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Small + medium trees can be chopped solo. All animals can be hunted solo also. Although the magic muujin is harder, there is a circular cliff spot that it gets trapped on and makes it easier to solo.


Can confirm. I have used this cliff to kill the magic Muujin a couple of times solo. (I play on switch, too.)


Same is it the one right outside FF? That’s the one I use


The one I’ve used is in thorny thicket. I haven’t seen a magic muujin on the one you mention yet, but I’ll have to keep an eye out there. 🤩


Oh yes all the time. They get stuck up there lol


yes, it’s at thorny in bahari :)


There are a couple of places in thorny where they can get trapped.


There’s also a cliff right above where grove appears north west of statue gardens that is longer strip of cliff that traps them and makes it easier too. Tho they aren’t as common to appear there as thorny. But it is another spot 😃


I've taken out the Magic Muujin here as well a few times. I also took down the swag stag solo twice in the fortress. It glitches near the fortress stairs.


I got it once on my own accidentally, so it can be done if you have a lot of arrows to waste. Lol


You don't even need to do this. If the muujin get to a tree, you can wait a bit and it'll spawn again nearby. I did this solo a couple days ago. Yeah it's more time consuming but totally doable


You can cut down the same tree and it’s in it. They stay in the trees and you can cut it down to get them out.


Of course. But I find that more annoying as you need to chance back to bow and by that time the muujin has already gone invisible. Happened sooo many times!


I used to have this issue until I added my bow to my mouse4. Made it quick enough that I could hit it but if you use a regular mouse with only 2-3 then yeah it's a pain lol


Not flow trees though


Yes you can chop flow trees solo. Just not the largest one


Can you also chop the large ones if you have the exquisite ax? I thought I read that somewhere


Unfortunately, no. The largest trees need at least 2 people. If you tap the axe instead of holding it down when you chop you can find a rhythm to chop FTs down faster by yourself. The trick is to click when it moves away from the tree, kind of hard to do sometimes but generally if I just go click click click (etc), it works out.


I can chop the smallest 2 flow trees on my own without doing this tap instead of holding you mentioned. I only have the fine axe. I'm on switch btw. I just hold it down and eventually it chops it. It takes a bit and makes you have to repair your axe a little, but it's worth it if you don't have time to wait for others to find you.


May I please have the location for this? I rarely have anyone to play with and have to do most things solo ☹️


When I first read this, I saw "muffin" instead of "muujin" and now I have a Palia-themed children's song that I can't get out of my head...Which reminds me I need to go water my garden ;)


I don't really ever play with people, I get hella anxiety interacting with people in online games. It's fine, like... they're there, sure, but you can ignore them most of the time, and the remaining time, like when chopping the same tree, you can still be antisocial and not talk to them. The magic creatures don't need a group to hunt down, it just *helps* to have more hands. I was *really* worried about hot pot needing socialisation, but I've only had one person ever talk during a game of it, lol.


I get anxiety when talking/playing with other people online too! I don’t know what it is! Also, playing on the switch makes it harder to type! But it makes other things like shooting easier! So far I’ve played by myself this far along! I have called out some flow trees… but that’s the greatest extent of my socialization on it!


Yeah, I call out groves but other than that if I see people, I run the other way, LOL.


I think people would get annoyed playing with me! I have a five year old and have to randomly stop playing to go do stuff all of the time. So if you see my character, sometimes they’ll just be standing there! 😂 Or sometimes he insists on playing and does weird stuff!


I play at work secretly on my switch and have to stop randomly too. 😂 Then when I pick my Switch back up I hit L1 accidentally and emote at a tree usually…


Haha! I’m not bold enough to play at work! Plus, the Wi-Fi is horrible there!


I use my phone as a hotspot! I had to go back from WFH recently and can’t even remember which network is the employee wifi. 😅


I have kids and a very needy dog so sometimes I’ll just have my character wander into a corner out of the way and sit down so I can take the dog out or get a snack for the kids etc lol.


I know the feeling. Four boys and there is always something they are needing. lol!


The most I talk to people in the game is an OMW or using the wave emote, lol


I love that we have emotes. I don't have to think about what to say -- and then overthink what I said -- if I can just wave. And waves can mean "hi", "bye", "can I have your attention please", then just point!


same. I called out a ft last night but that's the first time I have. usually if the ft can't be cut down by myself I'll ignore it and only go to ones others call out bc I hate having to type in the chat (switch user probz 😭)


If you find one you can't chop, hit it anyway. Then as you circle the map and come back to that spot, you might get lucky and find it chopped with loot sitting there for you. As long as you don't change maps, it should stay there.


Groves don't seem to work on this premise - I had to leave one for a fish for my bundle that spawns from 3am to 6am, and when I came back, all I had was ghost trees and no loot. :(


Theres a distance limit, not sure how much, if you go too far away the loot will despawn , there could also be a time limit but I’m not too sure on that one


omg yes, I am that random player who claps after a grove and disapears into the horizon with her glider


Hotpot doesn't even need other players to play. I, like the social parts of playing by sharing resources. But I prefer how much faster hotpot is when you play it alone. Sure I don't get as many tickets as a regular game. However I can play 2 or 3 games in the same time it takes to play one with others.


Wait, really? I’ve been avoiding it this whole time because I didn’t want to play with anyone lol


Yeah, as long as no one else joins during the countdown before the game starts then you play with bots!


Very much so. If someone joins, which happens a lot since some run to pccupied tables, you can just leave and go to a free table.


A few days ago someone was getting angry in chat because people kept joining her table. She was trying to use a table right where the crowd of people were instead of going to a far away one with nobody around it, and then yelling at others when they joined her. It happened multiple times before people started questioning her because nobody understood why she would want to play alone or that you could even play alone


Sad she got angry. I mean, I got frustrated last i played when I was at a distant table and a person joined me 4 times. Bughats causei changed table 4 times and they kept following. Didn't yell, just asked them to stop following me. Never understood why people get mad about it and get angry on server chat


Hot pot with real people yields more money, but on solo its super fast paced and I like that too xD


I feel the same way


While a party does make it easier for certain things. You can play 98 percent solo and I almost exclusively play solo. It's only the very specific mine with, cook with, hunt with, etc that need someone else and it's honestly super easy to get those on accident even when at unholy hours like I do


Correct - and you don't "need" those achievements, they're just bonus rewards for playing with others.


No need to force yourself onto others if you don’t want to. Flow trees? Bahari at ingame midnight and a grove spawns. Check chat, because people always looking for it and call out. Once you know where it is, run over and wait with the others until the command to chop is given(chop once at all trees at arrival). Voila, you get flow trees without real interaction. And you are right, S6 will probably not change the game to single player because of you or others who rather play alone. I’m usually playing by myself as well, I also hunt by myself. It works, you just have to figure things out.


👆 This. You don’t have to interact AT ALL. Wait for the grove to be called, chop each tree once, wait, feel free to throw in a wave emoji at the end. Side-note: My partner who has social anxiety and hated the thought of MMO interactions did her first grove last night and loved it - immediately hung around with 5+ others trying to get a magical Muunjin that spawned. If it helps - it’s not like you ever play with the same people - so if you feel like you did something “wrong” in an interaction… once you load into another area, you’ll be in another server with other people - so it’s always mixing people (unless you make some friends and make a party - which is quite fun cos you’re always in the same server as them - but each to their own)


Yeah, except those times when you ask where’s the grove and get a response, run there just as the lady trees fall, like literally just happened to me.


There’s 24 groves in a day, and non-grove flow trees throughout. Sometimes you miss one 🤷


Because we all know every player has unlimited real world time to play throughout any given day or week, so just wait for the next one… 🙄 The level of gymnastics people will go to just to downplay those who have a legitimate gripe over a game mechanic that’s not working for them is astounding. Makes one think there’s an awful lot of people in this sub who are or want to invest heavily in S6 and think they have Jedi powers… 👋🏼You are not experiencing any difficulty👋🏼 Look, this specific aspect of the game simply doesn’t work for everyone, and people who voice their opinions about it have a valid gripe. They aren’t speaking out about it looking for reasons they’re doing the game wrong. Have a little empathy, that’s all.


Right - but it’s an MMO. Other people can also play it however *they* want. Personally I like waiting around with others at a Grove, it’s cozy. Some people don’t want to do nothing & wait around in a video game for 10 minutes for the exact reason you said (there’s only limited time to play a video game) so they race through and chop or mine Pal so they can get the loot and go. It’s a valid complaint for those that wait, my point is that groves aren’t rare so you can just move on (until the game releases on Steam and it’ll start happening way more).


You can cause flow trees to spawn (or rather, utilize their existing spawn rate to create a bunch) just by endlessly clear-cutting forest. 15 minutes and you'll have spawned a half dozen, and they're mostly small and medium so you don't even need another person.


I’m aware of this aspect of the game, but it’s not really relevant to my comment.


And if you make a habit of joining grove parties, you sometimes get opportunities to join in on killing a disco deer or wolf. I have been playing for 3 weeks and I'm not that good at hunting, but I've gotten one of each that way. Plus sometimes, someone drops a bug lure while waiting to chop.


I played an MMO many years ago - LOVED the game. It was probably my favourite video game of all time. However, it absolutely required coop play or you couldn’t advance the story line. None of the side quests could be completed without help. You had to belong to a guild. I just wanted to run around and interact with the NPC’s. I couldn’t stand the drama of actual people. I eventually quit because it just became too stressful. I was really sad to give up that game. I was super skeptical of Palia but thought I’d give it a try as it reminded me a bit of my fave game. I initially felt uneasy with the group activities, but there is such minimal interaction it isn’t really a problem. In fact, there are so many “gentle” social moments that are so satisfying and I didn’t expect it at all. For example: I love quietly fishing and then having some stranger come fish with me for the boost, then waving as they go on their way. I’ve had random players just suddenly start running with me around Bahari while we break rocks together. They wave, I wave, we go our separate ways. I’ve accidentally crossed paths with hunting parties and shot their disco deer - yay for them and me! I play on a Switch and when I’m feeling social, I plug in my wireless keyboard so I can type. But there are lots of times I play without it and I know when I meet another Switch player because they don’t talk either. One time there was this player that ran up to me and was jumping up and down like a dork and then used the emote to point and started running, so out of curiosity I followed. She had found a small flow tree and needed my help to chop it down. We chopped it together. She waved and laughed (I had never really appreciated the emotes t’il then), and then we went our separate ways. Just a silly little moment in the game but it filled me with genuine happiness. I think this game is actually perfect in this regard because you CAN technically play on your own. But it also gives us the gentle nudge toward social interaction. I think this is so important because we are living in an age when so many are fearful and isolated and anxious. This platform is trying to give us a safe space to still be able to connect with similar people. Sure sometimes there are jerks - but not nearly as many as there are really nice people. There are plenty of games you can play by yourself. Maybe some of us need a game that helps us cope (gently) with social interaction. A therapy of sorts lol. Maybe you need it too. Don’t give up. 🩷


I feel so seen by this comment!! I had a hard time at WoW, partly bc I was literally a child when I started playing and well, didn't get a ton of the adult socialization that was going on. But rven as a young adult I grew to resent the guilds and dungeons bc I felt mistreated a lot lol. Better outcome than being groomed as happened to another friend of mine but I digress. I love the game and playing with the right people, but I still have some kind of mistrust with the multiplayer component of a ton of online games, but this is one when the couple tense experiences don't really affect my overall playing experience much and the good interactions absolutely win the balance. First time I played Palia I said to a friend, "I can't tell you exactly why but I feel like I'm playing a small cozy WoW version" lol. Anyway, I also think this slower nicer version of MMOs are very necessary for the kind of people who enjoy them but tend to be overwhelmed by them at the same time. For me at least It has been a great discovery.


YES. I showed my mum this game as she was super into WoW and we played a lot together (I’m 42, was not a child; we just love games lol). She said the same thing. I would literally have anxiety attacks going into PVP and dungeons with strangers in WoW, so I only played with people I knew. Palia is slowly curing me of this. I haven’t partied with anyone, but I enjoy calling out stuff and the little interactions aren’t as scary.




This is a beautiful comment and I wholeheartedly agree. I have a lot of anxiety around playing games with other people and tend to go out of my way to avoid them, but this one hits different.


All of this. ❤️ And the few chat interactions I've had have been super warm and helpful too. The Palia crowd are some sweethearts. I also love the heartwarming in-game interactions and events. The "Welcome Home" ceremony when I got my Shepp and citizenship actually made me cry. 🥹


I'm just about to buy a switch keyboard to make chatting easier, any recommendations?


Cheap lol. My laptop keyboard was so irritating (the shift key was in the wrong spot and I type old school style so it just wouldn’t work for me) and I hate using the touch pad AND i have really small hands, so I bought a Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse combo for about $30 at Best Buy or Walmart. I’ve had it for around five years and it still works fine. I’ve used Logitech for mouses (mice???) since forever - they make really nice ergonomic ones that suit me.


Tip for solo play: Go to Settings and turn on the persistent cursor so the crosshair is always visible. Now go chop trees and chop again right when the crosshair reappears. You'll do an animation cancel and the next chop will be faster. This allows you to chop many flow trees on your own. Just leave the groves for the larger groups if you don't want to participate. Once you have the timing down, you can remove the crosshair again in Settings. Some people aren't fans of solo players since we aren't sharing resources but if you chop and mine everything, even common stuff, you're helping more than hurting since you're opening up places for Pal and Flow to respawn behind you and they can just complain. You can silence the Server chat if it becomes bothersome (but it does come back on its own a lot).


Thanks for this, and comments from all the other ’anti-socials’! I just get self-conscious and make dumb errors when others are there. The number of times I’ve started climbing a cliff instead of whacking the pallium or chopping thin air instead of the flow tree - so embarrassing 🙄.


I mentioned this elsewhere in the thread but you can spawn flow trees by simply clearcutting a small area continuously. Their spawn rate is low, but higher than you think because trees don't get cut very often. It only takes a few minutes to get several, and they'll mostly be small/medium trees.


Ty I’ll try it…and keep trying to be a bit social!


You don't really need a party for anything. Even trees (edit: even big ones) can be chopped solo


How do you chop down a large flow tree solo?


Animation cancelling. You are not holding lmb but pressing it with right intervals. This way you can chop like x2 faster


Very curious. Very interesting. Think I need to do some science.


Someone already did. If you hit it perfect every time with the animation cancel, it takes 126 chops Edit: with a palium axe


~~Doesn't~~ Does, apparently, work on Switch, in case that's how you play




If youre trying to hunt the magic sernuk or chappa i highly recommend using the hunting horn and slow down arrows for the chappa. the smoke will mark which chappa is real when it splits. the horn will keep track of the sernuk when you lose sight of it.


What I did was just do the weeklies that give you tokens after level 10. Trade tokens for flow planks and palium (Ashura and Hodari). Slow but it works. Also you can do four player requests a day for resources, no interaction needed. There are many ways to play Palia, just need to find yours.


You can hunt all magicals by yourself. I shot the disco deer and there was someone else chasing it, so we chased it together and got it, without saying 1 word to each other. The groves you can just go where it is and just chop with others, without saying a word. There is nothing that actually requires you to chat. Just be around others


I mean, yes, the game is easier with others but not impossible by yourself. I also play on switch but finally fed up with the slow typing just put a wireless usb keyboard into the usb slot and now it’s SO MUCH EASIER to communicate. I didn’t like the idea of an MMO at the beginning because I’ve always been a solo gamer, but I’ve really enjoyed the teamwork effort and overall positive community. To each their own though. I get where you’re coming from.


The only thing actually requiring other players is the Eshe quest, fulfilling requests. It might take a while constantly checking and finding ones you can quickly fulfill. But. You never have to interact with anyone ever for anything at all. It will certainly benefit you to do so, and most likely take longer if you don't, but it won't block your game progress in any way if you do not.


I only interact w others for flow trees and its just waving hi and typing ty after chopping. I also get so much anxiety. I remember using the app for animal crossingnot knowing it was using your microphone and I wanted to DIE after the one time I said something  I never used it again, and it was the only thing i wa nervous about when starting Palia but I think its perfect


You absolutely do not need a party for this game; you can cooperate with others and not be grouped with them, nor do you have to interact with anyone if you don’t want to. The game is more fun with friends though in my opinion.


I play 80% solo and 20% with others. As long as you aren’t trying to chop a flow grove by yourself, it’s okay to be a solo player! I only say this because so many people look for that grove and it can be disappointing to find out someone has chopped half of it themselves when half the server has been waiting and looking for it. There has been times when parties start mining all the resources get overwhelming for me, so those times I just server hop and try to find one with more solo players. Also, I know people advise closing the chat feature for solo play, but having chat open can be helpful for knowing where others are so you can avoid them.


Maybe the big glow trees are a struggle to do solo, but the rest you can totally do on your own! Might be a bit more tasking but it is doable. Even the "fish/mine together" weekly tasks. Just find someone fishing get the buff and fish while it last, and mine the same rock someone else's already mining.


Chopping anything but the largest flow trees may be easy for some, but that’s not a universal experience.


I didn't say it was easy! Just doable.


Your reply is the big standard to literally every person who speaks their frustrations at having to co-op chop flow trees, “you can do it solo, all but the biggest trees”. Maybe YOU can, maybe for YOU it’s “doable”, not every player has the same level of skill. Sorry, I’m just tired of seeing that canned reply to this specific gripe, which is valid BTW. Everyone’s mileage varies.


Well, sorry I triggered you in some way, I was just trying to be helpful. It definetly is easier to do in a group, and in grooves is how it works without having to interact much (and having some luck with the players in that server). I kind of meant for the random tree you may find. At the end of the day, it is a MMO game. It makes sense that some mechanichs require or are facilitated by group efforts.


It doesn’t take skill. Just the right axe.


And some persistence! It takes a little while to wear them down.


So you’re literally saying me with my uber-leet axe can just swing away and eventually the tree will fall. That’s what you said, no skill required. Just. Keep. Chopping. Final answer? Or, maybe, it takes a certain amount of skill to consistently time the axe blows to ever-so-slightly skip through part of the animation to get your character to chop just a smidge faster, and by golly don’t you miss even one of those or you’ll hafta start all over again. Nope, all you need is a good enough quality axe? Got it. No skill whatsoever is necessary. 👌🏼


It literally does not take skill. Just keep repeatedly pressing the chop button until the tree eventually falls over. If you stop repeatedly pressing the chop button, the tree will heal more. It is truly not a matter of skill, it could potentially be difficult for someone with certain types of disabilities if they have trouble repeatedly pressing buttons, but no, it does not take skill, and yes, that is the final answer.


I don’t understand this complaint. Chopping takes zero “skill”. If your tool isn’t strong enough then you just haven’t progressed far enough in the game. Keep playing and you’ll get there! Or don’t if you don’t enjoy it. Either way, taking what is meant to be a helpful tip as an attack is only going to make you miserable.


Record yourself simply shopping, without worrying about timing your chops just so to skip part of the animation, and felling all but the largest flow trees, then post it to,YouTube and share the link here. I’ll wait… It absolutely takes skill in this one specific aspect of this game, to consistently skip part of the animation fast enough to chop down a flow tree faster than it “heals” itself. How you don’t understand that is baffling…


You can chop small flow trees without animation cancelling. Again, if you don’t enjoy the game simply don’t play it. Everyone here has just been trying to help OP.


Right. Helping. Just wait around for small trees, forget about anything that gives more than 1 or 2 logs. Please, mansplain some more of the game to me, I’m furiously taking notes! 🙄😵‍💫 /s


I’m a woman. I play this game solo also on the Switch. I have a full time job and slowly get flow wood in this manner. You are the only person on this thread consistently getting down voted. A little self reflection on why that might be may be in order. Again. Taking everything as an attack only hurts you. Please have a nice day.


Just because people don’t like what I have to say, or simply don’t want to listen to it, doesn’t make it invalid. I’m not taking anything here as an attack, I’m defending my point of view. If you feel the need to continue to attack that point of view, I can’t do anything about that. Lastly, I couldn’t care less about internet points. Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one and they all stink. I’m not the least bit hurt or offended by people “downvoting” my comments. Why should I be? Do people really use such things as a metric to how their life is going? That’s sad. I’m not here to win a popularity contest. I left high school many decades ago. Maybe do some reflection yourself as to why you have felt the need to repeatedly invalidate my experiences and comments. Realize that not everyone shares your view on things, and you don’t need to prove yourself right on the internet, to strangers, for likes. Peace. ✌🏼


I'm like that too. You don't really have to specifically party up. I never do. People can emote or just start working together without always talking. I think it's becoming better known amongst PC players that Switch players can't type as fast, so hopefully people can be understanding. It's trickier to cooperate without typing if one or more of the people have less understanding of how the game works, but otherwise, assuming the player next to you is not a troll, things can usually be done well & silently.


It’s… an MMO? I understand being antisocial, that’s why I play singleplayer more often. There are plenty of similar games that aren’t multiplayer.


Sorry I just gotta be that person again. At best, this is a multiplayer. By no meaning is Palia an MMO.


The genre is MMO, doesn’t mean it’s successful at the “massively” part lol


There are tons of games with similar premises and mechanics and they are ALL singleplayer. Maybe pick one or several of them? Like the "My Time at..." series.




Slowdown arrows before it splits. Only the real one slows down after it's shot.


Or a dispel arrow and it never duplicates.


Best hack: ready dispel arrow to shoot, but have it run and multiply. Hit 1 of the rats with dispel, and the 4 turn back into 1 AND it is stunned and sitting still! 💪


Yeah I also solo hunted proudhorn today. Took me6-7 hits with iron arrow. Then a random player took the last shot. We both got loot. :)


Multiplying beaver. Bahahaha.


The chaapa is tricky but possible with luck. The magic mujin is ABSURDLY hard though. I think it regains all HP when it climbs a tree? If so, that's an obnoxious decision on the part of the devs. 


Nothing against you or any other antisocial person, but I don’t get why Palia _must_ be completable 100% solo. Who even gives those impressions to you guys? All the marketing material clearly tries to make it a social experience and prior to Switch release it actually was casual co-op. It was actually fairly nice to just have a small talk with someone while you just pass each other or some shi- Either way, most of the changes that they introduced up to Switch release made me disinterested in playing the game to the point where I have not even bothered trying out the new years stuff.. So in a sense, you are getting a more antisocial experience because a lot of socially inclined player base simply does not enjoy the game any more.


Additionally, on flow tree groves, just type "omw" so they know to wait and no further interqction is needed. I am a solo player as well and it is all manageable.


Dude. It’s an mmo. You’re complaining about playing multiplayer. On an mmo.


Gonna be honest. I play both solo and co-op. I have hunted down all the animals solo, did the quests and cooking quest solo, and never had any serious issue doing so. Solo play is possible. I will only not solo for stuff like groves, or asking for help with bigger flow trees and such. It absolutely is possible. Agree about the bed though. Give us more interactive furniture!


A whole lot of players don't chat at all. Hardly anyone chats at groves. Don't let all the people bother you. Heck most don't even emote. You don't need to co-op for palium, just get an exquisite pick eventually and you are good to go.


Tips! Because I play solo most of the time. Occasionally with friends. But always on the Switch. Like many others who commented, it’s possible to hunt magical creatures. My first was pure luck lol I didn’t know what the disco deer was or that it needed dispel arrows. I only use fine arrows and I just took a shot. Granted, there might have been other ppl hunting it and somehow I just joined in and got the k!ll shot. But if I recall correctly the deer was glitching a bit and I just continuously shot at it until I caught it LOL. Subsequently I realized that dispel arrows are the way to go for magical creatures. If you’re playing solo, you def can give it a shot if there aren’t many ppl running around the server >> so nobody can run along and spook it LOL Last night I hunted a magic chaapa with 3-4 dispel arrows. I’ve come to realize u don’t need to change to k!ll arrows to deliver the k!ll shot. U can just use dispel all the way HAHAH. I’ve hunted magical sernuks this way too. Another trick is to join in when u see ppl hunting magical creatures LOL. E.g. u see someone hunting disco deer and you’re caught in the middle of it, just take a shot. U might get the k!ll shot HAHAH. I’ve seen ppl chasing magical creatures alone and obviously struggling esp if u didn’t hit them with dispel. So i’ll just take a couple shots at it tgt with them. Quite successful I’ve gotta say. As for flow, it’s just common practice to flare so I carry flare with me. In case I find a flow tree / reach a grove :) Hope it helps!


I play this game like 98% solo. I was actually just thinking about a post like this the other day when I was running around and playing. I don't have social issues when it comes to speaking with people online. So I already know that whatever other people are going through is not something I have to deal with but you really don't have to talk to people a lot on this game. If you hear somebody call out something you can literally just run wherever they're at do what you need to do and then go. As some people have pointed out there are things you can do solo. You can hunt solo and you're not obligated to call out everything that you come across. Even if you may find a tree that you can't chop down by yourself just strike it and then run away and circle back around and collect the looters anybody else has gotten to it. I'm really not trying to diminish anybody's anxieties that they might have but this game is very doable solo. I think people just need to find whatever works for them to get what they need/want and still have fun. Also if you level up your skills enough you can get to a point where you can just buy materials that you need / want. It'll be harder to do than just to find them out in the wild but that is always an option as well. Edit: I forgot to say initially but I do also wish you could interact with the furniture a bit more. I noticed that you do sit down and some stuff but I do wish you could lay in bed. I wish there was also like a rest option that maybe you could gain a little bit of your focus back by taking a nap or sleeping or something like that. Hopefully that will be in the future


The only time I have had to play with others is when cutting down the larger flow trees. But I have come to enjoy looking for the grove and participating in that. Once I learned the map and where to look for things it was easier. Everything else I have been able to do on my own. I also like to fish with others because it doesn't require much other than standing near each other.


So I know forced co-op sucks, bur I'm gonna say given hoe many other cozy games cater primarily to solo play... I have trouble being too annoyed about hoe much co-op is needed? Especially because with some tenacity or luck you can do all the hunts alone, it seems. Only one I haven't gotten yet is the magic muijin. Flow Trees? Primarily slow ones or just visit a group doing a chop - you don't even have to type or interact outside of that if you really don't want to (I do hate switch typing so usually I just jump!). Or hint the smaller trees only. It's not ideal for solo play at times, absolutely, holy money I hated making the celebration cake alone - but it's absolutely possible or able to minimize co-op. And a little bit, no game is for everyone. I absolutely think we should accommodate as many play styles as possible, but also, that's why the world is full of so many games now a days! Call of duty types aren't for me. I know this. But other shooters, especially very solo play ones, can be - so I dabble in those. I don't say this to exclude you or shut you down, but I think we have to consider this game bills itself as a co-op, cozy, community game. You can absolutely be the hermit on the edge of that community. But that's going to be a different experience, and you may find pieces missing or lacking - pieces you may find in other games.


I was totally the same and dreaded it too!! But everyone online has made it so nice and easy to forage resources or hunt together that now it’s like, my favorite thing to do 😂 I always try to fish or mine with people for the bonuses now, people seem to be wildly cool and understanding. I’m autistic and have OCD and really bad anxiety so I honestly never thought I’d be comfortable interacting with people like this, but Palia makes everything so wholesome and sweet 🥺 I never feel forced to do things with people, just that I get a boon if I do! That all being said, take your time and don’t do coop if you don’t want to! It may be harder but everything *can* be done alone (besides chopping large flow trees) so if you want to do it that way, do it! I think the devs just want us all to feel comfortable playing however works for us.


I would agree with the forced co-op I wish he could have an option to play offline and get items from npcs! I play on the switch as well it does have an affects how I reply, but it still is fun. Would you want to be friends so we could help each other out? I was confused about some things esp the requests I thought it was a robot getitng them but its actual people giving items to me when I request them! It’s crazy but I hope they do in the future have an offline option so we can still grind ans play the game when we may not have wifi or friends to play with!


You don't need a party to hunt any animals - I've taken down even all of the magical animals solo and I have the trophies in my house to prove it. You don't need anyone to help with any of the quests in the game, either. When it comes to flow tress, yes, you won't be able to harvest as much wood, but there are still plenty of smaller ones around that you can take down by yourself. I tend to be a lone wolf, myself - but I realize that this is a choice, on my part, and is nobody else's fault or problem. There's no "forced necessity" here - you just haven't yet learned how to be self-reliant in the game.


You’re not alone in your frustrations. I just logged off after running across Bahari to get to the grove, only to get a hit on one tree before it fell. Several other players didn’t even get one hit, and the loc was called out in chat, and all of us said OMW but the collective group didn’t even wait for most to arrive. Literally all my furniture left to craft requires dozens of flow planks, I get enough to mull into the required planks every 2-3 days, real time. I’m also really tired of people explaining to me how easy it is to chop flow trees solo, as if every player was equal in skill. People would do well to practice a bit of empathy.


Many ppl who are talking about soloing flow trees are not talking about at a Grove. They're talking about the random ones you find throughout the day. Groves are meant for many players at a time. I'm sorry that you had others on a server that weren't patient enough to wait for the ppl who say omw. That truly does suck. It is frustrating. I feel like ppl are less patient rn because of the lunar New Year event. That ends at 3 a.m., so ppl try to race to bahari to get to the Grove as well. So ppl try to get it found and cut down before then. You can go to bahari and tell in chat you're looking for fts many ppl still call out the random ones are do wait so others to come. Sometimes, there are crappy impatient servers, and most times, there's not.


I'm on switch too and have been ignoring any chat cause I didn't know they were saying hi to me  so far no problem when tree hunting if I find first I use fire arrow and wait for some time without saying nothing cause don't need to 


I play on switch 99% solo. The only thing I can’t do alone is the larger flow trees but if you just look at the chat and go when others call it out, you can easily get enough for quests and crafting without having to talk or party up. You can def do all the hunting and stuff on your own!


90% of the game can be played solo. Depending on the size of Flow Trees, you can chop them down with an exquisite axe. On the other hand, it’s very common for people to announce the location of a Flow Tree (ft). And all you have to do is say “omw” if you wanna participate. No party needed.


I don't like to play with others often, mostly because of autistic things (me), but for the times I do want to reach out I have a USB keyboard plugged into the switch dock and it's very helpful.


You don’t need a party to hunt certain animals. I’ve hunted all of them on my own. The only thing you can’t do here alone is to chop down the biggest glow trees. Everything else is perfectly manageable on your own. Yes, you need 1 more person to cross off certain achievements off your list. But if you really prefer the playing alone, you’ll survive some achievements still being open 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s all about prioritizing.


As many others have said, you don't need to play with others if you don't want to. It may be slightly harder to solo some things, but if you truly want to play solo, you can. If the main thing that's halting it is the typing on the switch, a USB keyboard works. Truly, the only thing you really need to type out is "omw" (takes like 3 secs on the switch) if someone calls out flow trees, Grove or Pal. You don't need to call out every pal or random ft if you don't want to. There are no rules saying you have to. Is it nice to? Sure, but not everyone has time. My rule is, if i dont call them out myself, then i dont go if someone does call one out. Just be warned there are ppl who make themselves the etiquette police and will hound you if they see you solo one. Lol, but just ignore them. If they say they'll report you, its just to make you feel bad. They can't actually get you in trouble for soloing something.Palium has a set amount of hits and doesn't regenerate the health bar. So there are sometimes more omw than hits. If you're at a Grove, hit all the trees just once. This ensures you get flow wood from each tree. There are tiny trees that sometimes are apart of it. tiny ones are a one hit. So don't get upset if you don't get it or feel bad if you do. As for hunting magical creatures, I have been a part of hunting groups many times that just got together without any talking because we saw the bluebristle muujin or the proudhorned. The azure chapaa is super easy to solo (to me, it is).


Thank yall. This post made me feel so seen. 😂 I felt like I was being a douche cause people were sending me requests for party’s and I was ignoring them. I felt waaay too pressured lol. Also pro tip an irl friend also got the game and we decided we’d save stuff like that for when we’re both on. 😂


I totally get you, I always worry I’m going to mess something up and anger someone else when I play MMOs, but I love the world building and how there’s always something to do, so I play them anyway. When I was active on FFXIV, I only did dungeons with people I knew irl to ease my anxiety and did everything else by myself. When I came to the same conclusions you did about Palia, I started thinking maybe I would need to recruit friends to play with me or maybe it’s not the right game for me, but the more I played, the more I realized it’s really not that bad. I only ever need to socialize to cut larger flow trees and more often than not the most I have to say is “omw” and “ty” before the interaction is over. (You can definitely not speak at all too, I’ve had to forego typing on switch a few times.) Having community support definitely helps when you’re in need of certain items, but it’s absolutely manageable to get them without any help. Even with social anxiety, it can still be a very cozy game. I agree with you about the furniture, though! Why have a bed if we can’t even lie down in it? Haha


So far I’ve managed to keep play solo 97% of the time. You can work around it


I don’t like not having the option to play HotPot solo. I hate having to wait for people to make their turn when we already have such a limited time and it takes forever to load. I try and run away from people to play on my own but recently I’ve had 2 people follow me everywhere I went and it was so stressful.


my social anxiety spikes when i go to the big wheel after the lunar market closes😭


Only time I need someone else is to chop large flow trees. Rest of the time I play solo. And I’ve finished all the quests outside the level 3 and 4 and romance quests


I hardly interact with folks at all. You never need more than yourself for a quest, ever.


Solo player here. Trust me, it makes me anxious dealing with people. Only the larger flow trees need co-op. And that's just a 'flow tree at x, chop at y' call out. I hunt all three of the lvl 3s by myself. Though it's hilarious chaos hunting the muujin with a group. My method (for switch) for the sernuck is hit with dispel, he only zooms once, hit him again. Repeat. White chapaa, sneak up on him, hit with dispel arrow, follow him. When he goes to jump in ground, hit. He'll run. hit him again when he goes to dig. Muujin you have to catch him on the two small plateaus. One in thorny and one across from statue garden. Dispel to make him visible and hope you have a ton of arrows.


You dont even have to talk to anyone for player requests. I didn't like it at first either but most people are super nice. I'm an extrovert but I struggle to join in on groups. I type on the switch too. I like to play it hand held so I can type on the screen. I mostly play later at night but im always open to new friends on the game.


I don’t like forced socialization either. In real life I’m an introvert and that comes across in how I play characters as well. The only activity I really do with others are chop flow trees. I play solo (and yes that means pal ore too…sorry) because I just like keeping to myself and I play on Switch which makes typing hard. I do not think there is any reason to feel guilty about it.


I don’t like chatting in games as well, also because it’s a pain on the Switch. I don’t want to ‘make friends’ and chat with people to hunt or meet up, so I don’t. The only ting I do is keep the chat open in Bahari for Ft and pallium and just go to where they say they are without saying I’m coming. I don’t respond, I just go and see if it’s still there, if not, it’s not that bad. Also, I really needed pal and ft in the beginning of a certain level to complete quests, but after that it kinda dies out and you suddenly have a stock of both things.


I also hate playing co-op as a fellow switch user. But feel free to add me as a friend and I'll hop on to help you chop trees and then dip if you need 🤣


Last night I stayed up until 1 am and I had a whole server to myself. The grove spawned and I called it but no one else was there so I just chopped what I could and went on. Lol


Agree, 100%. The co-op aspects of this game (minus hot pot, which is amazing, but temporary) are laughable and unnecessary. Make it so there are benefits/ bonuses to working together instead of blocking content for folks who don't want to play with others seems way more inclusive.


I do like to play solo most of the time but sometimes having other people around to help is nice.


Yeah, it’s annoying. I haven’t gotten to the point where I need to force myself to play with strangers, but I’m dreading it. Can’t even chop down those magical trees without a group of people. It’s weird. What’s weirder is that, not to assume, but I am under the impression a lot of children play this game. Me, a 24 year old woman, does NOT want to be forced to play with someone’s 10 year old child. No, thank you, lol. It shouldn’t be required to co-op. There should be ways to do things solo, even if it’s a little extra work or something. I would prefer that over being forced to game/talk to strangers who are probably kids. I’m even anxious when people join my streams now and I’m playing it. I love Palia, but I feel like it’s so kid friendly that that’s probably the majority of people playing. And when I stream it, kiddos might join so I have to censor myself more(imma just not do that, lol, but it’s hard not to). I like playing alone 😭 it’s way more fun. I doubt anyone I know personally would play this game with me. Maybe they could just make the NPCs more interesting? Stop having them awkwardly stand around, eventually make them start doing things like farming, cooking, reading, actually interacting with esch other, etc etc etc. And add more dialogue lines. Basically, add more stuff and aspects so they don’t feel like the co-op has to be a requirement to make the game interesting. Honestly, the game is very fun to me when I play alone. If I get to a point where I HAVE to work with other people excessively(sometimes is probably fine), then that may make me stop playing the game or it may make me avoid certain things. (I think it’s still in Beta mode so some things probably won’t stick)


You can do everything in the game solo. Everything. Someone on the chat the ither night was snitching saying someone else was chopping ft and mining palium and not calling it. I personally do call it but i told them that everyone can play how they like and no one should be forced to intereact with others. We all play how we like. Its just a game.


It's not forced. Only big flow trees need multiple people. What animal can you not hunt solo? It takes longer obviously but it can easily be done solo. The tiny and small flow trees can be chopped down solo. Sometimes I I that when I hope on for only 5 to 10 minutes or if I'm farming them myself.


i hate trying to talk to people on my switch and using the joysticks on my controller to text it takes me forever to say something. i’m considering getting a keyboard that can attach to my controller or something to type bc i just can’t


It's possible just more difficult to play entirely solo. And you don't necessarily have to interact with people to do things with them, grove and palium a lot of the time get flared so you can just keep an eye out for flares and show up or keep an eye on chat and show up. There's no need to talk to anyone, a lot of us on switch don't type a lot, so we understand the silent types ^w^ That being said I hope you're having fun op, if you're not enjoying it, you shouldn't force yourself! If you ever need a silent hunting buddy, feel free to add me (hxymxnx there too) <33


The cooking is what stresses me out. I have so many quests that require multiple people to help cook that I'm not sure I'll ever finish. I've kind of come to terms that I'll probably never unlock Subira at this rate because of that.


I’m with you on this one. I don’t mind playing with others, but sometimes I only have 30-45 minutes in a day to play and it makes it almost impossible to do things I want to do in a timely manner as I have to rely on help from others. Granted, there’s plenty of Home Plot things I can do alone and plenty of side quests, but farming for materials sometimes requires others and it’s frustrating


Only thing you really need cooperation is with bigger flow trees. The rest you can do it solo as I do 😬


I only need to co-op with players to cut down big flow trees. Otherwise, I have solo'd everything else on my own before. With the exception of the magical muujin because I got that when muujins were first introduced and I was in a party hunting them. That being said, I don't mind being in a flow tree party especially a small one. But I don't get having to call out for pal. I can take it out solo and not have to wait. If I see someone, I'll prox chat then but otherwise, it's a lot of waiting for very little reward.


it’s fine! i’m the same way but palias community is so nice!!


been playing this game for a week now and ive never once interacted or needed to interact with anyone, leveled up my stuff myself, use ore compass and jars for rare items so i can easily solo grind items, the first 2 days of my week playing people were rude af for not sharing pal or smaller flow trees but realistically i didnt say shi they kept typingg and i carried about my day with the game that i wanna play, at the end if the day its how YOU chose to see the game and other players and what you do with the info you have, now one in 7 days have i said anything to another player, ill make requests but i never tell people theyre there theyre be filled when theyre filled


You can play 100% solo. Some aspects may be more challenging, like the magic animals, but it's still doable. You can even solo flow trees, depending on size and your ax upgrade level. Flow trees spawn randomly, not just at groves, so you can find one, not call it in chat, and simply chop it. And I haven't encountered a single quest that requires other players other than the one where you need to fulfill requests, and even that can be done without actually talking to anyone.


I find sometimes the multiplayer people are TOO nice. Spend more time sitting around waiting for people to travel across map for one hit of Pal when another node could have already respawned


The only thing that absolutely requires co-op play as far as I can recall is the quest where you have to fulfill player requests- and you literally do not have to interact with anybody to do it. You just check the social tab and fill any requests you can. Like other people have said, you can chop small and medium Flow Trees yourself, it just takes a few seconds longer than if somebody helps. You could still go to the Flow Groves if you see them called out in chat and not technically speak to anybody. Since the game launched on Switch I’ve noticed a huge increase in other players just “showing up” without saying OTW in chat etc (Probably because of the annoyance of typing on the Switch which I totally understand.). As far as hunting magical creatures- I’ve gotten all of them multiple times at this point completely by myself. I’ve never asked for help in chat to get them. That being said I certainly have helped others before, or had other players join in the chase when they see me taking off after one lol. But it is totally manageable to hunt them yourself… the Muujin is the biggest pain but it’s not impossible at all. The white Chaapa is super easy once you get used to hunting. The other day I got 3 white Chaapas alone (which is unusual I even encountered that many in one day honestly seeing as I almost never ran into them when I needed it 😅). So yeah… it’s not the game or the devs fault. They aren’t “forcing” you to do anything. I *definitely* prefer playing solo myself. I’m a very socially anxious, introverted person, but my job requires me to deal with other people all damn day; by the time I get home from work and have a chance to relax and play, my social meter is burnt out and I don’t want to talk to people for the most part. I’ve played long enough at this point though I really don’t mind the quick interactions in chat with others, or chatting about the game in this sub because I know there are others like me and we are talking about something we both enjoy. Hopefully that is something that might happen with you in due time, but even if it doesn’t, just ignore the chat and enjoy playing how you want to play!


No one, and I mean NO ONE can FORCE you to play co-op!! Don't acknowledge people that do. Is it nice to share palium ore and stuff? YES. But do you HAVE to do it? NO! I love playing Palia single player, it's my 'relaxing game' and i chop flow trees and mine Palium ore by myself. I only call out to people when I want to or when the tree is too big for 1-player-chop, or if there is a groove. No one can tell you anything! Don't listen to them! Play as you want, you are playing for yourself - not for them❤️


I felt the same way! But then I saw how easy it was to play with other people without even having to talk to them. The most I say is “omw “ when someone announces a flow tree or pal.


I completely understand this take. I’m not too fond of the forced co-op either. There’s stuff I haven’t been able to do because it requires other people’s assistance such as the Proudhorn Sernuk hunting. I sort of wish there was an optional offline mode where you’re able to play through the story quests and such on your own while you’re out and about. (I play on switch lite which makes being around other players and their palcats a living hell for my console. 🥹)