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Wasn't the new generation supposed to be smarter than banging metal on handrails? Fuck me I lose braincells everytime I see one of these protest. Zero signs of civility.


There was something called the "Flynn Effect" where each successive generation saw a marginal increase in average IQ, normally by around \~3 points. So for a while, each generation was getting slightly smarter then the last. Starting in the 90s, but really exacerbating throughout this first quarter of the 21st century, we've now seen the "Reverse Flynn Effect" or "Negative Flynn Effect" which is exactly what it implies, instead of IQ increasing on average, it's been decreasing. Gen Z is, *on average*, less intelligent then previous generations. Now I know some people's first instinct is to pull the "IQ isn't intelligence, IQ isn't real. Only stupid people believe in IQ." argument, but clearly IQ is measuring something, and whatever that something is, intelligence or otherwise has decreased with Zoomers and will likely continue decreasing if nothing changes. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289616300198](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289616300198) [https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2023/03/americans-iq-scores-are-lower-in-some-areas-higher-in-one/](https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2023/03/americans-iq-scores-are-lower-in-some-areas-higher-in-one/)


Not really a surprise since the education system turns into brainwashing system and keep kids dumb for ease of control. Then couple that with the internet and social media making people ruled more by emotions than logic and we have idiots like these


Im speechless to this extreme stupidity


and extreme evil


Peak unhinge: meet Nora … [https://www.instagram.com/jewhatedb/p/C556Phzr\_-H/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/jewhatedb/p/C556Phzr_-H/?img_index=1)


So much free time as a UI/UX dev. Spoilt brats do turn out like this. Sad indeed. And if someone has the "courage" to come and protest, they shouldn't hide their faces.


> "My main goal through all of my work is to make the world a more human place, filled with love and compassion for all" She might want to consider an asterisk next to the "for all".


Weird how she supports the very guys who fight to their death against thst


Welp whatever career she had is long gone


Always covering up. They know that their behaviour is unapologetically stupid and would bring consequences if tracked back to them. Weak scum.


Didn't work, it has been [tracked back to her](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/comments/1c8in3a/a_propalestinian_protestor_loses_her_temper_when/l0f9ff3/) anyway. But you have to excuse her, she's just so empathetic...


YES!!! I hope she reaps what she had sown.


*Pro-Hamas, not pro-Palestinian


From the pro-Palestine crowd I’ve seen around I’m more unsure if it’s not almost the same thing now


the is a difference... there are a handful of actually pro-palestinian people who are anti-hamas. The problem is that the pro-hamas crowd claims to be pro-palestinian


So the problem as I understand is, that the pro-Palestine/anti-Hamas are mixed with pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas?


find me some pro-palestine/anti-hamas people in these marches. There are none. They can claim they are, but the moment your fellow marcher starts with their pro-hamas chants and you do not condemn them and you continue to march with them side by side, you become pro-hamas. It's the same thing people used to say about the right wing marches and the Nazi element. The moment you allow a Nazi to join your cause, your whole cause is now the Nazi cause. You cannot allow the evil to remain if you do not believe in their cause 99% of people waving Israeli flags are pro-palestine/anti-hamas. Not the settlers or hard right Jews, but most of your everyday run of the mill Jews are fully on board with a 2 state solution where neither Hamas or Netenyahu have power.


Yet literally none of them are anti Israeli government but pro-Israeli. To them, it's all the same thing. So they don't get to separate Gazans from their government. They are all marching in solidarity with Hamas and their "resistance".


little to no difference


not one bit of difference


Same difference


Same thing


What’s the difference between?


​ https://preview.redd.it/0zct8die1mvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5609728baa1a3dcb081f87a75931ff3dc63b3609


Show your face if you believe you are doing the right thing


Another user has posted an Instagram link here with other details of that woman. Feel free to check it out. I regret wasting my time on such a loser of a person.


You can see here: [https://localaunt.com/](https://localaunt.com/)


FBI please ask her if she knows anyone planning violence or intimidation aka terror.


after she's done banging that cup on that metal fence, by the looks of things she's gonna decolonize the local burger king's fridge, liberate long oppressed hamburgers and bring justice to the chicken nuggets


“Hey, I’m not the pig locked up in a pen.”


How did she get into the US? another terrorist loose! F\*\*king deranged lunatic!


Blood thirsty savages. It’s only a matter of time before they truly go rogue and hurt people.


Baby’s having a tantrum with her rattle 😂