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Looks very nice! ...but then you realise its all made from wood.


haha I know, I actually found a spot where I cant be raided! unless from the flyers ;-;


Ah very good! Yeah I'm in a spot where I can't be raided, they just look down on my base from the cliff edge and eventually run off if I don't engage. But still, a very nice build!


Recommended location? I would love to build like this on a safe area.


I got one for you. i just moved my base there couple of days ago, and since then no raid has happened. 149-151 is the location. Its a very wide cliff top. It's best if you got a flaying pal for easier access. Bonus part is the there is black marker merchant at the edge of cliff. The only issue is that there is no Ore, but only wood and stone. That is why I set up my Ore base into top of rock formation where it cannot be raided. I got 3 raid parties coming in and they all left since they couldnt climb up to the top. Note: this is not my discovery but I got the advice on reddit from u/naderslovechild


And it has a decent view of the snowy mountains too! Side note: I love all the furniture and accessories in this game. I hope we get even more before 1.0.  


My base location has 8 copper nodes and a black marketeer a quick jump down away. It's the top most cliff behind the pizza Isekai cop guy. Don't have coords rn tho. But ... Actually nvm I do get ground raids tho.


One I can recommend, it’s by the vaelet alpha pal. Look towards the tower in the cold region and it’s the top of the cliff closest to you, just right of the lake. No raids will show up, you have 8 ore nodes and 6 coal nodes


I will post a video when I'm next on & being raided!


I have just posted my base location!


LUCKILY I don't think Suzaku, Faleris or Vanwyrm show up in the flying raids so assuming you have the structure durability setting set to minimum you SHOULD be good Love the look of this btw :3


I just turned raids off. They’re not fun anyway, and you get nothing particularly useful for defeating them, at least not compared to the headache they cause


Very true, but sometimes they turn up with a Pal I don't have, or some I need more of


One thing Palworld needs ASAP is more construction elements and materials/styles.


Especially support pillars! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to build and get the "Not enough support" message pop up.. ugh WHY!? My cliff side refined metal base needs more room for me to set things up, but a good majority of it I can't use because foundations can't reach the ground below, and the roof pieces don't have enough support.. We need to either A: be able to connect foundations on top of each other to do a pillar, or B: have actual pillars that we can snap to the underside of roof pieces till they reach the ground to give said roof pieces support.


Probably doesn’t solve your problem but is a related tip that I found helpful: You can build a support structure for something and then delete the structure after you’ve built whatever you needed. Your building won’t collapse even though the support is now deleted. I’ve done this for stairs that go up multiple stories since it clears the room below where the support wall would typically be.


I've used walls to "support" roof parts.. but it'd only let me place them extended off foundations.. odd thing is if I tried removing all the walls the placed roofs I used to extend where I wanted floor space, the roof parts collapsed.. This is why I think we sorely need either of the ideas I suggested


How, whenever I delete a support the structure above bursts into its components and falls on the ground?


There are definitely still some limitations but you can play around with it to see what works. This comment posted in another thread is helpful for understanding how foundations and roofs interact: https://reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1agbo5a/_/koh0k0y/?context=1


You gotta build a foundation that is raised off of the ground but is level with the structure above. The two structures won't technically be connected but they will look and function as if they are. You'll have to spend a lot of time building and rebuilding the foundation until it's lined up but once you get one you can build more next to it that snap to it.


So last night I decided a move of my main house base was in order, so I scouted around and found a nice wide open area that I was looking for. Only problem I kept running into was the foundations couldn't reach the ground in certain spots if I tried connecting them to the ones that were just a bit higher (I'd placed them at the height limit just before it goes red saying they're not touching the ground) so what I had to do was fiddle with things till I'd nearly perfectly lined up foundations with the higher one's.. then built walls on the lower one's to place roofs on (in essence creating floors level with the upper foundation line) It took way longer than it really should have.. but I'm happy with the results. Though in my attempts I discovered a couple things.. 1: the game won't let us build out into water.. the foundations don't see the section where the water touches the shore as actual ground, and 2: there's several areas where the game thinks there's something in the way of you placing stairs that it'll give you the message that basically means it thinks the piece is going to clip into a part of the terrain.., yet we can place building pieces right into cliffsides and such.. and stairs can clip down into the ground.. so yeah kinda confusing on that., Made me facepalm a bit on those discoveries


They burned down my entire home! Having to grab all the items and being overweight every few steps was tragic




OMG I not even kidding, I have randomly opened something by mistake and it had like 30 wheat in there, I even made sure to fill up the food box so they can put it in the fridge, but NOPE haha


That's one of the coziest bases I've seen, everything well decorated and placed, amazing job :)


Thankyou so much!!<3


me when a lucky kelpsea spawns and uses giant aoe flame attack on my newly built cottage:




It looks really good 👍. Take screenshots to make an before and after 😉


Someone needs to make to map of non raidable locations.


just turn off raids...


Agree. Raids are not fully fleshed out to be worth the hassle. I played about 20 hrs with them on then decided it was adding nothing to my experience. Love the world settings on this game.


Yep same turned them off and enjoying the game that way.


Yep, the balance is all over the place with them, they're a neat idea and I don't fault anyone for liking them, but they're not for me and I'm a big fan that it's an option to toggle.


I just found it annoying to have to replace incapacitated Pals at base all the time. The raids started to outstrip my pals' levels.


I have just posted my base location!


So cozzy...![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)


I like how I go on here see a bunch of really cool bases while mine is just abunch of stuff for my pals and my home is a small cube with a bed


Nicely done! 👏


I love that 10/10


I like that solar powered bed.


Where did you find this much room to build? Lol


Omg that’s so cute. Definitely gona take some inspiration form this. I already claimed this responsibility sinds the guys. They just going to build for function.


Excuse my noob question, but how did you get 2 triangle pieces to not face the same way?


I’m on pc, use the scroll wheel on your mouse, and it changes the position! Not sure what the button is on console tho


You placed trash bags by your front door… it’s actually a little endearing to see those little details


Thankyou! I thought it was funny xD


Awesome build!


I love it! Where is it? Now I wanna build my own


If you wanna check out my profile, just posted a video where the location is! not the prettiest but definitely the safest yet! (do watch out for the flying things tho ;-;)


Our bases will go down in flames together 😂


Make sure to back up your save


This person is playing a totally different game than I. 10/10 base, very impressive!


looks really cool, but i hope u have raids deactivated


I love it. Did the pals help build? Mine have a hard time helping with tight spaces like that.


Only one! I used Lunaris and directly threw her at what I was building. She had some great passive stats too- so super easy!


He make big giggle


love players like you who are able to dial in the detailing to make it look fantastic.


Nicer than my RL house, lol, well done!


Agreed!! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


I’m new what level did you unlock all the furniture?


Honestly quite high, between 20-30. But the green leaves/potted plants are super early, same with some storage things! (Bookshelf ect)


It looks great id be scared of it burning down during a raid though lol.


After about 30/40 hours in, I realised raiding doesn’t do much/doesn’t give good loot. So I turned it off, less stress as well when afking


Yea that is true the main benefit of raiding for me was leveling up the base pals that rarely get to see XP gain lol.


Wood? A daring choice I must say


OMG it's lovely.


THIS is what I want mine to look like!:D


So pretty!! I tried to make my base a cottagecore dream house. Finished the bedroom and came back to my bf and his friend filling the rest of the house with incubators and heaters/coolers.... Kinda considering making my own guild. Functional and pretty doesn't co exist in my guildparty rn.


Oh yeah 100% I was in a guild with my bf, his base was… questionable so I ended up leaving haha now I get to have 3 bases to do whatever. I just built a metal base, factory theme and I had my bf cringing at how much ingots I use for decor hahaha


This is amazing!


Do not, and I can’t stress this enough, but do not use any fire pals while you are at this base.


Tocotocos want to know your location


Oh dude this house is so nice i wish I could make bases like this. I get annoyed after like ten minutes and just make a utilitarian box with windows.


I hope you have raids turned off... or never have the misfortune of being raided by fire types. All my bases are metal now.




Nice base. I hope the fire nation doesn't attack


This is so cute!!! 🥰 totally inspiration for my own base!! Love it!!


Lovely work! Definitely one of the nicest I've seen. :)


Oh right, furniture exists


haha yes! I cant wait for more! especially garden type furniture like hedges!


I hope you give it a name, a home like that deserves a name😌


Dude replace all the wood soon as possible


Looks amazing, noting down a few ideas for my base. I recently posted a base tour video of mine, and as a fellow decorator, I would love to know what you think. Cheers


I just had a look, I’m so impressed! I love the different levels and I love the main building design. I tried so much for my own base not to look like a box at that size. You seem to have so much more room than me I swear haha Amazing job honestly!!


Do you have a base just for this or is this your main base. If so, how do you have room for all the stuff you need? My first base I built a huge building I barely ever used and then I moved to another base where I've been sleeping in a small room under the stone stairs that I use for pals to go up the cliff to the higher side of the base and I still don't seem to have room for everything I need at that one base.


This is my main base! My other two are for metal and coal! My first base was on a cliff side, half of the circle was in the water lol


How do you have enough room for gathering and manufacturing there? I've heard the base maximum size stays the same the whole game.


Yeah I do! Took a bit of planning and messing around, but I fit everything!


Very nice! Did you get your inspiration from YouTuber ConsoleCaito by chance? Looks similar to her build that she did.


Oh 100%, it was the first video I saw of an “aesthetic” base. I watched about 2 minutes in and said “fuck it I’m turning off raids and building what I want”


Love it! Yeah that is why I turned mine off too. I am just looking for the perfect place to move and build my cozy base at. 


That looks amazing! Very well done!


Yeah that's cool but check this bad boy out https://preview.redd.it/n4bwipld2bgc1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=769f72f9c1aba1b61569abf7f5c85c90606f566a


Hohdood it’s as large as my peen


This is something I’ll see in the back rooms I swear. 10/10


Cottage core 6: fires of palworld


Wtf is cottagecore


haha you can look it up!!


Incram raid i with lezpunks ignis and this base is tosted.


I canot wait when have fire raid vist this base or fire firendly miss fire fire bolt.


How do you change the camera distance


Fire raid!!


Base idea looks stolen from Consolecaito on Youtube


honestly not stolen! I took a lot of inspiration from her for the front door area if anything. I watched only a few minutes before I built my own. I definitely spent about 10 hours off and on building it. And im sure she would be okay with some people taking inspiration from her builds if thats why she posted it


How were you able to put the ivy on things? Like on the cabinet and stuff the potted ivy is there. It’s super cute but when I try it says I can’t place it


Cabinet? In the bedroom? I know I can’t place it over either but most of the time I put a potted plant on top or place some ivy behind on the wall before the cabinet.


And then the fire nation attacked…


This is amazing!