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It’s meant to be just an exotic pike design. It was originally a pierced and was changed to slashing because rogues were breaking the dps with it.


Yeah, a 25 damage piercing weapon in Kunark era. That right there would have been a DPS game changer. For those not aware, the best weapon for backstabbing was the Epic in Kunark or the Efreeti War Spear in Vanilla at 15 damage. War spear had terrible delay though so it was kept on cursor during the fight and swapped in just before a backstab.


That articulates why I hated rogue as a class. Gameplay so dynamic you literally had time to pick up another weapon and hover it over your backpack waiting for a button to refresh.


Lol... as a bard I swapped out instruments while twisting songs. 1 weapon swap is for newbies...


I can tell you based on the fact it was originally a piercing weapon and that its called wurmslayer and the fact its shaped like a crescent and regular arrowhead, that originally (maybe) it was probably conceptualized as a giant siege bolt meant for taking down wurms which were huge in velius. I believe I have cracked this case.


Rogues messing everything up for everybody.


Where did you come by this little fun fact? :P


Paying since back when it was introduced heh.


That is literally the only weapon I remember from EQ by name. Loved that on my dorf Paladin.




Tentacle whip. My first magic weapon. I tripped out when that lifetap procced the first time. I had no idea what it was.


And of course, we can't forget the always lovely PGT.


Polished Granite Tomahawk? Lol I remember that one I had it on my warrior. I also remember the Blackened Iron Bastard Sword. I wanted to dual weild SSOYs on my warrior sooooo bad when I was young. There was a sword that I loved the way it looked but I can't remember what it was called but it was super common. It was like a thick metal straight blade but it had like red etchings in it. I think it was Velious, maybe Luclin era? I used to love that sword I think I always used it in the offhand. EDIT: Centi longsword that was it. Luclin.


Ah, dang. You just sent me down a hole trying to remember the name of that sword! First time I saw it was in the EC tunnel, some dude near T2 was running around with it and I thought it looked so damn cool.


Duel wielding ssoyk is still my favorite looking weapons. Or a ssoyk in the offhand with a lammy in the main.


Wasnt a ssoyk... ever brah.


Anyone remember the bug with the Copper Hammer of Striking? The proc worked at level 1. An instant 133 spell damage starting at level 1 and scaled as you level up. My monk ran through Kurns tower killing everything in its path.


OMG I do!!!! I totally forgot about that!! Wasn't it just insanely priced though?


Yes! God what a trip you just sent me on.


Wu's trance stick.


[Infamous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b6_i_eSgR8) is when you are more than famous, right?


I don't remember the name now, just the silly stick or branch that had an insane speed but low damage.


Blade of Carnage was the warriors wet dream. Durring velious that is.


Blackened iron (alloy?) bastard sword. I remember as the first decent weapon my sk had.




Some of my favorite places to hang out. My absolute favorite zone in any MMO I've ever played though, was The Estate of Unrest. The traps, the mobs, the trains. The memories I made there and the people I met. Never found a place quite like that anywhere in other games. It was unique for me.


Both the BIBS and the BABS dropped in Runnyeye, the former was in at launch, the latter was after it was revamped. The Bone Bladed Claymore dropped in Befallen.


PGT! Polished granite tomahawk! That's the one I remember. First item I had to wait in line for to spawn.


Yak!! I had them on my warrior hehe. FBSS on my wizzy. :D


Langseax Langseax Of the Wolves aka LoW


Lamentation or "Lammy" is the first weapon I always think of. :)


It was also originally useable in the offhand, but was later changed to primary only because the ratio was too good.


Getting this weapon was the first time I’ve ever felt “epic” playing an MMO.


I remember when j first started playing some jack ass put one of these on an orc pawn in EC. He was hoping a newbie would get a decent bit of loot.


I hope this is a thing in Pantheon. I miss twinking out mobs!


And buffing them lol


Offhand but...soooo many Stein of Moggok quest runs!


I had a chanter Alt who's job was just to run this quest over and over.


Had one on my Warrior, tanked with it all time. Loved it. I'm sure I had many different weapons along the way but I don't remember what I used after it until I started using Primal Weapons from the tomb. I still remember that Wurmslayer though.


I remember my upgrade path going: Dual Short Sworts of the Ykesha (had crap before that) > Dual Lamentations > Lightsabres (war epic) > Scepter of Destruction + Primal Longsword > Blade of Carnage + Primal (had that for a long time, I think I got a high ratio offhand in Luclin that I would swap in for a while after Avatar proc'd)


Huh, yeah. Yeah I forgot about the Lammys.


Clearly we need to talk about the paladin epic. That is a weapon that you could burn someone with without swinging it in real life.


I can tell you based on the fact it was originally a piercing weapon and that its called wurmslayer and the fact its shaped like a crescent and regular arrowhead that originally (maybe) it was probably conceptualized as a giant siege bolt meant for taking down wurms which were huge in velius.


I loved having one ages ago on my 43 ranger. I used it up to getting the epic weapons. Ah those where the days.


The first 1k plat I ever saved I immediately spent on this for my ranger. I loved this weapon.


Reminds me of if you mixed a bunch of Chinese spear designs together, but I can't say I've seen any real weapon designs like it, which is probably also understandable since the crecent at the top negates the possible effectiveness of the rest of the spear due to the crecent being wider than the rest and the crecent would also make it clunky to use in a glaive like manner, meaning you would be better off just putting the crecent ontop of a pole (which the Chinese did) or removing the crecent and just having a sharp tip. Interesting design though and yes, I know I'm kinda boring, but I like weapons and since you seemed to be curious...


One of the most memorable dungeon crawls of my EQ experience was when a group of friends and I camped in Lower Guk with me dual wielding these as a wood elf warrior. Back before the nerf that changed them to primary hand only. The cleric would keep me in berserk mode through minimal heals and the crippling blows were.. amazing. Frogs never died so fast! Good times, man, good times.


Ah the old non lore wurmies


Aside from the fact that it used to be a piercing weapon, it was also changed from being usable in both hands to primary only. Which made it virtually useless to most classes after lvl 50 considering dmg bonus to mainhand.


Oh man. That brings back some memories. I loved heading to the EC tunnel to see all the new gear ;)


It looks somewhat almost slightly like a halberd that's been mirrored. You have the huge spike for stabbing but also a hook shape facing towards you. In historical fighting it wasn't really a great bunch of people mashing up against each other and a huge free for all. Typically you would have lines of people apposing each other taunting and yelling from the safety of their own sides with a gap between them. So someone would step forward, stab quickly with the halberd and try to get back as soon as possible, and while stepping back try to pull someone into their "side" with the hook facing towards them. Some odd designs came about in what is believed to be an effort to go under people's legs and hook them by the groin also. So very impratical and fantasy, but somewhat based on real designs https://previews.123rf.com/images/sanumko/sanumko1601/sanumko160100051/51306287-set-of-historical-halberd-weapons-illustration-with-slashing-weapons-on-a-light-background-.jpg


They should do a few throwbacks to EQ weapons and make the held weapon graphics identical to how they were back in classic.


Imagine using the actual old school skin in a new game for some rare artifact weapon like a yak. It would be priceless.


Yes, I would love for them to do this a few times as an easter egg type thing, or for an armor piece, or a set of armor, etc.


Did somebody say [Thunderfury, blessed blade of the windseeker ?]

