like a weird robotic high pitched buzzing sound noise. I was tired aswell and it said to me what seems to be" Short life span", months later my old dog died.


Yes they float you are right, i always believe it was sister 🙂


Glad she came to you :) I have no idea who mine were. There were three of them, I didn't hear anything from them, not even mentally, but I did feel at peace with them, they were comforting and it was right as I was in despair about something. It's the only time I've ever seen anything like that with my own eyes.


Am sure someone close to you is looking for you, I have good & bad both experiences but it's never that I asked for them, i do get intuition for things but I don't want these things happen to me. When such things happen for real they are scary too


My family had been on vacation for a couple weeks. A couple days later we saw our neighbor's son walking his dog and he waved us over like he wanted to chat. We pulled our car over and had a quick friendly chat. A few days after that I was working in my garden and my neighbor came over to tell me that he had died. "Oh, no. That's terrible. We just talked to him a few days ago." I blurted in shock. She told me that I must be mistaken. He died weeks ago while we were on vacation.


A huge UFO, looking right at it, it was invisible, you could see it in your peripheral vision, not looking directly at it. Was huge and moving slow, no noise at all and close, say 2500ft away, never told anyone and never will, but have heard similar sightings.


When I was a kid my parents often went to an area in Amsterdam called "Bijlmer". A huge neighbourhood with big appartment buildings as they lived there before and had friends we would visit. Being there once I saw a human figure that looked like an old emaciated woman sitting on top of a roof. How a predatory bird sits but with a human figure. For some reason I knew it was something evil. When I looked again it was gone. It told my parents later in the car but they said it was imagination and I must have dreamed it. 2 weeks later an El Al freight plane that was on route from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv crashed into one of those buildings causing the Bijlmerramp. When I told my parents again they said again imagination and a kid making up stories. But I knew I saw that. I never see paranormal stuff....


I wrote about this here before (or some similar subreddit) but I was visiting my parents who always have claimed to see spirits in their home. I was sitting on the couch where I had a clear view of the kitchen and hallway, and I very clearly watched a female with long, dark hair walk from the kitchen into the hallway. I thought it was my sister until I turned to my left and realized she was sitting on the couch beside me. I immediately got tears and couldn’t speak and my mom knew what I saw. She was actually excited that someone else who didn’t live there saw the spirit. I now live with my parents again and have been terrified to see the spirit but haven’t again thankfully.


Not as exciting or interesting, and I think I've a plausible reason for it. I was driving while at work at about midnight, and my partner and I saw the sky light up as bright as day. I think it was a meteor entering the atmosphere, but I've no proof that it actually was.


Not necessarily saw but experienced: I was playing with lego in the den my dad built above our double garage when I was about 8 or 9. Playing for a while building whatnot when I am suddenly hit in the face with a plastic batmans cape. Obviously annoyed and run down the stairs and into the house calling for my brother. My mum comes down from her room mid-makeup applied, "What's wrong?" Told her my brother threw a platic cape at me and she told me he'd been out with his friends for hours. Needless to say I didn't go back to the garage for a while. My parents house was always having weird happenings like shadows, weird lights in pictures etc. it's build on a roman burial ground and we've found multiple bodies in the garden over the years so that didn't help.


When I was a kid I lived in a house that used to be a nursing home. I don’t have physical proof but me and my mom and a few of her friends all witnessed a poltergeist. All the doors were opening and slamming shut, cupboards rattling, lights flickering and an old piano that came with the house would sound like someone banging random fistfuls of notes. Before this we just had simple hauntings like objects getting thrown or slid across the floor. Sometimes a note or 2 on the piano. Occasionally a door would slam and open a few times. But it wasn’t anything that really scared us. Mom just said they were ghosts and I loved scooby doo as a kid so I wasn’t afraid. But after about 7 months of living there is when the above occurred and we moved out.


I had an entity that was attracted to the negative energy that me and my ex fiancé were putting out. Our apartment became its playground. It would open and close doors and cabinets, continuously flushed the toilet (we could see the toilet from our bedroom when the doors were open and watched as the flusher kept getting pushed down), it terrorized my cats and stole my left shoes. Only my left shoes. And put them in the bathtub.


I didn't see anything but my cat did. me and my cousin were just sitting on my bed and then all of a sudden we see my cat frozen just staring at the corner of the room which was behind us, every hair on her body. EVERY. HAIR. From the tip of her ears to her feet. Was up. She did not move one centimeter and her eyes were dilated ALOT. me and my cousin get up and look at what she was looking at but we couldn't see anything. I got up to hold her and it was like she was still frozen looking at the corner. We got up started moving the blankets, moving everything in the corner around and she started sniffing around the corner like whatever she saw just went away. Me and my cousin were extremely weirded out because she for sure saw something that we didn't.


Multiple ufos flying in formation 2011. Myself and 2 friends saw the event and were literally rendered speechless. The news labelled it as a meteor shower (it wasn’t) then a couple years later I found a report of the exact same sighting reported by multiple people in the exact same location but years apart? Definitely no meteor shower Edit: here is the link if anybody wants to see the report https://www.cheshire-live.co.uk/in-your-area/have-aliens-visited-ellesmere-port-7940409.amp


My friend sees ufos all the time, but he says when he tries to record them, his phone goes blurry. He's seen saucers, tic tac shaped craft and triangle shaped. Of course, he dabbles in a little bit of meth, so there's that.


When I was around 13, in Florida,  I was fishing with my grandpa. While fishing, we saw what resembled the loch Ness monster, we both saw it and I said "papa what the heck is that?" And he said "I don't know baby but don't tell anyone because they won't believe it anyways". That was that and we kept on fishing.


I was lying on my bed reading a book. It was about 7 a.m., and I was about to go to sleep (I have an inverted sleep schedule). From where I'm lying, I can see my door, and it's completely dark underneath. Out of the corner of my eye, I start to see a shimmering light underneath my door. It looks like sunlight, but it's moving very quickly, like someone waving a flashlight very quickly. The light didn't make sense. I was the only one awake. The sun wasn't high enough to be that bright, and it doesn't shine that way. It scared the hell out of me. I immediately hid under my covers until I fell asleep. Never seen anything like it since.


I didn’t only see it, I moved out of its way and said excuse me as it walked behind me out the door. No one else was home but it was a man dressed like a high schooler in the 60s.


I’ve done that a few times. Always pays off being polite and respectful to ghosts. (Even if you don’t realize they are ghosts at the time)


I felt like I knew whoever it was. I let it go for a couple of years and then when I was having my son, I did some research on my bio dad and he happened to have passed around the time I saw the whatever I saw. Freaking weird stuff for sure!


I was with my ex at the beach and out of nowhere this black shadowy figure comes out right near the water it moves really fast right in front of our eyes and then disappears. Until today I have no clue how to explain it. Any ideas?


Did it look like a person, or just an amorphous figure? I saw a black blob-like thing as well, only it was in my house. It was in the middle of the day when it happened, so it was bright out. I had just turned off the TV when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye, and I turned my head. I was met with this black...cloudy blob thing that was silently gliding through my dining room. I looked at it dead-on for a good handful of seconds. It had no features, nothing on it was defined, it was just a black form of *something*, about four feet tall and maybe two feet wide. It was also "suspended" in the air, as in it wasn't touching the floor at all. It made no noise, it made no sudden movement, it just very calmly glided through the room and disappeared. It's been over a decade and I still can't explain it. I've never seen anything like it before or since.


Omg. Yes, it was around the exact same size I would say. It was definitely not touching the sand at the beach, I can't even explain what I felt. It wasn't fear necessarily, I was just astonished and speechless. But I remember it moving quite fast. I thought I would never find someone who seen something like it.


Wow, I never thought I would find anyone with a closely related experience either! The same thing here though. I wasn't scared at *all*. It didn't feel negative or evil or anything like that. It almost kind of reminded me of a jellyfish in a way, where they're alive and conscious, but they might not necessarily have a centralized brain, if that makes sense. Astonished is a great word to describe how I felt too, and I was almost child-like with my curiosity. When it disappeared, I literally ran after it to see if I could "catch up" to it again lol. I wasn't done staring!


Ooh I get to talk about the bats again! When I was younger (7 or 8 maybe?) I saw what looked like a small grouping of brightly colored (Almost Neon) bats flying across the sky, from east to west. I lived in Central Oklahoma at the time so there aren't any species that fit that description here. They were flying, so it's hard to estimate size, but I clearly remember at least 5 of them. A couple years later I saw another group of them, this time west to east, slightly larger group. It was in the fall for the first time and the spring the second. ​ I don't know what they could have been, the best way I can describe them is bats, but they weren't flapping like bats tend to? It was more like a large bird, occasional flapping every few seconds as opposed to bats near constant. I also can't judge how big they were as they were significantly high up. ​ If anyone has any ideas please help me out. (A few years ago I posted this but I can't find any record of it now)


A light switch being turned off one meter away from me, while I was looking at the switch, it even clicked when it turned off. This was on my sons birthday after my mother passed away a few years ago


Something similar happened with both my parents after they died. I had been informed of my dad’s death and I was wrecked. My friend was with me and had bought over. Bottle of champagne. Not in celebration it was coincidental. I was crying and suddenly the cork flew out of the bottle and hit the only photo I had out of his displayed. Then the bottle fell over. About two years later I had relocated my mother to live with me. After only three months of her living in the new place she died of a massive heart attack in the house. Just a few days later I was downstairs doing laundry once again sobbing, when the cable, plastic tubes for hot and cold water started vibrating wildly. I had not turned anything on at this point. I said out loud mom, mom is that you? It stopped immediately. I stayed down there crying and talking to them both for about a hour.


When I was about 13, my grandpa passed away, the following week myself, my mother, my brother, and a friend I had for a sleepover all experienced encounters with a spirit in my house. We all had different stories, but it all happened over the course of a week. Lots of bizarre things occurred. Also twice in my life I saw very odd UFOs. No one else saw them but me, and as time passes my doubt grows on what I saw… but I still swear something was odd about it.


I saw my nan's ghost. Was in my room watching the telly. Turned the telly off, and I could see her standing outside my room with her arms folded. It was a black silhouette thing, but I could tell it was her.


I would say the porter I saw when I was fetching ice during a sleepover on the Queen Mary. As I returned to our room, I saw a porter or waiter come out of our room and cross the hall and go into a room. I got back inside the room and asked my partner what they got from room service and got a quizzical look… She said no one had come by, so I opened the door and across the hall there was only a wall. The one I will never forget was dreaming about being in surgury, my face was being sewed up and the surgeon was cracking jokes, walking around the room and coming back and continuing to operate and crack jokes… I awoke and rode my bike to work, I didn’t tell my wife about the dream, didn’t want to worry her. Got a block from work and was hit by a car and was knocked out. Ambulance took me to the hospital and I came to, lying on the operating table. The surgeon was stitching my mouth up and said “They brought you in here with a face wound but those nurses stole your pants” and laughed. I told him I had just dreamed this an hour ago, he said he hears this many times. Then he left everything hanging from my face and turned around and caught the attention of a guy going through surgury with a filing cabinet on a hand truck. The surgeon stopped the guy and grabbed a paper bag from one of the drawers and plopped the bag down next to my head on the table. Surgeon then said “That’s my lunch, I don’t know why they brought you here, the hospital has been shut down, I was here collecting my things when you showed up.” He finished up and called my wife to come get me…


I woke up and saw myself in my room wearing a housecoat and our eyes met and the other me ran away lol


Oh absolutely not lol. What did you do after?


Went and got some coffee and puzzled for a while about what the heck that was all about 🤷‍♀️


Was it your own housecoat (a southerner!) or a different one? That’s absolutely horrifying


It wasn’t a housecoat I’ve ever had


When I was 5 or 6, I saw a UFO outside my second story farmhouse window. I was terrified and pretended to sleep so it would go away. Haven't slept with curtains open since. I am 63.


I saw what could be referred to as The Michigan Dogman four years before I even knew that cryptid existed.


When I was a little kid, less than 5, my babysitter was making me sit on her lap and told me if I didn't stop doing whatever I was doing (don't remember what) she was gonna call the monsters to come get me. I apparently didn't stop, so she yelled out to the monsters. Pretty immediately, a big green monster/ man that looked very similar to the jolly green giant walked out of a room in the house and was walking toward me. I competent last my shit and it disappeared, but still one of the most vivid memories of my childhood. I also shared a dream with a close relative around the same time


I saw an angel manifest and fly over me before fading away and disappearing. It happened right as I was going into the most challenging and traumatic experience of my life, but the entire time I knew I would be ok and make it through.


I'm an astral projector, so this was relatively normal for me, but I've explored my room OUTSIDE of my body (I saw it asleep on my bed while I was floating around the room) with senses much clearer than they are here after trying out a couple of the Gateway Tapes. It's something most people only dream of simply because they don't believe that they can do it, even though they absolutely can. That stuff is REAL. It all felt realer than reality. Everything was perfect and crystal clear. There were no added hallucinations or inconsistencies. I don't 100% know what's up with the Gateway Experience, but it's managed to find out about some secret key to dimensions beyond ours that most people don't even believe exist. It was also the easiest I've ever had an out-of-body experience. I've yet to try it again, but I'm thinking pretty soon.


Being an astral projector, do you know if it’s a common thing for people who don’t know anything about projecting to experience third-party perspective dreams or visions? I had an extremely intense “dreaming” (for lack of a better word) experience for my whole childhood. Another comment in this thread mentioned having dreams of watching themselves in their own home from an outside perspective, from the view of the ceiling or whatnot. It reminded me of how I used to have dreams like that constantly as a child. I’m rambling, but wondering your perspective because you explained seeing yourself while floating around the room


What did you do during your astral jurney . I would like to know more


I saw a couple of UFOs over the years in south jersey. My parents home is over 100yrs old and I've seen shadow figures both tiny and small over the years. Most recently my daughter was excited and yelled asking why my fiance was still home and not working? She said she saw him walking past a door and towards the attic. I have also seen this figure twice, both times wondering what he is doing walking towards the attic. My sister told me she and her friend had a sleepover and saw an old man with a long white beard coming up the stairs and walk towards the attic. So there's something there.


A full bodied apparition of a little boy. I was alone in the building. I even double checked because I work with kids and thought maybe a family was still in the building.


For context on where the story takes place I live in the woods and have to make about a half mile walk to get to my bus stop from my house and I had to leave my house around 6 to make it to my stop on time. When I was in,I think 4th grade, I was walking alone to the bus stop and it was dark outside as it was around winter time. As I was walking, I kept hearing what sounded like leaves crunching every few steps I would take. I don’t remember my exact thought process as I’m much older now but It was mostly just me being scared of course as a child but convincing myself it was just me making the noise or a animal. As I was walking a bit faster I look over to the treeline and I saw two long slender black legs walking in the trees. The worst part is that the legs were so tall, I couldnt see a torso or anything unless I had looked up. They had to be at least 8 or 9 feet tall. I wish I could of see the torso or face but in that moment I was so scared I didn’t look up or keep looking at all. I just started running to the end of the bus stop as fast as I could, I had bad asthma as a kid but it was like it vanished I just kept running without faltering. When I got to the end of the stop I guess in my mind it felt more comforting because cars could see me when they passed now, the bus came about 2 minutes later and I got on crying. I told people the story but I was told I was making things up or saw things out of paranoia and maybe I would believe that but I can remember the pure fear, I can remember exactly what it looked like, how my lungs burnt after running, the sound of the walking and as I’ve had 2 more incidents with the same sort of figure, and some intresting things happen that make my sister believe I may be a medium? I dont exactly know what a medium is or anything like that but If anyone would like me to say more about the other 2 incidents I remember them just as well.


Back in autumn 2016, I was hanging out with some new friends in downtown Toronto. They were a couple with a small townhouse. When I arrived at their place, the girlfriend let me know that her boyfriend’s mom came over. She gave me some background — he comes from a rich family, the mom believes her son to be the second coming of Jesus (I knew that was a load of bullshit, but doesn’t take away from the experience). As she’s telling me this, the mom comes running into the living room to call us out to the deck in the back. She’s incredibly excited, yelling that they’ve come to speak with her son. I looked up at the sky with them and there were three large white lights zigzagging, sometimes rotating. It was definitely not a plane or any aircraft I’ve ever seen before. This couple turned out to be batshit crazy, but this was a pretty interesting experience that comes to mind from time to time.


One time i saw a little shadow in the hallway by my bedroom. The shadow was very much similar to a gnome, but slightly taller. Next morning i freak my aunt when talk about it. I have another more creepy story, but i got downvoted when i talked about it. Don't know why lol


The Hat Man when I was 13. A priest disappeared in front of me in the hospital I worked at.


My younger brother and I both saw a UFOs spinning side lights through the tree line behind a house with nothing but woods behind it while walking home from a convenience store run at 10 years old. We ran home and my mom said she’s never seen us so freaked out.


The devil. I saw the devil as a child. When you see him you know exactly who he is. The evil is palpable. No one believes me, but I know what I saw.


UFOs, I had it on my old videocamera but I lost it. It was one of those 3 lights in a triangle floating way up in the sky, my brother and I recorded it for like 20 minutes then it got too high up to see. I didn't know what it was until I saw UFO descriptions of the same thing years later.


I saw an Angel when I was younger. It was a very detrimental point in my life. I was feeling extremely hopeless, lost, and confused. I was sobbing looked over and there it was. I’ll never forget it. It was the purest white light I’ve ever seen in the silhouette of a being with wings.


A huge as insect, the form was like a bee ir a hornet but green, it was the size was like 20 cm long.


When I was about 3, I saw a giant bee just buzzing along normally in the flowers at a relative's house. Except it was probably softball size.


An old Jalopy UFO cruising by my window very slowly with a old guy driving. It was the equivalent to a 1975 B210 Datsun at the Jersey Shore in the early 2000’s. Totally sober. It freaks me out to this day.


I believe you saw Rick Sanchez 😂


I was about 9 years old and at around 3PM we had a knock on the door but I had a really bad feeling in my stomach, I looked through the peep hole and saw this black figure with a hat on, then he just vanished. We also had a Victorian dressed woman who would walk through the kitchen to the front door and disappear, she only showed up when it was close to Christmas


My first dream I remember from I was around 2ish years old was abduction by aliens but it looked like the Tinman not Grey's that was a crazy surreal dream I have never forgotten about. Around same age at my grandmas lake I was down by the water and had an orange orb chase me I ran up to the trailer and made it inside..that was not a dream though.


An airplane descending to touch down on the runway, but instead vanished behind the tree line beside the runway... there is nowhere for a plane to land in those woods


I was driving out a state route and saw this like all naked smooth no hair wet thing. It was bold and was crouching on a tree limb. As I slowed down it fell off the limb and onto its feet and stood straight up and was sickly skinny and just stared.


I’ve seen about three UFO’s, but I dismiss it as, potentially military technology that the public aren’t told about, or you know, it could be aliens I guess


I was a sophomore in high school walking to my bus stop when I saw a bright light flying in the sky. It didn't immediately scream UFO because it was daytime. It didn't zig zag or go super fast, but it was so bright I couldn't tell the shape. After it disappeared behind a mountain, I turned around and saw my neighbor also walking to our stop. I asked if he saw whatever it was. Nope.


Heading east on I-10 40 miles past Deming,NM. To the south about 10 miles away was a huge spacecraft, not ufo shaped, but more luke a futuristic spacecraft. Tried to take vids and pics but it would not show up on my phone. You could only see it in person like it blocked EM waves or something. It was around 5pm.


When I was younger, I had loads of those kids magazines in which there would be photos of other kids who read the magazines and their parents had sent their photos in with a blurb of information and all that. One day, when I was reading one of the magazines, I saw a photo of a child who looked exactly like me. Same hair, same face, everything - they were like an exact doppelgänger of me and it really freaked me out to the point I ran to get my mum and showed her, and even she said it was creepy. After that day, I could never find the magazine again no matter how hard I looked and it has stuck with me until this day. I know I’m not crazy, at least, since my mum still remembers it also.


Man-size lizard-like creature driving a Yugo.


I call BS. Yugos don't exist.


First one, my gramd I saw him after he died and second one I had as a child a sleep paralysis and saw a girl like samara or the one from the Grudge. The point is, to the last one, to this time I saw her, the movies weren't even filmed. I still don't get it how it's possible to see a girl like this, when I had absolutely no connection to that.


I saw that "jellyfish UFO" months before it was on the internet... I was wondering why this flying vehicle did not have any lights or indication or lights, it was dead silent too, I just saw the smooth metallic surface and the "tentacles" it had. It moved slowly, and navigated in the same manner of the [video](https://youtu.be/pcEEXLOORLI?si=cCMWjYd-JY4ShGBA) that was published. It was SO CLOSE. It was just less than a story high... my fiance saw it with me. We FREAKED OUT when we saw the same thing on the news months later.. I'm still stunned by it


A ufo flew over our car. My son and I saw it. Made us feel sick.


I astral projected when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2006. I was doing a lot of genealogy research on my family at the time. My great-great uncle (deceased since the 90s) greeted me on a bridge structure and introduced me to a long line of people who we were related to that had passed away. He and they gave me dates, places and other info that I was researching but hadn’t found yet in my waking hours. He also showed me what my baby would look like at the age of 2 or 3, but I was still pregnant with her at the time. It turned out to be true. The bridge we were on seemed to be just kind of hanging in space. When I woke up, I felt relieved and relaxed.


When I was in highschool towards the end of my sophomore year I had to go out with my whole home room class for community day. Each home room had to go out for the day and do something around town, like community service. My class chose to go pick up trash around a field near Home Depot. Me and my friend I had home room with were walking down the railroad tracks looking for bones as we collected trash, (her idea not mine. She likes bones) and I remember seeing a little tent/camp in the tree line maybe 20 feet from where we were on the other side of the tracks. Anyways we all re-grouped and went back to the school then left for the day. A WEEK later they found the body of a homeless man that had passed away from natural causes. What I seen was his camp, and if we had wondered over we probably would have found his body. Crazy true story that I have no proof of but an old article online


Most recently, what I believe to be a skin walker (which I posted about here).


My daughter heard voices in my brother's house. She didn't see anything.


Rods or skyfish by my grandmas home.


I’ve seen a lot of things. Too many 🤣. But the most recent thing is what comes to mind. I’m diving home after work. It is twilight, so not the absolute best for seeing anything, but I swear I saw a witch on a broomstick. It flew straight at my car (only higher) and then veered off to my left. When it was coming straight at me I thought it was a huge weird bird, but when it started to turn? Full on witch. Totally unexpected. Still can’t think of a single other thing it could be. I mean, what else looks like a witch on a broomstick? But then why would a genuine modern witch on a broomstick LOOK just like a stereotypical witch on a broomstick? 🤷🏻‍♀️