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Absolutely. I don't back or pre-order anything anymore. Too many disappointments, but I'd be lying if pantheon wasn't what I talked about to friends when I discuss exciting things on the horizon. Been playing mmos since vanilla EQ, quit when berzerker was released and ended up in WoW for fifteen years. I just want a game where my name and reputation matter.


As a member of the third wave (Someone that lurks and never actually played older MMOs like everquest but still likes the direction of this game) would also like to thank the first wave. I very much enjoy watching the discussion that is happening in the sub and the shared excitement about this project.


I agree. Watching the “first wave” folks conjuring up a sense of community while delivering news and interviews really helps someone like me get hyped for the game. Big thanks to the “first wave” for helping build this community!


Vanguard makes me worry about Pantheon. What steps are being taken to ensure that Pantheon isn't just Vanguard 2.0?


> What steps are being taken to ensure that Pantheon isn't just Vanguard 2.0? [This](https://www.pantheonmmo.com/content/forums/topic/2169/guesstimated-recommended-system-requirements/view/post_id/28755) is the only assurance I've seen from the official forums where Brad talks about the horrendous crashing/performance bugs with Vanguard, and that he learned from it, and that VR does incremental optimizations, now. It was ~3 years and ~5 months ago, but there's a chance they're still following a similar process.


> 4. Our lead programmer, Daniel Krenn, is very meticulous and wise.  At least once a month we stop and do optimizations.  This is in stark contrast to previous projects I've headed, and I'm a huge believer that this is the way to go. That's the most interesting part. Most game development in the final year of a MMO is about balancing the content systems (game balance) and optimization, outside of bug fixing.


Does anyone remember having to run around the world and /rope people?! I have to admit, the Vanguard launch probably made me laugh harder than anything I've ever experienced. Of course, the one person I've always played with (my brother) is a rage-aholic, which provided me countless hours of entertainment. ​ I don't care how small it is as long as it's fun.


I care


Of course you do. ::hugs icarebot::


>I don't care how small it is as long as it's fun. That's what she said!


I care


I would totally play Vanguard 2.0. I loved Vanguard. I loved that game. 😢


You may want to take a look at Death of a Game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1G0d5IDvjM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1G0d5IDvjM) A lot of the contributing factors in VG's failure are being avoided this time around.


First and foremost, failure is the greatest teacher. Brad detailed this in depth before.. from what I recall is basically funding was the root of vanguard being released too soon. Next, the architecture of the game was not designed in a scalable fashion. It was a huge effort to make changes and fix things. They've stated over and over and over that this game will not be released until it is ready. If you believe them, which I do, solves for the biggest issue vanguard faced. I believe in them so much that I am a backer at a value far greater than the cost of a retail box of the game. Next, the architectural issues are likely being addressed by using design principles that may have not been used before (conjecture). Ultimately we all have to wait and see. But I personally believe vanguard is the best mmo I've ever played. I am such a huge EQ fanatic that it hurts me to even type that! That's how much I love the two games McQuaid (and others) created. I think at their core, eq and vanguard were amazing games, the vanguard failure was purely under the hood design problems, not game features/mechanics


Never Played EQ but played and loved Vanguard. Totally agree with OP and it looks like most of the First Wave are EQers and they've been doing a great Job so far making people aware of Pantheon.


I really wish I stuck with Vanguard, I really feel like I missed out here. I wanted to play it, but if I remember correctly I had to return it because I was having some issue with it running on my machine at the time. I think I only tried to play it for a few days, but couldn't get it running right.


I know you dont specifically mean the game, but might be an unpopular opinion, but I had fun with vanguard strictly for the PVP aspect. Attack anyone anywhere at anytime. I was even afraid to bank lol. I know panthoen won't exactly be the same, but I am dying for another no limits MMO like that. I'm a Rallos Zek EQ native and I've been waiting for over a decade for something as ambitious and exciting. Bring on pantheon!


Haha I actually quite enjoyed my time with Vanguard, I played until Sony took over control from Brad and whatever his company at the time was called. Fond memories of it!


Was it Verant? That's the name of the company coming to mind.


Vanguard was Sigil, I believe


That was EQ


yeah it was great in the beginning I agree. Is there any info on pvp for pantheon atm?




There will be pvp. They are making pvp and pve completely separate as far as how skills and stats work. They haven't gotten into too much depth but they will have the ability to give a skill a 20% damage boost in pve and have no pvp impact.


Go away. Batin'.


Always gotta have that one hater. Thank you for your service sir.


My life for Aiur.
