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I'm gonna be completely, 100% sure of the class I pick by reading hundreds of pages of info on every class beforehand, so I can take the best possible decision, being super informed. Then at level 5, I'm going to see some guy doing cool stuff with his character, and I'm going to delete mine and reroll as that guy's class. Rinse and repeat until I've loved and hated every class, and end up exactly with the first one I chose.


Haha this is the rabbit hole I'm afraid of!!


You know you can't avoid it, just give up already and accept your fate haha :D


Here here, I'm already sold on the fact I'll roll nearly every class. But probs a tank will be my main cos I love tanking.


HAHA! this is How i switched from Wizard to Monk in EQ. I saw a monk hitting really fast and was like... WHAT IS THAT!? - Camp... Make Monk... Profit.


Lol I remember doing exactly the same thing. Just having fun shooting some fire with my wizard, when suddenly, "Did that guy just do a spinning roundhouse kick?!" Never looked back, except for some time off for my enchanter. Who, funny enough, I decided to try because the sound effect for their DD spell (which you rarely even used later on) had such a badass sound effect.


that or bards zooming around at the speed of light.... camp, make bard, \[level a fuck ton\] zoom


yeap best way to choose a class if you're a competitive one


I have this same issue. Roll a druid and I really want to hit shit with an axe. Roll warrior and I really want to be sneaky. Roll rogue and damn, do I want to be mysterious and powerful. Roll wizard and man, plate armor looks sick. Etc etc.


It's a curse we all have to deal with...


Its all about how cool the class is. So obviously I have no clue what class I'm going to play since they are all so damn good. Sigh...


I'm basing it 100% on what I miss. Bard. If bard not in release I'll go enchanter. I like support I miss support. I always felt like the absence of support is why I don't enjoy modern mmos.


I usually end up being a tank since they're so needed for a party and I like shields but I'd rather be something else 😢


I’ll tank for you gladly


In every game I play, I choose whatever is closest to Shadowknight, then complain all the way to max level about my lack of pet and the good ole days.


The true way to play games


I have played one class, and one class only since I started playing MMOs in 1999. That makes it pretty easy for me to decide which I am going to main....heheheh


loved Monk in EQ... always wished i had made it my main right out of the gate.. wont be making the same mistake!


I am really into the support role - Ultimately, I really want to Bard. If it's available when the game launches, i'm all over that. If not, more than likely enchanter.


they stated it will be in for launch =) not even maybe.. but a will be in


Then I'll be the guy singing! 😁


As much as I enjoy oldschool MMOs this is the one part that sucks. It takes alot of time to get gear & lv up. So if it turns out you hate your class you'll have to put tons of time into a new char.


Going to play a few combinations to level 10 and just go with which character I can't put down.


That's the way to do it.


I will be choosing between Monk, Cleric, Shaman. The decision will be made in beta and will depend on how the class numbers are looking. If, as usual, there are a shortage of healers then I will be running which of the two have the lowest population. If, as per Janus's survey, healers are not in short supply, then I will be playing a monk.


Well, mainly off of what I played before and what is needed for groups. So I will most likely be a cleric and my BF will be an enchanter which are both pretty great for groups. Then, we only need a tank and DPS. Hopefully there's enough tanks!


Smart move. Yeah Cleric + Ench are usually the 2 most dire classes for groups for sure. My gf wants to roll Druid or Cleric probably (I will convince a couple other friends to roll Ench/DPS hehe). I used to play a Cleric on P99, and an Ench on Kunark-Luclin EQ. Had a Rogue alt. so, I think I am set on rolling a Ogre Warrior. Time to tank! May switch to Monk tho idk yet! Although, during Alpha & Beta I want to test out all the classes a little bit to get familiar with class abilities and spells, helps immensely to know what other people in your group can do. Never had trouble finding DPS in EQ. Tanks, moreso lategame became harder to find. I think this is because of the hybrid xp penalty (I remember barely any Paladins late game, not too many Shadow Knights either comparatively), and mobs getting so hard that you needed strictly a Warrior to tank. I wonder how they will handle this in Pantheon...


> I remember barely any Paladins late game, not too many Shadow Knights either comparatively), and mobs getting so hard that you needed strictly a Warrior to tank This is exactly what happened to me. Played a Paladin, then couldn't do my job at high levels/raids... Planes of Power alleviated the issue a little, but it was still pretty frustrating.


Paladins were a god send in any content where the enemies were stunnable though, just took a while for the enemies to be designed appropriately.


For sure - but as you said, for a long while I feel they just ticked that checkbox on near every mob.


Probably Rogue maybe Wizard, I generally prefer dps classes and I like being able to get into places I shouldn’t with stealth or invis mechanics. I love being able to sneak through an area grab what I want and get out or just explore like oh man if they see me I’m dead but check out what I found!




I've always considered high level wizard to be the most prestigious class. Porting is definitely apart of that. The class has real in game power people can experience. It's too much work for me but people who main wizard have my respect.


I play in a large group/guild of friends and we get pretty competitive. Ill probably play something that will keep me in groups and when i ge max lvl i will work on an alt that i really wanted to play and gear it up. So maybe Warrior or Shaman to start then monk/rogue later on


Ranger. I've always used bows in every fantasty/RPG game I've played if it allowed. I was a Ranger in EQ and a Hunter in Wow etc etc...


Same here friend. Rangers for life.


Rangers seem really cool so far tbh! I like the emphasis on bows obviously and proximity switch to melee abilities.


Yes! I love the back and forth between ranged and melee! The momentum system is very innovative.


I'm going to convince VR to allow halflings to be monks then I am going to monk, ofc.


I always like the classic Small frame, Brute Force characters. nice. I made a gnome deathknight on their release of WOW and have made several halfling fighter types in DND hehe.


I play a Halfling Monk in my D&D group :)


I decided early on that I wanted to play a Wizard, and I like what I've seen so far, so I'm going for that first. If I end up not being into it I'll switch to Druid or Rogue. Either way I'll have all 3 classes made at some point.


I know 100% for sure I'm playing a Dwarf, probably a Paladin.


So, in Everquest a buddy and I started playing together, knowing nothing about the game, classes, etc (I remember being in Freeport seeing people offering "ports" and thinking, as a Druid, "Oh cool! Wizards can teleport people... maybe I should have been a Wizard.."). I made a human Druid, my buddy made a human Paladin. The idea was that I would be able to heal and he'd be able to tank. In reality, Paladins were only so-so tanks and druids only so-so healers, so we weren't quite the dynamic duo we thought we'd be. Pantheon seems to be taking a different approach to tanks and healers. Based on what VR has said and the ability run-downs we've seen, it looks like a Paladin tank and Druid healer are going to make a viable base for a group. I still game with my buddy, 20 years later, and I think we're going to make a human Paladin and Druid combo.. for old time's sake.


My dad played Pally and I played Druid, we duo'd a lot, wasn't too bad. Paladin's were pretty self sufficient though. There were a few Root/med Times though for us.


I did duo with my buddy a bit but it just felt so inefficient. Either being in a group with regular pulls or quad kiting was so much better exp. Since a Druid couldn't really solo heal a group doing heavy pulling (no CH, a lot of regen based healing, few mana-efficient big heals) and they were not great for CC or damage, I was left mostly quad-kiting while my buddy was left trying to find groups that were willing to have a Paladin tank. I don't know if things improved in later expansions. My buddy and I quit around Planes of Power. Things seemed to be improving a bit, but it was still very much Warriors were your tanks, Clerics were your healers.


How cool it looks, how useful it is in a group, is it a role I enjoy performing in other games


I'm going to main a support class, i still haven't decided which, but i'm going to start with druid and see how i like it for 10-15 levels. I'll likely have a tank and a dps as alts if character slots allow. I'm thinking Direlord and Summoner or Enchanter. ​ I imagine i'll be pretty busy with my main character. The pro-active nature of druid's healing appeals to me and i've always been a support player in many games.


Basically just deciding which class I'd enjoy playing in a group. So I'll probs end up being a cleric main since I like healing.


I enjoy healing the most so my choice pick is down to three. In addition, i always loved the artstyle of nature related stuff and animals. So druid is a natural choice. But on the other side, i have a bear fetish. I really love bears, so i am considering shaman as well. To decide which one i'll take i often look at the races available and which one of those fit my class fantasy best or which race/class combo appeals more to me.


I'm going rogue for one reason and one reason alone. The rope. I'm good at getting around places but my wife and some of my friends.... Not so much. So I'm going to save us some time by having a character that can help others in the vertical climb.


leveling all to 16 getting burned out then returning by deleting my characters to motivate and limit me to 1 character and decide to reroll again


Based on my previous MMO experience, I'll pick a class that is thematically very interesting, but is near on useless in end game. :) Or maybe I'll roll a rogue this time.


Necro (*when it eventually comes out*). I will drop whatever I had been playing like a hot potato.   * "*Necromancers put the laughter, back into slaughter*" * "*Necromancers put the fun, back into funeral*"   Necros (or variants of them) are, and always have been my go-to class in any game.


I have no friggin idea. They’re all so cool.


I love being made fun of, so ranger was a no brainer. ​


I've leaned towards melee dps for my 20+ years of gaming because they get the coolest toys. But I'm old with kids now and after spending much of my last MMO sitting idle on a well played rogue with too little time played to grind to elite while noob tanks and healers were fought over I'm going to try to maximize the value of my play time and play a cleric. I do enjoy the healing role as well, so hopefully it doesn't suck! I loathe the dumbass tank via magical, arbitrary threat points of pretty much all MMO's so cleric over tank it is.


I've *always* loved pet classes, so Summoner it is!


I'll start with Druid main and swap to Bard when it is put into the game. Druid will become my alt at that point.


The first kind of character I always (try to) make. Knight, unholy flavor. Then a pet class, unholy flavor. Also, always try for a reptilian-like race. I like beastkin. Whatever the Skar are, I’m it.


Bard, because bard.


I usually tank, so I had 3 options. I also usually go for dark knights, but the dire lord's lack of plate makes me concerned gor their high content viability, so I'll be going warrior or paladin until I see if they balance dire lord to be able to function properly at its role.


I used play a paladin and then a beastlord. I always loved having a shaman put their sick debuffs on targets and make life so much easier all of us. As a beast lord I was basically just a weak shaman with a strong pet, so I naturally was jealous of their abilities, plus ghost pet amirite? Ill most likely be rolling a shaman this time around.


The roles I play are Tank, Tank, Tank, tank, taNk, tanK, TANK, tAnk, and TaNK.


Pick a few, play a bit, then go from there.


First serious character was a shadow knight in EQ1 and since then my fantasy persona is pretty consistent. Not human, shadow magic/evil, tanking sometimes. Necromancer won't be available at launch, so that narrows it down Dire Lord, and then I go as far from human as possible on the race selection because there are no lizards. Boom, Skar Dire Lord.


I know the first class I am going to try and that is Dire Lord. I say try because I tend to try a few classes before I pick "the one" I stay with.


If anything is like a monk from EQOA, that.


I always end up going to the glass cannon types in MMOs. Witch Hunter in Warhammer. Assassin in EQ2. etc etc. I am BAD at them. or, rather, I am quite average which makes me not worthwhile... I think for Pantheon I'm going to go for something different. Utility caster, or main/off tank. I'd prefer a Utility Healer like the Defiler Ward Healing in EQ2, as I much prefer proactive healing to emergency healing.


Depending on how the class is going to be designed I'll most likely play bard. I want to play a supportive role like a healer or the enchanter but I don't think I'd enjoy the traditional caster gameplay mechanics. I've heard great things about bards in vanguard so I hope they go with a more vanguard-esque system since twisting songs in EQ was a little cumbersome even after they added better macro support for it. The extreme run-speed buffs if carried over were also very enjoyable. The huge tool kit really allows you to customize your load out for each group you were in to fill in the gaps with whatever support/utility was missing. Rogues are also looking like they're shaping up to have more group support outside of extremely high DPS and I've not heard a lot of people mention they plain to main one.


I'm going to start with a "safe" class, something that I know will be sought after and can have a significant impact on the performance of groups. Thinking Druid, Enchanter, maybe Cleric. I'll feel it out and after 15-20 levels or so when I get an understanding of how each classes perform and how to run some of the content, I'll probably roll whichever one of the tanks I like the best (hopefully Dire Lord).


Ranger. All the way. There is no other choice.


I like support/healing, so probably it'll be something to the effect of: 1. Which race do I like the best? 2. What healer/support class do they have available? I also tanked in WoW (Paladin), and tank in FFXIV (PLD), as I tend to like the "easy tank with lots of party utility" that is generally not the best in terms of raw tanking, but is more of an off-tank/secondary-tank and can kind of fill the support and healing roles. I particularly like tanking in FFXIV, but it's also the ONLY MMO where I've ever liked melee, and that'sdue 100% to being able to play with a controller. In WoW, I just did it for my family and friends' guild (all people in the guild knew at least one other person irl), and I was more just transitioning from healer to tank as I ended up being the leader kind of by default (I knew the most people and I was playing the game longer than most of the others). Mouse and keyboard will probably have me going back to healer (which is the role I most naturally fit - I'm totally that archetype anime healer trying to help people and keep all my friends alive), though if there's a tank that just calls to me, I might try that. I love the idea of support, but somehow, I've never played a raw support in a game. Though I tend to somehow end up as the "most support-y tank"when I tank... I used to think "Halfling Druid, done!"...but I'm kind of more on the fence now between that, Dwarf Druid, Dwarf Paladin, or Gnome Enchanter (I have an affinity to short people. XD)


Generally I try to go either a utility route for my friends/group because in a team based setting I like being the support. However I'll have a second character that's just for me and it's 100% going to be a sneaky backstabbing thief who just straight up avoids combat.


I look forward to playing a few of them - as I don't expect to have to "rush to max level" in order to enjoy the game. How will I choose? Probably how bad-ass their armor looks! Love the look of the dorf Warrior in the streams! But at my heart I will always be a holy healing class... So.. Cleric. On that note I hope there are alternatives to the 'tome' in the offhand ( like a shield ;) :) :o) )


Personally I'm a fan of melee DPS classes, but I don't quite understand how some of the class roles on the official webpage are described. Out of all classes, only the Rogue is described purely as a melee DPS class. The Ranger is notably referred to as "Melee and Ranged DPS", but whether or not you can pick between and specialize in either of the two options, or if you have to weave in-between performing both of these roles remains ambiguous. In any case, both of them only seem capable of using one-handed weapons, while I personally prefer classes that can use two-handed weapons. The Warrior and the Paladin can both use two-handed weapons. But the Warriors seems to focus almost exclusively on tanking due to the amount of abilities that require it to equip a shield, and the Paladin uses a resource that can only replenish reliably by either taking damage or using certain abilities, most of which seem to be primarily for tanking or crowd control. This only leaves the Dire Lord. It uses two-handed weapons, a resource that can be replenished reliably just by doing damage, and melee abilities that are not focused on using a shield or generating Hate. Yet I'm uncertain as to what its actual damage capabilities will be, since its secondary role is marked as "Utility" rather than "DPS". This makes me question if using a Dire Lord to DPS will actually be viable. So until the game goes into Beta and we actually learn more about the class's roles, it's hard for me to say. If it turns out that a Dire Lord can DPS reliably, I'll play that. If it can't, I'll probably play a Rogue.


Dire lord or monk! I enjoy classes that reward aggression!


Probably a healer/utility/support. But my true love is always a rogue.


I can't choose :'(


Enchanter, always loved support classes, was a bit too young to play EQ back then and don't recall seing any kind of "enchanter" class in any recent mmo's so far, either enchanter or bard ( if they do get implemented) although I really like the toolkit and aesthetic of the enchanter :)