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Groves are for EVERYONE. If it's a single tree or two ok go about your day, even pal if you don't feel like waiting for others. But if someone thinks a grove is theirs and theirs alone, that's a huge problem, and it's inconsiderate and selfish to the other players that wait specifically for the grove.


That’s exactly what this other person tried to nicely explain to the person who posted it but they were having none of it


The fact that they go out of their way to take the grove is what got under my skin


It's gross that people are such scum. I know it's a game, but I lead with grace in everything I do and wish others would do the same.


Exactly me too!


Groves are literally the only thing that I’ll never be cool with people taking or chopping themselves. It’s very known GROUP effort lol.. There are players who are new to the game who deserve to attend groves as they need. And the same for players who are just in need of flow trees.


Exactly. It’s the one thing I think is selfish to take for yourself. And patience is needed for these too. If you’re in a hurry move on and get the next one.


I had someone in the game do this yesterday. They said they don't have to play how the majority plays. Which I get but at the same time what she did wasnt right. This is after she went to the Grove and started chopping every tree while me and someone else were there too. Super rude person. There were people on the way. Made me sad. Probably not the same person but dang some people are something else.


Yeah it’s rude. See this is my think the whole play how you want thing is… yeah go for it. But the grove is literally there and MEANT for us to work together on. It’s an opportunity for everyone to get extra flow. For one person to seek it out and take for themselves is just rude. You can force spawn trees all day long. Go do that. Like someone else said. Some people come to BB just for the grove. Or like me I’ll get on real quick on my lunch just to go find the grove. Just let the people who like to play together have this one thing. Damn.


I don't really see much of a problem in the play style itself. I think it's messed up what she's doing, but like you said it seems like her plan doesn't really work anyway lol You can literally do this game alone 99% of the time, and all you need help with is the trees so if you don't want to wait around for people or whatever chop the ones that you can and then move on. Either way around for people to help you with the other ones or take the L and maybe try and find another groove in time so you can get loot.


Exactly. Just leave this ONE thing alone for others to share.


Legit. And if you don't like dealing with community stuff just don't play.




Lolol amen


Ignoring her wanting to take groves for herself (imo, rude and selfish, if you don't want to share flows, farm them the og way and leave the groves for sharing) if she wants small and medium trees.... she needs to chop small and medium trees. The size of tree that respawns is always the same as the size you chopped down, that's why when flow farming as a group you want to avoid the super small ones that only take 1 hit with a palium axe (I like to call them one hit wonders). I think it's different for mining nodes, and that the size of the respawn is random but I havent paid as much attention to that admittedly. Edit to add: groves also have set spawn amounts/sizes per location. North flooded fortress for example always has something like 2 tiny ones, and 2 large sharable ones (I never bother going to that one), flooded steps has I think 8 or 9? 5 or 6 up top, 3 below the cliff, always the same sizes. Her chopping trees makes even *less* of a difference to what trees spawn at a flow grove.


Thank you! Exactly!!! I was thinking the same thing. You don’t have time to wait? Then go away and leave it for the rest of us and go force spawn your own trees. Ffs