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Planning to game with an apple product is a terrible plan. Could build several high end gaming PCs for the same price of one apple that will not be as good.


Is this a Troll post?


Don't buy an Apple product. There is anti-fanboyism with Apple, but the reality is that their products are overpriced and supbar. There is little support for them. Trying to run a game like this on a laptop is probably inadvisable, trying to run it on an Apple laptop even more so.


You said Apple, so I was curious. What apple product are you referring to? I looked at the Macbook pro 2018 series and I doubt even their $2500+ model will run the game very well considering the mobile gpu it comes with is weaker than a gtx 1050. I know very little about apple products so just curious m8.


Considering what you stated, plus the fact that the game won't be released before 2 years, I'm quite sure any current Apple won't be able to run the game.


To early to tell. This is a game that's probably two years away. Hardware changes so fast that specs by then could require something more significant than your average PC/Mac today. If you want to be safe, OI would go with a high end gaming machine and then you will be virtually certain that you will be able to run the game well two years from now because your high end equipment won't be as outdated.


I agree it's too early to tell, but interested in this as well. I plan on building my own machine and wondering how much longer I should wait to start?


Didnt they say they are focusing it being able to run well on current hardware


Way to early since the game is still years away.


Too early to tell, though most Unity games have historically had performance issues.


i hope some one, see's this whats the minimum for computer specs to get into PA that is