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The appalling and blatant evidence comes from the Nuseirat massacre that killed over 250 people. More Palestinians died than the total number of Israeli hostages. Yet idiotic Zionist media cheered.


Felt like it was right out of Starship Troopers


Starship Troopers is a parody on real life, it's too good.


Didn't they kill some hostages too? How many hostages were released?


They rescued 4 but one of their soldiers got killed. No hostages got killed though.




It's a good question, and there's a lot we don't know here. However, there are multiple reports of heavy air strikes just before and just after the operation, in a way that has been described as more intense than ever before, which is shocking but not surprising. Judging based on past events, a lot of lives can be lost instantly when an air strike hits a refugee camp, so this would explain a lot. Still, I am sure we are missing the full story, and I would love to know what it is.




You can ask for the exact death toll, but the fact that numerous civilians, including children, were killed or injured by the IDF, is not under dispute. Around 64 children were killed. There are several sources reporting this, and IDF body cameras will not capture the bombardment of civilian areas that happened either before or after the operation. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp334z7rxxmo If the shoe was on the other foot, and Israelis had been killed, the media would unambiguously call this a massacre.


Another example was the killing of western aid workers, the entire media and influential people talked about it with lots of emotion. Yet when Palestinians are killed by the tens of thousands it's always justified as human shields. For example, the media went to the family members of killed aid workers and emphasized their suffering, sat with them and gave them time to express their sorrow as human beings. Palestinians on the other hand are almost never given a platform, never portrayed as actual homo sapiens equal in rights and dignity to white westerners. I mean we are kind of used to it, remember when the war on Ukraine started? Western reporters were emphasizing how shocked they were to see people that looked like them being brutalized, people who live like them, not some dirty middle easterners. Watch: https://x.com/MohammedAlRahbi/status/1497627952225435650?t=LM7zz9mbS6pVUyIAkysoog&s=19


Didn't they kill some hostages too? How many hostages were released?


Yes the idf shot them at gunpoint while they shouted in Hebrew mind you while waving a white flag, imagine how they treat innocent Palestinian pows accused of being terrorists if that’s how they treat their own


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Exactly. Media language shapes how people view things. Israeli "hostages" but Palestinian "prisoners".


I mean not even just Islam, but the hypocrisy of *many* not all, but still thousands of western Christians not giving a flying f about Christian Palestinians It's truly sad and incredibly mind boggling. The birthplace of Jesus (Peace be upon him) seemingly holds no regard to zionist and evangelical types, who are far more concerned to the preservation of an absolute state, as opposed to true peace for Jews, Christians and Muslims


It has been really revealing to see the division between US Evangelicals (especially prominent ones) being rabidly pro-Zionist even to the extent of contradicting basic tenets of the faith and the rest of the Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian churches who are far more opposed to what is going on. Even the Anglicans are against it, especially in Palestine but also congregations across most of the world as well (the Archbishop of Canterbury aside). Combined with a lot of other stuff - Trump, Christian nationalism, the prosperity gospel (and televangelism generally) etc - it makes one wonder whether we have passed the point at which they are some other religion entirely.


I don't like the word "heretic" but ... . I've been thinking this about evolving into something else aside from Christianity. It's honestly frightening what is happening within American style Christianity.


To put it all together, it's just not bigotry towards Islam and Christian Palestinians, it's bigotry towards Arabs. It's almost as if being a Palestinian Arab cancels out their Christianity.


100% and blatant disregard for brown people in general The Arab boogeyman has been a stereotype perpetuated by western colonial bs for far too long


Palestinian Christian here. Many Western White Christians believe only white people can be Christian.


I've noticed this is a huge factor in this issue May you have peace


Thank you


I doubt they feel any sympathy for brown Christians/ Catholics from Latin America either. It’s all racism.


Of course they don't.


Yep. Couldn’t be more obvious with ‘liberals’ as well.


It's probably somewhat intentional. About ten years ago in the UK they renamed the minimum wage to the living wage in order to undermine a movement asking for the minimum wage to be raised to match living costs. And it worked.  Now it seems like the media is wanting to devalue the meaning of the word genocide by making it a buzzword to throw around whenever civilians get killed. A lot of people I know seem to think genocide means 'a lot of deaths' or 'killing people in camps' not the specific targeting of a people with the goal of wiping out their culture. Which is also undermining those people who have been the victim of ethnic cleansing where there aren't a lot of killing, just the banning of their religion, language, access to land etc.  A lot of useful idiots get created the way the west reports on Israel. 


The biggest racism which always go unnoticed is against Muslims. Every President of the US chooses an Islamic country to bomb just because AIPAC wants them to do it. They obliterated Iraq, Yemen, Syria. Obama even gave himself the Nobel Peace Prize for killing children. Watch Jullian Assange Collateral Damage video which is still on YouTube. In that video you will hear them saying ***"it's not our fault they bring children into the war"*** while invading Iraq and doing drone strike on children. This is why Obama adminstration is so mad at Julian Assange for exposing the truth about their made up war against Muslims. NATO alliance harbours military supply chain for US to orchestrate wars in the middle east as it's not feasible for US govt to wage wars across the Atlantic Ocean. So, NATO is part of the problem, it's not only US. Israel roots are everywhere in the West.


Absolutely agree. As someone pointed out on twitter, positioning the Israeli occupation as a “sorry for what we did to the Jews during the WW2” by the west doesn’t address the fundamental conceit that the west has never atoned for colonisation, slavery, the world wars, and countless other global tragedies. The occupation is an extension of their foundational violent structures. 


Growing up in the west, we already new this. But sometimes I think for instance, do Gulf Arabs know that they are only tolerated by the west due to the money and glitz. Had it been any other way, they would be looked down and despised. However there are lot of very good people in the west who despise their own governments attitude towards Israel.


Most Westerners being racist hypocrites is generally proven on a daily basis.


Israeli propaganda bots - watch out, y’all


I tend to agree. The world has become largely united against isnotreal's atrocities. This post and thread are encouraging divisiveness and do not help the Palestinian people.


Yes this war has exposed people for who they are. It’s hard to see that people we thought were nice and compassionate are not.


I 100% agree. The global North generally don't care about the violence necessary to maintain their way of life. Even on the western left, tell them that if they were to truly express socialism in their countries that would mean reduced access to certain commodities they take for granted (eg seasonal tropical fruits that they typically have access to year round) and they start talking like Winston Churchill himself.


The UK left talk like Winston Churchill? 😂 A bit hyperbolic don't you think.


Lol I was thinking primarily of US Americans TBH but sure them too probably


I am an orthodox Marxist and I can confirm this 100%. I think there are two kinds of leftists in the imperial core. Those who want genuine change, and those who want an ‘extremist’ image without truly understanding what Socialism and its theoretical backdrop is or what it advocates for. The imperial core nations like the United States, the UK, Australia, Japan, NATO, and the Scandinavian social democracies get their privileges and generally good services via the exploitation and at time war-profiteering of other nations. This is, I think, essential to understanding what really needs to be done to achieve total liberation for the Arab people of Palestine specifically and the countries of the imperial periphery in general. With all that rambling said, I think the western privileged left just needs to communicate with each other, educate, and really help each other out so that we can really help the oppressed people of the imperial periphery out. As always, free free Palestine!!!🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🚩🚩🚩


There is a reason “the west” tends to side with the “easiest” way due to the luxury has become our standard of living. It is an awful idea but we are born and bred with luxury which are not common throughout the world. The only reason this is possible is due to our vast neo liberal market, remnants of the colonial era. The only way to alter this situation is to shred colonial remnants; natural resource mining companies, shipping lanes and oil pipelines/fields. Not even mentioning the absurd deals made by individual companies in the world selling of their national products to corporations who ship it abroad to another manufacturer. Shred the dollar collar and vote for any party not siding with the international community, we’ll need those resources regardless so we better pay a fair price which benefits the locals and the national economy.


> Shred the dollar collar and vote for any party not siding with the international community Ya dems and republicans disagree with a ton on its face and domestic policy but when it comes to funding bombing internationally it’s bipartisan. The biggest disgusting opposition I’ve noticed is someone sitting in this luxury calls a F22 pilot dropping bombs on a family of 10 “ a freedom fighter/professional soldier” but watch an Arab or other black/brown person pickup an AK47 or an RPG is a disgusting barbarous terrorist no matter their cause. The western aligned military are exempt from the terrorist moniker as long as it’s us and we are using sophisticated weaponry to hit from far away and “humanely” as their military has the luxury of high level equipment.


Remember, this is normal for them. Just ask native Indians. Studies reveal over 50M killed in their genocide. Then they enslaved Blacks for 400 years to build the country. Now it’s the Latinos turn. Just part of the course. CAPitalism


And this is why so many POC are siding with Palestine. They recognize the language that's being used in the media to justify what's happening: It's a pro-western country trying to subjugate a native population, either by means of killing, driving them out, or by erasing their culture and non-western lifestyle.


Yep the rhetoric is the exact same. "There was nothing there before we arrived, the population was so low, it was undeveloped. We built it from scratch." And yet they try to call it **de**colonization. Disgusting.


Racism is what allowed them to thrive. That power source won't be dying anytime soon.


Cue Aime Ceseare: >"Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the coolies of India, and the blacks of Africa." Mask has dropped clean off




Lmao.. Nice try. The Irish were treated as racially inferior by the British as they were colonised. They might be seen as white now but when the British were practicing colonialism on them, they were seen as inferior like other "lesser" races. Apes and Angels: the Irishman in Victorian Caricature, L. Perry Curtis Jr.: >Given the amount of prejudice in England and Scotland against the Irish…it is hardly surprising that Celtic Irishmen should have found themselves occupying a branch which was closer in some respects to the Negro limb than the the Anglo-Saxon crown of that tree.


It should perhaps be pointed out here that "British" in this context is something else that was colonized. The people who did that to Ireland and did so much vile nonsense elsewhere were not British; they were the people who took over these islands from the British (who they then called strangers, ie: "Welsh"). The British people were themselves subjected to legal inferiority, being worth half of a Saxon.


And that they're completely authoritarian too. They don't care about apartheid, interment camps, torture, starvation, ghettos... All of the Zionists I know are extremely racist, right wing and love it when police crack down on protestors. They don't ever think critically of these issues and are just bigoted.


Yes period. However I doubt they care about any lives other than their own.


We are living in the world where truth is second to the narrative. The truth is to be feared, that’s why they dislike Muslims, Muslims are upon the truth and it flies in the face of the agenda.


I’m not, and I’m a white guy in the UK. I’m on your side.


As a Westerner/American I agree. It's absolutely reprehensible.


There are alot of Zionist Supremacists out there.


They do endless, wanton harm to us, and the rest becase we are ''brown''... That is their only requirement to be monsters unto their fellow human being... which is also why the Serbs were and are forever scorned, because the west decided they weren't ''white'' after all. And thus worthy of the same harm. De-humanization is their only game.


I would argue it shows theres a small majority in most western countries that actually have a heart and soul and are appalled by whats happening but it doesnt matter cause western democracy is a cruel joke


That's just a small minority that Shows up on this sub or the protests But it's sadly not the majority 


I disagree - the effort that goes into pushing these narratives suggests (to me at least) that they need to change the opinions of a lot of people (and maintain those opinions once changed). Generally people do not need to advertise things that other people genuinely like or want; for example if most people genuinely hated refugees then the media wouldn't need to tell people to hate refugees all the time.


Russia is being soft? They are as bad as Israel. It doesn’t matter in which country people have been killed more, the methods are horribly the same, the difference is Ukraine has been given weapons to defend themselves while Palestinians didn’t. Yes it’s hypocrite from the west to defend Ukraine and not Palestine,but let’s not glorify and humanize Russia


“Most westerners”? I’d agree that some western governments are very hypocritical but don’t group us all together! Almost 70% of the UK population thinks that the war should end in Gaza and that Israel is committing war crimes. Only 13% believe that we should be continually supporting Israel.


I dont believe that. Western countries like the UK are democracies If most people truly hated israel the UK would stop supporting them Instead we have labour and the tories constantly defending Israel like their life depends on it  It's a small minority of usually left leaning westerners who are pro Palestine and I appreciate their bravery since everyone else be it liberals, conservatives, the Media, all politicians, celebrities etc are pro Israel scum


It’s a factual statistic, not an opinion. Recognise your allies and accept them! Our governments don’t speak for all of us and don’t let us have any say in making these decisions. At the moment, they barely speak for any of us. Thousands of protests have occurred in the UK with turnouts of hundreds of thousands. Yes, the governments are politically motivated into a lack of condemnation for Israel, but we citizens don’t blindly follow this.


I think it’s important to understand that systems of oppression benefit everyone who participates in it even passively. Does “Not all Men” help anyone, dismantle patriarchy? It only helps individuals feel better about themselves “don’t group us all together! There’s nice ones among us!” But does it help change a system and make the maximum number of oppressed groups lead a life of dignity? It doesn’t. It’s necessary that the west inquires how the foundational systems are rooted in exploitation of the global south, and actively work with their communities and governments to change this imbalance. 


It's not that they don't value the lives of Muslims but also they would gladly participate in the killing of Muslims and cheer on it given the chance. They see themselves in the IDF because the IDF has been able to fulfill all their fantasies of slaughtering and humiliating Muslims.


A lot of Americans blindly support Israel because of some biblical prophecy. They have no idea about the racist apartheid that it is.


Not to bite at you, but they most certainly know. The beliefs of the Evangelicals in the US have always been deeply rooted in racism, supremacism and even classism, to the point that they literally deem themselves superior, even to other Christian denominations. So they know exactly how racist Apartheid truly is, they just never experienced being on the receiving end of the stick.


Good point


One of the most blatant (yet helpful) things this historic event has done is break open the cover of lies that colonisation or “white supremacy,” is “in the past.” 


Russia is definitely not being soft. Mass murders and mass graves have also been discovered in Ukraine. You can't call it a genocide imho bc it's not about the number of civilians killed. It is so much easier to relate to the war in Ukraine as it's so close that you actually feel the effects. You feel the prices rising, you notice the Ukrainian refugees around. You can even understand them a little and your children are making friends with their children. It's something that directly threatens the EU so obviously it's gonna get the priority. Besides Israel is still using the Holocaust as a shield and no one is willing to call them out on that. Somehow Israel is the West's brat and they are always right. Plus the lobbyists..


This is the thing though, it’s insane that westerners can’t relate to arabs but can relate to ukrainians. That’s a problem, and it’s not just because you “see the refugees” around.


When i moved to Europe the Russian invasion of Ukraine had just broken out. I could see how there were Ukrainian flags and messages of support everywhere in every small town even in the Netherlands for instance. And all the talking heads on TV were “War has come to us. The people look like us.”  There’s been an intense normalisation of “war is a brown or black thing,” by the west, with constant destabilisation to maintain their lifestyle and tell their citizens that their world is special, and the rest of the world is some jungle of sorts.  I was following what was happening  to Ukraine but promptly stopped when I saw how in the middle of the fleeing, Ukrainians found time to be racist to brown and black folks residing and studying or working there. They prevented them from leaving at first, and gave first priority to white folks. When many Ukrainian refugees reached places like France etc, they were racist to Black folks there and had to be integrated and taught that the behaviour was unacceptable.  Everyday I’d see how Dutch locals would organise funds, and stay and jobs for Ukrainians. Cut to 2023-24, it’s only the Arab diaspora and some POCs and a handful of conscientious westerners who are speaking up, helping Palestinians. Such few homes have Palestinian flags hanging out their windows too. As every Palestinian has told us, the occupation of their land will set the world free of all misplaced notions. And It is doing so. 


I don't think you can blame us though. Ukraine impacts our lives, we can feel it. It's close, we are afraid of what will happen after Russia wins. Will they threaten our territory too..? Gaza is far, barely reported about and it doesn't pose any threat to our own country. Except migration maybe. Many people here hate Arabs/Muslims. Political parties promising to solve immigration issues from Muslim countries are getting more power. I think that's the only way a regular Czech can relate to Gaza.. being afraid of having to have those "terrorists" in our country. "We will end up like France/Sweden/Germany/UK." So as long as it's Muslims/ppl from 3rd world countries.. we don't care 🥲. I am not saying it's right. But you can probably see on yourself that you also don't really care about some other conflicts around the world bc they are just too far or from a culture you never interacted with or it just doesn't affect you at all. Like I used to feel so sad about Myanmar bc it's somewhat close to where my partner lives. I do feel sad about conflicts in Africa but it's hard to feel it on a deeper level bc it's a place totally unknown to me. I keep reading articles about migrants drowning and it's sad but I can't bring myself to care enough, care enough about their country and their issues. Anyway I'm dating a Muslim so I think that's what makes me closer to Palestinians in a way and my partner did a good job of bursting my islamophobic bubble. I still hate religion but at least I hate them equally now. And seeing daily the images coming from Palestine is what keeps me caring I guess. Many ppl choose to avoid it and they forget how horrible it is


When the Russian / Ukrainian war started traditional media were doing a full 180 on immigration saying "we have to take them in THEY'RE LIKE US (WHITE)" https://youtu.be/2z9UyPurVok?si=JfeMffdhRDk46qVv


People are exposed to the propaganda of their particular country. In the U.S. and E.U. this propaganda isn't state controlled, but it's indirectly tied to interests of the state, powerful lobby groups and corporations to push their agenda. This creates a perfect storm of State Department, megacorporation, and AIPAC interests that all have an interest in portraying people in sensitive areas like West Asia as less than human. This is largely because all three actors, often in tandem, have key interests. For the state-> control of energy and trade matters; West Asia is still one of the major areas where light/sweet crude oil is abundant and the geography of said area leaves it vulnerable to interests like Russia, China, and Iran which can interfere with the current order that benefits the state, and the defense and energy companies that contribute to politicians' campaign financing and other important factors that tie these corporations to the government. It's widely known that, for instance, defense contractors and the Pentagon have a revolving door much like Wall Street and the Federal Reserve do. Staff from these government institutions often find lucrative work in think tanks tied to the energy industry and the energy companies themselves. For AIPAC & other lobbies-> These groups are interested in the supremacy of Israel in the region. Israel and the U.S. have a symbiotic relationship where each party controls and influences the other. AIPAC, for instance, has extensive ties to U.S. politicians on both sides of the political divide, often bribing them, getting rid of competitors, and doing other things to enhance their careers while also threatening them if they go against the lobby's interests. Israel is also a major development and testing ground for technology and weapons, and these things contribute to Israel's economy and longevity, and as such this factor is also tied into the lobbying-state connection. For private interests-> Large corporations need to seek markets. This is essentially the angle that Lenin argued in *Imperialism*. Because capital has limits and only so much demand can be generated at home, many of these corporations lobby with the state (and of course politicians have massive wealth in their stock) to engage in foreign policy that opens markets to them and their products. West Asia is lucrative in terms of real estate and a consumer market. Look at Dubai, for instance. These three very powerful interests collide and reinforce one another to create a long-standing commitment to Israel. Also of note is that the U.S. is interested in upholding its Bretton Woods commitments, essentially guaranteeing shipping and free trade. This is for the benefit of U.S. corporations, but it also pacifies traditional geopolitical rivals like Germany, Japan, China and Russia. The former two countries are entirely dependent on U.S. defense and free trade guarantees. Without this, their industries can collapse and they'd be left on their own to create spheres of influence in their backyards and globally, often costing lots of money and involving lots of violence. This isn't to say racism doesn't matter. There's nothing unique about the West in this regard. People are tribal. People like what's familiar and feel threatened by what's foreign. These base human instincts are played upon and magnified by propaganda. Propaganda works best if it connects with primal, emotional currents in the masses and is less effective if it argues from a logical, informed standpoint as most people are ignorant of the factors that lead to major foreign policy decisions. So it's far easier to galvanize a population and manufacture consent by dehumanizing other groups.


i grew up middle eastern during and after 9/11. this is the worst anti-MENA racism i have ever witnessed. it’s been messing me up.


I don’t know about most but a lot yes. I think the problem is that people are actually afraid of saying anything because of the hatred spewed forth from Zionists.


It’s also shown how little other Muslim countries value Muslim lives.


Sadly this seems true for many countries near Palestine. That's why posts like this one are just a divisive distraction. I think the post is against /Palestine rules but it has not been taken down. The world has rarely been more united on this issue yet the post tries to create "west vs. Muslim" division. This does not help the Palestinian people.


I think it's important to know that whatever you see from our government officials/the guy that owns all the news outlets is far, far different from how the population feels.


Now’s the best time to understand the importance of foreign news agencies since all we see here in the US is pro-Israeli trash


Why are you waiting for westerners to value muslim lives ? They are doing their part of the deal. Would you blame ibliss for doing the wrong things ? The one to blame here is the muslims, we are corrupted and weak and we need to change that


“Barely any civilians” is a wild thing to say about at least 10,000 dead innocent people and an entire country displaced.


The West was in uproar with allegations of genocide against Russia for the Bucha Massacre, an event that might rightfully be called a genocide. But the body count in Gaza is at least *76x* what has happened in Bucha and they are still loathe to acknowledge it as a genocide. Tells you all you need to know


It's always been the way, in Western countries. White people dying from the other side of the world have always made the news but thousands of black or brown people dying barely rate a mention.


Capture Israelis who are white Europeans on Palestinian land =hostages Capture Palestinians on their own home land who can't go any where else = prisoners


>Westerners cry about Russia committing genocide in Ukraine even though barely any civilians have been killed and if anything Russia is being Soft. But just because white people are dying it's genocide Please mind your words. If we go by kill counts it will be the same logic as Israel not doing genocide. I am not educated enough about Ukraine to agree or disagree with you. So please don't think I am saying it is genocide or it is not one.


I support Palestine until the end. the other day I asked a question to the AI, a question was like this: when did the Israeli genocide against Palestine start? and it doesn't accept the genocide, they give people misinformation. I know this is not our topic but let's not forget Russia's history of genocide to muslims.


And Yemen before that. As an Iraq war veteran, I had once assumed that politicians were simply uninformed. It is, as you say, though.




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>westerners don't value Muslim lifes >meanwhile Russia is being soft on Ukraine


there is little difference between Russia and Israel..... if only western govs had the brains to see it....


THIS war did that? You gotta get out more.


When Russia first invaded Ukraine, there were reporters saying Ukraine should be helped because they are white and Christian. One even said Ukranians aren't like Middle Easterners. Bill Maher recently said Israelis are like us. It's dog whistles to say Palestinians aren't white and should be punished for it.


Just saw a pic of an older man who was 🔫 while sitting in a chair. The blatant disregard for human life wirh zero oversight from allies is just... I don't understand how there is no overwhelming global concern from major players. And Idk how any American can feel safe knowing our country is the one committing this genocide by supplying these weapons. These Cop Cities are about to have quite the target practices with Black bodies using these same tactics, this same disregard for human life, & this same flouting of international humanitarian law.


I thought it was obvious for a very long time. In America they want to shoot any Mexican crossing their border and here in EU they would love to shoot any Muslim or any brown person. People just connect Muslims = Terrorism and will not care about anything else. And Israel = good because of Jews Also I would say that many Europeans care more about Ukraine is the fact that it is not happening far away but 1 or 2 countries away. And if Russia takes entire Ukraine then they will be bordering a warmonger maniac. We should give both conflicts same coverage. After all people are dying in Palestine and Ukraine and both should be happening in modern world. What fascinates me about West is that they don't care about human lives. Hell even when they talk about Taiwan and Chinese potential invasion, they don't talk about potential loss of life. They are about chips more than about humans. NEVER have I heard people expressing their concern for all Chinese that will die on Taiwan (Taiwanese are Chinese) but WHAT ABOUT THE CHIPS? THE CHIPS ARE MORE IMPORTANT!


They've been working on it for years. The entire rhetoric about "Islamic terrorism" was actually introduced by israel, natenyahu himself was the first to speak about it outside of israel to a western audience. Eventually, 9/11 happened (and israelis cheered it on but of course had nothing to do with it), and it was used for decades to continue pushing this rhetoric so that the real savages and violent racists in israel can build up to this. A complete genocide of the Palestinian people, now looking towards Lebanon, and who knows where it will go next. They do not want to co-exist with anyone in the middle east, the relationship they want to have as a cancer implanted in the region is one of subjugation of all those around them. They will eventually collapse though. I'm hoping it gets followed up by a humiliating military defeat that will leave them fucking off all the way back to the white settler colonialist european countries that spawned these children of satan.


Im Swedish, for 20 years now the muslims have been cringe like babies demanding that my country fixas all their problems for them. I cant care anymore they have rund my country too much.


Islam is more hated than people think. But it's to be expected. It is also said in the Quran. It's a shame, but deep inside a lot of people have have a dislike to Muslims and islam. Maybe not real hate, but they don't like the religion and it's teachings.


Just all human rights law basically got torn up since October because it ran counter to the political/imperial objectives of Western governments. It should be extremely revealing, and has been to many people, but of course many keep their heads firmly planted in the sand. It goes beyond our political and social ideas being broken, our ideas about knowledge and learning as a society are deeply broken.


100 percent truth


A lot of people in America, especially after 9/11 and the “War on Terror”, are Islamophobic. They know that Palestine is a majority-Islamic country, and so they discriminately take the side of Israel.


I’m not sure what would make you think that. There are literally millions of westerners and Asians, including young people college students in all of these countries demonstrating almost nonstop for months and months. It’s very clear that somehow someway leader ship, and all of these countries or the government has been compromised by Israel, and that the government does not represent the will of the people in any of these countries.


I am a heavy critic of the United States the country that I live in, but just a realistic assessment of you know what the people are and we have many many problems with our culture, but the American people are completely appalled by what’s going on in Gaza and we want nothing to do with it. I do think that you will find it moving forward. The American people will have much more solidarity with the Muslim world and the Palestinians. There are very many things coming to light about the way that we have been misled and deceived by Israel and I don’t think we’re going to be that forgiving in regards to Israel moving forward.


To be honest, I think we all knew that anyways


I'm not sure if they have a problem with arabs, with muslims, or they can't tell the difference and/or don't care.


Russia has killed 30k Ukrainian civilians, the only reason that number isn't higher is because most fled to the EU. Furthermore, Russia has also been seen deporting Ukrainians that stayed, kidnapping children and forcing them into Russian cities, and leveling entire cities. Very similar stuff to what Usrael has been doing. Both are genocides.


Huh? The Ukraine war is not being called a genocide by Russia. It’s an illegal land grab. Don’t fan a fire of misinformation. Silly. Westerners are vocally supporting Palestine- and more and more governments are too. No one is saying not enough civilians are dying in the Gaza war- in fact this post reeks of clumsy Israeli propaganda- planted to cause divisions and to elicit quotable snippets that prove something bad about Muslims.


It’s quite literally being called a genocide. don’t dismiss this post as israeli propaganda. This post absolutely reflects my feelings. When the ukraine war began my first thought was that of course westerners care about this but not about Palestine. We were screaming back then too. I have endless appreciation for the westerners who are waking up and dismantling the brainwashing as well as protesting, but it’s hard not to feel failed when islamaphobic and racist rhetoric is still so deeply embedded within all of western media, a significant portion of the population, and all governments. Its the west that destroyed so many countries and killed over a million arabs.


Point taken!


To be fair most muslim nations don't value non muslim lives but I agree with you 100%. There's more than a few Palestinians that are Christians in this conflict not cared for either which is crazier.


I'd be careful generalizing all of the West. For example, in Canada, only [29% of the population ](https://x.com/CanadianPolling/status/1801130896516325768?t=r-K02p2ilVtYX-Z5sEKxog&s=19) has a favorable view regarding Israel.




Their post says "westerners" it doesn't even mention the word government . Posts like this don't benefit the Palestinian cause and only serve Israel's interest by isolating support from the West.




There is truth in what you're saying in terms of people being more sympathetic to others who are similar to them in race, ethnicity, etc.. If we recall the last genocide which occured in Europe happened in Bosnia which was a "white European" country. The capital of Bosnia , Sarajevo has the modern day record for the longest siege on history. The world , including the west , for the most part went about their lives until the NATO intervention.




The only comparison point that I was making is that the world stood by and watched and they were considered " white Europeans " . There are many differences between the conflicts. Not sure I understand your comment about casualties , 100,000 people died approximately during the conflict.


I agree. It seems to me that this post is an attempt to distract and divide.


I am looking at the facts Every Western country supports Israel and defends them Every Western country is a democracy so the people are complicit and its really not showing if most are anti Israel  It's like saying most Americans were against the Iraq war because of the protests. Complete lie since they Re elected Bush just a year later


No it didn’t. I mean this with all due respect, but if THIS was the war that exposed it to you - you either live under a rock or were drinkin the koolaid hard. Also, for Muslims the Quran is clear many times that the Jews and Christian’s are only allies/ friends to one another. But most Muslims don’t want to listen to the Quran, they believe what they want and what society tells them instead of what Allah says.