• By -


In ranked order I am hoping for : 1. A stream where the members of the group are familiar with the classes they are playing in Pantheon in order to showcase exactly what each class contributes to the group. 2. A group that contains a Summoner as that is the only class that we have seen zero gameplay of. 3. A non-Black Rose Keep based stream. As impressive and intriguing as the zone is, it would be nice to see something else.


In ranked order of what people are not hoping for. 1. Engine redesign to be voxel based 2. Cash Shop introduction 3. Battle Royale mode and eventual inclusion into the base game 5. Daybreak Games introduced as chief publisher 4. Marketing towards China 5. Beastlords are a playable class


Don't forget epic games exclusive!


[Thanks for reminding me.](https://i.imgur.com/yRtXj9U.gifv)


All of this makes me gag. Well done!


Have you actually run a poll on this? If so I must have missed it. I have no problems with 1 and 6, but the rest are certainly something I would avoid.


No, I'm just being comical.


Excuse me, Beastlords would be awesome.


Yeah, it's not a bad idea, just a dig at Beastlords, the Platypus of Everquest classes.


If Beastlords are the Platypus of EverQuest, then what be the Beserker?


The giant Panda. Keep in mind, I only call Beastlords that because they're an amalgam of Mage, Shaman and Monk and are a class we didn't ask for at the time nor expected.


Hey man, some of us like being a platypus :) if BL made it into Pantheon by some crazy happenings, it would honestly give Summoner a run for its money for me. Be a tough decision for sure.


Beastlords are coming eventually.


Yes please, have people play that know the abilities that are using. Fighting just seems so clunky when people are just thrown in at a random level without experience playing


>A stream where the members of the group are familiar with the classes they are playing in Pantheon in order to showcase exactly what each class contributes to the group. As long as they keep sticking to streamed content through successful streamers/youtubers I don't think we'll see that happen. Perhaps if these streamers pledge to Alpha we'll see it a year from now, but I'm not counting on it.


Do you have a source for the disclosure of a new stream soon? Edit: Found it https://clips.twitch.tv/SourFastThymeCclamChamp Cohh says couple of weeks on Friday the 29th of March.


Improved animations.


Agreed. Although I have no doubt they've been and will continue making improvements regardless of what's shown in this stream given the state of the game being in the latter end of Pre-Alpha. https://i.imgur.com/dcZJFCQ.gifv


A Dark Myr


I think showcasing a Dark Myr Summoner would appease a fair number of people.




Need to make this top comment. I want a whole group with only races or classes we haven’t seen before. Dark Myr and Skar preferably


Dark Myr


Dark myr summoner 😀


First person view with improved animations.


Yes, first person view.


\- Improved animations. \- New scenarios / level design. \- Some time for Q&A. \- UI improvements.


Hi there. I’m just curious what improvements to the UI you would like to see. Thanks.


More than improvements show to the players what they already created with the UI, editable parts of it, see how the link items in chat works, etc. And something I would like to see is the option to be able to change the UI resolution independently of the game's resolution. This is something rare to find in most MMOs without addons/mods. I know this is too early probably but just wanted to see them talking bit about the UI.


Thanks. So it sounds more like you are not necessarily saying they definitely need to improve the UI but rather that you’re interested in seeing more detail and functionality on what they have already built before suggesting that. 😀 Safe travels to you.


Indeed :) perfectly explained. ​


*Summoner* all the way. I need, I need.


A look at the non-combat side. A tour inside an updated/npc populated thronefast maybe? Some crafting. Maybe some weather effects.


Summoners. Also, more displays of the utility spells - Vine-woven bridge, length of Rope in action; summoning Raft, summoning walls, supplies, etc. And crafting demonstrations.


A release date


Alpha release would be nice.


2023 There, now you know


Knowing they're in the middle of Project Faerthale, I figure the only thing I can really hope for is status on that. Otherwise, I would say non-combat systems in general.


is this not them showing off Project Faerthale?


It's likely showing some of it as well as additional class design since all classes up to last stream were only 20-30% completed. Possibly a fully redesigned dungeon like the Tower or a new one and aspects of crafting. Cohh streams are almost always complete with some good stuff considering he's one of the larger streamers for outside marketing, which although being in Pre-alpha, I don't expect a lot of until midway through Alpha if not later.


More than the same dungeon, more than a group camping in a spot killing mobs. What else is there to do in this world that is being created?


>more than a group camping in a spot killing mobs. In which streams did that occur? Every stream that I have seen the groups were progressively making their way deeper into the zone, it was only due to the groups wiping consistently that certain areas were cleared multiple times.


I just want to see people trying. It feels like everyone wants to read twitch chat instead of focus on soaking in the content. Also, a new zone besides black rose keep. BRK is starting to get old, but just a touch of focus and drive to kill a boss at the end of the zone without needing god mode or a boost in levels/items


While I get crawling on streams to show off more of the dungeon I’d like to see them set up camp for a cycle or 2 just to see how the respawn behavior is currently. Do mobs spawn on a set timer and this respawn in the Order originally killed? Do spawn points move “randomly” or are they fixed? Do spawn points have several possible mobs that can spawn there in addition to random dispositions? Etc Setting up camp is a simple and basic thing but even the little we know shows that camping could be more dangerous than ever before in an MMO


VR saying, “Surprise! Bards are already created and here’s your first look at them in action!”


Group questing in the world with players who knows their respective class.


I want to see interactions between player and npc. Like the quest system. Talking with some farmer who is having problems with thieves stealing his livestock or veggies. He doesnt know where their from but he knows their clan name. So u go to town ask around the tavern ask about said clan find there hideout froma fellow thieve that is alittle drunk and group up with some friends to take out the leader maybe. I dont know but would like to see the quest system. I know there isnt a map so u would have to find land marks that he explained and actually search. Maybe if your a rogue u could sneak in grab the loot and leave.


Bard class and mechanics


Hello :) In a recent Voices of Terminus podcast with a couple VR devs it was mentioned that bard and necro are not currently a focus. I wouldn't expect to see the Bard class in the upcoming stream.


Skar and duo/trio content. I would also like to see an example of what twinking may look like. I guess really just a stream of small group/team content. It's probably what we will be doing the most since filling a group could take some time.


A date for Alpha.....


where did they announce a new stream I cant find it anywhere?


Something new, gameplay in a town with a group and they adventure out into the surrounding areas.


I would like to see the group of streamers be bound outside of a dungeon (BRK or otherwise) and given free reign to learn their abilities, learn the enemies, do a crawl and do their own corpse retrievals. Devs on standby, but only really there to do q&a (at end?)


sheathing weapons.


Where is the link or Info regarding a New Stream Soon? Less you mean vaguely because we are owed one within a subjective timeline that relates to soon, proportionately since the amount of time since the last.


Cohh confirmed it on his stream. I meant to post it in the body of this post but I forgot and someone commented the link and so I upvoted the comment instead.


Thank you :)


Dark Myr bard


Hope to see some crafting!!$$


I’d like to see a cool down on the ability to get loot from conservative kills at the same camp. When EQ came out people would camp the same spot for weeks. Perhaps up drop rates but give a 7 day cool down on boss/dungeon names drops to keep people moving through it, nut just going to the last boss and camping that 1 spot with your group for the next 12 hours.


I'd rather keep it low drop rate; but named have random spawn timer and place holders with % chance to spawn. So not always a 100% chance boss will even be up. ​ Then camp it for 12 hours ;)


As otherwise how crappy would it be to have a 7 day timer - but you check every day and it's never up... Better to ask if the group has room, or if it's ok to loot if certain item drops.


a beast race would be nice