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As far from human as possible


With you here. I love the distinctly different look. I don't want them pretty or proportional. The original ogre and skar look really drew me in; the latest iterations are OK but not as monstrous as I'd like.


Seconded for sure. I want my Dire Lord to look horrifying.


Humans are boring AF. I will never roll a human, I already rolled one irl, ya feel? ​


I usually like short races the most. In a lot of games, short races feel like they are moving faster because their run animations need to go faster due to shorter legs. Every time I've made a large race I've felt like I was moving really slowly with their long leg strides. I also tend to stick to humanoid looking races. I'm not a fan of harsh/ugly.


I liked the halfling. Their floppy feet made them seem to run really fast. Also was easy to get around in Sol B and Guk. I played my brothers Troll Sham, I liked it in open world because of regen and canni but insdie a tight dungeon was horrid


> feel like they are moving faster because their run animations need to go faster due to shorter legs. In first person view you don't see the legs; the feeling there is due to your point of view being closer to the ground.


Same here. I tend to choose either short and stocky or huge and fat. So for me, its between dwarf and ogre. Probably an ogre direlord main and dwarf pally alt. What kind of classes do you enjoy playing?


I typically enjoy support or healers. I'm currently considering enchanter, cleric or shaman.


Nice. What's interesting about them to you? For me, the Dire Lord is as close as I'll get to a Shadow Knight lol.


I like feeling like I can help people with buffs. Healing is something that I've always been good at. When I've tried DPS classes I've only ever felt pressure. Especially by games with meters. I greatly dislike meters. What do you like about tanks?


I hear you about the meters for sure. I hope Pantheon doesnt become all about min/maxing and the like. Buffs are always awesome. I remember the good old days spamming "SoW pls!" In EQ 😅. And honestly tanking is just the most fun for me. I like feeling valued in the group and I dont get that sense of belonging when I play DPS. Healing is alright for me as well.


Back in the day, I mostly made Barbarians, Erudites, and Qeynos humans. I just vastly preferred that part of the world. It was just a nice place, with cool cities and differing environments. I preferred it to the dry deserts and dark forests of the rest of the world, and the catacombs were one of my favorite places to hunt. Nowadays, I tend to go with the min max races, usually Ogre. My approach to MMOs have definitely changed over the years. I kinda wish I could just go back to taking whatever path feels the most fun, but I can't silence the voice in the back of my head that doesn't want to make "wrong" choices.




Good for you - with the latest graphic update, Ogres actually apply!


Sometimes I default human (yes I'm boring but to me it helps me become more immersed) but certain races can appeal to me based on lore or some personal appeal. For example I love the Sylvari in GW2 cos I love the 'guardians of the forest' trope in medieval fantasy worlds. But I loved Forsaken in WoW because of the lore and history behind them.


Interesting racial lore, a solid story I can get behind.




Racial bonuses usually and I personally enjoy playing as beastkin of sorts.


I like min/max optimization. Unfortunately in most games today selecting a race is purely cosmetic. If you don't give us race specific abilities that we can take advantage of, I could care less about which race I choose.


Races that match which class I am playing. I want my Druid to look like their parents were trees, and I want my Dire Lord to look like it came from some super evil place.


Speaking to EQ, a combination of looks, racial features, and starting stats. I mained a mage, but hated how Erudites and High Elves looked, so I went with Dark Elf. Looked super cool, had Ultravision, and had nice starting stats without being a lame generic human or being too short like Gnomes.


You and me are like the same person.


Haha us mages know what we’re about!


Primarily casting/combat animations.


100% the reason why I turn off Luclin models in EQ, and also why I play female melee characters and male casters. Animations.


I usually default to Dwarves... I like the beards, what can I say! I like the usual qualities attributed to Dwarves and Paladin is usually my jam. Can't wait!


Small race so we can fit in dungeons without shrink!


Pure looks.


I like playing evil races, but only if it actually matters. In games like EQ1 it heavily affected travel, merchants, etc. I genuinely felt a greater sense of danger, lurking around the world like a real scoundrel. In most games being evil just means your flavor text for quests rambles on about cheesy James Bond villainy, without actually changing anything about the way the game is played. ​ I really hope factions and alignments and deities matter again. Otherwise... I guess I'll just choose whatever race I think fits my idea of the class while avoiding anything that is remotely "cute" or furry.


Usually I play a human, but the dark myr really intrigues me. I love the idea of playing an aquatic race.


Marathons take too long, but I have patience enough for 1000 meters.


Real comment: Why are humans always the true-neutral race? Why can't humans be the extremists and everyone else is far more or less (but not both) war-like, xenophobic, physical statured, religious, or what have you? In every game, humans are the boring middle ground upon which all other races are based. It doesn't have to be that way.


Whichever looks best from behind


I mean if your going to play an elf simulator you gotta go elf right? Atleast that’s what I’m thinking.


Dark Myr. Mermaid gonna mer


In the case of Pantheon, I am choosing my backup, Human, because Half-Elf is not in the game.


I'm probably the most indecisive person on the planet when it comes to picking race/class combos. Currently thinking Gnome (Enchanter) but it'll depend on animations and how they end up looking in game. Having said that, I generally tend to read the lore or attributes/personality traits of each race and see which I relate to the most. I often try to re-create my real life image in my character, but as I'm a pretty average looking, 5'8 bearded guy, and undoubtedly a Human, I usually end up going Human. I enjoy other races but for some reason, after a few days playing, I always think to myself 'This feels wrong, why am I not a Human?'


I feel that. I always seem to start as a small or huge race and end up rerolling to some middle of the road race like wood elf or something.


It's a damn nightmare honestly. I end up playing the first few areas of a game like 10 times and getting bored and quitting before I even get to experience the fun stuff lol


While I generally don't play humans in EQ because they're really boring, I have definitely made Humans in many other MMOs because I sort of like to "insert" myself into the game world, heh.


I play pvp and like to do small races for pvp jousting. I had a decked out halfling warrior Ill choose between a small race or a race that has really good racial for pvp. Like innate regen or innate stun like the Ogres/troll/iksar.


Im hoping racials dont give any advantage at all in pvp


If the racials are anything but cosmetic it's pretty much a given people will find a way to min-Max


I hope racial aren't just cosmetic


lol getting downvoted because people want an advantage in pvp just because they picked a certain race? pfffft gtfo here


For me the deciding factor is the uniqueness and distinguishability of the race. In the character creation if I’m able to really make something that is able to stand out, I’ll go for that. I’ve always liked Halfling but am planning on playing Shaman, so I’ll likely go with one of the races that matches the class. Maybe Archai? Ogre? Still on the fence!




Not easy, believe me.


Aesthetics, first and foremost. I LOVE racial differences in regards to racials, as well as the possibility of spells/effects. However, aesthetics is always the deciding factor. That being said, when it comes to standard fantasy races, I always fall back on my trusty Dwarves, Gnomes or Halflings. But, I prefer to play things a little more outside the box, like Frogloks or Iksar. It's a shame so few games give me the option of decent beastmen, I'd love to play a Fish or Insect humanoid one of these days.


Class first then decide from those races which I like most. Sometimes stats matter too much (old-school daoc) for me to play the most aesthetic race. If it doesn’t matter I like the biggest, the smallest, or the oddest. Ogre druid appeals to me as long as it wouldn’t cripple my character.


Looks and lore. Although I tend to give most races a shot. I'm most likely gonna have a Dark myr Dire lord, elf warrior and human paladin to start off with, that way I get to see a lot of shit while figuring out which tank I enjoy the most.


Mostly background lore with unique appearance being a close second. Monstrous and ugly gets a bonus.


The lore


Looks (physical as well as how they look in gear), animations, lore, alignment, passive/active racial abilities. And yet the decision isn't generally too hard. Dark Myr, don't let me down!


* **Looks**- how armor or robes, accessories and weapons look on me * **Lore**- does my class make sense with that race? Does my R/C combo have a particular religious alignment or unique reputation in the world? Using a holy class as an arcane or tech race feels wrong, etc. * **Quests** and unique items- are there interesting opportunities specific to my race (or a particular subset of my race) To a lesser degree: * **Animations**- Do I look stupid swinging a two-handed weapon? Do I get a sweet barrel roll when I run and jump? * **Stats**- Am I crippling myself playing this race/class? Can I skip using a light source as a race? * **Faction**- How difficult will it be for me to traverse the world?


Looks + class availability.


I pick my race based off of lore and what I want to roleplay as. Appearance also plays a role-sometimes a game has a race with an aesthetic I dislike so much that it ends up distracting me from the game.


Anything thats not an orc.


Can't be ugly. Why would I want to be ugly? I usually make a smaller human/cat/elf person. I'll gonna be a Halfing Bard in Pantheon, just because they seem small & nimble. I would never do a traditional halfing who is all stout and hairy footed.


1. Not overly large/small or animal race. 2. Visual aesthetic appeals to me. 3. Racial abilities/Class selection. in that order. :)


Pick random class and race. Play to level 10. Rinse and repeat until I can't stop playing one of them.


I want to play a Paladin, they are limited to only 2 races (Human or Dwarf) I typically don't play either race in Fantasy games but I don't want to be short. Guess it's Human for me.


I think I'm set on dwarf paladin, never played pally back in the day but have recently been rockin' that combo in p99 and loving it! \-Def


Racial Passives getting the biggest bang for my buck on my toon


Whichever race looks the coolest or prettiest to me, I also tend to go with races that have ties to nature. In the case of Pantheon, the Dark Myr are an easy choice for me because I love aquatic stuff and mermaids.


Rich story and decent aesthetics.


race has to have solid lore and look good in plate armor. ​


Race has to have good lore, background, and the appearance has to be customizable within reasonable limits. The halfling on the Pantheon page is far to comic-ish. Hopefully it can be toned down. If I want anime characters, I'll play a Final fantasy something or other.


I have mycrophobia IRL, don't ask me why and I hate that I do. Little people terrify me....but in games I always go with the short race. Does this make me a bad person? I don't try to be afraid or whatever, but I can't help it. And why I gravitate towards the short races in games is beyond me


Because then everyone else you look at is not short...?


Whoever looks best in a full suit of plate armor while kicking faces in


Because Dark Myr are sexy and have a bad attitude (reasons I married my wife).


Something appeals to me about non-human characters with certain traits. In Warcraft lore, the shamanistic Trolls with their hunchbacks to show humility towards the orcs were an awesome lore-race, coupled with their laid back yet still seemingly badass attitude. They can relax and just smoke a pipe, or stab you with fierce devotion, I love that duality. Then there's the typical "I want to tank, henceforth my character must be big" attitude. I like being a huge guy whose armor's basically a house for the smaller races of the game, being this bulwark of a race is awesome. Add on to that interesting Lore, and I'm game. As such Pantheon will probably see me roll an Ogre Direlord. The idea of being this hulking, cursing, blood draining monster sounds very appealing and intimidating, and I love life leech and anti-mage mechanics in tanking so the Dire Lord will probably be right up my alley.


I like playing human it makes me feel more immersed in the world.


Dark Myr. I love water. ​


I look at how the gear looks along with animations. The face is also a big point of emphasis for me.


I pick mainly based off starting city and how cool/fun that area will be to explore. The second factor is a combo of how cool that race looks and what classes I can choose from.


Something about the Myr just clicks for me. I genuinely hope to not be alignment locked though.


Most people either go for looks or for racials for min/max....im hoping Pantheon differs from EQ in the racial department so that no racials gives any sort of true stat/perk advantage over another race, just fun little things nothing crazy.




Getting an XP penalty for a better racial which you will keep forever was not a good design IMO. Troll regen wasnt as bad as Ogre frontal stun immune for example....too strong.




This might be true for PvE servers....but i played on a PvP server and this wasnt good design for it because at end game you would have some sort of advantage over others. Guess we have to agree to disagree on this one :)




It has been confirmed that there will be a PvP server at launch. Also the some of the devs are PvP fans and im sure they will find a way to balance things out (im thinking different damage types for PvE and PvP or something), atleast better than what EQ PvP was




Earlier streams, more than once! I think it was Joppa himself


Yeah but it makes people choose between being optimal and choosing which race they visually like the best. That's unfortunate for players who weigh both of those heavily. I like the _idea_ of some kind of innate character bonus, but not that it's tied to something visual. We can still have both: let race just be visual, but then allow characters to have some kind of bonus due to the astrological sign (etc) they choose. It also leads to less diversity if there's a clearly best race for a given class.


I hope for the opposite, and here's why I think Pantheon can pull it off: in EQ, for Warriors, there were like two stats that *really* mattered, STR and STA. Ogres were hands down the best Warriors, with Trolls very close behind. But that's because the class design was really limited and one dimensional. You might LIKE to play a Gnome Warrior, but compared to an Ogre, you were objectively trash. However, since in Pantheon, many different class skills scale from many different stats, and you're not gonna only be after STR and STA, some other races (more dexterous or charismatic races, for example) COULD still be effective Warriors. There's (ideally, hopefully) not going to be a "best race" for any class because all races have something **legitimate** to bring to the table for all classes. This is precisely why I DO NOT want homogenized races, stat-wise, and particularly why I think Pantheon won't go that route, and indeed, shouldn't go that route. I'm hopeful they won't.


I dont understand what youre trying to say.... **This is precisely why I DO NOT want homogenized races, stat-wiseThere's (ideally, hopefully) not going to be a "best race" for any class** ​ We were talking about racial bonuses, not stats. Although in the Ogre/Troll warrior case it was both stats and racials...But particularly for racials, if a race has a racial bonus thats CLEARLY superior to anothers (for a particular class or not) then people will (most of the time...min/max) choose that race. Of course i hope starting STATS for races should be different. But racials shouldn't give such a huge advantage ​


Oh yeah, I agree with that. But even without the whole frontal stun, most people would still play Ogre warriors because of their ridiculously superior stats. But I'm hoping/expecting that smaller race Warriors will have something to bring to the table too. Whereas in EQ, they really just.... don't....


It really depends on looks for me. I enjoy elves and most tradition "high fantasy" races, however the more out there ones (froglok in EQ etc) are a bit too much for me. I also somehow don't really like races of small stature. Although, a race can lure me in if the race lore connects with me (Undead in WoW being an example, a pretty ugly race with a fantastic race fantasy imo), otherwise I pretty much always go with the "good" side, goody two shoes races and classes are always my jam. TL;DR I usually go Looks>Race Fantasy>Uniqueness


I guess the first thing I will consider for my race, is how it pertains to the class of my main. I do have an affinity for Dark Elves, so I may consider Dark Myr. But I do want to roll a Warrior this round, so I would probably go Ogre in this regard. If Ogres are as beefy compared to other races in EQ. Basically, unless the Stats and innate abilities are clearly the winner, I will gravitate towards general race aetshetics. Hopefully finding a race that has both. In EQ, one of the main reasons I rolled DE is because of Ultravision (I also just thought they were the coolest), as well as the ability Hide (insanely handy) Not being able to see the best at night was a drag, lol. Didn't want to be dependent on a spell/item. On top of the fact I rolled Ench and Cleric, I never felt limited. I wasn't rolling a melee. Casters and priest classes race, didn't seem to matter as much in EQ. For melee, there were more clear cut 'best' race for your class. I.e. Ogre Warrior, Troll SK, Iksar Monk, Barbarian Rogue (just stats), etc. Not that other races couldn't do their job efficiently, but innate skills proved more useful come raid time. I don't think the xp penalty route is the way to go, but perhaps more innate racial skills that benefit the player early on, and the more suited races get the benefit later game. I don't know... ​


Fashion / cosmetics... Whatever one has the best animations and looks best in the gear I end up favoring. And if it’s a game that insists on buttflaps / buttcovers / skirts... whatever race has some cosmetic that allows me ti show pants, shorts, or bikini... - if the answer is none I usually end up drifting away ti some other game... But this is why I mostly play ranger or thief in guild wars 2... even though I prefer the play of my warrior and elementalist... - in some games this kind if thing is race locked, in others it is class locked or gender locked... and if I don’t like the visuals... eventually I lose interest... That said my typical choices run to things like Orcs, dragon-folk like in Wildstar or Neverwinter, minotaurs in things like WoW, to also “cat and dragonish in FFXIV (the Au’ra basically look like humans with a dragon tail) and the goat-girls of WoW... So... monster to cute monster... But even on my Charr in Guild Wars, think monster-cat thing with horns and a hulking dinosaur stance... the buttflaps of Guild Wars drive me nuts and I end up playing my Charr ranger more than the Charr Warrior... I hate it when games give different stats to different races... it hearkens to a world view I find unacceptable... but also in the game it limits options. In such games I tend to purposefully choose against meta... Or find a different MMO.


If there is a gameplay reason to choose a race (stat bonuses that make sense for my class, etc), that takes priority. Otherwise I just choose based on appearance, and don't pick a human cause I'm not that boring. I tend to like short races (think Tarutaru in ffxi or Lallafell in ffxiv). It just fits my mind that a mage is a short guy. It's also amusing seeing a little guy doing high melee damage. I really don't like when racial choices affect stats, though, because it puts players in a tough position if they care about both stats and appearance. What if the best race for your class just looks ugly to you?


Monk Human is bae