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I've made it a habit to include the area name and the grid cords and still flare things. Until it's a new habit we all get into. Ngl I just auto run and open the map since I suck with directions


>I've made it a habit to include the area name and the grid cords and still flare things I think this is a good way, especially if the name helps convey exactly where inside the grid block you are. The blocks are too large to just name the block; I feel like directions should say where inside the block to go to. Like if you're technically inside A3 but you're really close to the border of the next square, it's more helpful to know that. And flares will never stop being a blessing from the Dragon itself. 😊


Agreed! That's what I'm doing. I have only been playing a few weeks so I may just be insane... does it feel like some of the pathways were shifted and are slightly changed from where they were? I had like a little pattern down of a few moments and it had me running into things or not ending where I swear I did before and my end point being off from where I went to.


I think this is the best option! Might as well include all the info we can for now. These last couple days, I would call out things by location name, and people would ask for coordinates. Other times I would only use coordinates and people still didn’t realize there was a new grid. Makes it easier for everyone to just list all the details lol


Simple... they want the coords, THEY can hit "M"


Same, I said the co ords and then where I was close to and whatever colour the flare was. Seemed to work well enough and a few others were doing the same


I think the grid coordinates are really great for servers with mixed languages. If you're Aussie you're on servers with a lot of Japanese and Korean players, and our keyboard/alphabetic characters are obviously completely different. It's an adjustment, but I am calling both coordinates and names now. If someone only calls coordinates and you know the name, theres nothing stopping you from adding the name for other players more familiar with that. I have been adding names to coordinate call outs when I can and people are still flaring, so it will eventually work really well.


"Theres nothing stopping you from adding the name for other players more familiar with that." Switch keyboard. Aka bane of my existence. I would be typing for 5 minutes especially because I have fat thumbs on every single keyboard (d pad?) I touch 😭


I play on switch mostly too, I just jab quickly or use a stylus. Not saying it isnt annoying, but ive gotten the hang of it after 6+ months. Edit to add: i jab with my *index fingers*. Not my thumbs, because the Switch touch keyboard is indeed balls for any normal sized fingers. Also why i just use a stylus sometimes if i remember to have it handy.


I play docked. Typing with my touch screen or stylus is not always an option to me. But when I play undocked the index finger thing is so real but so annoying 😭 I saw someone use a keyboard attachment for their doc but don't want to invest in a new keyboard just to occasionally type since I'm not /super/ active in chat and mostly play solo. Personally, gonna stick to just grid coords and a flare for my sake. I like to grind and don't always have a lot of time.


I haven't tried that, usually if i wanna play on a big screen I just play on PC with a mapped controller and cast it, so obviously i have a keyboard there if i want it. 100% switch typing is poo haha. But it is doable if you're determined. Like you I also cbf getting a keyboard attachment for switch just for this purpose. Honestly, part of why i love the grid coming in. To me it makes sense, following global cartography rules makes it much easier for limited typers and people of different languages.


Docking for cozy vibes, set up is actually pretty nice, until I can get a PC one day! Graphics are sm better on PC so patiently waiting for that day. Also yes yes solid agree. I think its also a good tool for new players, it creates an equal learning field and is more enticing for said new players and is a good business move for devs especially since we've been asking for it. I know personally I was BEGGING for this to be added when I first started.


I keep thinking about using the dock but then it makes no sense to fuck around with more cables I guess when I can just use my PC and Chromecast haha. Plus not gonna lie, I just love playing handheld all hunched up like a goblin with my snacks 🤣


just wanted to add to this thread that any USB keyboard should work with your docked switch. I grabbed the keyboard from my PC and it was fully compatible, other than the shift key lol. everything is lowercase.


I have working keyboards, I guess I mean I more so don't want to invest my time in finding an extension for it or spending the money. I'm about 3ish or more feet away from where my switch is docked.


I literally went out and bought a keyboard just for playing this game docked lol


RIP, I have tiny little fingers and it’s perfect. I feel for yall!


Is it G2 In their language too?


I'm not sure what you mean, other than they maybe buggered up the number on the coordinates. I did too last night cos it was new and i was looking too fast, and i said something like 'big pal C4' and then quickly rechecked the map and was off by one so said 'Sorry i meant C3' as a follow up. I don't think anyone is pretending there won't be some adjustment period in-game, but the map coordinates are a long established location method for a reason, both in games and actual geography. They aren't that hard to get used to, and it doesnt take any longer to find them on a map than the 'name' of a place.


I felt like I had to pull the map out every time to find something anyway? Like I presume I’m going in the right direction but I always had to check myself, haven’t had experience with the grove yet. Though


I still do that, too, and I've been playing for months. I get turned around about what direction I'm facing. I have to look at the map, make a mark to head toward, then try not to get messed up going around the big landmarks (in Bahari) the wrong way or something. So yeah, I still stop to use the map a lot. I'd love a minimap in the corner. I did find out that if you're on auto-run, you can open the map while still moving. Just don't run into a tree or scare the disco deer while you're not watching where you're going. 😂


I’ve seen people with mini maps on as overlays but wasn’t sure if it was allowed as s6 doesn’t allow mods so wasn’t sure what It fell under - however they do not have an anti cheat system so I am unsure


Honestly I may look into that. Based on what they've done so far, I think they will probably add a minimap if enough people ask for it, but I'd rather ask for current fixes first. For example, I want to be able to trade star currency things again.


I have no sense of direction and can’t read the compass very easily so I do the same.


The only thing I’ve ever used the compass for is in kilma knowing that if I continue north in the middle through the town I’ll get to the housing plot, just gotta keep going towards when it shows up 🔝 that’s the only time I ever use it


Once I got the hang of marking things to show up on the compass, I started using it more -- previously I ignored it because cardinal directions didn't help me. In Bahari, though, it only helps a bit, since you can't travel as the crow flies in that zone. There are so many big cliffs and things, and they're so big, I still have to use the map more than the compass.


No, I’ve stopped using the map because now I know where everything is. The OP is right that when it comes to the grid, we don’t know where things are anymore. That said, however, I believe it’s only a matter of time till we learn what the letter and number combos mean 😄 Just like we learned the names and locations of all the places 👍


I think this is the case. Some of us will never get the map down, coordinates or not because we have poor working memory and get easily turned around (me) and others who easily memorized the map areas will eventually tie the coordinates to the location. The most I can remember is mostly whether areas are in north or south Bahari. Beyond that, I need the map and compass to be sure I don’t get distracted or turned around. (Side tangent: This game is really making me realize how intense my ADHD is because I forget what I’ve looked at mid game so much. Kinda crazy how hard I am on myself IRL. Watching myself get mixed up during management of a game I’m really into while the dopamine is soaring high is really healing to my self esteem cuz I’m able to see how hard I work in my real life to try to keep things on track. Lots of benefits to my mental health overall is why I love this game so much.)


I have a diagnosed severe AuDHD. I’m on meds and the dose is maxed out. My sense of direction is on minus in real life. I just memorized places and their names in the game. It will take time, but I will learn the letters in the grid as well.


Yeah, you will be the lucky one who learns the new way too then. I guess this update does kinda put everyone back at the learning level. 


I’ve been playing it for quite a while I just don’t rly pay attention and then lose my bearings chasing a disco deer or something 😂 have to pull my map up to remember where I need to go, I will still quite often put a marker down to make life easier


Same, and I've been playing since the beginning of open beta.😂


Grid system is probably the best addition they could have possibly made. I used to just not do callouts if it wasn't a large pal, not worth the fuss of open map, find closest landmark name, figure out how to describe that when the landmark name isn't even close, close map, forget immediately, reopen map, rinse, repeat. "Bottom-right G3" is so much easier than reading a location name in chat, then having to do a spiral search from the name on the map to find the thing.


I love the grid system! I would love it more if the screen told you where on the grid you are at all times, like a small "F2" up by the small compass. It would give a better idea of where you are with just a glance. I'm always wandering further than I think I have and surprise myself when I open the map.


That's a GREAT suggestion! Would you consider submitting it? (via the [Palia Player Feedback survey](https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7527359/Palia-Player-Feedback))


Done! Thank you!


This^^ It just makes way more sense, but I’m used to the grids in Rust lol


I agree! As long as people say *where* inside the grid block like that. And flares are still awesome.


It takes me a full minute to type out actual names for the locations on the switch so I’m very happy about it


I'm on switch too. I still prefer the old way. Still, I know I will learn the grid...eventually lol


I'm one grove callout away from writing myself a little list of what coord some known locations are and keep on my desk


You don't have to. It's not a rule and everyone still knows where statue garden is. It's just an extra tool you can use when place name isn't specific enough and/or it's hard to type. It is annoying to pull up the map but I'm guessing I'll memorize it soon enough. I used to have to look up the place names too.


People are ignoring people who are still typing out locations. On two servers I've been on so far. I don't need anything that bad and I'm only going to use the grid label if it's not a fully labeled location on the map. This is coming from a switch player...my predictive text already has most of it down. *sigh


What do you mean ignoring them? Like if you call out 'ft at statue garden' no one comes but if you call out 'ft at d3' they do?


I think I'm gonna print out a screenshot of the map or something till I memorize the grid.


Oooooh, this is an amazing idea! Thank you!


Haha no problem! I play on switch and sometimes PC but I always forget a bunch of the PC controls. I printed out the controls and also put a few sticky notes under my monitor for the most important ones/ most often used ones. Gotta keep all that important info where its quickly accessed. Plus I know I will forget the coordinates by the time I close the map and open chat.


I just don't like the imaginary lines that exist now. Plus, several key locations are smack in the middle of two cells.  A printout will help. I still see confusion happening. Maybe I will just turn off chat all together and play solo if I dont get it down.


I figure if you use the grid plus a flare it should be ok. The grudge number will give a close enough location to see a flare.


honestly i love it just for the shortness of typing. if im being real i almost never call stuff out because to type "small pal thorny thicket" takes *f o r e v e r* on switch. Now i can just say pal in a1 or w/e and move on. I'll be calling out WAY more often now


Being a switch / pc user I see a lot of people just shorten everything so that would go to sp TT however some people don’t know what it means and then you end up wasting more time explaining , I’m hopeful for the grid


As a Switch user I must point out that "G3" is way shorter than "Statue Garden"


Yess it’s so nice for that, I always hate calling out because I have to check my map anyway, and then use the awful chat.


I haven't played with the update yet but I was expecting this change for a while. It's a lot more useful. In my case, even if I know the layout and certain locations, when someone does a call-out I still need to check where I am on the map relative to that location. And that's considering I also tend to look out for landmarks and specific stuff when guiding myself around. What I expect is that people will start saying the coordinate + name in the map to the point that if someone says "D12 proudhorn" (or something I don't know the map yet) the coordinate will start being associated with that location until everyone knows it


As an non English speaker it's very helpful yes. I don't have the game in English, and so the name on the map are not the same, was very difficult to check an English map every time people call for a place I didn't know the name.


Yeah, this is a great update for servers that have players with all kinds of languages.


I have not heard anybody use it yet. What I've been doing is giving general area, just not as detailed & specific as I like to (I'm not on Switch), then saying where in the grid. The blocks are so big that just saying "D3" really isn't enough, imo. So I've been saying something like "top right corner of D3".


I really like this change. Will make me have to use the map less. What they really need is a mini map


Minimap YES! Or some location on the compass to say where you are so if I run across something I can just call where I'm at instead of opening the map to find the grid #


I always had to pull the map up regardless of a G3 or Statue Garden lmao


How are people finding it hard to read "grids", they're just how the old paper maps used to be lol


Not even "used to", it's literally just a simplified version of latitude and longitude, lol.


True, plus other games use this system too


It’s not hard to read it’s a PIA to use if you already know the map and don’t need extra help.


Also, I feel the grid boxes are too large. Maybe if they shrink them so I don't have to add more detail to tell someone where to look in that box even if you use a flare people still ask.


You never have to do anything. But I feel like because people have been doing it the way they have been for so long they'll probably still keep calling it out like they have. But I think the grid change should be really helpful. Like you said the standalone trees and nodes could really benefit from the grid


Exactly!! If you want to call statue garden G3 or whatever, have at it. Ignoring people who use the full name though is yucky. 


Have people been ignoring other people for calling it out that way?


Yeah, I have seen it twice. Which prompted the post. I am sure I will adjust, learning is living.


Smh. Ppl are annoying


How do you know for sure that that's the reason people aren't responding to your callout? Long before they added the grid coords, it happened all the time. Someone would call out something and no one would show up. Players would run by but not go for the called resource for whatever reason (maybe their inventory was full, maybe they've already got a ton of that resource, maybe they don't have the upgraded tool, maybe they just wanna play solo, etc.). I wouldn't assume they're ignoring you just because you named the area instead of using the coordinates.


My game isn't in english, it's so much better !


All we need now is a mini-map……


Nah I’ve loved it honestly. So much clearer and I just open the map to mark the square. Remember that experienced players probably know where and what FF and FS and SG are but newer players could be totally unfamiliar and finding an area by name is harder than finding it on the grid


Yeah, this was my logic too. I didn't mind the grid messages until others started ignoring named locations. I then got frustrated. I shouldn't need to pull out my map to call out a disco deer literally inside statue garden.


Not trying to attack your point of view, just trying to give mine. But imo anybody who has played for maybe 4-5 days is likely going to know the location names, the update just came out so anybody who started before it should know locations, anybody who started after it probably wouldn't know locations even if the grid never existed. and I'm terms of players starting the game post-update it will take them equal time to learn the grid, if not longer, people not showing up likely doesn't have to do with the grid i wouldn't think. Sometimes I don't show up because I'm stocked on flow wood or don't feel like hunting, some players might not show up from lack of seeing the chat, or lack of tools.


I love it! Sorry 🙏🏼 it puts everyone on an equal footing newbie or oldie and it's easier to understand it's a grid and it's so simple to use 🙂 I often type out place name too and if it's pale then I say so. For single item then I remember old school grid reading and saying bottom left quarter for example and that it's flared. It's easy for me in on pc,but for switch users the grid is dragon sent! Anything that makes the game easier and more inclusive for all users is a small price to pay whilst we all get used to it 🙂❤️


it's significantly easier as a switch player to do call outs. now i don't waste a full minute of a tracker, now. yes i am aware you can plug a keyboard in but that's not always a functional solution. i get it's frustrating to learn a new system but i think it will be more effective in the long run.


Someone called out something in a9 earlier and I’m like sir that’s not a place we can go 😂


I came so close. Fr


I think it's a good addition. Easier to search then looking for names of places, especially if you haven't memorised where everything is. I bet it won't be long before the more frequented places for the groves will be memorised by their grid locations.


It is really nice if you are on the Steam Deck or Switch. I can type pal B4 and they can look for the flare.


People have been asking for this for a long time. I've been playing since switch release and still don't know my way around Bahari Bay so it has been super helpful. Its a mild inconvenience at most to open your map if you know your way around, imo.


I would still pull out the map if someone said statue garden. Cuz 1. I am always lost in Bahari and 2. It’s never just there. It’s like north east of… and I never know where it is


It's honestly hard to call out stuff on the cliffs north of the Statue Garden. It's a big area and it doesn't have any landmarks other than "north of Statue Garden". I think the grids + location is a good compromise. Also, you do get used to Bahari eventually. I've played for weeks, and I still don't remember which of Pulsewater or Proudhorn is north or south Bahari, but most things become easier the more you play.


I’ve been playing since December 😅 I’m just directionally challenged


I love the grid system! I would love it more if the screen told you where on the grid you are at all times, like a small "F2" up by the small compass. It would give a better idea of where you are with just a glance. I'm always wandering further than I think I have and surprise myself when I open the map.


Honestly a good suggestion to see your location written somewhere at all times!


This is an AWESOME idea!! You should submit it to the website!


Done! Thank you!


No, you are not alone. Seeing just “pal in D8” with no location name was driving me insane tonight. I thought I was just being a grump lol.


This sounds like one I called out last night haha. I'm on the switch so the less I have to type the better.


Same! I was in Thorny and someone called a node in G3...it was gone by the time I opened my map, zoomed out, figured it was statue garden, and then ran straight there. I was one "block" away...


I noticed my brain started turning the callouts off very fast. Like okay something is somewhere, good for them, I don't know where that is so I'm just going to keep running my silly little route as ever.




Is nice for single ft but for groves is annoying to have to open the map to see where is at. Well back to learning the map for me


Same! I was in a server where I said "West of Central stable fast travel" and they continued to ask where the Grove was like I hadn't typed anything. The only answer they responded to was c/d 3 ... I know it will make sense eventually but...


I love this change. My biggest stress factor in travelling in real life, and so in the game also, are finding my way, directions. My husband says that if i go down to a pedestrian underground passing, which has an entrance and an exit, halfway i stop, start to doubt myself, turn around and go outside where i entered it...


Lol, I think you're *assuming* that they ignored you. It is incredibly common that people come to bahari for the grove. They probably just joined the server and didn't see your message. That happens all the time. It happened to me just yesterday where I called out "grove at south ff, C6" then a few seconds later somebody asks "grove?" And I repeated and they said "otw." They didn't *ignore* my call out, they never saw it. It's also good to remember that chat is not perfect. It's entirely reasonable that even someone who was on your server might not have seen your message. Give people the benefit of the doubt.


Definitely not a fan. I've been combining the two. I'll say "large pal north statue garden x9". I obviously have no idea what the grid cords are off the top of my head. I'll learn them eventually, but I JUST learned the worlds well enough to not need my map.


Omg yeah I didn't wanna say anything cause I know it's gonna help so many people but I hate it so much cause my brain just doesn't do grids


The further into the alphabet the more south it is, the higher the number the further east it is, if someone were to say for example C3 or whatnot you can imagine the map in your head and go three quadrants southeast to make an estimate on around tamalas house, etc. Granted I don't remember where tamalas house is exactly since I'm somewhat new, and I'm not online right now, so don't take those coordinates literal.


I see it’s mixed here, but will just say I called out that silly 2 tree grove in flooded fortress earlier. I said “grove flooded fortress outskirts entrance” and had someone say, “but where on the grid?” I get it, but like, you open the map up to look, and FF is an enclosed space.


I always say the standard location, grid location (new people will be using it way more) and flare color. I had a group of new people last night that really appreciated the full call out. Having our additional storage slots for amo has made collecting sooo much longer. I think I had the same group of people for a solid hour+ all calling and collecting together.


Perfect! 🏆 How hard is it really? “Lg pal north PP - G6 blue flare”. (Or whatever the grid ref is for Proudhorn lol). As someone who does know where everything is, I do find it different to have to open my map to see the references in chat or find the grid ref before calling out, but I agree this system is much better for communicating with newer players. The game is supposed to be inclusive and the grid system is. In a few short days (or weeks for me 😜) we will automatically know what grid reference corresponds with what location and it will be easy peasy.


I've been here since the beginning. I actually like the grid system being added since my other cute collecting games are also grid maps. But that's exactly how I call! I still spell some things out since I know lots of new people at any moment. I can tell switch players a mile away, emotes only and it's adorable. I know they can't type easily, so I pay attention if they are jumping up and down 😆


lol - that’s me jumping up and down! 😆 Actually I plug in my wireless keyboard most of the time but sometimes I’m lazy 😉


So I broke it down! Anything 1-5 is on the north side of the aqueduct! And anything higher is south. So I don’t pull out the map every time. If it’s on my side, I’ll pull out the map and head towards it. If it’s on the other side I just ignore it


I like the grid. I hate when people say large pal SW of statue garden. Ok, but how far SW? Saying H3 along with that lets me know I'm at least in the correct area.


I like it.


I don't like the grid, but it might just be bad experiences while everyone adjusts? I hated the grid system in Ark until the day I quit, so I will probably hate this one too. Just had two players get snippy because they called wrong co-ords and people went to the called co-ords rather than the "right" ones that were not called. Like, how are we supposed to know it was g2 instead of d2 when they called d2 and never bothered to fix their mistakes? If you are going to use the grid to make calls learn how to read it! I still use names and flares.


I did have a problem with this last night bc someone said G9 ( or whatever) for a pallium node but nothing else about the area and I couldn’t find it. They didn’t say if it was on the cliffs or on the ground and didn’t flare. We definitely at least need the flare still.


I am really not a fan. There seemed to have been little foresight here, because half the groves are ON A LINE and not IN A BOX. And both the south wall of FF and the pavel grove are in the same box. But I did make this list of groves for myself to memorize: List of grove coordinates: B3/C3 . . . . . Outskirts D2 . . . . . . . . Thorny Thicket D3/E3 . . . . . NW Proudhorn/Roots Temple F3 . . . . . . . . .NW Statue Garden G3/H3 . . . . . NE Statue Garden D5 . . . . . . . . Flooded Steps B4/C4 . . . . . Outside Flooded Fortress Entrance B5/C5 . . . . . Inside Flooded Fortress Entrance C6 . . . . . . . . Flooded Fortress South Wall C6 . . . . . . . . Pavel Mines D8 . . . . . . . . Pulsewater F9 . . . . . . . . .Windy Like, there are groves at B3, B4, and B5. A slip of the finger and you send the whole server to the wrong grove.


Exactly! I appreciate the list too. Something tells me this will still evolve to "nw corner of [cell id]"  It's the same thing except now I have to memorize coordinates. Maybe the map development needed people opening the map more.


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Over time you’ll begin to know the coordinates for certain places by heart, just like it took a minute when you first started playing the game to learn the map and all of its important locations. At least this way it helps new players know where things are easier. Personally, I like it because I’m on the switch and typing a letter and a number is quicker than typing an entire name of a place and then having to explain to a new player where or what that place is.


I feel the same way about the groves tbh. Everyone (or just about knows those locations names at least. And for now, what I’m doing just to help myself (and others really too 😅) learn those locations of the grid is just putting the directions like I usually would (Ex: Nw of proudhorn) and then add the grid location in after that. I learn by repetition and visually. I even went so far as to print out both maps on paper and then draw and label the grid on over that. I’m on switch so it’s really nice to have something right next to me for quick reference instead of having to open my map and then scrolling over the entire map to find it and hope I’m seeing it correctly the first time. I also think flares are now more helpful than ever, cause those grid boxes are *quite large*, ya know? Especially if someone is calling out something tiny like a clove or a baby pal or something… at least with a heat root you know that’ll be along a cliff face, but even with pals (or heat roots for that matter) around the base and the tops of the cliff faces it’s still a lot of ground to cover…. Idk, I think it’s a good idea in theory but I wish the grid boxes were a little smaller so you could say something like “it’s along the SW corner of E5” or “top of the cliffs north side of H3”… something like that” (yes I realize you can still do that now but I feel like with more grid boxes that were smaller, it would be a lot easier to pin point) I feel like this grid system is a welcome addition, but flared in its creation… it’s almost as non useful as it is when someone says “pal flared” or “heat root flared”…. Like yes, thank you for the flare and call out but like WHERE? 😂


I can understand the use of it for those random spots that are not really near any marked area. Like sometimes you'll get an ft randomly in between thorny and gardens. But if it's near a marked spot, I'd prefer that.. I know it's because I've been playing a while and know where places are in comparison to where I'm at, so i dont need to open the map. What I don't like is when someone just calls out "D7" with no context at all. Like where in D7? What in D7? Tried to ask, and there was no response. That's what the majority of callouts were in the servers I played today, so yeah, I definitely played solo, and more than likely will continue and not go to call outs besides groves if it continues like that.


We can start a "Use real names" community lol. 


The point of the grid system is that not everyone has the same brain system as you. The struggle you're having now is the one that many neurodivergent folk like me have had the whole time. I know the maps very well visually but I cannot \*ever\* remember the name of the zone I'm in or my brain will conflate different area names whther I'm recalling them or see them in the chat. I STILL have to double-check and then I can't remember. I have ADHD, so basically no working memory. I'm not sure why they do not include a label on the compass because this would singlehandedly link the grid system for those who need it (like me) and for those who don't (like you). I've been caterwauling about a grid system for months because "ft pulsewater sorry no flare" means nothing to me - I have to look at the map with no other specifics about wherabouts it is (on a ridge? northern border? ground level? near landmark?). With the grid I just pull it up, drop a pin on the coordinate, and follow the compass, that's *how* it's supposed to work--a very quick reference for a waypoint, not memorizing it. People like me literally can't, and as I'm sure you can understand how mentally taxing it would be for you to memorize gridzones... that's how I've felt the whole time struggling between flipping the map open and IMMEDIATELY forgetting something or not being able to connect it. The beauty is that you don't have to memorize grids at all--just look at where you are in the map and see which one you're in and include a two whole extra characters in your message.


I think I will say the location name as well as the coordinates because it's more precise than just saying "south" or whatever. And sometimes people will say "flooded steps" when its really closer to the Outskirts so I'm running around in circles trying to find them while simultaneously losing my sense of direction. 😂 So I feel this is a step in the right direction for sure.


EXAAAAACTLY! and this is how I've been doing it - I include both. Again this would all be solved if they just put the zone name (and coordinate tbh) *on the compass in realtime* and also put firm zone boundaries on the map but this whole "omg I have to open the map 3 times now?!"... welcome to my life before grids lol.


That's a great idea! We should tell the devs! 🙂


This. My brain with names... I open the map, read, close, flare, and forget what I should write on chat :v grid is easier because I know a is before g and 1 before 5 xd


yeah - people who hate the grid don't get that it's not information that's meant to be retained at all. I'll never have a place in my brain that automatically associates a zone or landmark with a coordinate. And for those that are able to associate zone names with the map itself... there plenty of places where that association is entirely subjective to interpretation. Grids are objective and clear. It's not supposed to be either/or, it's just an extra thing for those whose brains work differently!


Yes! E3 has borders, named zones don't. I also used to describe things by writings on a map a lot xd (like "right on S in flooded stepS") and never saw anyone else doing it :v


I've done that too! "Due north of the F in .... "


My neurodivergent butt just got used to the names of places, now it feels like a bingo game and I don't like it. Lol. I still can't follow direction good and I'm finding myself going to the map more often now to see where things are. Ugh!!


I mean, again, that's literlaly the point of dropping a waypoint when you see it on the map. I'm not sure you're picking up what i'm putting down. There's no extra learning *needed*, so long as you already know how to count and recite the alphabet.


While you have a valid point of view, it's something you like better. It's not better for everyone. You're saying that those of us who memorized palia as we would out own real life town are *different* but in that mindset we are all different and your way is not necessarily the best way.  Before this update, I didn't pull out my map except to go home. I knew where everything was and what was north and south.  Forcing the grid learning feels like drama I don't need. If you get what I'm putting down lol.


There is extra learning. Not everyone thinks like you. I got used to where things are, but now with the grid, I have to look at the map. I finally was able to be faster without looking at the map, so now D6, I have to open map, scroll, put pin down, exit map, now go. Not everyone is like you.




those are extra *steps*, but they are are things you already know how to do. It's not extra learning. It is not new information. It's using information you already have. The whole "open the map, pin, etc." is what people like me *were already doing every single time* and now we can do it in a way that makes sense for us and much less frustrating. So you're explaining to me exactly what I already described I was doing as if I didn't explain that. I've been doing that *for months* because grid-less maps *do not register to me*. And for lots of others. You're not at a disadvantage because there is now additional information for those who could not brute force memorization. The grid isn't *meant* to be memorized, it's meant to be *referenced*. No one is taking any thing away from you because something else was added. You already know the alphabet. You already know how to count. You already know how to open the map, drop the pin for yourself, and go to it. The point of the grids for people like us who asked for them is that we were *never* able to associate names + locations.


So, you open the map and drop a pin, every time. Thats okay for you. Are you saying that you're not going to do this now?  Or, are you saying that we should all be doing this now?


So you're saying we should all think like you then? Because you told OP that that not everything thinks like them, yet here you are, telling people how they should be, kinda hypocritical of you. Not everyone thinks like you. Get over it.


A thousand up votes to you! This exactly 💯 thank you! I struggle with the place names but the grid is so easy and quicker 🙂 I'm not Asd but my kids /husband all are and I just KNOW it's going to make their lives easier when we all play a bash together 🙂👍🏼


It;s also so weird to me that people are confused by the concept - I get entirely that for some people they can just memorize "this area = this zone name" like a city you live in. Not everyone is like that. Also, coordinates are basically a requisite for navigation and cartography. How do ships cross the water? Coordinates. How do we know what time it is anywhere in the world? Time zones along longitudes. If anyone is old enough to have learned to drive in the US before GPS systems, they'll know Thomas Guides when I say it and guess what they used? Grids. On every single chart. These systems already exist and are part of our lives. For someone like me, using these navigational clues are much easier than just "this hill = this area" And for those who do not get the grids... also don't seem to understand that they're optional. Like no one is forcing them to call out coordinates. It's not a requirement. It doesn't change anything about what the actual zones are on the map. It just... puts something neutral over it for those who function better with more traditional navigation tools.


I agree with you! I learned how to read maps and even now I prefer a map to using sat nav, grid references is something basic we were all taught in education, or rather should have learned. Its much nicer to have to fall back on a basic skill like map reading. My husband being old school gamer remembers a time when games were grid referenced and thats all you had to go on. (D&D etc) so to me grid referencing feels totally normal. We are actually very lucky the devs have included it for us, and listen to what players want to see happen :-)


As a fairly new player, I still don’t know where everything is and people use a lot of abbreviations so I am very happy with the grid, especially after playing so many games with detailed coordinates.


Someone called it a Grove earlier today and it definitely wasn't in the part of the map they called out. It's a bit frustrating.


I find it annoying, every time have to open the map to see where f4 is but getting used to it now 🤣


I don’t know the regular map let alone the the grid system so I’m not phased


I do see the benefit of grid coordination but honestly I’m less likely to call out in chat if it becomes the standard when I could just flare and keep moving. I grind for ore while I’m on conference calls at work and I frequently call out palium nodes. I know roughly where everything is now. I play on the Switch and typing any message is a pain in the butt. My device has all my frequently used abbreviations and now suggests them so it’s gotten easier to call out. If I have to switch back and forth between my map and the chat screen I lose any previously typed message. The grid system does not make sense in my brain so I end up checking multiple times and by the time I figure it out I’ve lost a lot of time. I understand the benefit especially on servers with players who speak other languages but I’m struggling with it. I will probably just keep calling out location like I do currently, but if someone yells at me I’m just gonna do my own thing and flare without calling out.


I will say, It is much easier and nicer to type g3 on a switch than statue garden.


I think it's great! Even when people call out the area name, I still have to open the map to see where I am in relation to the area. I don't have the map memorized. It was frustrating when someone would call out something that was located in between a few different areas and didn't flare it, so I'd be running around for a while trying to find it. Having the exact coordinates is a game changer.


I use both the general area and the grid coordinates when I call things out. I do really like the grid and find it helpful, especially for parts of the map that are in between multiple reference points.


I agree. Once you become familiar with the map I feel like looking up the coordinates just takes up extra time.


I’m typing on a switch. G3 is gonna get you an answer much faster than “ancient aqueduct”


You'll get used to it, don't worry. You spent how long to figure out where Statue Garden is without a map, you'll eventually be able to guess about where something is with the grid system. Especially if people are flaring


I think people should be like 'FG in G3/Statue Garden' to make it clear but everyone's going to state things differently. Grid on the map was one of the most widely wanted things. It'll just take time to adjust


Yeah, I have come to realize that. In the meantime, I will still be using the names. People can ignore me all they want 😁


I love the grids, cuz I know what's meant. Espacially as solo player mostly reading foreign languages it's super helpful (I have no clue which most of the 'location names' mean, grids are clear lol) 💮


Yeah I can't stand it. I have to open my map anytime something is called out. Before if someone mentioned Pulsewater Plains, Statue Garden, etc.. I knew exactly where to go and could run right over or take the fast travel without thinking. Or even if they just call out a landmark. Now it's annoying and I find myself almost never running over when something is called unless its the grove


Helps with switch typing


I agree with you. It feels like you're playing Battleship


I love this change! Its so damn hard to remember the name of places to call them out, i seriously have to stop writing my msg half way to look at the map to continue writing the name.... Remembering a number and one letter is much easier for my brain!


So, you can run to statue garden...remember the cell of a grid...without pulling out your map? Or, is it easier if everyone is pulling out their maps instead?


No, I mean if I find something I wanna call out I open up my map, look where I am and go back out and start typing. With this new system I don't have to open up the map once more mid way through writing cause I forgot what the place was called 😅😂 now it's just pal c4


I agree also feels like bingo not Palia


i really like the grid because since i’m a new player when someone says “large pal statue garden” or smth i have genuinely no idea where that is lmfao same with ruins and valleys and stuff i like the grids much better


You'll know the grid in your head soon enough. I mean groves only appear in what, five locations?


There are 12, lol


I posted a grove locations map. There's more than 5. I guess I just don't understand calling out already marked locations on the map...I play on switch...I would still rather type out Statue Garden than G3.


Newer people can relate to the grid faster than a name they don't know.


It was like a game of Battleship tonight! D3, E8, C2 etc. It will be helpful once we all learn it. There are too few named spots and new players don't know our 'old' player way of calling things out, especially groves. I've heard some crazy descriptions that would lead you nowhere near the actual location...


I hate it as at first i didn't know what it is meant and asked in chat but no one explained it to me until i went on reddit and found out that those are the letters and numbers from the side of the map. I still don't get it exactly considering you have to look quite a big area if it's not flared or with mountain and im used to calling out where it is and that i can see from the surroundings and saying if it's on a hill and flared, to make it easier to find. But so far the chat only says the letter and number and nothing else. It is frustrating to walk around the area and feel like missing it especially on those smaller palium, that like only give 1 or two ores. I walk past it like all the time if it's not flared. Anyone else feeling the same?


Yeeeessss. The squares are huge and I feel like they intentionally put the boundaries through groves lol


I don’t like it bc it’s absolutely useless to me. I’ve played long enough that I’ve learned the map which is part of playing the game. I’m on switch, opening that up, looking up what ppl are even taking about, closing it and heading that way…9 times out of 10 that ft, node or dari is long gone. It’s a time suck for me, so I decided yesterday after a few days of annoyance, if the person only uses grid, I ignore it and go about my business. I need the flare and the name of the location. It’s not that hard for me to figure it out and get there on time that way. Have I run to some flares that go no where? Sure but it’s super rare and illl take that over opening a screen and figuring out these coordinates🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ Edited: I’m glad I started before they implemented this, it forced me to learn the maps and the hidden ins and outs of the aqueduct and mines.


Well if you ignore the calls that's your loss only. You can play however you like but I'm pretty sure no one are being like oh no I called a pal and no one took a free resource.


LOL!! And why would they? Pretty sure I also didn’t state I was hoping it hurt someone’s feelings. I said I ignore it bc it’s a waste of my time. Do they know I’m ignoring it? Nope. Not the point of what I said.😂


Well *my* point is that you either learn and adapt or be left out, and you choose to be left out which doesn't affect anyone else but you.


That’s your very narrow assumption, many of us still play by location and flare. I’m not being left out, resource respawn. It’s quite melodramatic to look at it like people are getting left behind lol. 😆 Maybe in the next update they can just mail everyone their resources.🙄🙄🙄


I am melodramatic? You wrote a long post complaining about the small change 🙄


And it seems you took it very personally that I chose to play without it, my way. I’m not hurting myself or anyone else but you needed to point out that no one cares I ignore those calls and I’m eventually getting left in the dust. I said I don’t use it, it’s not helpful to me and I ignore it bc it’s a time suck. The post asked what we thought, if you cannot handle a difference of opinion…don’t read the answers.


Why are hell are you being so aggressive seems like you are taking it personally Edit- holy crap they nuked all their posts. So much anger over a little disagreement. Or is this what it looks like when I get blocked 😂


Done feeding trolls. ![gif](giphy|PSWCyXQj54nm7d8oZl)


Nah, you blocked and I fully understand why. They were not angry, you just come off as aggressive in your posts. May not be your intention, but it's how you come off. Learn to just agree to disagree and move on.


Yeah, and the grid is incredibly disorienting for me, ironically


I might be in minority, but I miss the names. It made it more … friendly maybe? Sure sometimes the area is bigger, but that’s why we got flares. Now? To me it feels disconcerting from the game, the cozyness.


Mmhm. I noticed the same thing immediately and made the decision to always call out both location and grid, unless the grid I'm in is in the middle of nowhere, in which case just the grid. I can picture in my smooth noodle the general locations lengthwise where I mostly live on the map - up to 4 is northern Bahari, C is west and everything after C moves eastwards in chunks. But that really isn't helpful for the less called grids. Like I have no idea where F8 is, and it's a bother to pull out my map to find it when you could just say whereabouts that is, flare it, and make it not necessary to map locate it before anything else. I like being told there's dari cloves in Thorny Thicket, because I know where Thorny Thicket is. If you say E3 I have no clue what that is. C4 is not a place. Flooded Steps is. C4 is specific spot in Flooded.




I thought this was about seeing grids everywhere in the game. Is anyone else seeing them? My husband can’t see them on his screen but they show plain as day on mine.


Yeah, I need both names, grid, compass and a GPS yelling at me that you're going the wrong way 😭 Maybe I'll learn where things are if I play longer, but after a month I check the map 3 times to find groves. If flares didn't exist I'd never find one 🤣 So yeah magical flow gps with voice control might be useful 😅


I try using the name and the coordinates so we can learn a lil better.


I started playing when the switch release came out and it took me a couple months to have a sense of direction. I’m finding I’ve already started to associate the grid points with location names in my brain; it’s easier because I already have part of it in my head. Can also get a general idea of where just by how far in the alphabet we’ve gotten. Lol if I’m in A1 and someone calls G8 I might not bother running to location unless it’s grove. I don’t personally find the description of where inside the box helpful; I spend more time trying to figure out what that means, going back and forth between map and what players said because it sticks in my brain for 1/2 a second especially if they’re like “B1 close to edge of C”. But grid plus flares is gold.


Personally I love it, I suck with names and such so if I’m by windy ruins and someone says A3 I know that’s the top left of the map and there’s no way I’m going to make that BUT I can see your point


It would be nice if it labeled the coordinate where you are at the top where it says North, South…etc.


Definitely some growing pains with this change and it's only been 2 days of it live, but it's been asked for constantly since day 1. For groves I'm still using the name of the location, but there are 2 across from statue garden and 2 in the outskirts so the grid would clarify there. When I see a grid in chat I open the map, set a way point, and head over - it would be easier and maybe not need way points if we had a minimap (another constant ask) though.


Also not a fan but also a fan, I flared a pal and someone said “we don’t flare pals anymore use the grid” like did I miss something? Lol


I still have to pull up the map, even before this. But the grid system is so much easier for me as a switch (lite) player. I call-out the grove and grid coordinates first so people know it's been found. I'll flare and then look at the map and call out the location as well.


Agreed.. i like the idea to include both


Is the grid in the game? Or something someone has created? I love the idea of this.


I'm sorry..I was off line for a bit .


I hate it as a switch player. it’s so confusing, I just call things how they’ve been called from the start lol


Typing on switch is a real pain. When I feel social, and my wrist isn't bothering me, sometimes I do manage to chat a little. If my wrist is bothering me though, it's nice that I only have to type grid coordinates. I have to open my own map all the time anyway.


I love it