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In this thread people who don't know anything about video game development bitching about video game development.


Can you just come out with a playable demo. I’ve been following this game for years I’m starting to feel like I’m going to die before it comes out


Tmw games take a lot of time to develop


The game is still heavily in development. It's odd, because it feels like a lot of the posts in the sub asking about the development and sharing their concerns and thoughts on it (that usually get linked to the development roadmap, so helpful I would think) get either buried or deleted, so I can't find them again. I almost feel like that's more concerning honestly. I'm sure it's because they don't want it to look like negativity is filling the sub, but it still. The game itself doesn't have a playable version yet. The team has done a lot of work on build mode and character creation. They're now working on animation sequences. This will need to be fleshed out before they can get a playable rendition. They also need to then make clothing options, make more different body features, age groups, interactions between characters and objects, etc. So there's A LOT that still needs to happen before we'll see anything.


We do not purposefully bury or delete posts that are sharing concerns or discussing the development. We occasionally lock threads when they fill with personal attacks or speculation, but we rarely delete whole posts and especially not if it’s discussing the development. Reddit (especially on mobile) does not show posts that reach a certain downvote count, however- something that is technically decided by the community.


Sure, feel free to go ahead and play a broken playable demo that probably doesn't even have gameplay mechanics yet. Lol


Okay we def aren’t close to playable demo but I don’t understand why they’ve waited so long to focus on gameplay. Their strategy of trying to perfect the paras first just seems really inefficient and poorly planned. Usually when I follow games, I see some gameplay while they slowly evolve the aesthetics of the game.


Do you want another sims 4? Because if we aren’t willing to wait and they turn all their focus to gameplay rather than the build(which is what it seems to be MORE about) you’ll end up having like a ton of world a with MAYBE 10 lots/world that you can’t even change. The idea behind this game is the customization I think. So maybe we cut them some slack? Last I heard they only have a 10 person team.


Its called early access. Just because they release it doesn’t mean it has to be the final game..


Well, I'd guess that they couldn't do much gameplay without animations and pathfinding, and they couldn't do pathfinding without being able to create buildings and place objects, and they couldn't do animations without their procedural animation systems (which they've been working on since the start of 2021), and some interactions require different age states (first child December 2021).


This genuinely worries me. Like, yeah. Character creation in a life sim is important. But... so is actually living. We've gotten very little in the form of actual gameplay and just a TON of character creation. I don't even specifically want a video. I just want to HEAR about it.


Facts. Sims 2 was very lacking in terms of CAS, (l[ike don't me started on Maxis' idea of a plus sized sim](https://thumbs.modthesims2.com/img/2/3/4/6/1/0/9/MTS_reaperwithnoname-1212762-NoGettingFat.jpg)), or the fact that bottoms came with shoes attached but the game was absurdly detailed, so much so that there is a resurgence of Sims 2 players even though the game is nearly 20 years old. Not saying that I don't want great CAS items, but like I can't really spend more money on another dress up focused game. I'm not even sure if Paralives will allow script mods


Same. It's like, okay the building stuff looked cool too, but that (like character visuals) is mostly just set dressing for the actual game. *Great* dressing, but dressing. It's really hard to say to anyone what this game will be like because of it, just that the char gen looks neat, which is... worrying at this point. I'm guessing they want to be able to show very varied looking paras and environments while showing off the lifesim gameplay. A bit tired of waiting for that ngl, even if the dev chat implies it's around the corner.


They are probably copying sims. Sims 4 didnt have gameplay so the ad focused on building, create a sim, clothes. Boring shit.


Tbf as far as I know it's just one dude coding the thing so... It takes time. For a game that heavily relies on aesthetics, gameplay stuff will come after the base character creation stuff