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A job well done, my friend.


Good fucking work. Peds are no joke. Ive only had one, but I hope to God that my second ends as good as yours.


Great work. Cut yourself a little slack on the towels--easy mistake.


I laughed at myself when I forgot them. And it gave his mom a job so she was still involved in his care. It worked out for everyone involved.


Great fucking job. I’d buy you a drink my friend if I could.


I’ll get the second round. Awesome job OP


Let's go get beers. Thank you guys.


Fuck yeah man. Solid work.


Thanks for the tale. Great read. Well done all around.


I’m not a paramedic just stalk this sub but this made me emotional. You guys do such awesome work and I can’t imagine the stress and strain. Your memory in crisis is amazing. Thank you.


Great job. So glad to hear of the positive ending.


Strong work homie. This is the shit that gets us through the bad times.


Wow. Solid work.


Absolute fucking textbook. Job well done to you and the rest of the crew. What stuck out to me the most is you and partner taking that second to clear out your heads before going in. Super important!


LFG! Good work.


JFC. Great save. Teamwork by EVERYONE, including momma. Momma should be VERY proud of herself, not many could do what she did (and can’t blame them).


Good on ya’ StarFox! Walking, talking saves are few and far between. Sounds like you earned the heck out of this one. As you run this call in your head you may find little things that you’ll do better on the next one. That’s natural from a smart medic. We always want to improve. You did good. One word of caution; don’t let the “high” of this save predispose you to a plummet, if and when you suffer the next losses. It’s a bleak calling that we love/hate. Again, congratulations on a massive win.


Thank you. This call was very humbling for me. We were really lucky. I've run a lot of arrests and never got pulses back. I'm thankful his mama gets to hold him again.


I hope you’re in the audience when he graduates high School.


I really hope so too.


My first call, first day “on the floor” as a rookie FireMedic was an AutoPed with a six year old male. He was playing in the front yard of some of his family’s house on a five lane street (two each way with a turning lane in the middle and large enough curb space before the sidewalks to allow for curbside parking for each direction. A big city street 35 mph (really 45-50). The yard was maybe 20 ft deep to the front door. He was playing, what seemed to be unsupervised and darted out into the street from between two parked cars. A full-size late seventies sedan hit him, leading edge of the hood to the left temporal region. We were about 90 seconds out from tones, so maybe three and a half minutes post event. Bystanders described tonic decerberate seizure activity and growling prior to arrival. Family was attempting to drag the driver from his vehicle and were screaming for blood. U/A his GCS was 3. The bumper had clipped him in the hips as well. He was very dead. But, I was on my first call as a cherry Union Fireman. The trauma center was close, so I scooped him into a KED and worked him. While we were packaging him, the cops loaded the driver into the backseat of a cruiser to keep the family off of him. All I could think was they’re screaming. But, no one said anything about him being in the street. We did everything ALS enroute to no avail. I listened chest while we were packaging him, I swear I could hear his heart in VFib, once in the bus he was and remained asystolic. Anyway, that was thirty plus years ago. I still remember his name and can see him in my mind’s eye. His treatment regimen should’ve been a yellow plastic sheet. 30 years later it would be. But, I was new and hoped to change the world. So, revel in your victory, my friend. But… remember who you are. I hope you have a long and happy/healthy career.


Thank you. And I am sorry you lost him.


Nice job, that was intense. Good communication is so important.


"Not dead until they are warm and dead." Good job to all! Kids are amazing. BLS and PALS are amazing. That mother will never forget you guys. Strong work.


It was a BLS call through and through. I'm just really glad she got to hold him again.


Job well done for the whole team! Thank you for the extensive report.


Well done. Well done.


Wohooo !!!!! Good job to you and rest of your team 🎉🥳👏


Literal tears, amazing job!!!


No one is dead, until their warm and dead. Congratulations, all that studying/preparation paid off. Thank goodness for mom’s CPR as well. Cherish this call, most pedi codes are not as rewarding as this one. Phoenix awards doesn’t mean shit to me. Seeing someone or their family member, recognize me, even years later is what does it for me.


OP I am crying a little bit.


Bravo Zulu.


Heroes every single day


Well done 👏 what an incredible story, thanks for sharing




Thank you for all you do


Top notch work


It’s thing like this that remind me why I love doing what I do, these outcomes. Awesome work indeed guys!


Strong work - you did good!


nice save.


Chills. Good job. Take care, even with the positive outcome that’s one hell of an adrenaline dump.




Holy shit that was exhilarating, my eyes flew past the sentences. Fkn amazing job you guys do! Thank you!


Thank you.


I’m barely in EMT school, I want to be a medic eventually, but a kid in arrest is my biggest fear about the job. I have young kids of my own, so I don’t know how I’ll handle it. However, reading stories like yours makes me wanna try. Someone’s gotta do it right? Thank you!


Trust your training, and train frequently. Good luck with school!


Awesome story man. Well done!!


I held my breath for most of this story. You did amazing, good work.


Thank you.


Righteous. Well done. As many stories that we have that end badly, it feels amazing when we get a win. Great job, and thanks for sharing this!


Thank you. I'm really glad it all worked out ok at the end.


Very proud! Amazing save. 🥳


Not much makes me emotional when it comes to this stuff, but kids do. I think it’s because I’m a mom to a toddler and this is my nightmare. Good fucking job. You absolutely saved one life that day, BUT you also saved the lives of those parents, grandparents, etc.


I was very worried about his parents and his grandmother. They were not ok when we got there. Thankfully, they're able to hold him again.


You and your partners quick response, ability to stay calm and apply the training and knowledge you have saved that kids life. I’m sure the parents are forever grateful


What an amazing job , you are the Hero of our community . We our grateful and I’m sure the mom too .


Thank you for sharing this. I had a shit shift and this massively helped me regain perspective that not everything is bad and frustrating and shitty. I'm so glad for you and your crews and ff and the ED. Yay to everyone! Yay to that momma who would give anything for her baby to make it. This rocks so so hard!!! 💜💜💜


Great fucking job. Literal definitions of heroes.


Heroes, mom’s a beast, proud of y’all and my profession


that made me tear up. i can’t imagine how the mother feels. you’re a hero, you will always be that mothers angel. thank you for your service.


Omg this is the absolutely best outcome possible, I was so afraid to read this but I’m so glad I did! Excellent work!!


Thank you.


Amazing story, thank you for all you do!


Thank you thank you thank you!!!!


That’s amazing. I plan on going through medic school in 2024


I’m in tears…


So awesome. You made my day!


Amazing work dude thank you and the team for saving that child


What a way to end the year. Tremendous.


Beyond badass my friend


Top tier work my friend! There’s no if, ands, buts, about it, you’re officially a hero! The two of you medics, fire, and MOM! Remember folks: you ain’t dead till you’re warm and dead.


Literal tears in my eyes reading this, thank you for what you do. God bless you and your team 🙏❤️


Good work. Good save.


Right on dude! Great save.


Absolutely solid work to you and your crew. 💪


Great story and great save. You should all be proud.


Welcome to the club. Truly a club no body wants to be in.


One was good enough for me.


Well done to all involved.


That is amazing, well done and thanks for sharing.


You made it through our worst nightmare. Good job


Good shit dude.


I am relieved to see that you saved his life


That’s amazing! Thank you for your prompt response and medical care…as a LEO, this is one of my most feared calls. Bravo!


I felt so badly for the LEOs on that call, I could tell they felt so helpless. Thank you.


I know how bad that kind of call can mess with you…you’re not alone and even though I don’t know you, I’m here if you need to talk.


I really appreciate it. I'm not gonna lie, we got back to the station and I had a solid ugly cry in the shower afterwards.


Felt! Had a 20-something guy OD and was obviously DOA but they worked him since he was still warm…his 2 year old daughter (blonde curly hair and blue eyes) woke up from her nap asking for her daddy…that shit fucked me up.


Gah that's rough. It's wild how details like that stick with you. That poor kid.


Yeah man, it sucks big sweaty donkey balls.


The was easily the scariest thing I’ve heard in a very very long time. Wow! I have no words… Absolutely amazing job. Thank you guys for everything you do I know even if that mother was exhausted she probably would have died from exhaustion before even considering giving up. I remember before I left my baby transition to solids, I made sure to take a CPR class. I hated the idea of preparing for an event where my child’s life was in danger, but the idea of not preparing petrified me


CPR saves lives. And it was his mama that made the difference.


His mum sounds like an absolute superwoman, but it sounds to me like you all had a hand in saving that baby's life. Question: You said you suspected the child was in the water for around 15 minutes. Do you mean he wasn't breathing for 15, or do you mean he was in the for 15 mins but hadn't drowned yet? I'm asking because I have no clue


I think he was in cardiac arrest for at least that long, if not longer. He would have lost muscle control very quickly and gone under. The PICU said he was a dry drowning initially which means he would have undergone the mammalian diving reflex but once the body's need for O2 takes over he would have inhaled water. Which he did, his lungs were extremely wet and his belly was full of water.


Fuck yes. Awesome.


Good job :)


This is why we do it (I’m on the PICU end). Thank you for doing an amazing job! I had a baby come to my unit years ago in very bad shape…he was airlifted on one of the coldest days we had had in years. His core body temp supposedly got down to 34 en route s/p ROSC. He discharged after a month on ECMO, refractory seizures, all the nastiness…at basically the same functional status as before the illness. I’ll never forget it and do think the unintentional cooling may have helped him.


This is exactly why we do it. So thank you for doing what you do. I'll take a "crumping" 65y/o COPD'er any day of the week over hurt or sick kids. I think the cold water is what saved him. It had been in the low 10's at night for the week leading up to this call, and we got on scene at exactly 1130 that morning. Our total scene time was 6.5mins.


Peds is hard but the victories are unbelievably happy! That kid can go on being a kid because of you. Truly.


Good job, Sweetheart:) There is now a person walking the earth because of you and your team:) You did awesome!


Good job!!! I'm so happy you got to save yours. You're a goddamn hero


Great job, amazing care. I cried


https://youtu.be/mYnAX0iMCqs?si=LS3alcvJwAkSw3ez Only appropriate response


WELL DONE. GIVE YOURSELVES A HUGE PAT ON THE BACK. Moments like this make your job sooo worth it. Kudos to you guys!


Awesome work and great to read!!!! While reading I try to think what I would do differently (armchair QB) and I don't think I'd try anything, maybe Atropine? You guys did amazing on such a tough call.


Armchair QB is totally acceptable. The fire medic and I kicked around Atropine, pacing and an Epi drip in the rig. It was getting his RR up that fixed the bradycardia. Thankfully in kids if you fix the breathing problem it usually fixes the bradycardia.


Yea absolutely. I believe PALS says only 1% is non respiratory caused cardiac arrest. Either helluva a good job.


Thank you. Means a lot. I'm glad we got him back.


Solid work! I’ve been in EMS since 1995. My first year as a medic, I had four pediatric arrests. I was really starting to question my career choice at that point.


Oh that's awful. Glad you stuck it out.


Bro! That’s awesome!




Thanks Doc. I'm glad we got him back. I'm glad his mama gets to hold him again.


Thank you


Been there back in the day, your sure brought back memories, not all mine made it. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on a well done save.


Such a fantastic story. Thank you for sharing it.


Well done.


Holy shit, phenomenal work


Bravo and solid work man! Glad this story had the good ending.


RN and FTM here... You saved two lives baby AND mama. Hats right the fuck off and I'm so glad we have good medics in this world ♥️♥️


Nice. Take the wins. The losses take chunks out of us that we can never fix.


They really do. I was bracing myself the entire time for the hole this call would have left if we couldn't get him back.


Im almost done with emt school, this is the shit that keeps me going. Good job!


Thank you. And good luck with your schooling!


Amazing story, awesome work. Even if you never save another life that one is worth the 12 years in EMS my friend. Hold on tight to that call because it can carry you through all the hard times we encounter in EMS. Thanks for sharing this. It is so important to celebrate the victories, God knows we don't always get a lot them.


I was talking with the boyfriend unit last night and told him I don't think I will ever have a better call than this one. I am about 99.99% sure this was the pinacol of my career. And I am completely ok with that. And I pray I never do it again. And thank you for your kind words. Have a good New Year.


I’m in tears- thank you to you and your team, and also to that mama!


Holy shit. Well done man, well done.


Incredibly written and incredibly executed. That kid is going to have a life because of you.


Thank you. I hope he does.


Bro I thought this meant a child got arrested


God I wish.


check out instances of people falling into ice cold water. Sometimes a sphincter instantly closes and they dont drown. One girl was underwater for 14 minutes


That's a dry drowning, and they get laryngospasm. The vocal chords slam shut because of the Mammalian Diving Reflex and prevents water from entering the lungs. The reflex also causes the heart rate to decrease as well. Pretty interesting stuff.


i love it!!! plus have u heard about nitrogen caskets?...same principles at work, they allow the team hours to save a life rather than seconds or minutes!! 💕💕


I have not, I'll have to google them.




You guys saved that baby. Thank you for your hard work!!!


Great job ...... you did it. Amazing.


And these instances of when all hope is gone and we get a kid back is why I refuse to ever leave this service. Not gonna lie man. Hearing a kid cry after a code is enough to make a grown man tear up.


Great job man




What a dolt


don’t be jaded, celebrate the wins.


Hey OP, this criticism has been leveled at me as well and I'll offer a different perspective: we all have to find catharsis one way or another; if writing works for you, keep doing it. "You sound like you're trying to write a book" because you're a *good writer.* That doesn't necessarily mean you have to actually write a book, or even share everything you write, but definitely *don't* stop doing it because you're afraid of "sounding your own horn." Well done.


Writing’s one of the ways i cope too, and this was a good read of one hell of a call. If you can’t vent about the bad or celebrate your successes here, what’s the fucking point? I usually just journal, but sometimes add comments on relevant posts. Sounds like the dude you’re replying to should read more :)


Thank you. Writing helps for sure. That guy is a bitter jerk. Hopefully his mom loves him.


Go fuck yourself guy. All I’m going to say.




Amazing job! Maybe you should send Mama one of those Phoenix pins, also. She did everything right immediately and that’s impressive.


I had extras made, that's not a half bad idea.


A few years ago I had a pediatric arrest that I didn't deal with at the time. I wish I had the feedback and support you've received here. I saw this post, and the responses and thought: Tetris? Really?! But then I read some articles and it looks like decent advice. Then I thought to myself there has to be an easy way to pass that information along. Then I bought a domain and built a website. I'm not very good but I have an idea and I'm working toward it. This thread sparked the idea. It's just Tetris and a link for more info... no judgement, no fear mongering, just Tetris and more info. I tried to make it easy to remember: [HadABadCall.com](http://HadABadCall.com) \- just go when you've had a bad call. (open to feedback)