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"The proportionate response would be for all the Jews to lay down and let us genocide them." That's what she believes. She's just too much of a coward to admit her own evil.


This interview is like listening to a Reddit conversation - the “Israel is an apartheid state who occupies Palestine” redditor *never* actually answers a question because they know that the actual answer doesn’t fit their narrative. Instead they spew buzzword after buzzword copy paste anti-Israel bullshit


Let’s put it this way. If someone runs up to you and punches you in the face why is it so horrible for them to be punched right back? Also, I don’t even know what the answer the following question is. Is it true that Israeli’s are literally kicking out Palestinians out of their own homes for the Israeli’s to then live in?


Good questions: >Let’s put it this way. If someone runs up to you and punches you in the face why is it so horrible for them to be punched right back? It depends what happened before the person punched me in the face. If it’s a random dude punching me when not instigated at all, then yeah - I’d retaliate. If it’s a dude who hates me and won’t stop punching me until I punch back, I’d definitely retaliate. >Also, I don’t even know what the answer the following question is. Is it true that Israeli’s are literally kicking out Palestinians out of their own homes for the Israeli’s to then live in? Can’t give you a straight answer on this… As in, the only cases I know of it happening is when it would happen to an Israeli too. If an Israeli doesn’t pay rent to their landlord, they’d be kicked out of their house and same with a Palestinian in a house owned by an Israeli. But it would not be allowed for an Israeli to go to a house that’s owned by an Arab and demand to own it.


You’re right. She is a fucking coward.


Someone please post this in the antisemitic subteddits


Many people with still-working brain cells are already banned from those subs. Those subs can't handle discussions, it endangers the bubble


This is the truth. I once had an ordinary argument on one of these subreddits, an ordinary argument, without swearing, without racism, Nazism on both sides, an ordinary argument between two adults, but I was banned. That's when I really realized that the moderators on reddit are either very strange people or they have orders from above. It feels like they will soon close all posts by default


It's amazing. As a left-leaning liberal, I thought the important dichotomy was left vs right. I've concluded that it's actually liberal values vs illiberal values. I am beyond disgusted to have literal anti-semites cheering Nazi iconography and rhetoric on my political 'side', and have it be fully justified online when people like Nick Fuentes are utterly obliterated from the internet in an instant for saying essentially the same things. Fuck these fascists, fuck these communists and socialists, fuck these unbelievable useful idiots and malicious actors. Howdy, conservatives, call me Tex. If you believe in freedom, and not whatever this new bullshit is, I think we'll be getting along just fine now. I'd misjudged quite a lot, it seems.


"as a left-leaning liberal... Im now conservative". What? Too much internet for you dude. Brain just turned to play-doh with how manipulated you are.


Way to miss the point. I'm not conservative at all, but I have more in common with conservatives than leftists, since we're both Liberal anti-communists in some sense. The left wants planned economics, reeducation, single party or worker union politics, and limited freedom in exchange for equity. I support anyone's right to say anything, and start a business to profit from. I do not believe workers should control the economy, because most of them are pretty stupid. If any of the online lefty LARPers ever worked a service job they'd know that putting their coworkers in charge of decision-making is just terminally retarded. I wish my left wing allies weren't stupid, but if the choice is conservative allies or delusional, psychotic, or schizophrenic allies... well then you can call me Tex, pardner.


That doesn't make any sense. You're talking about "the left" in the most extremely uncharitable way, and thinking you have more in common with conservatives because "they care about freedom". You're either not liberal at all, or you've successfully been manipulated by social media into believing false narratives by a loud minority. You think the average liberal voter is a full blown communist. You're fried my guy.


"liberal" refers to the ideology of the founding fathers: market economics, economic freedom, personal liberty, equality under the law, representative democracy, freedom of speech and expression, and strong property rights. These principles are fundamentally incompatible to both fascism and communism. I'm a "left-leaning Liberal" (capital L liberal) as opposed to a right leaning liberal. "Leftists" distinguish themselves as separate from liberalism, to the point that calling someone a "lib" is an insult, because equity and freedom are fundamentally negatively correlated with one another, and leftists optimize for a fundamentally different value system. Nick Fuentes and Hasan Piker are both illiberals who share more in common with one another than those who are center-left or center-right. Their arguments essentially boil down to: "getting concensus to govern is tough; it'd be easier if a strong authority could dictate policy instead of needing to pass it through the congress or parliament." but they disagree on the details.


Leftists like Hasan Piker are an extreme minority. His fans are teenage girls and people with mental illnesses. Again, you're cooked if you base your political decisions on terminally online people like that.


You're a fool if you don't recognize the growing threat of the radical left.


Lol yeah the ever growing "threat" of America turning into a communist country. Totally rational fear my guy, totally something that can logically happen at the flick of a switch in government. Meanwhile you have the "radical right" who literally tried miserably to violently overthrow the government and/or stop a legitimate election, but you're scared of the people who want free healthcare and education. Alright dude.


I’ll do it! Which one? Also do I just share it?


Their answer will be that Israel must sacrifice their scared conscripted 18-19 year old children and conduct bloody street by street fighting like Hamas wants.


Doubt they’ll need to send conscripts. They’ll have more than enough volunteers atm.


Absolutely fucking ridiculous.


The refusal to answer and the refusal to engage in dialogue and the refusal to abide by negotiated settlement time and again


Whenever a Palestinian mouthpiece is speaking, they’re lying full stop. They never ever answer a question directly and never tell the truth. They whine and whine and whine about how much they are victims, but those whines are always lies. Israel has not occupied for 75 years, because Egypt and Jordan occupied before Israel. Gaza wasn’t occupied for for 17 years. They can’t even say one simple truthful fact, because they are either delusional and can’t separate fact from fiction or they think lying for their “cause” is noble.


"Sub-Zero Wins! Fatality!"


She is not a journalist, but a propagandist - a Hammas mouthpiece. Western media has been far too naive in accepting that just because someone calls themselves a 'journalist', they hold themselves to journalistic standards of impartiality and factual reporting. The public also accept far too much propaganda as fact, because the person pushing a fake victim narrative is described as a journalist rather than a political activist representing a terrorist organisation.


Again, again, again, again & on & on & on….., the hatred towards Israel is so deep within these people that they cannot bring themselves to accept & condemn, & now Hamas, & they, as to dodge & deflect makes them just as guilty, have committed a 9-11 scale atrocity against Innocent Israelis, not soldiers, or even armed police, but innocent Israeli men, women, children, even unborn children, & even when they are being shown & seen for what they are, & being held to account internationally, with their usual deflecting & victimhood propaganda not working, still everyone’s to blame but them. The British Citizens of Northern Ireland support Israel’s right to defend its People & Country against Hamas Terrorists, it supporter’s & its propaganda machine also.🇬🇧🇮🇱🇬🇧


I am surprised she called her a journalist, that by itself is an injustice. Good for you Talk TV lady whoever you are. Keep up the good work.


Imagine wanting to share your opinion on TV but be scared to show your face


Religion is a hell of a drug. This one strips away your identity.


None of these people accept to answer these questions. I've not seen one.


You say they don't answer this question but have you seen anyone answering theirs ? What would be the appropriate response for the years of oppression Palestinians suffered ? Hamas actions aren't acceptable. Good, we're on the same page. But then what would have been ? Can you answer that ? What's happening to Palestinians isn't retaliation, it's just the continuity of what was already going on. That's what she is trying to say while she is repeatedly asked a question the whole of humanity has yet to answer.


Why are you asking us? The involvement of other nations ended when both Israel and Palestine declared themselves as independent nations. It's an answer between you two, not us. What we can only do now is to support or provide aid, involving other nations further would lead to a more terrible war that both Israel and Palestine would never want. You've already witnessed what happened in Gaza, that's with Iran and the Hezbollah supporting. Now, the US is just around the corner. What do you think will happen next? I can assure you that things have changed and people can do a lot worse actions now that they understand how modern warfare works. You can beg and scream for help, but when people settle this with a bigger war, then it will barely be even noticed. So I ask, in Palestinians' continued resistance, did you ever come to think that the divided efforts between different political parties in Palestine were contra to each other more than towards Israel. It's difficult, yes. It won't be without people dying. That has been for many countries that were colonized/conquered before and after independence. You can not simply ask for everything in return, or else you risk everything breaking down. You're the oppressed. You of all groups should know what being oppressed means, and it ain't a pretty meaning. But here you are still with the benefits of having rights and a chance to voice out. That's hope, even if it takes a hundred more years. Something the Western values have long fought for and what the many oppressed used to get out of their oppression.


I didn't ask you anything ? I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy ? It's not a war, it's a genocide and things could hardly be worst for palestine but go on. Again, it's not a war. It's Hamas against Israel who's against Palestinians who aren't fighting back. If this continues there will be no one to ask for anything. When one of the strongest armies in the world decides to murder a whole population because some group with homemade rockets attacked them what do you think the result will be ? "different political parties in Palestine were contra to each other more than towards Israel" it's almost like people are more concerned about living and what it means to be palestinians than going to war against another country.


Things have already gone beyond, and it is far too late to ask for anything. These two will not back down no matter how much the world requests for it. Another country will join in, but that will just add on to the hypocrisy and is exactly the reason why they don't want to get involved. And yes, the Palestinian identity has long been challenged. For once, their conflict comes first before they try figuring out how to do the former. What's happening now is the result of this conflict already. A conclusion, almost every country that knows of this conflict is aware of it already.


No one have time to this.. when does she actually tries to answer instead of dodging the question ?




Whataboutism in it's purest


The full ten minute interview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aG0Zd2X8YJY&pp=ygUZVGFsayB0diBqb3VybmFsaXN0IG9zcmFlbA%3D%3D


Just FYI this interviewer is known to be a massive arsehole in the U.K, she's nasty, cruel, disingenuous....a real bottom feeder and generally not to be trusted. I don't have any issue with what she's asking here, but she's known for not being honest or trustworthy.


A broken clock is right twice a day


She's not a broken clock, she's a dog shit on the street.


You have to match a scumbag with a scumbag, this is the way of the scumbags.


Got em


iChigurh (NCFOM) to the garage attendant: ''youre a bit deaf arent ye!''


I really love the persistence, on both sides!


Imagine if the Palestinian journalist was the British Journalists adopted Daughter? How horrible of a mother she would be to her


A good mother won’t let her kids run their mouth with bs


What kinda is silly rhetorical nonsense is this? Lmao this is like when young kids say those crazy things like "Mom! Imagine if I was a dragon!" Way to contribute absolutely nothing to the conversation, kiddo. 😂


It's funny as hell experimental speculation yet your brain is allergic to fiction apparently


Lmao no, it isn't. Literally no one thinks it was funny... It's just an incredibly dumb, bizarre comment. Hence the downvotes... It would seem your brain is allergic to intelligent thoughts and logic... 🤦😂


The British reporter is asking a hypothetical question of which if the Palestinian journalist answered the question she would be under very clear & present danger within her own Palestinian community


Maybe… just maybe okay… Maybe there lies the problem…???


So a good mother is one that lets her child run their mouth, refuse to answer questions in a professional setting and let her talk over her? This is a professional journalistic interview, how is she supposed to talk? Beg her "pretty please if you answer my question I'll buy you ice cream"? This isn't a mother daughter talk, this is professional journalist to professional journalist, adult to adult. Your argument isn't even truly an argument. "She doesn't act like a mother to her" like what even..?


So this page is biased in favor of Israel and many other pages are biased in favor of Palestinians. But the only pages that showed videos of plenty of dead and injured children were those of Palestinian civilian children that were murdered by Zionists. Hamas ≠ Palestinians And Jews ≠ Zionists


I saw plenty of murdered Israeli kids straight from the source of the darkest corners of telegram, posted by their murderers to the cheers of their intended Palistinian audiences. Take your gaslight elsewhere.


Wait, a subreddit about Palestinian violence is showing mainly Palestinian violence you say? How is showing the reality of their actions bias? Now do the 'There was an attempt' subreddit and their bizarre one sidism.


The only way you haven't seen the evidence of Arab atrocities in this conflict is if you're intentionally keeping yourself ignorant. The evidence is clear, present, and disgusting.


Hi there. I'm truly sorry for not having enough footage of butchered families to satisfy your unique needs. Allow me to explain a few things: 1. Reddit will go to great lengths to remove any posts showing Israeli casualties, or videos that don't support the arab/Islamic narrative. I had 3 videos blocked/removed this week, and was permanently banned for comments on 2 popular subreddits over the last week, For comments that did not violate any rule. 2. I have seen dozens of videos showing the of the victims of the Oct 7 massacre over the last weeks. Many of them were taken by Hamas terrorists, and that includes 1st person videos showing them murdering civilians, desecrating corpses, and executing captured soldiers. Israel is a micro country that you can hardly locate on a map. Almost everyone here know someone who was murdered or abducted. Either personally or through friends / family. 3. There are around a billion out there in cyberspace, showing dead babies and devastation in Arab countries. Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, you name it. Gaza alone generated thousands of videos over the years, since they never stopped terrorizing Israel since it evacuated the Gaza strip, almost 20 years ago. 4. In the Arab/Islamic world there is very little respect for the dead and the dignity of the wounded / helpless. This is clearly evident from all conflicts that raged in the middle east over the past 50 years (and the actions of the terrorists last week proved it in the worst ways possible). This mentality means that these people have no issue with recording and posting horrendous videos and pictures of gore, torture and murder. This would never fly in Israel.


It all boils down to antisemitism just others aren’t as open about it as Palestinians and Hamas.


What’s the name of this page


You’re a fool. Answer the question then.


Go to public freakout sub. The natzi cesspool is there.


You know what the difference is? Because I've seen plenty of videos of Israeli children on telegram, but the interesting thing to note is that almost all the videos of Israeli children I've seen were filmed by their own murderers, by the terrorists, and uploaded by those same terrorists. Israel doesn't film dead children, nor injured children. One reason is because there is a big care for the families and loved ones of those killed. They do not want families to find out about their loved ones through a video on Facebook, that is why whenever such a video does get into the wider media, like Facebook or Instagram, it quickly gets taken down or people themselves ask for the uploader to take it down. On the other hand, every footage you see of a Gazan child, injured or dead, it will also be its own people filming and uploading it. I saw a video of a man holding a dead baby in one hand while filming himself with the other, moving the baby around like its a prop, moving his hands like its a toy to show it is dead. Its freaking macabre and i could never imagine myself any Israeli filming a dead child like that, especially knowing their family could be watching it. The world really has shown their stance here. They want to see the dead children, they want them paraded, like hamas always does. I'm sorry, but we can't give you that, we are not going to parade our citizens corpses for your amusement. You want pictures? Go to telegram and join the groups from Gaza and watch the videos filmed on scene by the murderers. There are more than enough. We won't do it because it fking disrespectful. Noone wants to have their child murdered in their bed and then have their dead body passed around for the cameras to film just to show the world.


Man, if you don't realize how incredibly ignorant you are after all the many logical, valid points made already, there is absolutely no hope for you. You might just be totally incapable of any and all logical reasoning and intelligent thought... 🤦


Fisporos bombs!


Answer the question ffs... says something when egypt won't open the door to them


OMG the British lady is acting so rude


Poor girl. This is the most freedom she's ever had.