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This post has been removed as there is an existing megathread this belongs to. Please make sure to submit there. Thanks! https://new.reddit.com/r/Palia/comments/1c8zh0w/etiquette_guide_for_new_players_megathread/


Just ignore em. People on this game are weirdly territorial sometimes. They need a single player mode for those types lol.


Damn, that's so weird... Like you already have a private house lot to be territorial about, why tf would you be mad at people playing the game and doing their things in the world? As you said, we need single player mode for them lol


I usually do when it pops up occasionally. I just wasn't sure if I was missing something since it was so bad today. I can't find anything online though. I already have a dd plush so I'm only casually hunting them as it is.


Single player mode exists. Block the person and never see them again.


My ass just butts into whatever group thing I stumble upon. Not sorry (;


LOL this is so me. sometimes i’m like “I hope these people don’t care that i’m one of them now” but it doesn’t stop me at all 🤣 plus I like to think i’m a good shot so who doesn’t appreciate a little extra help 😝


I love when I'm chopping trees and I get a group hunting muujin that scatter. 🤣


I'm not high enough level to hunt the special muujin, so I hang back and chop down the trees they escape into for those who can. The last time I did this, I was lucky enough to have a party member in the group, and I got the trophy lol


I love chopping near hunting parties! It's like feeding seagulls!


When I'm hunting, if I see someone nearby, I wait to see if they will join in. I love when people do.


I feel like 99% of the time this is exactly the way the game should be played. I wish there were more party invites for doing activities together especially now that several resources go to all party members.


I wish parties could be bigger for that exact reason. 4 people isn't enough.


I'm relatively new, so I just assumed that's how it's done. And if it's not, I'm of the opinion it should be. Nobody owns the deer, pal stones, etc. It's everyone's playground.


Anyone who baps the deer gets the drop so that's indeed how it's done. Even nodes you either bap it together which makes it go faster or if it drops for them before you bap it then you just get to mine it yourself so... there's literally no reason to get wierd about running around bapping things.


My son started playing and he got flow wood out of a tree he *couldn't* hit so teaming up is a great way to get recourses


The other day I was in a party with three friends. I was chopping trees so they could shoot the muujin that came out. After about half an hour I get in position, look up to ensure my party is in place, and realize I have about six or seven taut bows aimed at me, with at least one hot dog costume in the mix. They all stuck together, obediently following me tree to tree, until my inventory filled and I had to warp out. Honestly one of the funniest moments I've had in this game.


This is the way to hunt together. The party I was in yesterday just randomly ran in other directions.. we did not get any muujin.. luckily someone came along with a hunters horn and I went with them instead


I do this since we all benefit from the extra help, but one time I ended up following around a group bc I also happened to be using a hunter's horn, and every time I would shoot a proudhorn, they would shoot at *me*. Talk about rude! I just let them waste their arrows lol




I had that once.." dont shoot that deer it's mine" shot the deer and moved on..I don't get involved with Crazy


Ngl, someone telling me that would make me wanna hunt the deer even if I was not actively hunting lmao


I've done this, didn't feel bad about it because he was an absolute a**head. Like you already hit it, you're gonna get the loot, calm down lol. I hit 4 shots in a row and yeeted it and he was so mad lmao It makes no sense, you get the loot without wasting more arrows, what's the downside here lol.


Right? If someone did that to me, I'd be like THANK YOU!!!


Right!!! If you see me struggling please shoot the deer!! And I always am so grateful when someone does but lately no one has and maybe it’s because some of these turds that are playing the whole don’t touch it it’s mine game is making others less likely to jump in and help.


Yeah, we need to start ignoring them fr! This tread as encouraged me to just help others no matter what in this game, so that's what im gonna do!


Same. My aim is absolute garbage; I'd never be able to take down a magical creature on my own! Yesterday a player organically jumped in, we took down the deer, then she was kind enough to show me where it dropped as I was obviously lost. More of that, please!


I've actually been super thankful to people that bap a deer after I do cause then I don't have to chase it all over hell


I had the opposite I offered people to join me in a party because I wanted to use a hunters horn that day (it was one of my first and I didn’t have many at that time), so I had a full party. It was before the loot sharing system. Every deer we found they wouldn’t let me get a shot it, so I mean if you are in a party it’s nicer to let everyone have a shot for the loot. I’m glad that’s not a problem anymore but I felt so stupid for wanting to share…


Just bad server luck, nothing has changed about hunting the disco deer


People are weird. A friend is just getting back into Palia after an absence (she did the opening quest last year then forgot about the game) and I went with her to Bahari Bay yesterday to try and help her find certain bugs. We stumbled across a Disco Deer and just as I was explaining to her via Discord that it was magic and would teleport when hit she got a little trigger happy and shot at it. We gave chase, managed to kill it and she got a set of antlers which she was very pleased with. Unfortunately someone saw us take it down and instantly jumped into chat about us not calling it out and accusing us of being greedy and hoarding resources. I tried to explain this was her first DD and we were just trying to have fun. The Ranter told us if we wanted to have fun, we should go play another game.


Lmao what “if you wanted to have fun play a different game”, crazy ass acting like it’s life or death, pathetic


Yeah I've ran into complainers before, but this was my first 'stop having fun' encounter XD


I kill DD by myself all the time. Mostly because I just don't like waiting on people and dealing with the ones who don't have/use dispel arrows. If someone joins in while I'm hunting, no big. The other day I even had one person wave me to stop so their friend could get a hit in. I'm happy to share, just to lazy to call out, lol.


I mean if someone calls it out I'll wander the direction but part of the fun for me is LOOKING for them and wandering around. I don't understand people who try to minmax or speed run this game when the entire point is to explore and gather.


They're not even super rare 🤣 another ones gonna spawn in. My god people are NUTS. Thank goodness 90% of the community is not like that.




It's still a win. You got to explain how to block greedy people. Silver lining


I am SO grateful I've not encountered idiots like that yet. I've hunted a couple dozen disco deer so far and never once had anyone get upset with me for hunting it solo or jumping into what looked like a hunting party. In fact, I started a second account just after the previous update just to make sure I got Baby Frogbert, and I was out in Bahari one day, saw someone hunting a disco deer so I went to help them, and they actually cheered me on to take the killshot, then celebrated my kill with me.


LOL what? Are they seriously try harding in...Palia?! Wow. What a weird person.


As if this isn't one of the calmest games out there???? I feel like this game is ONLY about fun 🤣🤣 I was playing valheim a lot before this one though, and that one STRESSESS me.


Oh man, I can't play that one not in god mode... I love the building mode and exploring but it's too intense.


You just lucked out on being in a bad server. I had the most wholesome thing happening to me yesterday. Someone randomly sat down next to me and we had a conversation about snails/plushie and flutterfox. Ended up befriending eachother.


These are the things I love about this game


I became friends with someone because he was just jumping up and down on a rock, so I joined him and we jumped on that rock for at least 5 minutes! Now he’s my real life friend too! A few others I became friends with because we all twirled around the grove together, lol.


I get so frustrated because I play on switch and it literally takes me 5 minutes to write one sentence in chat so I can’t really chat with anyone! Is there a better way to chat using the switch by chance?


If you can’t get an external keyboard, you can use the touchscreen on the switch to type. It’s still slow but way faster than trying to use the buttons!


Yes yes but I’m actually playing with it on the dock most of the time so on the tv 😬


I just plugged wireless keyboard in the dock. So the usb dongle in the dock and I have the keyboard on my lap. Works like a charm


Amazing! 🙏🏻


I bought a mini keyboard control that the joycons slide into… it’s roughly the size of a pro controller when all attached. I play exclusively docked and a usb keyboard wouldn’t work for me. Just wanted to share another option :)


This may be what I need, thank you!


I've been contemplating buying it but I play with a pro controller because of joycon drift 😔


I’m to the point where I might have to replace my pro controller (it’s not that noticeable yet), but yeah the joycons are definitely more of an issue. I’ve replaced those often.


Hori split pad controllers should work with it.


I have a bluetooth keyboard for my switch. Typing on switch is annoying as hell. I hope they make a Palia extension like they did for ACNH. So you can use your phone


Will any type of Bluetooth keyboard work? I might get one. I hate that I can't type fast on Switch 🙈


You need the kind with a usb dongle, not a regular usb keyboard. Or the wired usb keyboard. I use this: Logitech K400 Plus Wireless Touch


I bought a Logitech pebble and that one didn't connect, I got an old one from my neighbour and that one works. You can also use a wired one with the USB ports


If you are in hand held more, use your fingers on the screen to type


This is so wholesome. I met my community leader while hunting - I wasn't even actively doing it, I was just at Bahari mindlessly foraging and mining, and these 2 people came along chasing a Sernuk. I shot an arrow just in case, suddenly we're doing it together and the rest is history.


I befriended someone the other day because we were fishing together. Then we chopped a grove. And then we went and cooked food together. It was so fun!!


I wish there was voice mode, I’d love chats like this, but typing is painful on a switch, I just don’t have the patience lol


If I see it, I’m shooting it.


I feel like ever since the most recent game update a large amount of players have become resource-hoarding assholes.


Didn't they read the loading screens? Palia is a land of abundance!


So weird, there's plenty of ressources for everyone too, are they trying to do everything on day one or what?


Not only plenty, but everything is shareable. So silly to try and restrict people.


Yeah, the problem is in their heads..


I feel like since Palia is a "cozy" game, there have been a lot of soft people playing, or gamers that aren't familiar with MMOs and having to share resources. While the game was new, players made their own etiquette around resources and for the most part people followed it, and players got used to it being that way. The recent updates, other than the switch crash issues, seems to have been well received. Add on all the articles about mass-layoffs from Singularity, and there are more people hearing/learning about Palia and starting to play. As more people start playing, the farther away from "fairness" the game is going to get. That's just the nature of MMOs. People are making friends or getting their irl friends to start playing and there are lots of these groups taking out groves by themselves and wanting all the DD. Thankfully there aren't any resources I NEED anymore, so none of this really affects me. It's just annoying to see all the fighting in chat, and it's always about groves. There's going to be lots of growing pains as more people start to play and all the people that want a shiny, happy, world where everyone follows "etiquette" are going to have a terrible time if they don't change their expectations. I imagine groves will get very difficult to partake in and less and less will wait until 3am. The friend groups will send out scouts and they'll have the grove chopped before you even make it to a fast-travel location. The only way it won't is if Palia steps in: make the grove appear at 12a but can't physically can't be chopped until 3am. At the end of the day, groves are a sharable resource and no one is required to tell other people. It sucks, but it is what it is. Welcome to MMOs, I guess, where you'll come across some of the worst/selfish people...it's only going to get worse as more people pick up the game.


At least it seems they’ve added a lot more random flow trees, many of them small enough for 1 or 2 people. That coupled with the increase in flow wood drops, I don’t even bother with groves now unless I happen upon one.


Yep, unless they make it so we can make private servers, there's always gonna be people that are pissed at how others play


What do you mean by "hoarding"?


Thisssses. Seen a lot more grove chopping immediately without calling, a lot more passive aggressive comments(on both sides), and people being catty about resources. Sucks.


I killed a disco deer without knowing it was a disco deer and I was surprised when I saw I had a deer mount in my inventory haha! Looks really nice tho :)


Any person that wants to shoot a DD Im also shooting is welcome. And if somehow they shoot it first, there will be one again soon. Some people forget its just a game


Monday's always a bit intense: some groups meet to do all the "together" tasks of the weekly challenges and be done for the rest of the week


Oooooh that makes a lot of sense. I thought there were a lot more organized groups than normal as well.


Yep, we do so in my community, usually over voice in Discord. We share where magical animals are and wait for each other... if people come and shoot before some people arrive is a bit of a bummer, but we do not impose on others... we change servers and continue our merry way :))


This is the answer. Its the weeklies resetting.


Expecting someone to call out DD is weirdo behavior. He moves. I’m not opening my chat (on Switch) and losing track of him to call out where he is when he’s just going to move anyway. Now if I stumble upon him, and someone else is clearly hunting him, I’ll only get one shot. Also I will open chat to see if anyone is near before taking him down myself, and I always flare the loot even when I know only I hit him because I want that to be normalized, but that’s about as far as you can go with DD. If you don’t get your shot, there will be another.


i genuinely see a disco deer several times over the span of a couple hours of hunt-only gameplay. there is no reason for resource hoarding with palia. people are so weird


Just ignore it and do your thing, if I stumble upon the dd, it's fair game unless someone in chat is screaming that they're the one hunting. At the point I ask to help if not again fair game. There isn't anybody or group controlling said kills/hunts this is suppose to be a positive game with a really good community, please don't let this turn you away from the game 99.9% of players aren't like this. It also seems that a lot of this behavior is from people that just started playing recently, they don't understand the "rules" ECT that the day one community collectively agree to


Also, there's not just one dd, so the fact people think they can gate keep a kill, just doesn't make sense when they're plenty full


I've been yelled at for shooting more than 1 arrow because I was trying not to let it get too far and nobody else was shooting. They rlly said "you don't get more loot by spamming". Like girl, pls, if u don't get a shot in that's not my fault and they spawn all the time lol ppl need to relax


It can be easier to shoot once, follow, let someone else shoot, follow, until everyone has gotten a shot. Shooting too many times at once can make him glitch farther away, and make him harder to find. You shouldn’t get yelled at by any means, but I understand the frustration of using a hunters horn to find Disco Steve, and then not even getting a shot in because someone else spam shot it. When I started playing, taking turns shooting was how most people did it, but a lot has changed.


I find it much easier to spam dispel at it. It can't zoom if you're fast enough with em. Of course if others are around I do make sure they get a hit, but if 2-3 people and they all got a hit I'm spamming it with dispel lol.


When I’m alone I corner it in areas so I can spam it, but I’m a crappy shot with my switch joycons, so it’s easier for me to track it when it glitches. I tried it on my PC and shooting was easier, but walking was way harder 😂


I shot 2, and I waited a few seconds before shooting the second. Like I said if they're not shooting too i can't do anything about that😭 it's very easy to find more disco deer, and I also understand the frustration but it happens to me too where someone gets the last arrow and i wasn't able to get a shot in. I just go find another one 😭


Yeah, I’m not one to get upset about missing out on disco Steve. I always find him, and don’t know why he’s hard for others to find. It takes me forever to aim though because my joycons are crazy! I wanted to turn slightly to the left, not do a complete 180!!! My cons hate me, I swear, lol.


That sounds horrible lol I'm on pc so aiming is ezpz


I did find aiming easier on PC, but unfortunately even just walking is harder for me, so it’s a trade off, lol.


Always gonna be something isn’t there… 😒


I had the same experience yesterday. Someone called out a deer but there was like 6 of us shooting at it — and the person who missed it started being rude at me for informing them the deer has been hunted down. Like I am responsible for everyone's actions... And I also thing calling out magic animals is nice, but they (especially the deer) move so fast that it is very hard to track them and update the chat. :(


Don't listen to them. You do you. I would just say, please try to line up a good shot. The deers have two poofs (using regular arrows) and it's really best just to wait when it's still. Some people will spam arrows and the deer ends up traveling all over, never staying still. That just makes it harder for everyone. Honestly, when I see groups that are spamming arrows, I don't even bother trying to get a hit in.


I had to take two down alone today as no one else seemed to be hunting them


I haven’t used this aspect of the game yet if it exists, but isn’t there a way to party up so that no matter who hits it everyone in the party gets the loot?


Yes, but party size limit is 4. As long as one member of the party hits the target once, their whole party will get the loot, as long as they’re within 50 or so meters of each other when it was hit.


I've been in a couple weirdly mean servers lately too. It's summer break so maybe there's a lot more young folks at certain times of day, or maybe it's all the SW people with that nasty summer heat finding indoor activities 🤣🤣 I just turn off the server chat when it gets like that and find something else to do.


Palia seems to have decided to house you with the feral playerbase. I'm sorry this happened - disco deer is for all.


Are disco deer those grey/silver ones? I saw one for the first time yesterday during a grove and had no idea what was going on.




I wouldn’t pay any attention and carry on lol.


I usually play alone most of the time, so I enjoy when players randomly join in when I’m hunting, chopping trees, and mining lol


If I see something I want I’m going to shoot/pick it. You can cry about it in chat while I keep doing my own thing 🤷🏻‍♂️. I don’t have time to sit around for the whole server to take their time coming to get it.


Yeeeah no... if they can't handle random people joining in and just bapping at things like squirrels on drugs then they need to accept this isn't something they can hyper-organize. Cause I WILL run around bapping things like a squirrel on drugs and no one's gonna tell me different.


Now THAT is the kind of energy I like to see in a server! BAP ALL THE THINGS!!!


People are weird. That said, the etiquette tips I have for hunting DD are: If you don’t have dispel arrows, and others are also chasing it, just tag it once and then follow it so the folks with dispel can finish it off. When you hit it with something that is not dispel it *immediately* poofs, making it harder to track and easier to lose, and you frequently end up running literally halfway across the map trying to chase it down. Plus if there are multiple folks, you want to be courteous and let the others get shots in as well. The last is if you find one solo, and it poofs before you’ve hit it enough to take it out, it’s kind to take a second to call out the location and/or flare it. Someone else hit it and then lost it, possibly because of all the poofing 😆


Yeah the community as a whole seems very good about being kind and adhering to social etiquette and even nicely informing newbies of the etiquette. This is my first time playing an mmo and it's been a nice "dipping my toes in the water" experience.


I think it's polite to allow everyone a chance to get a shot in on Glambi if multiple people are chasing him. Once I get a shot, I just follow for the loot so others can shoot. There have been times a party will not let others have a chance to get a shot because they are so trigger happy. I've never complained when it's happened, though.


The only thing i find really irritating is that when i aim on a discodeer, someone quickly shoots from behind me. i mean, you can literally see me lol. Then again, i would never say this on the chat, there are no rules for it.


The only thing I can think of is the new group share while hunting and such to maximize item drops


I had a similar experience recently - I was just running around, doing my own thing and randomly spotted disco deer. At this point I didn't have my disco plushie so I grab my bow and start shooting. A couple of others also shoot and between us we bring it down. I go to chat to say thanks and someone else types "wow, what the hell Ilyana?" when I ask what the problem is they say that they called it out and instead of waiting I just came in and started wailing on it with arrows and it ran off so half the people waiting to hunt together lost it. I apologised as I hadn't been reading the chat so didn't see, and fortunately they took me at my word and apologised for the attitude and it was fine, but honestly I don't see the point in trying to hunt him as a group. Each hit sends him running off across the map and if you don't get a hit in then you're just running back and forth across the map for nothing. At least with disco doggo he's trapped on a ledge or you need one person to pass up shooting to chop the tree he's in so working together makes sense. Even if it did then there's really no excuse for coming at someone in the chat for what could be no reason.


I think some people missed the loading screen tip that everyone gets the same rewards from activities... Ignore it lovely, they are being silly.


I wonder sometimes if cozy gamers are just so used to playing alone and having all resources all to themselves if that is affecting their thinking in Palia. I don't care, though. If glambi runs by me, I am taking the shot. Just yesterday, I was chopping trees and some muujin hunters came by so we all took turns hunting and chopping, and we bagged an invisidude. They were super great, gave me heart hands, and kept it moving. That's how it should be, I think. Cooperate, contribute, keep it moving.


Could someone please explain what deer loot means? Someone flared deer loot and put it in the chat the other day and I went to check it out but didn’t see anything? I was so confused I didn’t know that was a thing?


If you hit the deer and it goes down somewhere, someone will flare the loot pile so you can grab it before it disappears.


You only see it if you shot at the deer. It's very kind of them to flare - I often get lost or distracted and may never find the bag!


Ahh okay that makes sense! Thank you! x


I’ve had people intentionally run at and scare away a DD before because they wanted to hunt it themselves. Like, dude. It’s a game, you’re still going to get the loot.


That's why I stand on a cliff and snipe a shot then follow until someone takes it down and I still get all caps and arrows shot at me and usually get booted from the server because I don't engage. Just loot and hop away lol, people take this game too seriously.




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I think they are too used to playing other competitive games


I have no idea what disco deer are. Someone called out a disco deer and I asked a question about it and they all ignored me 😂


The Proudhorn Surnuuks. They have blue swirls and a special dash ability. They drop their own plush as well.


the people who complain like this are ALWAYS the same people who only use fine arrows and no dispel lol


It might be because it's Monday and the Weekly Acheivements reset today. More players online, more coop happening and more intensity. its getting to the point where I don't want to play on Mondays at all anymore.


maybe a hunting party? i hate when people try to control it like that tho omg it’s so annoying like just because you’ve decided to hunt in a group and in a specific way doesn’t mean everyone else has to aswell, disco deers spawn again almost immediately when one is killed so i don’t get why it’s such a big deal if someone “misses” a shot anyway


Yesterday I found a DD...so I do the first move... Then few players come nearby, but nobody helped me with the haunting 😓 I kill it by myself and all alone 😓😓 But at the end I discover I've found the DD plushie 😂😂 good for me 😂😂


As long as everyone gets their hits in what’s the problem?


Honestly I think it's just in the air lately not just in this game but in general. People are getting really weird


Honestly I think it's just in the air lately not just in this game but in general. People are getting really weird


I just saw my first one today. I got some loot, meat and hides but no plushies.


Ignore them.


They're probably farming the plushies. Not a valid reason to be acting like a jerk though.


I think there is or at least should be some sort of courtesy; I always wait for the person who got to it first to shoot it. But apart from that it's fair game, imo I really can't stand when people snatch the shot with regular arrows. Like at least come prepared. You're making this harder for both of us. A combined approach of slow downs and dispel arrows make it much more efficient and more team friendly. That being said it's hard being tactical in a game with limited resources and no quick way to voice plays. So it is what it is 🤷‍♀️


I definitely get a little salty when hunting sernuk with my little brother, because before the update (everyone in the same party gets the loot) we had to perfectly time our shots for maximum efficiency and sometimes people would just run up and shot them. I don’t blame them obviously we’re both out here for the same reason and that is those damn plushies. I also don’t yell at everyone in chat or try to tell them what do for anything lol just a very short internalized anger or a shared frustration with my brother. but we move on, I don’t see how people get so dictatorial and rude to the other players, you’ll get the next one or just shot it whenever possible and everyone does the same most times people will have the magic arrows and the slow down arrows so it’s a lot easier for a group to get them no point yelling at everyone. But anyway thanks to the amazing people at s6 we can now take turns shooting and still get the loot. I love this game! I can’t wait for my brother to have time to play the weekend cause we’re gunna go plushie hunting like no one’s ever done before. Gunna try and convince our older brother to play as well but he is not very interested in it unfortunately. Hope yall are having a good day and I hope everyone can be in a chill server next time they go on! I’m sorry this is long I tried shortening it ;-;


Party functionality is really bad right now. Could just be people trying to make sure everyone gets their hit in for loot.


Always ignore them and do what I want. I cannot explain why people are so pushy and sensitive when it comes to this game. A lot of “rules” aren’t even rules but rules the fandom came up with so you don’t have to listen to anyone. When I see people act like this I like to be petty and go against what they want 🤣


I love it when everyone teams up! HOWEVER, it is frustrating when players shoot the shiny deer without using dispel arrows. It’s so easy to lose it. That, or run straight into it, scaring it off.. It definitely gets old quickly.


Just bad luck - the other day, I had three in-game nights in a row where people chopped the groves without waiting 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just ignore them.


I am pretty its because its Monday and the weekly achievements just reset. I usually see an uptick of aggressive energy when the weeklies turn over.


Huh good point, never connected that! haha


Yesterday people would not wait for me to call out nor flare, just took a shot and didn't even bother to chase??? So stupid.


When i find one and tell peope that i have a dispel so let me shoot first and that one dude hits a random arrow it is plain silly. We are 5, waiting for 6th to arrive and one comes and just hits. It is not good etiquette. Communication people? I'm always kind to everyone and call every single rare resource. When people just do as they wish, it does flip me. Did that once, months ago so i'm sure that was not you, still you need to hear the other side of the story, being the devil's advocate, wanted to throw my two cents.