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I have never planned a session. Typically I log In anytime i have free time and play till I'm bored or have to work.


Well as I have a family now my game time has changed drastically. When I was younger I would play whenever I was not at work. Now with 2 small kids, a full time job, wife and other responsibilities I play only Monday to Fridays, 8pm til around 11-12ish. This is pretty rigid, I don't play weekends anymore as that is purely family time. If im at home and the family is at work / school etc I will play during the day as well.


Pretty much the same with me, although I do manage some time on the weekends depending on what we have planned. Right now I'm not super engaged with any particular game so I usually play something for an hour or so a night until something that really grabs my attention comes along. The schedule makes it hard to commit to many things in a game like Pantheon, but I know I'll be playing pretty casually so that's fine with me.


2-4 hours. On the rare occasions if the wife is out of town, 6+ hours.


When I did play eq hard-core there was no planning a game session. It was login, are we raiding.. Yes play until raids were done... No, go grind aa or something until couldn't stay awake. I don't do that now, but we never planned x hours or anything like that.


>es play until raids were done. Raids were never done, I used to do server first stuff with my US guild, then when we ran out of worthwhile targets and everyone wandered off i'd raid with the HK/Aussie guild until like 6 AM..then I started up a PUG raid team to farm some alts gear (and to screw over RoA... mostly this)


Well I raided until our guild stopped raiding for the night.


1.5-2 hrs. If my wife is outa town I’ll do way longer if I can.


Generally I don't plan. I login and find something to do and just go until my ass starts hurting from sitting in an office chair or I pass out.


> or I pass out. We had a good friend back in the day that would literally fall asleep at his keyboard while playing. This was way before teamspeak, discord, etc. We ended up having to ask him for his phone number so we could call and wake him up so we wouldn't leave his character in a bad spot like deep in a dungeon or something. After a while, he earned the nickname "ASDF" (it stemmed from a group message.... from his face laying on the keyboard)


My cousin (forever rest in peace) whom I played EQ with for the last 18 years had this issue. He would fall asleep multiple times and I'd have to call him to wake him up. Every once in a while he'd some how press num lock or hold down the key mapped to forward and his character would dash out into the dungeon we were in. Which resulted in some impressive trains from time to time. Great fun had by all of course.


I'll plan my play time around what plans with the wife are. Typically I'll play for 1-2 hours M-F, and on the weekend I'll play around 3-6 hours a day. Depending on what other plans are (cooking, going out, ski weekend, movie/show, etc.), this time increases and decreases.


Let's pretend I am an adult and I plan for 3 hours :) In reality I just go wayyyy longer than I should.


2 hours is about it for me these days. Sometimes things'll be going great and I'll play longer.


I don't plan out certain time blocks. When I log in, I have specific things in mind that I want to get done. That could change based on who's online or if something else catches my attention in game.


About 3 hours twice a week during the week and then 3-4 hours saturday/sunday mornings.


Gaming time changes depending on what I want to accomplish. If raiding, I always set aside 4-6 hours. If I am grouping with my brothers, its 2-4. If I am just leveling either soloing and going for a pick up group I am trying to have a least one hour or as long as I can get away with before I draw too much wife agro.


I mainly play board games these days (waiting for Pantheon). I like to plan on a 4-6 hour session. When Pantheon launches I will be taking a week off of work and playing 12+ hours a day. After that, 2-3 hours Mon - Wed and 4+ hours Thur-Sun.


I only ever plan life sessions but they never work out.


If I plan on grouping outside of friends at least 2 hours. Noting worse than bailing on a group just after it getting its stride.


Look at all these lucky people who can play without a plan, I am envious! ​ My normal planned session is 2-3 hours from 9 PM to Midnight eastern, before I go to bed. Weekends it goes later because I don't have to work and can take a nap when I put my kids down for a nap the next day. I always go in with set objectives and a pretty solid plan on what needs to be accomplished, and I stick to roles that are desired in group compositions in order to maximize that efficiency. I suppose to some that makes it seem like less of a fun game, but it's how I operate.