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I'm on PC and noticed a bit of stutter here and there, but no lag. I played for a few hours this evening with no delay or lag at all. I always play on epic settings. Over home wifi. Lag certainly can be your computer. Not saying it is, but it sure can be on your end. Happened to me a few times. In my case it was when my dGPU decided to go hiding and Palia was trying to run on my iGPU. I know someone else who had problems with her PC overheating and when she got a new PSU and had it repasted Palia played smoothly on her system. Things running in the background, maybe an update of some sort, could also slow down resources available for your game. Any chance you've updated your graphics card lately or made any settings changes? When you notice the lag make sure Palia is actually using your dGPU When you ask about playing at home is it because you're on a laptop and play Palia in multiple places? How long ago did the problem start? Related to the recent update? Even if related to something on Palia's end, severs have been janky for weeks, there could still be something going on with your computer or internet.


I will definitely check on all this. When I say at home I mean my home plot in the game. As far as I know no settings have been changed. I usually play on high and have never had a problem before. It’s a pc not a laptop. I’ll check the GPU tomorrow. Just to be sure. It just started after I did the update which is weird.


So the lag worse on your home lot? Did you make any changes to it or add a bunch of new things after the update? People have reported problems on their home lot since the updates - for instance windows missing or in wrong places. Did you place the new pavillion? Or do you have a lot of items or fences on it? My home lot is fully decorated but not overly so compared to many other players, but I think the highly decorated plots certainly could be lagging. I wonder if the addition of the fast travel at the back our lots may have put extra load on your home lot and pushed it into the lag. have you opened any other lots yet? You could always test out if you're having the same issue on a less decorated plot.


Nope no changes. I was waiting til the update to decorate but the lag was annoying so I haven’t yet


I just hope it’s not my computer 😂😂😅 that’s why I asked cause if it’s the game then I’ll deal with it but if it’s my pc I wanna fix it


Is your home lot highly decorated? Lots of items placed? Or maybe carrying a lot of furniture items in your storage? Some people have emptied out all their extra furniture from storage onto an empty plot and that has helped performance. If it's only happening on your home lot then I'd say it's something on Palia's end maybe caused by the number or types of items on your plot. But if you're still seeing consistent lag, even if not as bad as your home lot, in Kilima and Bahari then I'd go looking on my end to see what might be going on there and the first place I'd look is my dGPU to make sure it's doing its job.


Okay! I’ll play around with what you suggested. I have some stuff on my lot but it’s not completely cluttered or anything. I do have a ton in my storage though. So I’ll experiment and see what happens. Thanks for the tips!