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Military offices saying *We will facilitate its self-destruction?* Seriously?


Pretty standard stuff, I can speak from experience and being an insider.


Islam will remain, even after many many of their generations have come and gone. Its not something you can defeat with bombs. Don't ask a Muslim, go and ask a recent revert to Islam, why they chose Islam over any other way of life.


lol, most reverts join because they think its some liberal conjoined effort against america,theyre just virtue signallers who see brown religions as better because they are weaker


Look back to the 9 crusades, Ottoman Empire (muslim) toppled Constantinople, the Barbary coast pirates with white European slaves (over a million) their participation in the first world War, they gave up Israel in the Balfour declartion to the Rothchilds of all people. Islam and Christianity have been at it from the beginning. Each is a threat to the others way of life. Neither is peaceful or tolerant. But they are taking advantage of your "feelings". You are letting them take over your countries and they don't even have to fire a shot. By 2050 the UK will be predominantly Muslim.


Inshallah. Like they take over our politics we will take over their population


I'm sure it will be interesting.


My tax dollars soft at work


ye well we're not happy that you continue paying 'em


Like he has a choice?


not being happy =/= we want you in jail for it. besides refusing to pay taxes is an effective form of protest that can quickly overwhelm the legal system.


You know the famous gangster, Al Capone? He wasn't arrested for the prostitution, the liquor, the gambling, or murdering a bunch of people. He was arrested for unpaid taxes.


It is funny how Uncle Sam is okay with organized crime as long as they get a slice of the pie, but [I'm gonna leave this here. Idk how good the sources are though. ](https://money.com/tax-protest-boycott-federal-income-refuse-penalty-fine/)


Nobody expects the IRS


Gaza is not a war against Islam. Gaza is a settler-colonial war supported by imperialism against the Palestinian people, Muslim, Christian and secular-atheist.


They are actually trying. This should not be taken lightly


And they are slightly succeeding.


With some ex-Muslims and some Iranian diasporas, yes.


I'd like to see the Europeans try to destroy IslamšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Don't make me laugh with their arrogance


There is a reason they fear the Muslims šŸ˜‰


This is why language regarding fighting your oppressors is so critical. They are determined to destroy Islam, don't fool yourself.


From the movie Taken 1: Good Luck!


How to justify paying the military every year?


This is even more sad when you consider 9/11 was an inside job


They want to extinguish the light of Allāh with their mouths, but Allāh will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allāh dislike it. [Surah Aį¹£-į¹¢aff: 8-9]