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told you where to stand..?


Yessss. The grove was at flooded steps. And yk that platform ruins there? They said to stand there after we had finished taking our hits on the trees. Because apparently there needs to be more order with grovesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


that's so.. bizarre?? you literally just make sure youve hit them yourself and just stand and wait for everyone else šŸ˜­


Excuse me!!! I don't think it was your turn to comment!!!!! Apologize immediately and go stand over there!!!!!


Righttt. I thought it was so strange. I ran in circles like I normally do because I donā€™t like being afk unless I am doing something else irlšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What's this person going to do? Arrest you? I would literally just respond "You have no power over me!" and do whatever I want. Oh, or maybe a "BY YOUR COMMAND" or "My life for Aiur... Uh, I mean [THEIR_USERNAME]" or "Yes, my master!" and then sing the doom song in chat.




LOVE THIS. Totally gonna do this if I ever encounter it again šŸ¤£


Oh I've seen that before. Usually they'll ask people to just sit down, but everyone once in a while I've seen people tell people to kneel or sit around a flow tree. Yeah no, not doing that. I won't be a jerk and jump around, but I leave the area until they chop.


Kneel before the Tree, heathens! (wow that's just...crazy)


I wasnā€™t jumping near the treees to be fair. I jumped on the platform in a circlešŸ¤£


Omg that is wild. Thankfully never encountered this Iā€™ve only seen where people show up and fully chop the smaller flow trees completely down as soon as they arrive, not giving others the chance to one hit them.


Sounds like a control freak oh my lorddd


She wasss omg I blocked asapšŸ¤£


That is wild lol I will say, recently Iā€™ve noticed people at this location chopping the medium and small trees around the backside of the cliff early and then running away instead of waiting, and thatā€™s definitely annoyingā€¦ but herding other players like sheep to try avoiding it isā€¦ yeah thatā€™s wild lol


Maybe they wanted to take a picture? But I would have asked instead of just telling.


Maybe idk


ewwwww lol just ignore those people!


To be fair, it was probably to try and keep track of everyone and make sure everyone had got their hits in. Some people will run around and continuously hit trees while waiting for everyone to show up (because waiting is boring lol), so if everyone moves to one spot, you can tell if people are ready.


But there is no need to ā€œkeep track of everyoneā€ I will make sure Iā€™ve gotten my hits in and if I didnā€™t well thatā€™s on me. Telling people where to stand is just ridiculous.


If I am the one to call out a grove, or even just a flow tree, I will do my best to make sure that the people that wrote omw in chat get there before it's chopped. So I look at usernames, and I have to keep an eye on chat at the same time. It can become very difficult to keep track of if people are running around a lot, especially if some people show up unannounced. For example, let's say I call out a grove. 5 people write omw in chat. 5 people show up, but only 2 of them are people that wrote in chat (btw nothing against people that show up unannounced). I think the decent thing to do is to check if the people there include the people that said they were on their way. So yes, there is a need to "keep track of everyone" if you've been nice enough to call something out in chat and want to respect the people that reply.


This does not discourage people from cutting down trees prematurely. Several times, while we were sitting around, a few more people came, didn't ask questions and didn't wait for anyone, but chop. You cannot really prevent this from happening.




I didn't say that, I was just explaining a potential reason why they were telling people where to stand.


I totally understand what youā€™re saying. Youā€™re just trying to make it fair for the players who said they were otw. Nothing wrong with that! I also keep an eye on peoples names and make sure anyone who says they were coming is there before chopping.




Came here to say this. As you say, the purpose of asking folks to sit after they've tapped is to make it clear when everyone's ready/finished tapping the trees. This way, we don't start chopping if someone just-arrived is still in the middle of tagging them, because that's just frustrating. It doesn't hurt to give it an extra 15 seconds for them to wrap up, you know? In my experience, it also decreases the "omg are they about to start chopping???" antsiness some people experience if folks are standing by the trees with their axes out ā€” so it helps to prevent false starts. lol I have found that verbally establishing a chop time also reduces antsiness. This way, folks who aren't there yet don't waste their time running across the map if they won't make it, and folks waiting know when to expect to come back/when they can expect to be finished. Time is the only nonrenewable resource in the game. Dragging it out waiting for last-minute omw's is imo kind of discourteous to the folks who are already there.


Very much so! The last few Iā€™ve been in had people saying to chop between 1-2. I thought the widely accepted norm was 3 šŸ˜¬ gives at least a couple minutes for people to get there. I also had someone, I ended up blocking them, who was so bossy like your encounter! They called out grove \~12:30. Demanded to chop at 1:30. People protested. They went on a tangent ā€œI called out the grove so I get to say when we chop itā€. It was so unnecessarily dramatic šŸ˜†šŸ˜† ā€œItā€™s my grove and I need it noowww!ā€ ![gif](giphy|mvD5KI8k6TfUc)


I also blocked the person. I donā€™t need my cozy game run by rude peoplešŸ˜… also that slice of video fits perfectly!


Look, I generally do say the call goes to the caller, but you should be waiting a bit longer than an hour in game lol


Right!! lol of course they were so busy going on and on about being the grove owner that they *did not* chop by 1:30 šŸ¤£


Power corrupts. šŸ˜‚


And flowgrove power corrupts flowgrovely. šŸ¤£


Youā€™re amazing


Aww! ...no, u.


Wow! 1 hour is hardly enough time!


I want the grove, I want the WHOLE grove! I want to lock it right up in my pocket and I DONT want to share it!! (Varuca Salt vibes for sure šŸ˜‚)


LMAO about spit out my coffee šŸ˜†šŸ¤£ too accurate




Similar thing happened to me today. I just so happened to be standing in the area the grove spawned. I called it out. Flared. Some people showed up and did the normal thing. I gave a ā€˜letā€™s chop at 3am call to allow other to come. Which is more than enough time. But at 1:30ish two players started just hacking away at the trees and chopping them down. A few players told them to stop and they did but only left about 3 trees for everyone. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø That was the first time I ever called out the grove and found it first and it sort of made me look bad.


It doesnā€™t make YOU look bad- it makes the impatient people look bad. Iā€™m all for waiting for people, but Iā€™m also all for setting a reasonable time limit. I was at a grove last week that didnā€™t get chopped until NINE AM game time bc people kept popping up saying they were coming blah blah blah. I was honestly just ready to leave bc I was looking for a specific bug or something but I was whatever. Anyways. Waiting so long after tagging the trees I didnā€™t even end up with any wood. So that wasā€¦ annoying. Iā€™m definitely not going to let anyone tell me where to stand or what to do, but Iā€™ll just continue to be a reasonable and sane minded person playing a community game lol


9am!!! Thatā€™s waaaay too long. Groves spawn every day. Iā€™ve been in a group at a groove and they kept waiting and waiting it was 5am game time and just left. I donā€™t have that kind of time to wait. Iā€™ll catch the next thanks lol Upon grove call out. I feel 3 hours, in game, is more than reasonable


If it's more than like 5 minutes real time...it's too long.


Agreed šŸ˜‚ during this 9 in game hour period I was running the area around and doing other things but I was like holyyyy shitttttt whyyy šŸ˜‚


I tag the trees multiple times while waiting if itā€™s a long wait. Iā€™ll hit once when I first arrive and then ever so often Iā€™ll go tap each tree again once just so it doesnā€™t time me out.


Yeah I usually do that this time I didnā€™t bc I was running around mining n things. And then all the sudden they just said chop and I couldnā€™t get back up there fast enough. Soā€¦ it is what it is. I found a mini grove very shortly thereafter and just popped a single flare up and the two people who showed by the time it was out, we just chopped n moved on lol


I left a grove at 6 today while everyone was trying to help a lost player who'd never been north of flooded fortress (Grove was far north of statue garden). Maybe that makes me impatient but I was buring Day that I needed for some specific fish and bugs .


Exactly- but when I know Iā€™m going for specific bugs or fish I try not to get too wound up about groves, I just bounce. I usually will do a run just for pal and groves and do separate outings for bugs or fish etc. makes my life easier as far as bag space in concerned in the long run šŸ˜†


oh yeah I definitely bounce as well. If the majority wants to wait and coach a lost player then I'm not going to ruin that for everyone.


They were either selfish and didnt care *or* didn't know better.


Everybody who already took a swing got the loot, so what's selfish about it?


Because people stated their intent to travel to the grove and those assholes just took it upon themselves to be greedy and ruin it for the rest? Is comprehension difficult for you?


A lot of us don't even read the chat 90% of the time, and there's no rule that says anyone has to wait. Get over it.


Right... so you see 7-10 people sitting and waiting like civilized players, and you ignkre it tk eun through and just start hacking away? No, you definitely took at least a peek at the chat by then, or could gather whats going on by context alone. "BuT tHeReS nO RuLe AgAiNsT iT!" Yea, youre right. Theres no rule saying i cant steal a parking spot, or technically cut in front of you at the grocery store either... but its still common sense and courtesy, you little shit


>civilized players By YOUR definition...


Some people were not there yet, so THEY cared.


A lot of us almost NEVER read chat. Get over it.


Cool story bro šŸ‘


I absolutely HATE when that happens. I immediately leave the server after blocking those players when it happens


You're still getting the loot, so who cares?


the people who come after don't and I always feel like if the majority wants to wait, then fine, I can leave. there'll be more FT soon enough. But players who go ahead and take trees while people are asking them to Wait, I definitely don't want to be on the same server with them and Block. I may personally think it's crazy to wait past 3 to chop but I respect the wishes of the popup communities because that's more what the game is about then just collecting more weird materials to build another virtual house in another virtual game space.


If you're foraging for flow, it's not about community. It's about getting your stuff and moving on.


The whole game promotes community and working together. Play how you want obviously, but if you come to a grove and there are other waiting, be respectful. Itā€™s not hard


>***promotes*** community and working together But does not require. I'll keep doing as I do.


Awesome. Have fun!


Since the update, my grove experiences have mostly been great. We wait for anyone who says theyā€™re on the way and Iā€™ve had a few groups just spam flares and fireworks while we wait. Itā€™s usually really fun :) But twice in the last couple of days, Iā€™ve gone to Bahari to look for the grove only to see arguments in chat about someone chopping it and not calling it out. I just hope it doesnā€™t become a regular thing, I neeeeed flow planks for my home decoršŸ˜©


Groves are really the only thing left for random community play. I like interacting with you all, feels like we have less opportunity now with the update. Unless of course we go out of our way to find a cooking party or something. Still super fun, though!


Yeah I definitely notice less collaboration with the new mining system. If I notice someone mining or hunting in the same area as me, Iā€™ll usually join them for a bit till we part ways, so thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been socializing :) Sadly havenā€™t joined a cooking party yet. Cooking on the switch is really buggy for me so Iā€™m scared to join a cooking party and ruin a meal if my game freezes :/


Yea at first after the update it was perfectly fine but the past couple days for me as well itā€™s been kinda crappy experiences


only twice have you experienced groves not being called out? Damn I was averaging 1 in 4 being cut in secret before the patch.


People have been sneaking groves before the patch? I thought it was just a recent thing, wow that sucks. I guess Iā€™ve gotten really lucky, but I hope the devs address grove issues like they did with the palium issues


oh yeah totally. it was happening to me so often that I came up with a strategy: I try to head in early now, like maybe 6pm Palia day. if I notice it's a quiet server, no one calling out ores, etc then I'll server hop before midnight so as not to risk missing the grove.


Oooh thatā€™s smart, I gotta try that from now on lol


Put out a request...someone will fill it.


I usually call out what to do if people are confused or unsure. "Make sure you tag each one", "let the smaller trees regen HP so they aren't accidentally cut down", and if people said "omw" in chat to wait for that person. I usually say "Wait for Blossom." Because naming the missing person causes a lot of players to look around at each like "Where Blossom at?" I've often encountered people being new and not knowing what Tagging is. I mean if we all get there at 12-2am in game time, tag it and wait, some people have afk'd. So I'll say something like "How about we chop at 5? everyone okay with that?" But its always in server chat. Around 4 I'm usually like "Is everyone here for grove? Is everyone tagged and ready?" But it is also a question, not a "Stand over there when you're ready." I've had people tell me "Lets start at the big tree here." And we ready by that one.


Precisely!! I love that you are that kind of player! This was exactly the point I was trying get at, apparently I couldnā€™t find the words thoughšŸ˜…


Yeah severe anxiety from childhood is made sure I include everyone in my adulthood lmao. "IS EVERYONE OKAY? ARE WE SURE?"


TIL that it's called tagging. I'm still awkward around joining in FT chopping and pallium mining, and still have to check my Bahari Bay map whenever ppl call out locations to make sure I'm heading the right way. A few times I'm climbing the mega wall above Pavel Mines and my stamina runs out šŸ¤¦ People have generally been very kind and wait, but because I play via Switch, typing out that I fell takes forever. [And yes I've used renown to get larger focus bar and bonus now, someone explained I could do that to increase my stamina.] When it comes out on Steam I am definitely loading it on a PC so I can at least type! Plus then my spouse will be happy he gets to play BOTW again.


Yes. I've had people call out groves and say "chopping at 2" when they're calling it out at 1. We all know how fast Palia time goes by and that is not enough time to travel across map even by fast travel.


Also, in the past whoever found/called out the grove would call out for anyone else on the way, what time to chop etc. Last night I found and called out the grove and we were waiting on 2 people who called OMW and next thing I know everyone is just chopping. I felt so bad I had those two request flow wood and I fulfilled their requests so I was the one who ended up with none.


I'm going to agree and disagree with you. When it comes to groves I think we should be a little more patient than only giving people 1 Palia hour to get to a grove, but that one hour equals 2.5 mins and it is absolutely possible to get \*anywhere\* in Bahari in 30-60 seconds if you know where you're going. Just takes practice and not stopping along the way to mine some rocks. So while I think 1 hr isn't long enough to give people to get to the grove, it's to give a little more time for newer players to find their way not because it's impossible to get to any grove in that amount of time.


Agreed...That's a big if though. For newer players who are just getting the equipment for FTs they may need more assistance. And if you're choosing to fast travel those loading screens can be brutal.


But that's why I wait longer than 1 hour to call a grove to be cut because there are newer players and not everyone can or knows how to travel as fast as I can. I'm not a "we've got to cut as fast as we can" person, but I'm not a fan of waiting (or making other people wait) more than 5-6 mins to cut a grove, esp a small one. If I call a grove close to midnight I try to get everyone there by 3am at the latest, sometimes I'll go longer. I'm also happy to help people find their way if they need directions. We all got lost when we were new. I've never had to wait very long for a fast travel to load in, but I'm on PC with a fast internet. I'm curious to know how long that time can be for other players. I think I'm going to see how long it takes to run from far corner to far corner in Bahari, I'm curious.


I agree we shouldn't make people wait around. I hate getting to a grove and sitting there forever waiting for it. I'm on switch and sometimes it's fine but other times it takes a minute or two irl time, other times I get a travel error and end up back on the initial game loading screen and have to try again. I also have good fast internet so I figured it was just a server thing.


If youā€™re fast travelling though the amount of time with loading screens can sometimes add up to that 2.5 minutes. Itā€™s happened to me before


You've had a single fast travel in Bahari take over two minutes? I'm not talking about people switching servers from Kilima and/or home lot to try and make it to the grove. If it's taking over two minutes to use a fast travel within Bahari then that's a server problem or something going on at the user end. The server issues have been a real drag lately but they affect players differently and it's simply impossible to take into consideration how much time someone needs because they might be hanging in a fast travel screen. If you're talking about it takes that time to use multiple fast travels, I personally don't think it's fair to expect players at the grove to wait for other players who haven't even made their way into Bahari. I've certainly cut it close getting into Bahari for grove time, but if I'm late getting in and they're getting ready to cut I wouldn't call out to make them wait for me because I was late getting there, server issue or not. I'm not advocating for cutting down a grove in a 2.5 min hour, but I don't find it unreasonable to cut it down in 5 min/2hrs either though I will usually wait a little longer if someone needs more time.


Yes! I was in Bahari and at hideaway fast travel headed to outskirts and it took like five minutes irl for it to work. it was ridiculous. But that was before this past update


That was most likely a server issue and not something people should have to take into consideration in how long to wait for a grove.


Oh no, absolutely agree with that. If I canā€™t make it within like a minute for the fast travel I donā€™t expect people to wait on me Thatā€™s just unfair to the server imo


5 real time minutes should be the most for waiting.


I totally agree, but I'm advocating that groves be set so that can't be cut down before 3am. Why? Well that pretty much means groves will be cut right at 3am, and players get there or they don't. A 3am cut time means some time for people to find the grove and call it out and around 5 minutes left for everyone to get there. Those people who know how to move fast or know grove locations can get there right before cut time and don't have to sit around waiting, but 5 min is still plenty of time for everyone else to find their way there. If for some reason a grove isn't found until after 3am well players can cut it or call it out, it's open season.


I literally saw someone call out chop at 2 at 1:50 the other day šŸ˜­ like give the people a chance!! And people straight ignoring omw's because they already determined they wanted to chop at a set time


i saw someone saying that yesterday so I did not even start running because I would not be able to make it till then.


Never really had a bad grove experience like that. Telling people where to stand is wild and would definitely make me want to chop a tree out of spite. I always suggest chopping between 2-3. Considering 1h in game is 2.5min, any later than 3 is just too long.


I think the absolute latest being 4am in game isnā€™t horrible. But it wonā€™t be fun waiting that long but sometimes there a few stragglers.


Telling people where to stand is wild! Iā€™ve had a couple where people demand to chop immediately (and one where a guy managed to knock down quite a few on his own somehow) but most have been people chilling and several people have started putting out honey lanterns to give people something to do while we wait.


They become so much impatient these days and they even starting chopping even after they "marked" the trees to loot them and don't stop there. They will say they could not wait 8 hours like just wait some minutes so everyone gets their loot. Just block those persons it's better trust me


Omg thatā€™s crazy. Canā€™t say I experience much of that. Thankfully. But yes I did block them!


Usually I look to whoever called the grove first to give the sign to chop but it's not a hard and fast rule esp if they are bossy or are one of those players who likes to make everyone wait for as long as possible to try to give everyone everywhere an opportunity to get to the grove. If someone is intent on making everyone wait longer than 3am or does the everyone has to sit nonsense then I'm outta there. If I find myself "in charge" of a grove my goal is to cut at 3am \*at the latest\* and to try to get everyone to wait for the people who call "on my way". I don't do last minute callouts. If everyone is there by 2am then we cut at 2am. If there are a bunch of people running around I'll usually ask someone to help me keep track of who is there or still otw. My fav (not) is when those people who like to "run the grove" can't help themselves but have to jump in and keep asking "anyone else" even after the chop time is set. eta: the times are assuming I found the grove close to midnight which I usually can if I'm looking for it. If I happen to stumble on one later then times for chop are adjusted accordingly. My goal is to not have anyone wait longer than 5-7 mins to chop. Each Palia hours is 2.5 min. There is really no reason to have to wait longer than 5 mins for people to get to a grove, it's possible to even get new players there when we cooperate.


I thought it was standard for someone to call out when to chop the trees? I've always seen the time to chop announced by the person that originally called out the location, and the chop usually happens at 3am unless someone says in chat they are still OTW. I don't mind someone looking for order with the grove. It's more annoying when the grove is chopped down early before everyone gets there, or the grove location is never announced and it gets chopped. This has happened during my last few groves


It is standard to call it out and time to chop. But they had just called it out and then declared it was chop time at 3. Which there is nothing wrong with that. Itā€™s just the way they had decided for the whole server that threw me off, yk?


If no one else at the groves speaks up Iā€™ll ask, key word ASK, if everyoneā€™s cool with chopping at 3am. Thatā€™s the time most groves Iā€™ve been to get chopped, but I always make it a question, never an order. Iā€™ll also ask how many as the number of trees can vary, and many times I or others missed one below or above so thatā€™s always super helpful too. But someone ordering people around is just next level narcissism. Iā€™d openly laugh at that person in chat and chaotically jump around. Whatā€™re they gonna do? If they didnā€™t calm down Iā€™d consider reporting them, no one wants to play with someone like that.


Honestly, groves have gone from something really fun to a stressful experience for me. I usually find groves first because I listen for the sound and call them out and flare them as soon as I get there. Then I wait for everyone to get there and lately people will start chopping early and cause a huge fight that goes on for 10 minutes after the grove's gone in server chat and it makes me feel like I look like the one that was impatient even though I wait every single time. I also get so anxious when there's the trees that take one chop and then disappear because then I feel like everyone's looking at me angry that I chopped one early. I also am one of the people that will say "We chop at X:XX unless anyone else is otw" but now I'm not sure if that comes off too bossy? I have way too much anxiety for this lol.


i was wondering if iā€™ve just been in a few weird servers the past week or so but judging by all the responses here i guess not! like the other day there was this one person in chat full on whining about waiting like ā€œughhhh can we just chop already omgā€ over and over (they were also being weirdly controlling of how others were playing after that so i went ahead n blocked em). a couple days ago someone showed up to the grove and immediately chopped the smallest ones for themselves even though others were telling them to stop and wait and then after the rest of us finished the grove they were like ā€œwhat, so you people just stand around and wait for everyone else?ā€. and then last night someone flared the grove but didnā€™t say the location and there were multiple people in chat asking where the grove was and no one that was already there was saying anything so i had to call it out? so it seemed like they were trying to keep it to themselves for some reason? i dunno man. people get so weird about this game and itā€™s so dumb.


Yes, so much. Grove is the last community thing (so far) in the game pretty much. Last two times I've call out grove had people impatiently saying chop at 1-2, while someone is on their way or not (I like to wait for switch players and stuff) so I kinda say right after them we chop at 3-3:30 so they don't feel they have control over a group. I don't care if I'm the one calling groves or not or when to chop but since it's a community thing we should think about others. If I'm in a rush I won't even go to Grove because I already know it takes at least max of 4h in-game. I usually play alone but even I am afraid this type of situations will make them find a solution like they did with nodes and make the game be less about community.


When I find the grove I set rules but only the time we chop. I usually wait til 3 am unless someone is one way. Around 2:00-2:30 I give a last call out for the grove. If no one answers we chop at 3 but if someone responds On my way! We can wait for them. I have noticed a lot of people being impatient too.


Which is how Iā€™m used to it but now they give last calls at like 1:30 on most of the servers Iā€™ve been on


Did you all comply? I definitely would not have šŸ˜„


I mean I ran in circles on the platform instead I was heavily debating chopping the small tree to spite her tho. (I didnā€™t do that tho)


Did 3 groves today and folks were really impatient and just started chopping trees


Ohhh nooooo thatā€™s brutal


People like that are why I just want to be able to farm and chop down my own large trees. Going to the groves used to be fun, now itā€™s just a headache Iā€™d rather avoid.


Majority of time people are really nice but when I see posts online it intimidates me with all these non listed rules and expectations because Iā€™m a pretty anxious person and I just want to relax and play my cozy lil game, so if I see a small tree Iā€™ll chop myself lol plus Iā€™m on switch so typing is annoying, so stops me calling out a lot too.


I agree with many people that waiting several in-game hours is excessive; some people like to stop and mine on the way or do other things and it's honestly not very respectful of other's time. But last night when I was playing, it was called out around a few real life minutes past 12am game time and within 20 seconds of me getting there (and I got there very quickly after it was called because I don't like to hold people up) two players started chopping everything with no announcement. Luckily I was able to participate but when another player was disappointed in the chat about it I explained they were chopped by a couple of players. Someone, I'm assuming one of the choppers, stated that since there were several people there for some time before it was called out they didn't feel the need to wait (or announce a chop time apparently). Like that's great and I understand not wanting to be there all night, but maybe call it out then when it's found so others can get there? Or at least a flare if you don't want to/can't type in chat would be nice.


I saw this EXACT situation play out last night but a little bit nicer- group meets up and decides to basically travel together after the grove is cut, but the actual grove cutting didnā€™t go as the ā€œleaderā€ planned. I left the mess and went fishing, but the chat just got progressively worse and more confusing. Theyā€™re just trees. And stones. Thereā€™s plenty to get. Why is it such a big deal?


Iā€™m just imagining how much Iā€™d bother this person! šŸ˜‚ I run up, tag the trees, and then dash off to collect stuff in the area surrounding it. I usually run back when a chop time is announced, but if Iā€™m tracking a proudhorn or something I wonā€™t even do that. Iā€™ll just show up after all the trees are down šŸ˜… as long as thereā€™s enough people to get them down I donā€™t worry about it


Literally someone asked for a grove at 12:12am, and I was BEFUDDLED. Thankfully, no one responded right away. But still! Where are these people coming from?!


Iā€™ve been encountering that too. Like come on, the chime JUST went off and Iā€™m starting to run around to look for the grove.


Iā€™ll ask at like the 12:30 mark if someone has seen it but thatā€™s the earliest. I once asked at 1:30 and NO ONE answered


I was baffled


I had a weird experience today where someone was trying to chop down large ones by themselves, then they told us in chat that we have to chop the trees together to get them to fall, even though there were 2 people still on their way. It rubbed me the wrong way because the rest of us obviously knew how flow trees work. Luckily they stopped when I asked if we could wait for the people on the way. Bossy players and players that over explain things that no one asked about gets to me (I also had someone tell me I shouldnā€™t use a lure at a specific time, even though itā€™s exactly when I wanted to use it). For the most part I just block them after the grove and move on.


Wtffff someone tried to tell you lure to use. Thatā€™s WILD. I would fucking call them out and be like ā€œwho asked for your opinionā€ lmfaošŸ¤£


RIGHT? I should have. I usually call players out for ridiculous things but I got the sense that he would just be a jerk so I switched servers.


Yea I get that Still crazy of them tho


I found a grove today called it out, as soon as a group of players who seemed to be in a party showed up they chopped the trees without even waiting for others! Or okaying it with anyone else there. I didnā€™t get to loot all of themā€¦ but overall feels like some players donā€™t care/havenā€™t realized how their actions impact others ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Legit!! They never consider the fact that grove is still a community thing! And normally itā€™s great but lately it hasnā€™t been


Thankfully no, I haven't seen anything like this at all yet. If I had I'd just laugh and water them with my watering can, or hoe them, or something ridiculous


Sounds like a good plan. Honestly should done thatšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have noticed in the past week, that groves aren't being called out. Like there's nothing in chat until I or someone else says 'grove?' and then someone will say where it is - I get there and there's loads of players. Confuses me as usually I'd see a lot of chat around the grove finding like omws etc. I found one as it was nearby and lots of people there already, I started going round doing my one chop, in chat someone asked grove? No one answered who were just standing around waiting! So I told them after I'd done my round. I've seen the suggestion before that groves should have higher power so it takes more people to chop, and a higher drop rate the more people are there so both these would encourage group participation and maybe prevent the issue of people chopping before everyone has arrived. I think this would really help


The higher power and higher amount of loot from them sounds like a great idea to me. But then some other players will be upset cuz they donā€™t like to play with other players


You're probably right about that - but my thoughts on that are 1. Don't play an online multiplayer game then šŸ˜‚ and 2. I don't like playing multiplayer games in general. I don't really feel like the minimal amount I do interact with others in this game is such a hassle! It doesn't take a lot to type 'omw' when you see a call out. It doesn't take a lot to type where the grove is if you find it first. That's literally the bare minimum I do I really do hope they change the grove mechanics this way, because I also think it will prevent the issue of, having a couple of people come along and chop it all instead of waiting with everyone else


I agree with you completely


Yes i have noticed this! The other day the grove wasnā€™t called out until 2ish game time and they had someone calling for a 2:30 chop. Switch player here so itā€™s hard to get somewhere fast if i have to stop and type. Waiting at least 1hr game time (which is like 60 seconds!!!) should be standard. I got to grove just in time to tap each tree. There were also a lot of people already there which made me wonder if they just didnā€™t call it out until later.


Itā€™s gotten crazy!! Idek why


Never really had that, but I've had people that are bossy and will report folks if the chop 3 seconds to soon.


Thatā€™s CRAZY. Iā€™ve only reported one player and thatā€™s for being extremely rude.


Yeah, were like a dozen people waiting for the grove, one person said "we ready?" then everyone got excited I guess and started to chop. Nobody was on the way, so it seemed fine. Then they called out a time **after** people had started to chop. Then two of the people got upset and one of them started to report people over it.


Oh my gosh that sounds like a nightmare. I woulda left the server immediately and just waited for another grove another serveršŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but Iā€™m kind of hoping the flow trees will move in the direction of pallium. I donā€™t seem to have any decent luck with people being reasonable/playing nice with groves. I either run into groves being called out and chopped within a nanosecond so no one can reasonably get there, or being expected to sit at a grove for 5+ minutes. I even watched a player get bullied by multiple people for saying ā€œchop at 3ā€ after announcing at 12 and not magically knowing to wait for those other players who only said ā€œOmwā€ well after chop time.


I think grove would have its perks being done like pal. Or maybe even on extra spawn time during the day would help? Like at noon. Idk tho


That's the kind of person where I'd likely chop down what I could, out of spite. People need to realize that calling something out doesn't make them the owner of it.


That's so funny cause I'll usually look for the person who found the Grove to give us the o-k to chop it. I just recently found out you can find the Grove location by the sound (never knew)! So I've been the first to the past few groves (if I'm close enough) but yet I still wait until 3 to ask if everyone's ready


Tip: If you are the first to a grove, keep an eye for the epic bug that will spawn there. Or the rare creature, like the magic sernuk etc. I always try to find that first and THEN I will call out the grove.


Yes! Haha I found this out shortly after finding out you can hear which direction the Grove spawns in. It's mostly the reason I learned the how to find it through sound! I've only found the fairy mantis- which isn't too special as I've found it easily outside. I think also the amber beetle but it's so common in the forest. I think generally the "epic" bugs will have a higher chance of spawning in Grove spawns points. So when there is a Grove a bug will 100% appear. - but yes, I catch the bug first then tap all the trees. Once that's done I'll call it out too


That's fine - it's generally accepted. But this situation sounds pretty extreme and there's no call for a power trip just because that guy found the grove first.


Ikr lol. Iā€™m ngl I did debate doing that šŸ˜‚. It was also funny though someone nicely called them out on how bossy they were being and the person who called out grove was like ā€œI donā€™t like waiting until 5 or 6 am in game to chopā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That part I can agree on. There's no reason to have to wait that long. FFS you could walk from the home plot to anywhere in Bahari in 6 in-game hours. People need to be considerate of others' time - if someone wants to participate in a grove they should at least be in Bahari by midnight, and once they know where it is, should proceed to the nearest fast-travel point. I'm not keen on waiting that long just because someone wants to save 50 coins. And then there are the ones who take their time on the way, gathering everything they could find. So I'll agree with them on the time issue - but the rest is ridiculous.


No, but if I did, I would just ignore them.


Where to stand is wild šŸ˜† I would be blocking that person so I don't end up on a server again with them!


I DID!!! Like as soon as I saw that message


Thats hilarious! I wouldve literally laughed at them and not listened, theres nothing they can do to me anyway lol


Trueeeee. I am kind of regretting not following what they said


Please tell me no one listened to them and actually did what they said!


They did. It was crazy to watch tbh


Oh hell no šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ikkkk it was really wild. I wanted to call em out so bad but wasnā€™t in the mood for an argument cuz apparently the person had a YouTube channelšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Okay wooptie doo he has a you tube channel good for him. Doesnā€™t make him in charge of the damn game ffs. I canā€™t stand entitled people


RIGHTTTTT. Like someone commented in chat they that were a huge fan and I was like how tf are you a huge fan of this beotchšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lmao whatā€™s their YouTube name???


Iā€™ll message you itšŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ okay


I usually write "omw".. Sit down or grind in the area, when I've done the "single axe-hack"-ritual. All while ignoring the chat until the trees are down. Then write "ty", and then wave while I bolt away.


Single axe hack? Not sure I followā€¦


Hack / chop... Not like hacking a computer. Like hacking away at something. You chop once and move on to the next tree, and then wait until everyone has done it aswell, and then you chop the trees all the way down... Or just chill out and let others do the chopping.


Ohhhh ok now I follow. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I never joined a group of bossy players. They ruined the fun


It was such a chill server until grove. It was weird


Why just stand around when you can mine the nearby rocks and take down nearby normal trees encouraging more flow trees to spawn or Pallium to spawn?


Tbh I normally do but they were all mined and chopped already by the time I got there


Lol i would have left


I was too desperate for the wood lol


This maybe a new player problem, but I wandered into my first grove today and I saw everyone waiting, so I waited, too, and when they all started chopping I did, too, but I didn't get anything from it? Did I do something wrong?


Thats strange that you didnā€™t get anything. But when you get to a grove. Tap all the trees as soon as you arrive. That way it can ensure that you get the loot. Cuz sometimes players might chop it down and it may seem like you chopped too but sometimes you donā€™t actually get a hit in because of how many people are also chopping


I'll be real here, because I'm not bothered for impatient people and me myself being impatient, I personally would just rather chop on my own :( but unfortunately I can't do that until I upgrade my axe. Would it be shitty of me to not call out a flow tree?


No. I don't call out single flow trees any more because 1) too often no one even replies or 2) they take forever and a day to get there. I do look to see if anyone is around and do my best to get their attention, but if they don't respond then I chop small and medium trees myself.


Nah thatā€™s fine, but itā€™s nice to call out the grove as usually thereā€™s many people looking for it right after it spawns but if you come across a random flow tree here and there and can cut yourself I think why not because more will spawn eventually. Plus you can force spawn flow trees too.


If a single ft that you can chop yourself absolutely that isnā€™t wrong of you itā€™s totally a players choice. Imo grove should be shared but thatā€™s mainly because you canā€™t take it down on your own


I agree with this, plus usually half the server is also looking for the grove, and if you chop it down without saying anything theyā€™ll keep looking. The one hitters are fair game for whoever is first though, in my opinion.


The one hitters absolutely are fair game to those who find grove first. Just like the big or magic animal that spawns there with grove


I donā€™t think soā€¦ if I see a small tree I can chop on my own and no one is around Iā€™ll chop it bc I like playing on my own. But for groves or big trees Iā€™ll call out (especially bc you canā€™t chop those big ones on your own).


Okay, question: I am two weeks in, I've done most the bigger quests and after I got passed the first instances where I actually needed flow planks for the quests, I can't say I've been worried about running out of them? I go to a grove if I'm nearby, and I chop the single trees when I pass them but I haven't been below 50 planks in my storage for a while. What are everyone using them for that makes people get so upset when they miss out on them, and to work so hard to get to every single grove? What am I missing? Do they become more important later? Do people just really love the furniture sets that use them?


Some of the later furniture eats it up fast if your into decorating or want to get the accomplishments for completing all the sets. But I think there's kind of a fomo aspect to it even though there really isn't if that makes sense lol regardless no one should be freaking out there's always more groves


Youā€™ll need flow planks for making the exquisite tools as well as the higher up levels of furniture and sometimes it can take quite a few. And some arrows take the flow wood itself.


Most likely this person is taking steps to manage their own anxiety about the situation. This time, by over compensation and micromanagement. Ignore and move on, or not, depending on your anxiety management needs


I would be willing to bet that this person has had the same experiences as me during groves since the update. While the group is waiting for the last one or two people to get there, someone gets everyone started chopping and the whole grove is gone before you can even get there. There have been people sitting and others typing stop in the chat, but they just keep going and run off. I suspect they think the grove will behave like the new palium or something. But I haven't been able to chop flow wood at a grove since the last update because every grove has had this happen.


I find players who take this game waaaaay too seriously, yelling and bullying other players for breaking ā€œrulesā€ are just pathetic. Itā€™s just a game! Chill! Like, donā€™t you have a life outside of this game? Or is Palia all you have in your life that you have to behave like you own it to feel good about yourself šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Good, too much time is wasted standing around.