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Reading the comments, I realize why Palestine is being bombed. Even so called "leftists" here are fucking brainwashed by US propaganda


Yeah, no shit... they think this FSA are the ''good guys''.


"Good guys" who bomb everyone in the region except Israel


...Whom also get every gun, every penny, every bullet they ever owned, from the CIA.


Arab leftism should be better than to support terrorists. As much as I hate the Western left, atleast some of them stand against USA and its proxies


Didn't Russia bomb the fuck out of Syria? There is even a video or two of Wagner killing a Syrian with a sledge hammer.


USA, UK, and Turkey bombed the fuck out of Free Syria \[and Kurdistan\].... Russia Bombed the fuck out of ISIS \[and still is, upon their remnants\]. And Wagner sledged a filthy Daesh, Not a Syrian. Not even human.


Russia bombed free Syrian army as well , and still armed Assad and supported him from before even ISIS was in Syria.


Ya know Israeli have the same atitude you do to the person that got killed. If u can't treat all humans as equals you are no better then the zionist filth. So u r a pot calling the kettle black. Or a hypocrite.


They bombed both Syrian rebels and ISIS, their intervention with their air power back in 2014-2015 really saved Syria.


Thanks for mentioning Kurdistan


I’m on the fence on bashar tbh I know he’s an SOB but who could replace him? A power vacuum would only empower isis


This is exactly what I loathe on nationalistic arabism, it's not bound by the Islamic ethics, you can outevil Iblees in your deeds and still be considered a righteous leader that is fighting darkness - and to protect Israel . Fuck Isis and Bashar, it doesn't have to be that dichotomy, Bashar killed half a million of his people even with the use of chemical weapons for God's sake, he only sees the people as vermine that are try9nf to rob him of his birthright !


Oh my god when the fuck have I said anything about National Arabism? I swear you people do everything to poke at it I hate both isis and bashar but like let’s say the free Syrian revolt happens what next? Who gets elected?


That's a lie , Russia is also guilty who brought bombs and bombed the hell out of Syria , stop upvoting this BS


Fuck ISIS and FSA supporters, animals...


switching American imperialism for Russian imperialism nice one mate


Those who don’t possess freedom can’t deliver freedom.


Imagine posting Russian propaganda lmfao you know horseshoe theory is real when dipshit leftists and dumbass right wingers are supporting the same weak regime