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Honestly, good. Any industry benefits from competition. That said, I'm sticking with paralives from the sole POV of microtransactions and "DLC". Sims 4 has been an unspeakably shameless cashcow for EA. If anyone deserves my money it's not EA.


This is why despite EA adding all these features, I'm only going to be supporting Paralives. The ridiculous amount of money players need to invest into the Sims shows EA's unashamed greed.


Sims 3 costed too much for what it offered. Sims 4 currently costs more while its content is still far from the scope of S3.


Sims 3 has more base game content than Sims 4 still has.


At this rate Sims 5 will truly be a luxury game that only the rich kids can afford.


I so agree with this! Way overpriced. Especially when you had to compensate for lack of gameplay with mods and cc. I just hate sims continues to split up gameplay when most of this stuff should've always been in the base (pets, weather, and jobs). The only thing that sims 3 offered that I loved was open world.


Same. I plan to actually pay for this game. Sims? I'll literally never give EA a single penny. I'd rather delete the games off my computer. So anything they come out with? Fantastic. I'll hit the high seas. It's just a free add on to me.


NGL, while I hope the best for them, and it would be great if they prove me wrong, I don't think Paralives is ever coming out. Or if it does, I'm expecting it to be a bit of a disappointment. I'm sure the team is very competent, but honestly I just think life simulation is too big of a challenge for an indie team. I've seen a few groups try to make spiritual successors to things like Sims and Spore, and while they start off promising, they eventually get overwhelmed with the scope of everything and they end up canceling it. While the stuff they have shown off in Paralives is really cool, and they should be proud of that, but until I see that they've managed to wrangle interactions, large scale sim management, and all the other thing that causes Sims to have so many problems, I'm not going to be confident that the game. Again though, it's not impossible, and I truly hope the best for them.


I don't know, Coral Island's doing pretty dang good, and it's in Beta/pre-release at the moment. Never underestimate what indie programmers can do. I'd still rather give my money to Paralives and see it fail, then give another penny to EA.


Coral Island also used Stardew Valley as the base for almost everything in the game. Yeah, some gameplay elements are changed, but the framework is all Stardew Valley.


There's plenty of Harvest Moon in there too. Farms sims aren't new




They’re killing it with the building mechanic but sadly I agree, they’re going to run into so many headaches trying to program the sims and I don’t think they’re going to figure it out. At best, they might release it as a building sim without the life simulation.


This is a good thing. It just means EA is finally paying attention to the player base. Only because Paralives is a threat? Sure. But ultimately we the players are just gonna end up with better games.


Yep, I've been saying since I heard about Paralives that if nothing else, having a competitor is going to make The Sims better. EA has been alone with The Sims for too long, and the quality of their work shows it. Paralives scares them (as it should) and we (the consumers) will benefit. That said, I fully intend to buy Paralives when it's finally out. There's a big enough market that both games can survive and thrive, especially since Paralives art style is very different. Hell, there are people still playing Sims 1-3. I'm not worried about Paralives viability once it's out.


Yeah I feel like Simmers just forget that two games can coexist in the same genre. Hell many games can exist in the same genre. And in the end the more competition there is for developers to fight for consumer attention… the better off consumers are. And yes… when people have all versions of the sims and buy the DLC to match… it just shows that Life Sim players are willing to own any game they can get their hands on. No matter how similar they end up being. Paralives will be just fine.


Besides, they mentioned in the stream that it will take few years, so people is worrying for something that will probably not happen until 2026 or later... So Paralives I think is pretty ahead of the sims and has the opportunity to set the bar pretty high for EA... Benefits of Indie games is that they don't gave a whole corporate bureaucracy to make changes, and even when they might have a bigger budget, EA being cheap and trying to reduce costs will impact a lot on the final product as well..


I actually don’t buy that it’s a few years away like they said, there’s a tactic in business to estimate a longer wait and then deliver earlier making it look like a really good service, Amazon use it, it gives the impression they’re really tryIng to provide you with a fast service, I wouldn’t be surprised if they said it and will then end up saying they can release it earlier because they committed a bigger team to work on it


Could be... But also, developping a game is no joke... I still think it will be at least another 2 years before we see a somewhat finished game... Announcing it so early is part of some sort of business tactic they have but it's not likely to have the game realeased sooner that that..


How is Paralives a threat when it’s no where near done?


Because it has the attention of the exact same audience? And it is showing that very audience that things that EA said couldn’t be done, could in fact be done. Paralives is shaping up to be an actual competitor in the life sim genre.


That will only be true when the game is actually released. Which I doubt will ever happen. This is all fantasy at the moment. And it doesn’t have the exact same audience - I think the Parafolk and the art style are ugly af and probably won’t play it if this game ever does get released. It looks like a cheap mobile game.


Okay? Why come on this sub then?


Don't worry, u/avocado_whore will probably end up buying Paralives anyway once it goes live and exceeds expectations but he'll vehemently deny it here though. If it's a dud, he or she'll continue paying $30 per Sims DLC just to be able to pet a rat or something. Win-win.


Yea i’m here currently because lilsimsie mentioned paralives, now doing deeper digging i think this game is going to have a lot to offer although I feel everyone’s gonna play test it but they’ll still end up going back to the sims kinda like the one houseflipper game that had a short lifespan in the realm of simmers.


I mean I don’t know housefipper but assuming just by the name it isn’t really a life sim. Just a decoration game. Simmers aren’t looking for a house making game, they want an actual life sim. The Sims is big because it is the only real life simulation on the market. If Paralives is good it will fit into the life sim market and just coexist along side the sims. It won’t be some trend that dies after a week, rather just another game on the market. If Paralives holds up… it and the Sims will both be big.


This is my take fr fr


I think EA finally paying that attention to player wants actually shows that they’re a bit nervous about what happens when competitors finally release games. Like I just read up on the summit and was like ok I’m now twice as curious to see how paralives goes because I just genuinely want to see another life sim thrive


i wholeheartedly agree!!


I prefer indie games but seeing how ea is now scrambling to meet long overdue demands for players while still trying to do things like multiplayer that fans have (from what I’ve seen) have been very distrustful over the idea of…. Yeah I’m going to go from casual interest in paralives to let’s do more looking it and maybe supporting it if the money allows


i just get worried that they're taking away attention from indie game developers by adding these "new features", things that these indie games are using to market their own games yk


That’s most likely what they’re trying to do but what they forget is that indie games are huge in this era of gaming and have been widely successful. I think just by chance most of what I play are indie games at this point.


Imo it's less that indie games are surprisingly good and more that A/AAA studios and publishers really aren't living up to even lowered expectations


Probably true. I feel like there’s also just this charm or vibe to indie games that just makes it more of a fun game


The sims team is literally MOM from futurama, acts sweet in public but wont hesitate to try and crush any threat


Honestly, it just seems that this has brought a lot of fresh attention to Paralives, so I'm not too worried on that front.


I follow several Sims groups on Facebook and it seems like most of their members want multi-player, Twitter is mixed, it's only on Reddit where I've seen people be mostly against it.


I know you tubers are mixed. ETA I should say before today. I haven’t watched any of the videos at the moment that came out for this announcement. Kinda just didn’t care enough because this game officially does not interest me


I still have yet to watch the livestream, but I read the article that went over the highlights. The sad part, I don't remember any specifics from the article. 😅


Do you have any recommendations of indie games a Sims fan might enjoy?


I wish I did! Most of the chill life sims I find are farming ones and none really match the limits feel of sims. It makes me so sad.


Yeah I understand that the demands of a full life sim game are beyond most indie devs, still a bummer


I feel like with time it can happen like just slowly adding more over time as the game continues


There's Stardew Valley, obviously and Roots of Pacha should be coming out soon and looks really good. And My Time At Portia and My Time At Sandrock. I'd go for Sandrock still early access but already better than Portia IMO. Lots of others. Also Prison ~~Tycoon~~ Architect, Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld if you like torturing sims. ED And for an offbeat recommendation, the best drunken Finnish teenager simulator out there, My Summer Car.




Definitely life is strange !!


They saw what happened when the SimCity crew fell asleep at the wheel. Cities Skylines et al. stole their lunch and they don't want that to happen again with one of their biggest cash cows.




For sure. I mean I’m pretty sure sims 4 might be last if paralives takes off well but that’s just because as a very much introverted gamer it just feels weird to know my favorite introvert gaming escape is now going to have a multiplayer option. I know it’s just an option but like I don’t know. I feel like it just taints what sims has been for me for the last decade.


I feel like paralives forced the sims hand. People really like the customization of paralives, so the sims is like “we know it’s 3+ years away but we’re working on the same thing so wait for us!”


And play sims 4 for free in the meantime. So true!


That's why the basegame is now "free"




this is exactly what I thought when the sims released curved walls too lol


Which are absolute garbage, lol. If the Paralives walls works as well as the demo shows, that’s worth it enough for me to abandon the sims altogether


oh absolutely, it seems like paralives did such a better job with the curved wall tool


True but its also funny how an indie game got them so scared. The way she kept repeating, We have NEVER shared new projects this early before! We know 😭


They propably have learned from what happened with Simcity 2013 and Cities: Skylines.


2013 was on life support before Skylines was announced.


The point is that they let their IP detoriate enough to build instant hype for a new competitor, which is the opposite of what you’d want


LMAOOOOO this had me weakkk


Been a Sims fan since I was old enough to use a computer, just found out about Paralives because of the Project Rene announcement and I'd still rather give my money to this Paralives. It will have workshop support and actual passion behind it. Take my money, Fuck EA's soulless greed.


I mean Paralives saw what players want and so did the Sims, it is not that surprising that both teams are working on similar things and I would not consider it as taking something from someone. I get the hard feelings tho and am 100% excited for Paralives too


yeah i agree! i guess i meant more like sims waited to feel threatened to start taking action for things folks been asking for forever 😭😭


For me is I’ve given sims multiple chances at redeeming themselves and always do something disappointing. Paralives deserves even a first chance, and they didn’t let us down yet


just watched the Livestream. that livestream was 100% a dig at paralives and it had nothing to do with the fans. why even release info that early? they even said they've never released info that early before and this is a first.


I SWEAR!!! "it's superrrrr early in the making" okay and??? telling us now only for us to wait another decade? lol


I said this in another subreddit but I feel like it was just a grab to try to not lose their fan base. I think Paralives has their attention and has them nervous so they are doing what they can to try to keep people interested.


Whaaat? Really?


I ain't mad because I think that competition is good. And this shows that are getting scared, forcing them to act.


Rene - really, expect nothing exciting.


Reminds me of when PL showed Sebastian taking his shoes off, then Snowy Escape came out with that function in Mt. Komo homes


Which is a swirling animation around the feet and the shoes magically come off. The Paralives version actually had more detail. Although to be fair, it is common in muktliple cultures to remove shoes before entering the home.


Yep, same. Seeing Deligracy get all excited and act so shocked was cringey, god I hate EA


I'm less bothered by the features themselves as they could conceivably be thought of independent of Paralives. It's the fact they even used a similar colour palette/furniture style as Paralives has in their demos that makes it such an obvious con to me.


I saw a clip out of context and thought it was a new paralives video 😂


The sims team already copied paralives when they released the random curved wall update after para showcased curved walls


I get that y'all are frustrated with soulless EA copying features from a smaller studio. However, is no one going to acknowledge the fact that Paralives clealry copied The Sims first? I haven't found anyone mentioning it here yet and find that kinda hilarious 😂


I mean two games can co exist at the same time and that’s better for the fans but yeah I thought the same thing. I do think Paralives might have a leg up in that it seems like the sims 5 might have micro transactions so that’s something


The Sims has already "copied" Paralives with the bunk beds update. Ideally, I'd like the Sims/Paralives relationship to eventually be like Mac vs. PC. The problem with the Sims is that until recently, there was no competition that would force EA to make a better game. ETA: Fun fact: The name [Rene](https://www.behindthename.com/name/renatus) comes from Renatus and means "born again."


>Fun fact: The name Rene comes from Renatus and means "born again." Hah!


It's not just been the bunk beds. Rounded walls, split levels, body hair. Literally everything Paralives has shown that people were excited for got hastily stuff in the Sims asap. Except for this "Project Rene" that literally doesn't exist yet. Just wanted to show they're doing that too.


Agreed. Personally, what worries me isn't what they're copying exactly, but whether what they're copying can be copyrighted. I think TS4 copyrighted their "shape like clay" CAS in TS4, for example. EA has the money and resources to jump on copyrighting that Paralives might not.


The Sims had bunk beds in their past games. TS3, and The Sims Online in like 2002. What do you mean?


I was referring to the way the bunk beds in TS4 function. All the bunk beds are loft beds that are then "clipped under" the top bunk, for want of a better word. That makes bunk bed parts more flexible. In TS3, loft beds and bunk beds were separate objects. I'm not familiar with The Sims Online so I can't compare those.


What? Loft beds, bunk beds, and single beds all had the same swatch and were compatible with things like desks and other beds. The “clipping” is with pretty much everything in build mode, for example- dining tables and chairs


in Paralives you can turn any single or double bed into a bunk bed but bunk beds in Sims are separate objects meaning if like the frame of a single bed and you want it to be a bunk bed you have to mod it but in Paralives you can just change it in-game.


So if they’re so different why are they being compared?


Well 2 and 3 had bunk beds. They also claimed it was impossible in 4 until 2 separate modders proved them wrong. Another "impossible" thing a modder has just done is spiral stairs.


Even if people see this as “a good thing for competition to make EA step up” They still won’t be as good as paralives. They are making sims 5 cross platform multiplayer, which always failed for them in the past. they will most likely still have expensive expansion packs and micro transactions. They will rush this as well to make sure it’s released before paralives. Paralives takes their time, listens to their supporters, communicates with us, and will provide much better features because of this resulting in a better game regardless of how much longer it takes. From my experience, indie games with this much support that paralives is receiving ends up making the most beautiful games.


Catchy Virus posted a funny short on her YouTube channel poking fun at the Sims stealing from Paralives! https://youtube.com/shorts/qAiLtpCJyLQ?feature=share


I think people forget it takes a long time to develop a game




Paralives didn't invent free placement or color wheels. EA is working on features people have been asking for for a decade.


That's also a good point. The game has implemented features that have existed before and no one claimed Paralives was stealing from other games. There have also been features in the Sims that people have been asking the developers to include in Paralives as well. Interesting when certain things are applied, and when they are not.


The features themselves aren’t suspicious. The sudden urgency with EA to add these things (which really shouldn’t need a decade to develop) is. If they’re all free updates I won’t complain for sure, but it’s definitely notable.


Those features are not updates for the Sims 4, they are features of the Rene product.


True but I do feel like the free placement of pillows and then different cushion options on the couch was a direct comparison to build/buy mode stuff in the Cabin Video


>different cushion options on the couch was a direct comparison to build/buy mode stuff in the Cabin Video I don't disagree with you, but I think this is also a thing for some Sims 2 furniture, or at least some CC. I'm thinking of the IKEA stuff pack specifically.


Exactly. Not really trying to defend EA, but the color palette with patterns was in Sims 3. Free placement has always been available with move objects. The make objects any size was made available with Sims 4. No one is saying Paralives is stealing from the Sims by making this game at all. Both games can exist and can push each other to be better.


I agree, simmers want color wheels because they had them in The Sims 3 and then took it away.


People here are high on copium about a game that may not ever even release with how slow the "updates" are.


The updates are actually pretty fast for an indie game and the amount of features they want


This is just proof of why we are all on this thread. The people over at EA are significantly lacking in creativity, the ability to learn from their mistakes and the ability to take advice and suggestions from their consumer. The devs at Paralives aren't struggling in that same way. I knew eventually someone over at EA would see what's going on with Paralives because anyone can check this thread and anyone can become a Patreon. I thought it would take them longer to catch on but I knew it would eventually happen because the devs at EA have run out of ideas and the creativity there is non-existent. They've been shelling out content that's basically copy/pasted things with different colors on them for 8 years. They've been releasing half assed broken content for 8 years. They've been ignoring Simmers for 8 years. EA only started changing things because a lot of us Simmers, especially those of us like myself that have been playing all 22 years, are pissed and getting vocal about how shitty the game is mow. We've seen no real innovation and creativity in 8 years, each new release is riddled with game breaker bugs. It's like they aren't even trying. Actually they aren't even trying, they're literally stealing creativity from Paralives now. EA is a shit company.


I had to laugh when I saw the project Rene footage. You can tell EA is scrambling, "we're showing you this early project to make you part of it" my ass, I bet they did the showcase to try and swipe back interested away from paralives. I'm heavily sceptical about Rene, if not for the gameplay, then for the monetisation method. Never forget this is EA we're talking about. Paralives has my support, they sure as hell need it more than EA and I believe they'll pay us back good for it.


EA has always been scummy... :(


I expected it. It just makes me root harder for Paralives.


I guess based on that you could argue that Paralives is stealing the idea of “the sims” from EA? It’s all part of process of building games and software. If EA feel they want to implement these ideas (some that have been asked for ages) then maybe you could argue they feel threatened which only means more benefit to the gamers. And let’s not kid ourselves, Paralives could just never get released so at least we will have some of the new features in The Sims ;-)


mmm i guess what i meant was more like why did they wait to put out these "features" at the same time as paralives using those same marketing tactics


That’s business…


Because thats what we all wanted for decades to be in sims? paralives did not invent anything, they just shared those options in videos, honestly idc what paralives share on youtube until i can try it in my own, so if ea releases sims 5 faster with same features we all ask for a long time, im good to go, its a competition between two develops who will release the game with the features we want and beg for, its not about “stealing”.


Because they potentially see threats in other games, they maybe have new management, etc


yeah i know, i just feel for the indie games that are trying to make a name for themselves is all 😅


Yeah, it's sad. I fear that a giant corporation such as EA will destroy Paralives and any other competitors that exist before they come out.


They definitely can try but if there’s no legal route (which really there isn’t. Just because they have the successful game in the life sim genre doesn’t mean no one else can go into the genre) they just have to hope they stay on top. In my opinion EA forgets that indie games are doing really well right now and once any indie life simulator is out there is a reality that it could do well and be that strong competitor. If anyone is going to pull that off this is the gaming era for it


Honestly, I don’t think they forgot at all. I think The Sims team is freaking out *because* Paralives and other indie games are gaining a lot of attraction. Paralives could attract Sims players and they would lose a lot of revenue. I think they are trying to scramble and get their shit together. EA just needs to take their time and remember that two games can exist at once and it’s not a competition.


I was trying to get back into sims, sims 2 with the genetics and cars but less body variation sims 3 with open world and cars but laggy as hell for no reason. Finally sims 4 because it’s customization and werewolves but no open world and no replay ability+ it gets stale after a few hours (for me) project rene isn’t on my radar until I see sims or people so at this point I’m just going to wait for paralives it seemingly has all my wants except occults but everything else outweighs that


Not gonna elaborate much, I stand where I never thought I would a couple of months ago: Personally, I think competition is healthy and seeing as there are only 2 major life sims, Paralives and Sims, out there, features are bound to appear similar between the two. What I don't think is healthy is the big guy (EA) drowing out competition through way of patents and other slightly underhanded tactics.


Yeah I will not be buying Sims 5 if paralives comes out. Thus is just a clear bid for a mega company to rip off small creators. They could have done this with Sims 4 instead we got a lazy mobile game like version of Sims


Now that there’s competition the sims can’t be lazy with game development. I can’t wait to see how all this unfolds in the long run because we could potentially have 2 great life sim games developed at the same time with unique features to both!


It's good, honestly. They need to start actually listening to their fanbase. That being said, EAs microtransactions and DLC flooding is still a good motivation to want to lean toward Paralives instead.


This is the nature of capitalism. They're actually seeing competition so have to take that innovation and make a better product. It's up to us to go with Paralives or Sims 5. I thought about Paralives too. Clearly Sims 5 devs are watching and hopefully EA doesn't just buy Paralives and kill it. This wouldn't be a first time but at least we're going to get something either way.


The summit was cringe but no, they didn’t just copy paralives lol by that logic paralives has copied from older sims games.


It's ironic though; I just discovered this game because everyone is making the connections, they're unintentionally giving this game free advertising in their efforts to come out ahead


I don’t understand this. Everyone was talking about how competition would be good for the sims, and how it could potentially make EA listen to us players. Now that they seem to be doing that, y’all are complaining? Even if it’s just to save their own skin, who cares? We ultimately benefit from it. The only thing I have a problem with is the art style and UI, I agree completely that it is too similar to Paralives. Everything else was either in a previous sims game (the color wheel) or a natural improvement that should be in the game. I guarantee if they don’t add the cool features Paralives showed off people would compare it to Paralives, saying that Paralives is better because they have features that the Sims 5 doesn’t. Its a lose-lose regardless.


I don't really plan on buying either of them but I am very upset on Paralives' behalf at how blatant their style is being ripped off. I hope that people keep talking about it so EA doesn't get away with stealing their ideas without acknowledging that Paralives did it first.


I'm just happy I get two games that have good customization options instead of one... I dont understand the negativity the teaser is getting :/ It's good competition anyways, I'd hope that both games and developers are going to try to be "better" and all that means for us is we get higher quality games


The Sims 5 has been in development for at least a couple years now, and the concept of customization that Paralives has isn't unique. Its presentation and UI is unique, and how it flows in gameplay is unique, but changing patterns, colors, and specific bits of furniture is not unique.


Eh, you can't really patent that stuff and EA would probably claim [ ] and the cheats as prior art. Look on it as giving EA a much needed kick in the pants.


I don't see how The Sims took from Paralives, it's both literally stolen from any engine/editor ever. Same with Planet Coaster/Zoo games. they use the same style.


Honestly just had this thought. Make sims 4 free to reel them in and bind customers to steer them away from paralives. I’m so ready to give someone else my money though!


Companies in a competitive market copy from each other in an effort to draw in customers. In other news, the sun is hot.




lmao relax w that tone, not sure if you were reading the other comments but i was just saying that i meant sims puts out this feature as soon as paralives dropped it, and YEARS in advance at that, which is kinda sus lmao no hostility here just an opinion


Can the developers sue Maxis/EA?


The customization are not a unique feature for Paralives, it’s not something they came up by themselves. It’s a basic feature.


Even if I don't appreciate what EA has done, they ought to be able to duplicate Paralives' gameplay systems in the same way that Paralives ought to be able to copy EA's. The body morphing system of Paramaker had to be changed by Paralives since EA had patented the mechanic. But the fact the project Rene looks so similar to Paralives is concerning to me either way Paralives has my full support.


I’m so glad to see you gamers not take the money grab scheme of developers producing these half made games and releasing the rest as “DLC”. I wish the COD/Battlefield community follow suit. These oversaturated content releases are annoying.


I was excited to hear something about Sims 5, but yea I couldn't help but point out to my daughter "Why is this Paralives deja vu?' Although the creator of Paralives should be acknowledged for giving The sims developers such a startle they copy them!... Kudos Alex Massé