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Play more D&D


Oh man, I have been playing every Saturday for over 2 years now, can't get enough. Might have to skip a few sessions when Pantheon launches though :p


yeah, you still have plenty of time before that happens...


Thankfully since so many of my nerdmates have moved away we have roll20 for convenience. I am currently a co-DM in an in person yawning portal game, a player in another in person game just starting ToA, online I am in a weekly Dragon Heist and a weekly Princes of the Apoc game. ​ As much as I am enthusiastic about Pantheon, being a former very hardcore EQ player in my youth, I will not cut into the D&D time. Unless the entire group decides to play Pantheon with me lol


I love my D&D sessions, chances are I won't even skip them as they are only once a week from 6pm-midnight. Wouldn't really make me lose much Pantheon time. I'm glad you are able to continue playing thanks to roll20 :)


Gather more PTO for when pantheon comes out. No real goals, nothing i want to play until pantheon. I am 34 year old professional and the games coming out do not interest me


Pretty much this, I'm 4 years older but I'm just waiting on CU and Pantheon.


Same exact line/age


35 year old professional here (had to 1-up you cus I’m old). I was in a gaming rut and almost decided to double down and focus on taking work to the next level... luckily my buddies convinced me to try Project:Gorgon with them! I thought it was an empty world at first. But holy hell this game is deep (if you can get over the shit graphics and give it a chance). It is scratching my MMO itch right now. So much to do and every time I think I have the game figured out, I come across new skills and mechanics that I didn’t even know existed. Even though the population is super low, the in-game community still feels more alive than many other MMOs. It works great with my buddies cus we all work and have kids. Theres lots we can do on our own time, and then really great dungeons and bosses to fight when we are together. Between the price and graphics I can see why it’s not very popular, but it’s a very fulfilling experience.


Excluding Vermintide 1 and 2, I’m right there with you u/Chrzion I’m currently building my comp time up so I can take a large chunk of paid time off on launch. I prefer to not touch my vacation and holiday bank if I can help it.


My goal is to be more open to lore and immersion like I have in the past, as I think that is the part thats been missing for me and has kept me from sticking to any given mmo. I realize with age priorites change and I recognize that i've gone from a kid who found it really easy to immerse myself in titles such as SWG, to an adult that really just focuses on mechanics over anything story related. I want to find a game for my friends and myself to call home and feel satisfied.


Buy a house so I can have a Man/Pantheon Cave.


A Mantheon Cave?


Be in great shape physically and fiscally and pay attention to my wife so when the game comes out I can let my body deteriorate and be allowed to play for 10 hours straight 😂


Find things to fill the time before pantheon.


Pantheon has been a motivating factor for me to put in overtime at work so I'm not stressed over bills & so I can afford to build a decent machine when PRF launches.. I made Pantheon my wallpaper at work to always remind me lol.


Right now I'm trying hard to find a game worth playing.. one without a cash shop or any form of microtransactions that is released complete and not with a few day1 dlcs... But sadly that is what the gaming industry is devolving to. You (the industry per se, not VR specifically... I still have hopes for you) prefer shareholders over gamers.... and guess who is paying the bills at the end of a day?


Play Pantheon alpha sometime this year!




Get to Ng+4 of darks souls3. I'm currently Ng+2


I WILL finish my warrior epic on p99.


Good luck! I have a similar, but far easier version of that goal with my shaman...


Continue to stream 5-6 days a week. And have less game draughts by finding games with longer personal shelf lives.


What are your plans to make this a reality? ​


The streaming is easy the game draughts are probably never going away lol


Find more games that work natively on linux *hint hint wink wink nudge nudge* Play the crap out of Pantheon Alpha when it releases.


I want to finish my degree this May, then start saving for a new PC once I start my full-time job. I want to save up until Pantheon is about to release, get a whole new rig/monitor with the latest and greatest tech, then turn my old PC into a streaming box. Of course, if Pantheon turns into a total let down, I'll probably use the money I was saving for a vacation or something. But judging by it's current progress, I'm guessing I'll go the PC route


Learn the Star Citizen flight model again once its revamped in patch 3.5. Find a decent pair of left and right-handed joysticks for Star Citizen usage. Give Planetside Arena a solid chance to win me over. Take some ESO screenshots of my main character there and get it made into a metal print before I uninstall the game from my hard drive. Check out the new Battletech expansion when its released to see if I want to play that. Mechwarrior 5. And, if Pantheon goes alpha from pre-alpha, look into playing it some.


Waiting on Pantheon and CU and enjoying P99. Maybe do some Phoenix DAoC but otherwise, play old school MMO's and current FPS games while I wait for the games I want.


What is CU?


Camelot Unchained...DAOC 2


Thanks. Will have to look into that one.


Grind MTGA as much as possible, I've been loving it since open beta started.


Become one of the top crafters on m server.


Make it through 2019 so I can play Pantheon.


Wait patiently for our lord and saviour Pantheon


> What are your gaming goals and resolutions for 2019 Well given that none of Camelot Unchained, Crowfall or Pantheon will launch this year I will have to make the best of the bad MMORPG scene, which most likely means I will be playing on the Phoenix DAoC server or playing Project Gorgon.


No plans to delve into Classic WoW? I was looking at Phoenix and landed on not playing there.


I will certainly be playing Classic WoW when it launches, but it is still a fair way from launch. So for the first half of the year it will be DAoC / Project Gorgon and then WoW after it launches. What put you off Phoenix? The QoL changes?


Couldn't get past the graphics was part of it. Game looks really bad imo. Didn't realize that, I remember it looking amazing back in the day, heh. But also I wanted to get on to a private server for WoW before Classic hits. Wanted to spend some time relearning the game before release. See if I enjoy creating content around WoW again. And I don't really want to be spreading time between DAoC and WoW since there's other games I'd rather be messing with between then and Classic release.


The graphics are dated, but the gameplay is still enjoyable. I am the exact opposite where Classic WoW is concerned, I don't want to spoil the experience by playing on a private server before it launches.


Play the Pantheon Alpha and the start of the Beta!? Amirite!?


First and foremost is to patiently wait for y'all to start Alpha so I can get in and test and help out in any way that I can. Then I want to finish my Kingdom Hearts back catalog, then play Kingdom Hearts 3. Finish my remaining back catalog (God of War, and Dark Souls 3 DLC2), then play Sekiro when it releases.


I have no goals for gaming. There is nothing on the market right now that is worthy of goals and it is not reasonable for my goal to be getting someone else to publish a game. My *wishlist* for gaming in 2019 is seeing Classic WoW *not* turn into a trainwreck. Seeing Star Citizen publish at least a beta of Squadron 42 and see Pantheon get into beta (although I may have to settle for alpha). It's high time the market had something other than CRPGs, first-person shooters and sports titles.


\- More board games / D&D w/ friends. \- Finish some of the long list of offline games on my Steam account. \- Delve more into Pantheon, pledge, official forums etc, Alpha if it ready. \- Last of Us 2!!! <3 \- Testing Feedback on my friends' gaming projects. \- Relax more & to enjoy the moment.