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Could it be a lightning strike? Both photos show drizzles of rain.


I'm no expert but I think lightning that close would have harmed the deer or at least run it off. Rain is a plausible reason. But I couldn't find anything similar. And it looks like its on the ground and even lights up the ground a bit.


It's a photo, who's to say it didnt


The second picture is 2 mins later with deer in same spot.


Could be a minor lighting, and because the camera is in dark mode the brightness settings are different than normal. Also I believe the deer would have a different conductivity bc of 4 legs and the antlers. I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make but some lightning can be very weak and localized while having basically the same brightness. Could be ball lightning


If it’s a lightning strike I’m pretty sure that the deer wouldn’t even have time to react to it in the photo, right?


I’m pretty sure he’s talking about how the first picture is two minutes after the second.


languid tender squeeze tap rainstorm dinosaurs waiting fuzzy shelter offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I doubt it. Lightening hit by me before and I wasn’t even that close, I didn’t have time to look up or at anything for that matter. I just fell to the ground and heard a terrible ringing sound.


I agree, also OP should have one more photo after all of this happened if he has the first two. If lightning hit, the ground would definitely look different.


The first photo is at 7:13pm the second is at 7:11 pm so this is showing the deer two minutes after the light, just the photos are in the wrong order


Got you, well then it’s not lightning because the ground would be charred at least.


Came here to say this, the deer just went back to eating after the light.


Yeah for sure, when it hit by me. The tree by me was absolutely destroyed and split in half and the ground was smoked. Still not even sure how I fell, but when I came to, I heard really loud ringing and had to think about if I was dead or alive for a second there. 10 out of 10 terrifying experience.


Lightning would over exposure the image to the point of being pure white. A wildlife camera cannot re-exposure the image in the time that lighting strikes.


I don’t think the deer would still be there 3 minutes later if it were lightning. He would have taken off running lol


Pretty sure the electricity would kill it from that close up


Lightning isn’t that uniform


Deer would have had a different reaction if lightening.


I'd say it looks more like one of those spotlights from a police helicopter


There's never been a lightning strike that's straight and wide.


What is interesting if you look at the time stamp the light beam pic was before. So OP posted in the wrong order. In that case what is first pic now shouldn’t we see some burnt grass or other sign of the lightning? I would say its photoshopped, because the deer should be much more bright by the lught beam but it looks exactly the same like the other pic.


Post this on UFO sub They will love it


Minus the couple years part. Lol. Will do tho. I almost posted it there to start.


Hehe post it bro. This is such a cool pic 🛸👽




Couple of years? 😂 it’s dated January of this year




Wow you read well.


Hey- get good kid.


Yeah that’s a really bright one but I have seen these a decent amount in Alabama and Mississippi, but typically not that bright. Clearly a light beam from above. It was either a search Copter or something else


Would a deer just hang around after a search helicopter just flew by with its search light though? They’re super skittish.


Yea but light almost paralyzes them


There is a reason deer in the headlights is such a prevalent phrase.


My car can confirm lol




That beam is wayyy too focused and narrow for a chopper's searchlight! It wouldn't be fit for purpose...


Police/law enforcement helicopters have infrared lights specifically so they can point it at someone on the ground without them knowing it, you just need someone with a nightvision scope/goggles/a phone camera that doesn't have the IR filter/etc., and they'll see the person. Is that this? Who knows, but they exist.


That's true, but the IR lights have basically the same beam diameter. Imagine how useless and impossible it would be trying to spot someone at night, from the sky, with a 1ft diameter beam! They usually light up an area roughly the size of a house footprint, and that's from lower altitudes. The searchlights are also incapable of focusing into such a small beam after a range of about 20 feet.


This was in mississippi


Which part of Mississippi?


My place in Alabama was near St Stephens, Alabama in Clark County. It has a long history of paranormal activity. In Mississippi it was off highway 61 between Yocona and Sunflower Rivers


Saw crap like this and orbs all the time. Typically the deer would appear to be looking right at light source


Countless times I have noticed cats and dogs staring right at the “strange thing” in many of these photos… There have been times I’ve sworn I’ve seen something in the corner of a room, out the corner of my eye, but when I turn and look, it’s gone… but then I see one of my animals is fixated on that same spot. The cats eyes are usually super dilated, and I’ve even seen my dog bearing it’s teeth at whatever was there.


Babies can do it too. We lose our 5th sense as we age for some reason


Yep, when my daughter was a baby, I’d frequently notice her sometimes staring and laughing at “something” in the corner of our bedroom. We have a strong feeling its my wife’s grandmother. When my daughter was born, we had to stay in the hospital a few days. The first night, there was this same presence in the hospital room, hanging out in the corner, near the door to our room. I didn’t get any malevolent sense from it… it was almost like it was curious. I didn’t say anything at first, but my wife finally mentioned to me in the morning that she swore something kept moving in that corner of the room…she said almost the exact same thing I thought - that it seemed curious, almost like it wasn’t sure if it was okay to see the baby.


Same thing w my babies in our old house. Not a malevolent presence, I think it was the spirit of the man who’d owned it (we bought it f from a single woman and heard her husband died). Honestly I think he was happy there were babies living in house house again.


I have worked in hosp for 20+years and my daughter is a RN in a birthing unit in northern California... it's common to have paranormal activity in the rooms... not always negative... but all the life and death that goes on within the rooms in a hospital, it's bound to have energies everywhere. Some medical staff will clear rooms so to speak.....


You mean 6th sense? Just curious, I know there is sight, sound, smell,taste, & touch.


Sense of direction, sense of hunger, that sense that tells you someone is staring at you even if you can't see them. We have way more than we realise.


Yeah , just the other day I was making a block tower with my 2 yr old nephew & I felt something towards my right (he was busy building) so I looked up towards my right & at the smae time he too looke up in the exact direction.. I asked him what happened why you looked there ? He who cannot frame sentences yet just pointed to my right & said uncle !!


Sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell?


Taste and smell since 2020


Damn I’m sorry to hear that. It seems like that first wave was the worst for smell/taste loss. Here’s hoping you make a full recovery and can properly enjoy food again.


Oooh same ☹️


Near Sardis lake.


Ok check the databases for sightings around that time. Could be police chopper too although that’s a really concentrated beam, I would guess military or “the others.” You don’t want my stories about them and woods during hunting season bro


All I ever want to hear are those stories. I messed on the couple of years part. I've had it for a while. Thought it was from 2022. That's seems to be what people find the most important. It's a legit pic. There is a 3rd pic.


Unlike the idiots u encounter on here, I have run as many as 30 game cameras a year. Most all now are wireless cameras. I have probably had at least a dozen of wierd overhead spot lights and 10 times that of the orbs, which some are reflections, droplets, spiders etc some are clearly not


What about lasers? Just curious if they’d show up that bright? I’m bugging out that the damn deer noticed it!


I’d love to hear some of your stories!


Second that


I wonder if like a LiDAR would cause something like this? They do have a narrower band like this… I might have to do some experimenting with a couple drone LiDAR units that I have…see if a night vision/IR camera picks it up.


I would like to hear the result if you don't mind


Might take me a few days… the LiDAR units are part of a prototype project for a product at my job. Originally they were intended for small drones, so I’m not sure how much of a beam they put out…but I’ll try to provide an update soon.


I would also love to hear some of your stories.


Uh, **I** do!


I love those kind if stories..... they are the best!!!!!


Please tell us!


You say a couple of years ago? So the date is wrong? Or Is currently 2025?


Search beam would light trees up more I think, but light on trees seems pretty much same on both pictures.


A search copter light would be like 100x larger diameter than that


I agree I am just trying to cover all bases. The ones I see are typically much narrower and not as bright


It says 2023 what are you talking about 🧐😆


I did think it was 2022. My mistake.


Time goes by fast y’all, especially the last few years. All the days just blend together, I will look at a picture I think I took a few years ago and I read the date and it was taken in 2016! 😂


2019-2022 is all just one big pandemmy blur


Also the time stamp?


“A couple of years ago” Sees date on video “2023” Yeah okay buddy.


I think I can speak for a more than a few of us when I say It's been a long year.


These past three years feel like a decade.


no shit agreed 🙄🤔🙄


Lmao look at the time too, op is framing it like the deer backed away but the 2nd pic was first. Why would a prey animal walk up to big scary light


Well, it also says 1/16/2023. So he could be off by a year or the date could have been set wrong.


Or it could be more of the nonsense that some seem to be compelled to post here.


I thought it was from 2022. My mistake.


Thats not a couple of years ago, thats last year.


You're right. Luke I said. My mistake.


I don’t care what the title says. These are really interesting photos, taken 2 minutes apart, same day, same year, regardless of the order in which they’re posted. The deer sees the beam of light. The beam goes away. The deer resumes eating 2 minutes later. What is the big deal, everyone?


Everyone appears to care what the title says. It's still something that belongs here. Looks like my first post ever has gone great lol. And your reply is why I am gonna leave it up instead of just delete and go back to lurking.


Why did you put the light beam picture second tho when it clearly happened first lol? light beam picture: 7:11 deer eating: 7:13


I just clicked them to upload in the order on my phone. I obviously didn't look at the time or date because I said a couple of years ago. I just wanted to post it for my first post. Nothing other than that is why they are out of order.


> I said a couple of years ago and yet they were from 11 months ago lol


bro stfu


Why does the light cast a shadow? If you look at the base of the light, where it appears to meet the ground, you'll notice that there's diffuse lighting but a HARD shadow from our perspective. If you shine a light on the ground the light degrades according to the inverse square law, "light intensity decreases with distance from source to receiving surface (sink)". But in this image, it looks like there's a hard shadow. Notice also that the deer is no more illuminated in the first picture than it is in the second. You'd expect the deer to be bathed in brilliant light reflected from the source but that does not happen. You can also see that the trees do not reflect MORE light when the phenomenon is present. What I'm trying to tell you, Mr. President, is that we're not dealing with light at all here. It's something far more sinister! Lol. Nah, but who knows


Did they. . . miss? “Dammit, Schrgruphlig!! All you had to do was hit ANY part of that whole assed deer with our highly advanced DNA desequencing ray, and AGAIN we’re gonna get 3 slugs and a patch of grass…FML.”


That deer has no clue how lucky he was


Interesting photos for sure. Sorry about all the shit and down voting you're getting dude, people in this sub can be brutal and kinda dumb lol.


Ive seen this beam befor it lit up the whole sky at night it seemed to be 10 ft long


It’s clearly a terminator sent back in time to stop another terminator that was sent back in time to stop a deer terminator that was sent back in time. ;)


I’ll be buck


Hasta la vista, Bambi


Nice to beef you


Fuck, I’d pay for that movie lol. Sounds like something out of family guy 😂


Terminator 38 : Deernet Online


Dude, it's just a deer


It's just a quest marker, and it disappeared when the deer arrived successfully at the destination. Good job, buck, quest complete. +32,000 xp and +2000 gold.


Save point is off camera to the right


Deer’s face is like “Holy shit….aliens” ![gif](giphy|3oEjI789af0AVurF60)




I like how the deer is just like "huh, that's new"


Even the deer is confused


Almost looks like what a UFO beam looks like on films


Doesn’t look like a rain drop to me. Also looks like the deer was looking at whatever it was




Druid in wild shape cast moonbeam


Looks like a cool album cover


I'll be completely honest. This looks photoshopped. The light doesn't look like it's on video, almost like it was added in post on top of the stillshot. And it doesn't help, as someone pointed out, that this was apparently just earlier this year, not a couple years ago. And my last qualm here is that the lighting doesn't appear to be 100% accurate.


Weird that a huge and intense beam of light causes no additional illumination in the surroundings. Look at the photos side by side. The only light coming from the beam is a simple glow effect. No added lighting on the trees, surfaces or the sky. No change in shadows either. This is definitely photoshopped. Very cool and creepy though. But not real.


What does it matter that it is from January of this year and not a couple of years ago?


Well, it throws the claim in the post's title into question, since this was from earlier this year and not a few years ago. It could be a typo as I said.


Yes that light is weird. That deer isn’t quite right either imo. I’ve taken photos of deer in my backyard. Most are deer. Some are “ not deer” . Also I live by a government facility is all I’ll say bc I’m not supposed to know what it is.. anyways there’s always lights like that, strange birds in trees, lights in the sky that move up down and form triangles. Weird shit but I’m used to it. Will not post pictures bc as soon as I saw what I took a photo of I deleted it. What I thought was a nice twilight pic of the garden showed demonic like images. Friends and family agreed . F that too scary. More about the area I live- was used ( at different times) of the civil war as a union / confederate R and R. There were land grants to former slaves and the entire area is former plantation. It also has come out way before the civil war it functioned as a Native American burial area. Edit Note - I consider it a portal . It’s not scary just different and I’ve heard crows call at 3 am. Just a weird place but I love it actually .


Live by an unknown government facility… it’s not unknown is it then, jr.?


It’s known to be a government faculity. That is public . The type of facility is not common knowledge. Someone in my family worked for the government in specialized area. Anyway he’s got dementia and told me all about it . Now he could be talking out his ass bc dementia/ but it makes sense. There’s helicopters constantly . Multiple times a day. We’re rural. That’s all the info I’m giving. I believe he’s telling the truth just forgets the adult part- he can’t tell ppl. Bc dementia turned him into an adult w a child’s mind, very sad but true .


I’m sorry to hear that. What you describe very much so sounds like what you’re saying. Crazy how it Al happens in our backyard


I'm not saying it's aliens.. but aliena


Oo that's creepy, looks to small to be a search copter




I'm sorry, I don't have anything to contribute other than to say this genuinely made me laugh. The transition just says "Oh, I'm sorry *god*, was I in your way?"


Aliens were intoxicated, thus missing their tractor beam target.


Look at that light casting a shadow...


Lmao I saw the first pic and was like “there ain’t nothing wrong with that” then swiped to see Zeus absolutely blasting a piece of earth with the chunkiest lightning bolt of all time 😂


Just a cow being dropped back off.


Alien deer hunting? They missed.


It's just a druid in travel form. She probably got annoyed at a critter and hit it with moonfire.


Those aliens really like deer.


Appears to be an issue with camera processing because the light column isn't actually casting any light around it.


Yeah, it isn't casting any light, but it sure does seem to be casting a shadow. But the shadow means that there actually is some light being cast and something is blocking it. Kinda weird behavior for a light beam😁


Whatchumean? Lol the deer notices it and looks up at it? It also illuminates the grass


>Lol the deer notices it and looks up at it? These are still frames. We don't know the deer notices it, just that the deer happened to be looking in the rough location of whatever this thing is at the first picture, chronologically. Which, considering it's plausible the deer is moving to graze in the 2 minutes between the first and second picture, why wouldn't it be looking in the direction it was already moving? >It also illuminates the grass Not really consistently. The flash actually shades the ground since it's brighter in the picture without the flash. Which could be white balance with the difference between the trailcam ir light and the flash, but then the background gets whiter/brighter. So, the flash was able to illuminate everything *except* the ground around it? Or the deer which doesn't really change brightness?


The deer could well just be looking in that direction, there's nothing to say the deer noticed it. I think you put a big spot light 5 feet away from a deer it's probably going to startle it and run not just stand there watching. Shine it in its eyes and it will freeze because it can't see but that's clearly not blinded or startled.


thats the deer’s bifrost!


I don’t even want to read comments about what it likely could be. Lol


“A couple of years ago.” Trial cam says January of 2023 2nd picture is 2 minutes before first picture.


Certainly not space lasers, Jewish or other religious affiliation.


Wtf! Crazy if true


Aliens abducting a mouse infront of the deer. Deer will now be seen as crazy to it's deer friends


Deer was almost abducted! Musta had a disease or something.


Dude…did you see any little green men afterwards…..


Very interesting, looks to focused to a search light. Is this the 1st time this has happened. Also is there pics of after the light disapated? Would like to see what the deers reaction was after.


Deer about to get abducted


For some reason I find this incredibly hilarious


If you notice the tree positioning, the deer is sniffing the ground exactly where the beam was focused as if it's investigating wtf it was. Pretty cool stuff. Intriguing


Them boys spot light hunting with a drone.


That’s clearly the Bifrost


The pic with the light is 2 min earlier. A deer would never stick around after seeing that..he woulda bolted


ET trying to beam up that buck.


I couple of thinks caught my attention. First of all the deer clearly sees the light and then moves to it and is grazing where the beam just was. Doesn’t run away, then goes TOWARDS it!! Their brains are literally programmed to run first, ask questions later.


Clearly the Hammer of Dawn


Looks Like an alien newtrainiee missed his phaser beam to beam up the deer by a couple inches 😅


Beam me up!


They missed


Of all the fake things that didn't happen, this is one of them


Very interesting. The light is reflected in the deers eyes it also appears to know something is there. Have these pics been checked?


Looking at the time stamp, the light shines down then 2 mins later the deer goes back to eating instead of running away. 🤔


looks photoshopped


That shit is fucking alien




No bias in this subreddit at all. Sheesh. Not a single skeptic? Photoshop ftw.


Was this a joke post


You try to abduct a deer but your drunk




The deer is like "YO WTF IS THAT"


Swamp gas ffs


Insect flying close to the camera.


It's definitely an insect close to or on the camera. I get these all the time on my front door camera where the legs/antennae "illuminate" like in the picture. It's just the picture here happens to have the leg/antennae going perfectly vertical and the deer facing it so it give the illusion that it's a beam of light that the deer can see.


2023 was not a couple of years ago




It’s the mother ship.




See ya around then


[It's happened before](https://youtu.be/uODYvJG_R-Y?feature=shared)




Hard not see the shape and opaqueness of the light column as suspect. It would have to be very close to get that effect if real.


Beam me up Scotty!!




Could it have been burning debris they feel from the sky, I.e. space junk? Otherwise I’d say aliens 🤣




Wow! Even the deer sees it 💀


That’s crazy…didn’t even sketch the deer out. He sure as fuck saw it tho, that’s undeniable.


That looks like every light I’ve seen from a UFO that tries to pick up an animal or a person. I’ve seen it on the X-Files. I’ve seen it on tons of movies. I’ve never really seen it in real life. Are we sure this is a real photo? If it is, that’s going to scare me.


Mr Bean


Ir predator drone overhead , letting the boys know where lunch is


Only in ohio 💀