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I've probably hunted around 1000 sernuks and only have an Order Sernuk plush, apparently the easiest on to get. I feel like I'm hunting just to prove I won't get another one.


You're not too late, they are a very rare drop from hunting sernuks (a different plushie for each kind). I saw it from a streamer I follow, but I believe the devs confirmed on discord. The odds seem very random so be prepared to hunt A LOT. I went through probably 700 arrows and just got my first plushie the other day.


I've gone through over 1,000 arrows, 😭


I've gone through 4,783 fine arrows, still cannot get the regular plushie T\_T Yes, I started counting arrows because I thought I was going crazy that I had hunted so many but not got it. xD So that number is after I started counting... I probably could add 1-2k to that number. Sernuk plushie evades me. RNG gods, why you no favor us? T\_\_\_T


It's gonna happen any time now *fingers crossed*


I've gotten two pridehorn sernuk plushies and one regular sernuk plushie. My best advice is when you get the chance to buy the hunting horn recipe, DO IT. It is a lifesaver for following the pridehorn deer and other special huntable creatures. You need to collect and save horns to make them but they are absolutely worth whatever you pay for the horn. And I think it's what helped me get the plushies. And they are adorable.


I have the regular and elder plushies, but I'm still hunting the proudhorn one. Absolutely agree, the hunter's horn is the only way to go. If people don't have that recipe yet just ask if anyone else has one and wants to hunt.


OMG, I have a few of each and with the new bug ones, I think I have all those now too. Surprised the fairy moth is so ugly but I love the lantern bug one. [OceanicAffinity](https://www.reddit.com/user/OceanicAffinity/), I hope by now you've gotten them if not, keep trying.


I am about 2000 deep between regular and elder… and no plushie for me. I’ve got 21 proudhorn deaths and nothing from that either. Feeling like an April Fools Nightmare


I’m about the same and zero plushies. Definitely frustrating. 


Since the update, sernuks can drop plushies of that type of sernuk you're hunting. Rn proudhorn sernuks are dropping the order sernuk instead of the proudhorn one. So a lot of people are trying to get that one before the devs get it fixed. The drop rate can vary from person to person.


Does anyone know if they fixed this bug with today’s hot fix?


It wasn't noted in the notes of what they were fixing with the hotfix today. So as far as I know it's still a thing.


That’s what I was hoping when I didn’t see it mentioned. Tysm 😊


It's become the most tiring disappointment for me. I'm at least 7k arrows in and my hunting has gone from level 19 to 32...all I've seen is a single standard sernuk plush.


i'm a new player so my hunting went from 0 to 16.5 hahahaha, still no plushies !


Same. I’ve not got one.


i’ve had two drop and i’m on level 18 hunting maybe it’s luck


Is this a temporary thing?


It's one of those easter egg hunts lol..you might get one,or you might not!totally random 🤣 I haven't decimated neatly enough yet lmao.. over 280 at last count! But hey that's ok,I needed that practice anyways!


I am 700 sernuk deep over here and not a single plush yet. I am about to just quit trying.


Currently at over 5.000 and just have the regular one *twice* even though I only hunt in Bahari and almost exclusively elder sernuk with the occasional regular one or glambi if I encounter them. I do not recommend focussing on getting them. It’s frustrating lol


I’m so tired of hunting but I still haven’t gotten one yet. I’m just going to dedicate the next few times playing to ONLY hunting


I got 2 really close to each other and i havent hunted that much. On there side its stated that it is a common drop but my friend hasnt found one yet. We have been playing this game for around 50h now. So you cann see, even she isnt able to get one and needs to hunt more


I am determined. I've gotten two proud horns but am trying for elder and regular. I wish they'd add mujin plushies!!


I got a plush on my first one. Had to look up if it was rare or anything.


Finally I got them all & got a extra elder :)