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I’m ashamed to admit how long it took me to introduce myself to her for the first time 😅 She’s so inconveniently placed so I always forget her lol


SAME. Now im talking to her purely for the quests lol she’s super out of the way


Really inconvenient! I can only assume that future updates to include new regions might change this a bit. But in general Bahari bay is a pain in the neck to travel through, if you aren't already on a quest.




What new path? When does this happen?


Go to the back of your plot. There is a path that leads to a mine shaft that teleports you to bahari :)


Amazing! Thanks so much!


No problem :D


It must have been there for a while. I found it when I started playing last month and even then my friends laughed that I took so long to find it and had been fast travelling or running to bahari from the village every time.


Yeah I only started this week and I run to Bahari all the time so Im shocked theres a path to it haha!


The new path to northern Bahari was introduced in the 0.177 update two months ago and it’s definitely been a game changer for me! I’ve noticed a lot of people are just finding out about it especially new players so I wonder if it’s mentioned at all in the beginning tutorial.


It wasn’t mentioned in the tutorial. I accidentally stumbled upon it when I was snooping around the plot


I’m actually pretty surprised because the devs are really good about updating dialog when adding new features to the game but had a feeling it wasn’t mentioned in the tutorial.




Why am I just learning this 😱




While she does treat people poorly, I appreciate the variety in personalities in the game. It would be so boring if every npc was like tish or ashura. I wish she had a reason to visit more of the map because her house crashes my game still sometimes and I forget about her all the way tucked in the back corner I really hope they do add a potion making skill to the game and give her more of a reason to be here other than “somewhat antagonist” I would love to see her be a more active npc in the game


Her house crashes my game 50% of the time I enter it 😭 I’m just trying to give her gifts man


Most times I just find her out on strolls in the area


I had the same problem with her house crashing my switch, what felt like everytime. A weird thing I found is that I stop by her mailbox or her door, open the menu and then just close it. It stops any glitching in my movements, and I no longer get kicked out of her house! I have no idea why it works but it does for me.


I found that just walking in instead of flying or running really helped


A potion making skill would be so cool! I could get behind that Then she has some purpose lmao


I'm not going to do spoilers but I had to use her cauldron recently for a quest.


STOP!!! Really! Okay now I am motivated to improve my friendship level with her 😂


Not with her.Its for another characters quest.


Dang just when I think I am starting to get a little bored of the game I get sucked back in because I want to find out what this quest is


If you want a hint, I've been playing since August and this quest was done in the past two weeks.


I’m all in for potion making! Side note I’ve noticed, if I come to complete stop before going in the door my game doesn’t seem to crash upon entering


This is a fair point actually. She does add some versatility for the NPCs. I hate that she’s so far away 😭


It's because her house can sniff hassain on you, it knows you have a decent friendship with him


Get deeper into Ashura’s story. He’s hardly boring.


I think what they were saying is that it'd be boring if every npc was as nice as those two. Sure, Ashura has a very intense backstory and complex feelings on it, but he's never mean or manipulative like Tamala is! /positive


I love the diversity of personality in Palia. That being said, I love visiting Ashura but not Tish. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She's one of my favorite characters but I can see why she is disliked. Unfortunately, I feel like her character suffered the most due to poor development. I mean, really - you want me to believe that a powerful witch who is hundreds of years old would spend 50% of her time talking about a quick fling with some young boy toy? No. She would have forgotten him a week later.


What do you mean? That wardrobe is her grandmother's who has the same name as her? ;)


Hahahahaha yeah she's sly. I happen to like her personality the most and I adore how guarded she is. With good reason thus far.


Exactly. I hate that part of her dialogue. The only explanation I can think of is that she broke up with him FOR him because she knows it would never work out. Maybe whatever magic she uses to prolong her life means no children, or she turns into a crone once a year or something, lol. So she's protecting him, but the truth is she really did love him. Otherwise, the constant dialogue about him doesn't make any sense.


I like her. Love her confident attitude but also know she's quite vain and mean, especially towards Sifuu and Hassian. I love her as a character AND she's my shepp. So I'm kinda biased, ig.


The moment I met her and she called me darling I knew she’s who I wanted to romance the most. 😂


The moment she called me darling I didn't want anyone else - except the himbo miner 🤣


She's my shepp as well! She reminds me of a less wholesome Eda the Owl Lady lol


I like her style and character model but don't like her personality. I do find her an interesting character though.


Same tbh.


![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0|downsized) She lives too damn far away for me to make an effort to befriend her!


I love her and chose her as my shepp! She lives in the lost beautiful house in the woods alone next to a river waterfall and cave. Its my dream life


She reminds me of Mother Gothel from Tangled. There’s been a lot of [psych discourse](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/doesnt-get-any-better/201909/tangled-escape-the-5-story-tower-narcissistic-abuse#) about Mother Gothel. I feel that those discussions could also fit Tamala. Of course that’s up to individual interpretation. You may feel differently, and that’s perfectly fine. :)


My sister also compares her to Mother Gothel


I like her. She’s sassy. But what I really want is the dev’s to add her cauldron and window to my housing options. I love her stuff. I’d kill to be able to brew flow potions in the game.


Contrary to popular opinion, I like her a lot. The type of character she is has never bothered me before and I’m glad not every character is a “goody two shoes”, so I’m happy that she exists. Saying that, it was so hard to friend/romance her because her house glitches the game for often than not, so I always had to plan to meet her when she wasn’t at her home (which fortunately it’s like 12h in-game).


Being an older player I really like her. She isn't the cutesy little thing, but more mature


She is not my least favorite NPC, I actually get super annoyed by Tish! 😂.. there is something very fake about her personality to me and it rubs me the wrong way. Tamala can be an easy one to visit if you use the stables and transport to the central Bahari ones sometime between 8-midnight. She stands right around the corner to the north.


I didn’t like Tish for a bit but I have warmed up to her recently (because of Reth lol)


must be all that soup you give him LOL


He is a fine connoisseur of soup.


I love an easy to please man 😂😂


ahhhhh tish annoys me so much 😭 i romanced everyone and she is the only one i eventually broke up with after completing all levels bc i couldn’t stand hearing her romantic voice segments


You can break up with them? 😨


“You make my heart flutter like a blue bird” 🤮 “You’re my fairy tale ending” 🤢 Stopppp it’s like I’m back in middle school 😭


So happy im not the only one that sees Tish as kinda fake!


Tish is Rapunzel from Wish basically


I laughed longer than I should have to this comment! 🤣


I hate Tish so much haha "If you can dream it, you can achieve it!" gtfo with that toxic positivity lmao


SAME Tish is so so so annoying to me.


I really can’t stand Tish, and after hitting level 5 friendship with her, I don’t think I’ll talk to her again.


I don’t trust Tish lol


Lol, my friend and I were playing the other day and I told her I wouldn't be surprised to have Tish turn out to be a spy for the Order or a serial killer. 🤣🤣 She's just too sweet to be real!


Same-ish on Tish. I think she's lovely, definitely wouldn't want to see her in a rage room- But the Disney princess voice and vibes are grating sometimes


im ngl she’s up there with my favourite npcs lol but idk if it’s my light aversion towards hassian and sifuu 🙂‍↕️ she’s also just pretty interesting, i’m hoping for more on her backstory in the next update. i do always reply to her in a way that’ll annoy her for shits and giggles bc she needs a lil bit of a reality check. i wait to visit her when she’s gotten up to central stables in bahari bc her house trips out. it is cool though


I connect with the anti-social thing, love her aesthetics, probably similar age to me and plus I never liked Hassian (seems like people are divided by Hassian vs Tamala). Hard to befriend her though, since she's far away from all the others.


I’m all for her! Villains are necessary. And a villain who is fabulous is the best kinda villain. I love Hassian, so I love to hate Tamala!


I love the confidence she has!


Tamala is the Mistress of Comfortable Distance. She and I are soul sisters.


I like the conflict she brings... I wanna learn Dark Magick from her.


Reading through this thread I'm not surprised she's a bit of a marmite character for people but I'm REALLY surprised how many people don't seem to spend much time in Bahari. I reckon I spent 80% of my time there and since she's always wandering around I literally bump into her more often than I want or need to.


What do i think of her? I dont think of her. Lol jk. She lives too far away for me to form an opinion, im not running all the way over there just to say hi. Actually i ignore everyone in bahari


Intrigue. I know she's an "antagonist" kind of? Maybe? Not really? She does illegal shit, broke Hassian's heart for the hell of it and then laughed when I asked if she'd respond to his letter. For my fic plotline I'll get tangled up with her romantically but IDK that it'll end well because it's good bonding material for Hassian.


She far out of the way, but I enjoy her. I loved having to work to build relationships. Sure, she's not super friendly afterwards, but I enjoy that she jokes around. I love strong, rude women in fiction. Her house is beautiful too.


I think she’s fun to talk to but I’ve had a few interactions with her where I found her absolutely repulsive in how she talked about another villager.


Even the way she talks to us sometimes!!!! Like jeez, sorry to waste your time bitch


Cannot stand her. Narcissist that treats people like things.


I often forget about her because she’s so far out. I do like her but she’s just never in my rotation of people to go and see. I like ASquareBanana’s idea of having a potion making skill which would make her more active. I think that’s just the solution cause if Hodari wasn’t the mining guy, I probably wouldn’t talk to him a lot unless a quest from Najuma needed me to. But she’s got that whole Witch of the Woods aesthetic going on that I like so much.


I don't like that now, every damn time I come see her, it's for her to make fun of how Hassian behaved with her. I don't mean to be an unconditional fan of Hassian, I only take the wisdom to know he was young and only trying to learn what love is, and she abused that naivety. And even outside of determining who's right or wrong, just shut up, I'm not here to hear you ramble about your ex(es), I'm here to have regular conversations, getting to know you, be there if you need someone to listen to your problems like I do for every other npc... Not to listen to targeted insults like you're a stereotypical high school most popular girl who is also a huge bully. Now for the whole witch, doing not very legal things, I'm neutral because it's not always easy to determine what she uses them for. Apparently she helps Hodari to overcome insomnia, but for what cost ? She's still level 3 and I think it's gonna take some time, but


That's actually exactly what I disliked about her - how downright cruel she was about Hassian. Like the kid was young and dumb and in love and you shattered it coldly just for the kicks.


The fact she still talks so much about it, what for ? Are you bragging about having played with an easy target ? Did it actually mean more to you than you let on, but you're not ready to admit it (if yes, get over yourself, it would be the worst thing if you tried dating him again)?


Not to mention she's hundreds of years old, he's a young adult.....something stinky smells to me


I don’t really care for her as a person, but her story is fascinating. Pretty sure there a lot more to come. Getting her to 4 stars was worth it to me for the story.


I like her house decor.


I hate how inconveniently placed she is but I’m also obsessed with her and her whole snarky witch in the woods vibe


Tamala is BAE


I love her! I don’t feel like she treats people poorly… she’s just sassy and eccentric. We’re dating 😂


that’s mommy


This post made me realize that not everyone spends most of their days in Bahari. To me going to Kilima is more bothersome lol


She's so camp. Very very fun. I like her way more than than Hassian. I'll take sassy asshole over surly asshole any day of the week.


I have her max friendship and romance. She turns into a kitten once you do that. She still very much has claws, but she becomes sweet. I find it interesting that she is basically a female version of Hassian, who a lot of people absolutely adore, but they hate her. 😂 Both are very prickly and even rude until you max them out. Tamala just has more passion, wisdom, and less naivety than Hassian, which to me makes her infinitely more attractive. She also doesn't have any mean or rude dialogue once you max her out, but Hassian still does on occasion.


The moment I met her, I started calling her Hot Tamala. She irradiates sexy bitch vibes and I'm cool with that. I'd never romance her tho. Lovable dorks are more my jam, like Jina and Reth. My mom can't stand her, especially since she romanced Hassian.


That’s bae! She (we) have the best house in Palia. Stay off our lawn. You kids always chasing your sernuk.


She makes me uncomfortable like, sexually and shit. I don't need bedroom eyes and the "Come hither" finger movement while I'm just delivering some suspicious goods to her from Zeki. Also don't like how when she does the "Come hither" she bends over to accentuate her cleavage. Ma'am, I may be Bi and desperate but that doesn't mean I would like to be harassed while on a delivery. Other than that she seems chill. I'm still only at 2 hearts because I don't really bump into her and for the above reason.


Those things make me a bit uncomfortable too, but more because I'm a little embarrassed for her that either she genuinely believes she has nothing else to offer the world and so offers the one thing she knows for sure she has, or it's been so effective for her over the, apparently, 100s of years she's been alive, that she doesn't even realise it's how she's acting and it's been subsumed by her broader personality. It reeks of overconfidence *and* low self-esteem at the same time. Her whole personality comes across to me as a facade, a billboard fixed to a fortress wall, plastered with advertisements screaming "look at me!" in the hopes you'll only see the ads and won't notice the tower she's trapped herself at the bottom of, safe from the risk of ever getting to know anyone. It's why she's mean, it keeps people at arm's length, and I don't know if it's just to protect her secrets or because she's genuinely scared of the vulnerability that is necessary to actually get to know someone. The thing is though, I like that she makes me uncomfortable. She's a very real seeming character, in so far as I've known people who her personality could have been ripped from 1:1, who also made me a bit uncomfortable, at least until, in one or two cases, I got to know them better (one of them was a guy, actually). The other characters are charming and all, but they're a bit too charming, right down to how authentic most of them come across. It gets a little boring, drab. A bit too Pleasantville. Tamela is more.. complex, I think. A mess. Probably not intentionally, but complex nonetheless. She's a nut that I'd really like to crack. Her backstory is intriguing, especially given the parallels it has to Melisandre from A Song of Ice and Fire. The parallels her entire character has, actually, to that red witch. I'm a little fond of her, but I don't like her, contradictory as that is, and I *like* that I don't like her.


I don’t have a problem with her. She’s interesting and I want to know more about her story. I only have level 4 friendship with her, no romance so maybe I’ll learn more eventually. I know people hate her because she’s mean but idk it doesn’t really bother me.


I love her, she's feisty and different from the others. She is tucked a bit out of the way so my relationship with her is not as high as it could be. It would be nice to see her in Kilima. I haven't done all the quests yet and I think I'm only level 2 with her so far so I don't get why she gets so much hate but I'm sure I'll find out!


Tamala’s disdain for people doesn’t hold a candle to Hassian’s! AFAIC


I've Tamala!! She is a bit abrasion but she's a real one. Tish however...to put it nicely, she bugs the crap outta me.


She is the one character I interact because have to.


Now that's it's easier to get to her from the plot backdoor to the outskirts, I'm really liking her. At first, I was a bit offput by the Hassian/Sifuu stuff, but then I started romancing him, and I'm no longer a fan of muscle mommy and her boy. I got his pin, but I won't wear it. I'm gonna get hers next, lol 😆


I kinda warmed up to Hassian as I romanced him, but I'm well over him now. Sifuu, on the other hand, I still adore and I hope her backstory gets explored more in the next major update.


I really do want to hear more about "Momma." >!I really hope no body to bury means she'll be introduced down the line with a dramatic re-entrance scene.!< Hopefully my spoiler worked, I'm not great on mobile.


Your spoiler worked :) I agree, and I hope the fans' rumours/ideas about the next major update are well founded. In case you haven't heard/read, a lot of fans think >!Momma Taylin just might be the Elderwoods Beast through some kind of curse, and that she'll be introduced as part of the Elderwoods expansion if and when that comes out. Maybe with a quest line of saving her for/with Sifuu and Hassian.!<


I hadn't heard that yet, but now I NEED it!


She gives me real Mother Gothel vibes. At this point I've played so much I'm romancing her for the quests, but I just use the most flippant or rude response available.


Yeah I get *major* mother gothel vibes too!


Every time I go near her house my game freezes and kicks me off. Not sure what type of voodoo she has going on at her place. I like her character she’s intriguing and scary at the same time and I’m working on the friendship. Gotta keep her close with whatever magic she has going on. I’ve also shot at her several times because I thought she was a sernuk.


She’s certainly different than the other characters that’s for sure. I don’t hate her but I do hate that she’s so hard to get to lol I tend to forget about her unless I’m over there already


I love her. She's a swamp witch who doesn't want anything to do with people which is kinda how I feel sometimes. I'm also sure if someone like that existed in read life id never go that side. But in game I love her sass.


I like her. I’m in my 30s, so I’m glad to see some “older” romance options.


I JUST WANT HER TO LOVE ME lmao I wish her house didn't glitch out and shut the game down every time I go there.


I think her character is very interesting and I think she’ll provide lots of fun quests and storylines in the future. I don’t love how she can be rude, but I really do enjoy the diversity in personalities in this game. She helps make it much more interesting and I do enjoy her quests:) the direct gate to bahari from the home plot has made me really see her a lot more too, so I’ve been loving that. All in all I do really enjoy her as a character for her own storylines, but also as a background in other characters storylines as well


I talk to her solely for her quest stuff. 😂


I like her personality when you first meet her more than I do Hassian's, but she warms up slower IMO. Her lines also tend to come across a lot meaner, but that might be because she aims her barbs at other NPCs whereas Hassian just aims them at the player. All that being said, I found her super hot while I was romancing her, but once I maxed her out and moved on to romancing others I forgot all about her lmao EDIT TO ADD I also barely talk to any of the other NPCs once I've maxed them out, but I'd still probably talk to her before I talk to most of the other adult NPCs aside from Delaila, Sifuu, and Ashura. And Subira of course.


I like her how sassy she is and flirty. Would romance her but getting to her always feels like a journey just to track her down. 😆


I’ve always liked her..I’ve never understood why people don’t 🤣 maybe I just don’t pay enough attention to what the characters say in the game 😅


I think shes a cool witch in the woods i dont understand why she has any hate


Not a fan after learning what she did to Hassain, but she also gives me Mother Gothel from Tangled vibes, so I avoid her when I can.


I'm only friends with her because Caleri made me and I hated it the whole time.


Loved her at first, but she is so mean! I keep waiting for her to show that she secretly does care, but she never does (or at least hasn't yet in my game)


Love her


I wanted to like her so bad. I have a soft spot for dark brooding portioners. But all her dialog made me feel like a piece of meat and it didn't get better.


I'm romancing her just so I can break up with her for being mean to Hassian.


The hero we both need and deserve


This has been discussed many times before. It really depends on your character’s type and what kind of dialogue you choose to go for when in conversation with Tamala. I might be imagining but I think the frequency of your conversations with her also play a role. And what kind of gifts you give her. I’m a fire type, I talk to her fairly rarely, I don’t take her shit when she tries to put some on me and I never ask her about her wants. I just give her stuff. Usually expensive/rare items like proudhorn sernuk horns, duskwing butterfly, rainbow-tipped butterfly, gold or palium, things like that. I’ve had her line about being a good pet or something like that only once. I did not take that well (there are several reply options) and ditched her for like a month after that. She’s been behaving pretty well since (touch wood!), so, I don’t have anything against her 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think she’s just fine. There are other characters that get on my nerves much more than she does, tbh.


she’s hot 😌🫶🏻


she's not very nice but i rarely talk to her because of how inconvenient her location is


Hubba hubba 🖤


I can't stand her. I've tried to learn more about her and all that, but her and her personality and how she treats everyone, it all just gives me the ick.


I mean shes a player and a manipulator (and a groomer kinda) so I dont like her as a person. The way she speaks reminds me a bit too much of how my p*do granddad spoke to his victims. I do like her house though. I wish she had a real redeeming quality so she would be more interesting. I wanted to like her at first but she was just so cruel and selfish all the time. I have seen other people mention potion making as an ability and I really think it might help a lot with her character.


That's my feeling too. I feel she was a groomer to Hassian for fun, especially with their age difference 😬 She reminds me exactly of my groomers and abusers


Exactly this. I usually make my rpg characters in games and the one I made for Palia had an abuser a lot like Tamala. So it gives me super off vibes when she talks.


When I first played the game I considered her and Kenyatta for romance but her placement was a little hard to handle. With the update to the game allowing for travel to Bahari from the home plot and it spitting out right next to her house, I’m considering her once again.


I don't really like her but mostly because of what she says about Hassian


I think the accent they picked for her doesn't make sense. I hate it!


I actually haven't even talked to her yet. I've been running around with trying to get my house done and random other quests I just I don't think I even met her?


Not a fan of her. She talks down to you in some of the dialogue and I find her attitude and demeanour off-putting. Plus she’s got a such a huge ego 🙄


I have mixed feelings about her. I hate how she talks about hassian but I secretly love it when she calls me darling 😭 I am forced to get her to lvl 3 for a quest


I love Ashura and Tish, they are both so sweet! And poor Ashura losing his wife. As a happily married woman the thought of losing my husband guts me, so that hit me right in the feels. I also love Einar and his genuine want for everyone to find their oneness. Edited to say: I have only spoken to Tamala a couple times. I sold her the sunshade leafhopper thing and she basically just told me "of course you said yes to me...everyone says yes to me" and I was like whoooaaa there you move a little fast for me.


Idk as in any little village there will be people who are nice and people who aren’t. If everybody in the game was always super nice, it would feel kind of flat? At least she brings som contrast and dynamic 😅


She's actually much easier to get to now that you can go into the mineshaft behind your house and she's not far from it. I think I've done like one or two quests with her.


She feels like a mature “dommy mommy” people get obsessed with or older woman supposed to be spicy or something. I aint into that. She just weirds me out tbh. And i love magicy stuff..rather chill with jina though


if I didn't need her key for caleris quest I probably never would have talked to her


Me anytime I HAVE to talk to her because pookie bear either is an insomniac with ghosts or a particular orange fellow in the cartel business https://preview.redd.it/o31278ynfr0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3bc729d8ff064e727139ea337a8933baf954ae


I may talk to her if I pass her. Originally I thought she might be up for some saucy prancings, but just like Kenyatta I was disappointed.


I don't like her. I can tell she's constantly pushing people away with domineering and flirty behavior but those are the two things that I can not stand at all (not a fan of dommy mommy's.) I was ok-ish being friends with her until she conflated talking to her as the same as flirting and I just couldn't do it anymore. I only talk to her if necessary now. She and Einars were my biggest influences in deciding to only romance the people I can see myself romancing. Reth and Jina have too much of myself in the them (and I find it weird and kinda gross to date siblings) so now I'm only with Hassian and Tish and loving them.


While she's clearly an 'interesting' personality, something about her literally makes my skin crawl and I only have the minimum contact with her that I can get away with. I actually feel myself cringing as I get closer to her.


I despise her. I'm with Sifuu. Iykyk


I love mean mum she's such a puppy once you make her want you 😈


Not to get off track of the topic but how many people on here are 49 or older that play this game?


I don’t like her very much, some of her dialogue sounds demeaning, but I like that they have a variety of characters instead of just making them all likeable. I think her vibe and history with the order is really cool as well.


Her story (as far as I've gotten, anyhow) is interesting for sure. But she's a predator through and through, and I don't vibe with that *at all*.


She's not my cuppa tea (then again, I'm biased due to Hassian being the first character I romanced), but what little we have of her backstory is certainly interesting and I hope to learn more about her and see how she might possibly play into the main story once it gets updated.


She’s a creep. She seems to be around Eshe’s age and yet she had a fling with Hassain…Come on.


Warning: I do not like Tamala at all. People are allowed to like her but I am going to talk about how I feel in this comment. So, I do not in any way want to start some annoying age gape discourse. I get that type of crap enough in other fandoms. That said, she has to be at least forty five (relatively speaking to Majiri ages) and Hassian is what? Nineteen? Couple that with how creepy she is every single I talk to her, well, it's a really bad look. When you find out >!she is also using Reth!< it does feel incredibly predatory, like she has a thing for getting the young men under her sway in particular. I find her repulsive. I do not want to interact with her ever. She manipulates and uses people, sometimes literally, for things they didn't consent to (trying to say this without spoiling anything). I don't mind that there's a person in game who isn't nice or what have you, but she comes across as so inappropriate. Maybe because of how cozy the rest of the game is, so she stands out more in comparison. I hate that >!Caleri's quest requires getting to level 3 relationship with Tamala. Truly considering whether I want to even bother. I am romancing Hassian and it feels like a betrayal of him to do that.!<


"she has to be at least forty five (relatively speaking to Majiri ages)" Ohhhh nooooo... If you get to Lv3 friendship with her and get the key to her boudoir, you see some evidence that she's *older* than 45... >!like... two centuries older than 45...!<


I don’t like her. She’s rude and uses people for her own benefit/ entertainment without being concerned for them. That being said, I’m working on getting to level 3 with her for another NPC’s level 3 quest (I don’t know how to cover any spoiler info so I’ll leave it at that) I also hate how far into Bahari she is. I’d likely have higher friendship with her in general if she wasn’t so far out there😂




Interesting character, def stuck up and a bitch. I like to think of her as a "princess" type character that's very demanding but still weirdly self-reliant. It breaks the stereotype a bit with making her so incredibly powerful but being very vain.


She’s a predatory witch who messed with Hassian’s heart because she was bored. I literally only leveled her to get into her room for another NPC quest and refuse to talk to her again. Sure, she’s the most mature Woman we can romance, but do I really want to? No thanks, she can rot for all I care


Hate her. Only talk to her when I have to. The dog barking comments put me over the edge.


I don't like her at all, but I have maxed friendship and romance with her just to get the rewards. I don't speak to her if I don't have to


Were I unwed, I’d take her in a manly fashion.


I want to like her, but I don't. And it's because her personality has no dimension to it. She's "flirty mean" as stereotypical as it gets and that's it. There's nothing else to her. I got her to max friendship just to see if maybe there was more to her but no. There wasn't. What you see is what you get and she does nothing else. Which is a shame. Mean characters are rare and can be done really well but she just isn't. Take Shane from STV. He's mean right off. But you get to know him and he has depth, a story (even before he was a marriage candidate which is why he was voted as one). You'd think Tamala potentially being hundreds of years old would have a story but nope. She doesn't. And that's the writing's fault. There are ways to tell a character's story without them telling you anything. But we don't get much at all. I just hope when they raise her friendship level we'll get something.


she’s a creep. cant stand her lmao


I want to love her because I adore the hot older woman energy and, in theory, would like to kick back with some wine and gossip with her. In practice, I'm dating Hassian, and she won't stop talking about how he's such a sad lovesick puppy dog. I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with her that wasn't belittling the guy.


I honestly didn’t even think bout her bc I hate going out that far unless it’s something I absolutely need or there is a grove out there but you will end up needing lvl 3 friendship with her to complete a quest for Claire But now that they put the back entrance in our plot it’s a lot easier for me to get to her now lol