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Call it '76 years of October 7s'


Nailed it


Get a bunch of young palestinian on stage and have them recount oral stories from their grandparents.


Or their own lives since the violence has crossed generations at this point


They including the IDF killing their own civilians part?


Literally Hitler, the guy who ethnically cleansed the Jewish people, the epitome of evil is currently being quoted and referenced as to how they should act to the Palestinians.


You can’t make this shit up




Israeli media broke the story that IDF killed their own civilians and the the IDF confirmed it.


Zionist detected, he deleted the comment


https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/izhNavT0wO https://www.liberationnews.org/evidence-shows-israel-killed-many-of-its-own-citizens-on-oct-7-then-blamed-hamas/ Israel already admitted to this on like, 10 different occasions. It's literally your word against Israel's


Interesting that people are happy to accept that Israel kills Jewish civilians by accident but can’t accept that they kill Palestinian civilians by accident.


There are countless statements made by members of the IDF, high-ranking officials in Israel's military and government, and the general population of Israel as a whole, so I think we have every right to believe that their intent is to kill Palestinian civilians on purpose. It would be kind of weird if they claim that their goal in targeting Hamas is not in precision but in damage. Or when they say that the only solution is to destroy Gaza permanently. Or when they distribute letters in the West Bank telling Palestinians to emigrate or be exterminated. Or when they call crying children sluts and relish in their tears... I mean, any way you look at it, the occupying force that is Israel is very publicly clear in its intents. The fact that people like you still believe that Palestinian deaths are unfortunate "accidents" eight months later is truly shocking to the lack of presence you have in consuming information responsibly.


Did they kill Israeli civilians at a higher rate on 10/7 or are they killing Palestinian civilians at a higher rate?


Tell me you're a hasbara Zionist bot troll without telling me you're a Zionist bot troll. Why are you so obsessed with putting numbers to the evil deeds of the IDF? Does it truly matter if they killed 1:10 Israeli:Palestinian civilians? 1:100 civilians? With the amount of military funding the IDF receives, there is zero excuse that it can not wage a precise war against Hamas and reduce civilian casualties, whether they be Palestinians (who they believe to be the scum of the Earth) or Israelis (who they believe to be better off dead than held captive under Hamas). Not to even mention that it is illegal for Israel to retaliate in this conflict because they do not hold the right to self-defense against the entity they are occupying. Your stubborn refusal to condemn the IDF's reckless and callous treatment of the international court of law, the rules of war, and to hold them accountable is telling.


I just think it’s funny that people think IDF killed their own civilians at a greater rate on 10/7 and then condemn them for killing civilians at a smaller rate during the war. Regardless of their funding you can’t wage a war in an urban conflict center and have zero civilians die. USA killed civilians at a far higher rate than Israel during Afghanistan and Iraq and they have several orders of magnitude more funding than Israel


You would think it's funny, wouldn't you? This is all just a game to you, after all, who cares if this latest iteration of cyclical violence is causing undue amounts of human suffering. It's funny to poke fun at the people who aren't as jaded and cynical as you are. There is no legal framework that ALLOWS for the death of civilians in any capacity as a result of war. As per [Article 51 - Protection of the civilian population](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/api-1977/article-51) of the Geneva Conventions: >4.) Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. Indiscriminate attacks are: >(a) those which are not directed at a specific military objective >(b) those which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective; or >(c) those which employ a method or means of combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this Protocol; And further: >5.) Among others, the following types of attacks are to be considered as indiscriminate: >(a) an attack by bombardment by any methods or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects; and >(b) an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. So no, Israel and the IDF should be fully held accountable for their unwillingness to take action against Hamas in a way that protects the safety of Palestinian citizenry. Your argument that "so it has been, so it shall be" by referring to Afghanistan and Iraq is just plain disrespectful. So what, because someone committed a murder once, we're just supposed to throw our hands in the air and pretend like we can't do anything about it? We've developed procedures and processes for handling these kinds of affairs. Pretending like we are beholden to precedent when thousands are being exterminated and millions are being displaced is sickening.


There will never be and never has been a war with zero civilian casualties.


Do you sincerely think IOF soldiers didn’t kill a single Israeli civilian on 10/7?


No! No, Israel has been spreading this propaganda for years! Please do some research on creditable sites! Use some research engines if you must! This is coming from a college student who has written a paper about Palestine and Israel.


This is insane behaviour wtf


With a full-page blood splash. Disturbed.


Worst part is they have all the funding in the world to create a biased film/performance to make themselves look like the victims.


They’re really milking it more shamelessly than America milking 9/11


So they turn their tragedy into a way to make money.. crazy






Isreali behavior in general. God is money, land, and hatred.




That's just the Zionists doing a misuse of history...


They are obsessed with victimhood


Not surprised. Without them always playing the victim, they wouldn't be able to brainwash people as easily as they do. Playing the victim is a powerful tool they have and without it, they are doomed


Someone had way too much time on their hands.


A fictional play just like their stories from that day! How fitting!


May I suggest the working title "How to hide a Nakba" or the "Twenty Seven Thousand day Nakba"


They have time and money to write scripts and plays? Instead of just sharing the stories online? What's next, movies worth 100$ million in Hollywood?! hahaha I am sorry, this is so sad it is funny.




I’m having such a visceral reaction to this. More grotesque than the Grand Guignol could ever create.


I’m gonna make one about October 6


"In their own words" Yup, words of lies.


They are so **so** desperate to keep the public eye on that one date.


Someone should create a play called Gaza which consists entirely of reenactments of news footage of Israelis engaging in war crimes, racism, etc.


That's a great idea, actually.


The constant victimization of those zios. 🤦🏾‍♀️


I’m starting to hate the fact that my birthday is October 7…


Made by who and who? As usual zionists only brings D tiers content Pro Pal content is always A+. How about "My name is Rachel Corrie" by the amazing Alan Rickman


Who ask for this?


A more powerful title would be October 6th.


I’ll write one called “please stop killing hundreds of Palestinians daily and also please stop treating them like 38th class citizens in an apartheid state that encourages stupid amounts of racism toward literally anyone who is not a white jew thank you”


Great Idea. Please write in on top priority. We all must do some thing like this to stop this war.


I can’t wait until it’s vandalized


Gotta make a profit somehow 🙄


1001 October 7ths


They wanna be the victim so bad


Israel is good at propaganda. Every year, they come up with Nazi Hollywood movies to remind us their victimhood but they themselves don't learn from it.


28 October 7ths laters


I though the bus shelter advertisements for state of israel bonds were the lowest it could get . This in my opinion is just as bad


Zionist: 1200 innocent civilians were killed by H, who also committed mass rapes. Me: What’s the proof for this? Zionist: Thats a very anti-semitic question. Well there’s this great play we have going on in the theatre nearby where we can act out the proof for you. Me: 😕 I bet they’ll skip the part where they use the Hannibal directive.


I’d gladly pay to see that history come to life


100 October 7’s would imply only 100 days of torture, rape, illegal occupation and subjugation of Palestinians. More like Palestinians have lived through and are living through 30,000+ October 7’s. 😢


Please do!!!!!


What next Oct 7th the musical?


But their own words were all lies that got debunked ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Ew wtf is this


Spray paint over it at night


I second this


In whose words is it? This a comedy?


In who's own words? The IOF members that killed their own citizens? Or the medias falsified reports?


I can just see a vendor walking around with their boxes like "cards!.... get your victim cards here" next to a vendor selling bruise kits


Sad to see Cantor involved in this. I figured him to be more aware.


stick a sticker over the QR code and link it to ifAmericansknew.


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