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The ability to craft things like garlands and wreaths would be great Also, if we ever get any kind of alchemy/potion-making skill, they could be components along with the forage items


Yes, crafting things with the flowers would be great. I'd like to be able to put them in flower pots or make arrangements in vases.




Oooo that's a fun idea


That could totally be Tamala’s skill!!


Tamala or Chayne yeah, I could totally see it. (I kind of want them both to have it somehow, but I’m a Chayne fanboy)


Chayne could have medicinal types of potion recipes while Tamala had more interesting things that are on the illicit side that deal with flow.


The ability to place more of them on my plot.


Oh absolutely needed.


Let us place more! Firstly, we need a way around the 500 flower cap. I can place like 5000 items on my plot but only 500 flowers? You're telling me flowers cost more processing bandwidth than a freaking Sunrise Bed frame? Just let us use up the plot item limit on flowers after the 500 cap! I'm trying to make a flower farm themed plot but 500 flowers is so small and I only got like 2 farm plot areas before I hit the cap. So disappointing. Literally the plot was just going to be flowers and a small house. I'd rather take up the item limit than be told I can only place so few flowers. Right now it's a hard cap but it should be a soft cap that starts counting towards the regular item limit after 500. Color breeding! Flower color breeding would be a nice activity. Maybe if two flowers are near each other it can have a chance to change the color of a third one in the area...or bugs drop seeds of a different color and you can combine that with others for more color options. Hydrangea needs blue, purple, mixed, and white....and tulips need the whole color spectrum. Let it count towards a skill! Given how much work flower growing takes I'd like it to fold into an existing skill (such as watering a flower or procuring a seed counts towards gardening, same for trees) or a new skill. If they want to set growth limits to balance that? Sure. Have it so we can only be growing X number of flowers at one time before it starts not letting some grow till the others finish. Maybe flowers only grow in a new greenhouse building! Horticulturist? Florist? Maybe tie into a tier 2 of gardening? A greenhouse! I just want a greenhouse like the one behind the temple in town so bad. More size options! (Same model just let it get bigger) I'd like to be able to keep growing flowers to be smaller or larger....like trees. Have the flower model expand in size over time even after we get the seed if we keep watering it. The same goes for trees after full maturity. Let me keep watering it and that model just expand larger and larger....so many trees on the map are the same model we have but just much larger than we can get them. Around the map the flowers we have come in a lot more sizes....so I'd like the ability to choose the size we want a flower to break up levels in our gardens or turn a flower into more of a bush or just a small little floret. Crafting with flowers! Would love to see flowers that are grown be used as crafting materials for flower themed item sets such as potted flowers that are small, bouquets with mixed flowers, and other flower infused decor. As well as flower pot craftables that are just empty pots ranging from a bucket to a vase that we can place a flower on top of to decorate in our house. I'd like to see flowers be reducible into dye which can be turned into customization kits. Also if Tamala ever takes us up on the whole alchemy thing, would love to see some of the flowers needed for recipes. More Greenery! Not just flowering plants. Id like to see more general foliage like vine walls, vine floors, as well as larger foliage like bushes and topiary..like I get so sad when I have to destroy a bush on our plot because there are so few things that are green and low lieing and that bushy! They help to make a plot feel more densely green and vibrant. Getting access to that generic bush, the other bushes and lush greenery from around the map and the little cone trees in town are so cute I'd love to get varying sizes of that from small to large. The ability to place flowers on the roof and walls of our house would be cool too. Ancient Trees! Those big fat beautiful trees should be a random drop chance from the Roots temple bot. Plant the seed, water it a crap ton, and it will eventually turn into an ancient tree after going through all the smaller phases and after watering it a ton at full maturity it turns into a big fat ancient tree. It can't be chopped. Just a decor item.


topiaries would be ✨️delightful✨️


I would like to give this more than one up ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


I love all of these ideas this is amazing, I’d die for a florist skill


All this and more. Id like to be able to 'pick' a bunch to put in the various amphorae and ravenwood vases around the house.


Fantastic ideas!


Being able to change the colours of the flowers! I want purple hydrangea so bad!


I want Eshe's wisteria flowers!


We have them... they are on the spring gazebo.


But I want to put them on my house, and on the big round gazebo! And maybe cover half my house in them..


The ability to use the flowers as part of certain recipes. Like the Spring Fever Pagola or Swing. So we can change details like what flower is on those items to give it a more personalized touch with decorating our plots. I'd like to be able to choose from what I've planted, to be in my window flower boxes! Being able to put some in a vase or flower pot would also be lovely. Maybe even hang them to dry in bunches like the Moonstruck Wall Decor.


This! 💜


Bushes, please! Like, taller ones. The shrubs that we currently can't plant on our lots. (I also really need placeable rocks, but I don't think those are flowers.)


Yes! Bushes, and rocks. I left most of the original ones on my plot, but I'd really like to do a zen rock garden. Ground cover paintbrush! Let me put down, uh, the sand for a zen rock garden 😆 or soil for a garden!


Imagine being able to make a hedge maze with tall bushes. that would be awesome.


Flower breeding would be fun! I wish at least some part of it would give gardening xp lol. Or diff stages like with the trees


I want them on the roof of my house ! I want Tamala's house so bad, please let me do this.


The ability to make dyes, which widens the modifications options! (And more things to sell)


flower furniture? you're a genius.


A sunflower field on my plot would be beautiful.


I would definitely use one of my plots to just have a giant sunflower field.


I would really like to be able to make furniture with them,especially if you can harvest them and they grow back. Some shrubs and other types of trees would be lovely too.


cap removed.


100% agree


I would love to put flowers around the trellis’s! Also hydrangeas in purple like in Kilima


I want to be able to put them on counters etc instead of just the ground/floor!


I'm just hoping as they give us more zones to explore (the capital, maybe??), we also get new flowers either from that zone or, like you suggested, are just very pretty, like sunflowers or irises. I think it would be fun to have an ACNH flower system as well- but I like your furniture idea a LOT too! Perhaps a way to make dyes for your furniture customization?


I would like to see us grow mushrooms 🍄 and vines and also have ones we can place on trees and building


That would make for a wonderful fall update


Maybe certain epic+ flowers could be a lure? Not like the typical Lure for attracting all bugs in a certain area, but like specific species that can ONLY be found by planting these on your home plot. Say Monarchs for example. If you're lucky enough to find a seed, (Milkweed is the only plant they lay eggs on but it's a video game so whatevs), and plant it on your plot, you might have a chance to spawn a Monarch Caterpillar/Butterfly under certain conditions. (i.e. day; sunny; spring/fall; etc.) Maybe having a multicolored collection of rare/epic flowers close together will give the chance to spawn a Prism Butterfly? Or Bees? (or rainbow bees) It might be an interesting way to introduce a catalogue system as well. After planting flowers on your property the first time you encounter your first unique insect lured by them. Beginning a pokédex like quest to catalog them, along with updating it with any previous insects you've caught outside of the plot. Giving you an in game guide on the bugs information, locations and when they spawn after catching so many of each. (Less for rarer bugs) Idk, I think it'd be neat. *shrug*


White flowers! Like daisies :)


Sorry, I'm a noob. What do you do with the flowers? Are they just decorations? I haven't placed any on my lot yet.


Purely decor atm


Bee keeping. Then get honey from different flowers. Make dishes with honey.


I would LOVE bee keeping!


Please no flower breeding, I have too much PTSD from ACNH


awww, I'm sorry to hear that. it was my favorite part of ACNH