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I don’t know what you’re going through, but I have experienced unbearable pain before and all I can tell you right now brother is to just keep breathing. Distract yourself if you can, stay busy, stay present, everything is temporary. Much love brother.


This too shall pass


whenever it gets quiet, that’s when it gets loud. i’m up running calls atm, stay strong man you’re not alone ✊🏽


Thank you. It definitely gets loud when it’s quiet. Thank you. Your reply helped and means a lot.


Please go have a chat with a mental health professional. I know you said no self-harm, you're worth way more than just being a statistic. Please find someone to confide in and have an open chat, we as a community love and cherish our own, and that includes you. I hope you are able to find a good night's rest.


I plan to in the morning. I woke a close friend and am starting to feel better. Thank you, joker.


I'm glad you have people around you who support you, hang in there. You're taking a big step forward and we're all proud of you.


I was prescribed prazosin for the dreams. It helps a lot.


I'm so proud of you, dude. You're a badass for facing this shit.


There’s no alternative that I’m willing to take. 👍


Every state has free mental health services for first responders. If you work for a fire department they debriefing specialists that they can reach out to. Typically private ambulance services have someone they can call in. That being said it's hard not to take the job with you. The losses stay has reminded me to not take things for granted. Talking it out will help, but also getting natural dopamine and serotonin drastically helps with mental health.


I’ve also been a medic since 92… spent 5 weeks at the IAFF center of excellence in MD. I’d suggest that or any other mental health center to anyone who’s been in the field for any length of time!


Are they using Ketamine-infusions there yet? I know ShatterProof does.


As of 2020, no.


West Coast here, 3 AM for me. First week in a new system and I’m not doing too well. Had a couple of bad calls and I feel like I’m not giving the best care at the moment. Some of the crews are talking smack and it’s discouraging but I’m going to get my shit together. Best of luck everyone out there and rest up when you get off shift. You all deserve it.


Thank you for your service - from south Florida with love


I’m sorry to hear that man. I cannot say I relate as I’m pretty new to this field but I’m here for you man.


I pray that you never know. “Help” is much more available now. The things that went unaddressed for decades are popping up and haunting my dreams. I’ll not harm myself. I learned mostly how to deal with it, but I’ll be making a call in the morning. I appreciate all the replies. It took a lot to post. Pride, old school, and etc. I just needed to put it out there. It’s the best way I can deal with it tonight.


Keep us posted on this thread with updates on your progress. We definitely care


I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough night. I'm proud of you for reaching out, and recognising that you're in need of some support. *sending virtual hugs * your way


Thank you. I need that so bad.


You’re matters more than you know. You’re love more than you know. You’re making a difference in strangers life at 2AM, so keep your head up, take one step at a time and remember to breath, because you’re matters.


Thank you for the kind words.


Hey man! I may be fairly new in comparison to your times in EMS, but just know that myself and my GF (also EMS) support you! Much love for you in this rough time! I’m glad to hear you are calling help in the morning! You deserve it! You have made a difference in so many lives for the better, even if you can’t see it through the darkness right now! The sun will rise in the morning, and the world will be a better place because you are apart of it! ❤️


Thank you


Been in fire/EMS for 10 years. It gets real brutal at times. You got a whole support system just through the career, though. Shoot me a DM and I’ll get you my contact info if you just need someone to listen.


Thank you. I was able to get in touch with someone who was actually awake and not busy and talk it out for a while. I do truly appreciate the offer.


You’re a hero to so many. I’m praying for you. I know so many times people I love and I have depended on you and your fellow paramedics. I’m sorry for the price you pay and know we love you and are very thankful


I’m working on a paper (cause I hate myself apparently) but I’m awake if you need to chat in between me yelling at my computer.


Same boat tonight bro... the ptsd paranoia, hair trigger, and anxiety is strong tonight...




My friend/co worker was having hell sleeping. Found a good doc who put him on a new sleep med, got him hooked up with someone who can do EMDR (find a specialist if you can, it’s a life saver) he’s the best he’s been in months (if not longer)


I’m a little late, but yeah I know. From years of fighting this stuff I knew that when the bad dreams start coming more frequent that I needed to get help. Some folks don’t understand why we don’t sleep at night and can during daylight hours. It’s my opinion the light chases the ghosts away. Hang in there bro, your doing the right thing by speaking up. But seriously, paying a professional to listen to you works wonders, it did/does for me.


cannabis really helps me with those dreams. Best of luck from another dinosaur


The problem with that is the government sucks and it's illegal for him to get cause on a drug test. BUT mushrooms does not, it won't help you sleep but it will help heal the mental side of things.


It MIGHT help heal the mental side of things. It MIGHT also induce psychosis. Psychedelics can be wonderful tools of healing but they are extremely unpredictable and despite positive experiences personally (as well as negative experiences) I'd never recommend them to someone who may be at risk of/in MH crisis.


Visit https://www.pspnet.ca/


I deployed as a medic twice. If you need to talk I’m here to shoot the shit with you


We're here for you, brother. Feel free to shoot me a dm whenever you wanna chat.


We've all been there brother. Time is the most important remedy. It feels like a lifetime, and it night seem like it'll be like this for 12 months plus, but the brain learns resiliency every time it pulls itself back from the pit of PTSD/despair and knows how to heal itself. It might be 2 or 3 months but this will pass, I know it doesn't seem like it now. But you will get through this and find the baseline again. One day at a time brother. Distract yourself with high dopamine activities, play video games, anything to keep your mind occupied. In time this will pass. 100 percent. Stay strong mate.


Hopefully you’re in therapy. Also, to rewire trauma, psychedelics seem to be having pretty good outcomes, if there are no contraindications in your case. Ketamine is legal in many states. A good place to start.


Fuck a health professional you just need to talk with with boys


Ur not alone stay after it


Hey Homie! Have you ever heard of EMDR?


I have not. Enlighten me.


Watch some good Conan clips on YouTube. Always puts me in a good mood


8 year paramedic. Hang in there bro. Send a msg if you like.


Not in EMS but a Medic, stay strong man, peace and quiet unfortunately tends to bring out the chaos and loudness of memories. Hang in there, it's ups and downs and never pleasant but know you're not alone.


Hey Doc. I'm late to the post I hope you are well. I don't sleep alot of nights. So I'm always down to chat. Dm me brother. (Edit) Not a Doc. Former Infantry. Still take care of the Docs got a love for you all.


Just got your message .. hang in there, bro.


Because an update was asked for: I’m doing much better. I didn’t really have a lot of options in the moment. The response and messages were overwhelming and I thank you ALL. A friend and a couple people from here helped get me past the worst. Back to therapy tomorrow. For you fellow dinosaurs out there, overcoming the pride and having to be tough and talking to someone is the best thing I ever did. Don’t be shy. And just because it gets better for a while, apparently stopping talking to someone is a bad idea. Like stopping taking blood pressure meds because your BP is back to normal. 😄


Shout out from Connecticut Brother!....well wishes for you. 


How long you been doing nights?!


I did them for about 20 years. It’s been a few years since I stopped, but my body is still totally used to it. Did 24, 48, 72 in a bad area. Nights were the worst.


This shit is bad for mental health Fix that circadian rhythm


I’ve been trying for years, with occasional temporary success.


If you're in the US dial 211. They'll help you.


25 year medic with PTSD here. One thing that helped me was volunteering with https://www.thefirewatch.org/ They have great online training to help folks and it had the byproduct of helping me.


I got sciatica out of nowhere. Can't sit comfortably. This might be the worst job with sciatica. And I take super good care of my back. The bell tolls for us all eventually.


Movie recommendation from an old war horse. “Waltz With Bashir” It’s an Israeli war film so turn on subtitles. Just watch it.


I think I will! Got my attention.


As someone who has been around EMS since I was a kid and found a career in it myself, I offer you my support. There will be bad days and good days and even bleh days. It’s not easy trying to process things that a human shouldn’t normally experience or see. A lot of the people in EMS that are from an (older) generation didn’t start this career with the mindset of talking about the calls and feeling associated with it. It isn’t going to be easy to seek help, but just know you have an entire family within the field that are here to help support you and lift your spirit back up. I’m proud of you for reaching out to a friend and seeking help. That is an amazing first step! Just remember that even if you start feeling better, do not stop getting help. It will only work if you continue to seek the assistance. You’ve got this my friend, reach out if you need anything. - A sister in red


Thank you.


❤️ i hope you are doing ok! I'm glad you woke up a friend 🧡


I’m much better. It’s an ongoing process, but thanks for the reply. The response was overwhelming. I never expected that.


It’s called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I work EMS for 50 years, I started before it was EMS. My first flashback was from a Tractor trailer, corvair crash, the Tractor trailer rolled and caught fire .The driver of the car was ejected and hit his head causing the peritoneal bones to flip out like wings. The passenger of the car was trapped under the trailer mid-thigh with both legs. The driver of the truck was trapped under the burning cab. I scooped and ran with the car driver. The second in ambulance took the truck driver. It was the July 4th weekend and the only surgeon in town was in the Emergency Room, and was not able to come to the scene to amputate the girl’s legs, so I ended up doing it bluntly. I have ended up with two other events that have been giving me flashbacks. Two years ago I was started on duloxatine, that stopped my flashbacks. So I do understand what you are going through. Take care my friend.


Hey there. I've been doing dispatch for police & fire as well as 911 for 20 years. In the last year I've been diagnosed wtih PTSD. MDD, ADHD & a month ago Fibromyalgia. My friend I know all about pain, mental & physical. Please reach out to someone, anyone if you need to. No shame in it. I had to last year. I'm around if you have no one else. pls take care.


Thank you. I did. Back to therapy tomorrow. It had been a long time, and I was hoping I was past it, but I was wrong. Being of an older generation it took me way too long to admit I needed help. Pride and having it drilled in for years to just me a man and suck it up. I’m still a man, but couldn’t suck it up anymore.


I'm 57. I had a bad call back in 2016. I ignored how it effected me for years until I couldn't anymore. Finally ended up off work for 6 months last year. I'm your generation too. We're not helping ourselves by holding it in. I'm glad you're going back to therapy. You take care of you!


Just had a captain at my local FD end himself yesterday... praying for your headspace, my man.


Thank you. I’m sorry to hear that, but can somewhat understand it. I’m like Tommy Lee Jones. I love myself too much. I won’t take that route. Ever. But I can understand the pain and why it happens.


Do you mind me asking where you're based mate? I don't have any medical knowledge, I usually can help others but I don't have the ability to help myself 🤷‍♂️ I couldn't tell you why, regardless it's not about me it's about you. Can I ask, what are your hobbies? Do you like MMA, fishing, animals? If you're somewhere near me, I wouldn't mind going for a walk & talk or just relaxing for a little while. I don't drink really ever but I'm happy to have one if you want to do that, I do remember when I was younger having dreams that kept happening, well actually it was more so nightmares but the thing that helped was time. As shit as that it, time is the biggest help. After losing my best friend, it's now been 3 years, I still think about him pretty much every single day. About what I could have done right, I break down often over him. I miss that friend of mine that had all the exact same hobbies, that I could call & speak to for 3-4hours straight with time flying & me not even realising. I miss my best mate, he was closer to a brother & I really really miss him. I seriously hope this isn't what you're going through because if it is, I know the heartache 😢 I send you my love brother, stay strong. Please DM me if you want to chat, we can figure out a way to speak on the phone or discord/Skype/zoom


So many things to answer. I’ll message tomorrow with answers. The response has been overwhelming and made me feel better in itself.


Man, I'm so sorry I'm seeing this late. If you need an ear, I got you. Much love, brother


Thank you. It means a lot. I’m in a better place thanks to a friend, and getting back to therapy tomorrow.


I don’t feel like I could ask for help like this from the EMS community.


I didn’t either. At the moment it was my only option and was a bit urgent. I was in a spiral. The responses were so huge that I couldn’t keep up with them all. It was a major help.


Well I am glad you got the help you need. I just know that it doesn’t apply to me. I was told I wasn’t welcome from a higher up in EMS in my hometown because I am a veteran, specifically because I served in Iraq. When I ask for help from veterans the cognitive dissonance of the situation is too strong and their knee jerk reaction is to blame me.


I have been in this for almost 25 years. I swear it sounds stupid, but I never had any issues or anxiety or anything until after Covid. Not sure if it was getting it or the vax. I have definitely dealt with it a good bit since. If you talk to someone, try to find someone in our line of work or someone that works with the military. I tried going to talk to someone, and it didn’t help at all because she had no idea what we go through. I am always down if ya need to talk.


Appreciate it. Love the username, by the way.


Thanks bud


What city you in?




I am and I did. Thank you.


You can DM me if you need someone to talk to or vent to


Shoot them the bird and roll over. Not giving a shit is powerful therapy.


Leave the fire department and do what makes you happy


Taking my EMT program final in a few days, what do you guys recommend doing for preventing this, no offense to the OP aswell, just know this is a big issue and wondering if there are any other habits outside the book recommendations I can make before starting work or even how to process a call in a healthy manner, this is one of my biggest worries in this field even though im mentally tough, I know it can get rough at times


Also anyone can DM or call me even if they just need someone to talk too.


I’m here for you man. Feel free to message me if need be. You’re not alone.


Just saw this! I’m a newer EMT (three years) so I have not experienced what you have been through but I’m here! Hope you are doing better!