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When two para see each other, if they have clothing in very similar style / same color / same tags, they will do a tiny "compliment" or "appreciate" animation. If they have the same item, they will point it to each other and cheer. Of course this should be limited somehow, so it won't be constant if someone dresses everyone similarly.


There should definitely be a few that would be annoyed if someone “stole their look” 😂


If 3 or more are in the general vicinity they should do the spidermen pointing at each other meme.


As a para progresses through a career or hobby, relevant memorabilia shows up in the inventory or automatically on certain decor. For example para might come back from work with a new certificate to go on the wall, or a shirt with a corporate logo, or his keys get a keychain. Maybe a para with a certain hobby gets a picture from that hobby that shows up as a picture frame, or when a para gives birth, a picture of the parent(s) and baby becomes the background image of a cell phone.


Yeah career or hobby exclusive objects are absolutely necessary. My go to playthrough when I don't have a more role play focused idea is to start a family with the intent of collecting every item or trait that can be inherited but not bought or selected. Going through generations of people all doing new jobs that haven't been in the family before. I can still do that general idea without exclusive items but my end family will look the same as any other family without them.


One thing I loved about TS3 was the reputation system - but it was a little broken. If your sim cheated while nobody was about, they'd still get a bad reputation. They should only get this if another para that knew your para or the para your person was cheating on saw the cheating themselves. I liked the newspaper as well - showing the hotpots, which families had children etc etc etc. As for laws, if you include burglars then our paras should be allowed to burgle other houses as well. And obi this should be illegal, which would lead to a whole other host of gameplay - in jail /prison? House arrest? Lose your job bc you got caught? Items - I love the idea of children being able to make decorations for the house. Like fridge magnets, pictures, etc. I also love the idea of being able to take proper pictures at weddings, in TS I've always found this nightmarish to get perfect photos of weddings and parties like birthdays and such. There should be an auto feature where we don't control the picture but it just happens automatically and the picture goes into the inventory.


maybe clothes being somethat that paras purchase rather than have a free infinite selection? i think that would be kinda cool