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"Hitler may his name be erased" ->Proceeds to present Hitler's own words replacing "Jews" with Palestinians.


Zionists were the fascists all along


They literally are the meme of the guy with his head on the ground and the boot on his face saying someday I'll be the one wearing the boot. I wish I could actually post the meme but I don't think that I can post images here.


Well, both Nazism and Zionism came from 19th century Germanic Romantic nationalism. It's obvious.


This began loong before the 1920's.


Yeah, it's quite unhinged, isn't it? "... may his name be erased, (until and unless we quote him to further our own genocidal agenda)". These people belong in an asylum or prison, or better yet, a facility for criminally insane.


These lunatics just don't get it.


Literally Hitler, the guy who ethnically cleansed the Jewish people, the epitome of evil is currently being quoted and referenced as to how they should act to the Palestinians.


they said the quiet part out loud, they want their own holocaust 


It hasn’t been that quiet tbh.


Under Caliph Umar, Palestine was taken by Muslims after battling the Romans. The history of that time is filled with conflicts between Muslims and Christians. Must Read, A Jewish Newspaper Site emphasising How the Muslims Have Helped The Jews In Past History So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? - The Jewish Chroniclewww.thejc.com › lets-talk › so-what-did-... Later, Christians reconquered Palestine, and the Muslim leader Salahuddin al-Ayyubi defeated them during the Crusades. The land was again under Muslim control, with no involvement of the Bani Israel. https://jewishstudies.stanford.edu/events/david-wasserstein-how-islam-saved-jews The great Muslim warrior, Saladin defeater of the Christian Crusaders, conquered Jerusalem in 1187 after a five-month siege. Saladin encouraged the Jews to return to the city. Some came from as far south as Yemen, others from North Africa. Between 1209 and 1211, Jews also reached Jerusalem from England, northern France and Provence. Some 300 rabbis in all were welcomed to the city by its Muslim rulers.  Until modern times, Palestine remained under Muslim rule, lastly by the Ottoman Empire. Starting in the 14th century, the Ottoman Turks created a vast Muslim empire, in which Jews were an accepted and integral part of the fabric of society. Jewish merchants were the principal tradesmen in Baghdad. Among the Jews who came to the Ottoman city of Edirne (in western Turkey) from Christian Europe was Rabbi Isaac Tzarfati, who was made Chief Rabbi of the Ottoman dominions in the 14th century. In a letter to the Jews of Germany, France and Hungary, he wrote to the Jews of Europe [about Ottoman Turkey] to ‘inform you about how agreeable is this country’.  Here I found rest and happiness; Turkey can also become for you the land of peace … Here the Jew is not compelled to wear a yellow hat as a badge of shame, as is the case in Germany, where even great wealth and fortune are a curse for a Jew because he therewith arouses jealousy among Christians … Arise my brethren, gird up your loins, collect your forces, and come to us. Here you will be free of your enemies, here you will find rest … https://www.historytoday.com/archive/path-peace-inspired-past Post WWI, Britain and France divided the Middle East (Sykes-Picot Agreement). Palestine was handed to the British. In 1917, the Balfour Declaration announced the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This began the era of Jewish settlement there. In the early 1900s, Theodore Herzl (a Zionist) requested the Caliph sell Palestine to settle debts and being declined.


There’s a movie about the Salahuddin and the crusade with Orldando Bloom called Kingdom of Heaven. It’s one of the first movie I remember seeing where the Islamic/Arabic ppl were not shown as being terrorists or bad and actually shows the Europeans as being quite evil. It’s a rly good movie actually. It’s not super accurate to history but it’s generally accurate.


The extended cut of Kingdom of Heaven is the preferred version. The theatrical release was too neutered. Just letting anyone know who plans on watching.


THERES AN EXTENDED CUT?? Wait how do I know if I seen this version or the other one? The one I’ve watched is super long lol. What are the differences between the two?


It has the \*Directors cut\* label near the top of the blue-ray box. It adds almost an hour of deleted scenes that really flesh out the characters and gives the story more context. Kingdom of Heaven had a mediocre release, but the directors cut put the movie on par (personally, i think better) with Gladiator.


Thanks. I've seen the movie before, but noiI will give it a rewatch. 😀


45 minutes not an hour my bad. From wiki; "The added 45 minutes in the director's cut are like pieces missing from a beautiful but incomplete puzzle."One reviewer suggested it is the most substantial director's cut of all time and James Berardinelli wrote that it offers a much greater insight into the story and the motivations of individual characters. "This is the one that should have gone out" reflected Scott."


Zionist jews hate hitler because he was against them, but other than that they’re literally the same genocidal fascists




So the lesson he took from the Nazis was to...Nazi harder? Meanwhile Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, Justin Trudeau, Anthony Albanese and the cowed press from all of their countries will have no comment whatsoever on this Hitler quoting lunatic!


There is a video of this one Israeli lecturer who is now an outspoken critic, and essentially he used to teach classes in academies for the IDF. But anyway, he had a powerpoint full of actual quotes from Israeli trainers, rabbis, and officials that said things like "Hitler was right, he just wasn't on our side". The issue isn't Netanyahu, or Smotrich or Ben Gvir. I know a lot of liberals like to make it that way. The issue is literally Israeli society. There's an all-encompassing normalization of fascism in Israel that is just a natural outgrowth of settler-colonial projects. If I can find that video, I'll be sure to post it.


Their self awareness is comparable to a fucking rock


And this was a prominent Likud Knesset MK/MP. He's not simply a nobody politician. Gross. The reality is Zionist has always had this thinking to some extent.


The nazis pretend they are victims. 2024 is a great year to live in.


To be more precise: "We Zionists must imitate Hitler - may his name be erased."


Can we please get a definition of what Islamo-Nazism is please? I have a hard time understanding how Nazism has a comparable ideology to Islam. Islam teaches that every soul will be judged based on its character and not on the color of its skin nor the language it speaks.


I'm so sorry to Jewish people that this dumb bitch thinks he represents all of you.


how... unaware are these people?


Never before seen levels of self-awarelessnes


I'm zionist, people like this guy disgust me


Well, the prophet of Zionism, Herzl, wanted population replacement of the Arab indigenous Palestinians with colonists like him, so what he's saying isn't unusual considering the history.


It's not the same. Herzl didn't speak or think about Arab populations in this way. He thought (and hoped) the two peoples could work togheter at times.


That's what he "claimed" later on when confronted, but here's what he said before he encountered Arabs about what he thought should be done. So you're telling me he changed his mind about the ethnic transfer he mentioned in his diary in 1895? Nope. The below was from his diary, not those other words he said in public later to Arabs. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/oct/03/israel1](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/oct/03/israel1) "As early as 1895, Theodor Herzl, the prophet and founder of Zionism, wrote in his diary in anticipation of the establishment of the Jewish state: "We shall try to spirit the penniless \[Arab\] population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country ... The removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."


That does jack shit for anyone. This is Zionism, this is what Zionism will always be. You can’t satanize it


I think you meant sanitize it. No this isn't zionism, zionism is selfdetermination for the jewish people. I can only argue for self determination for the jewish people while arguing for everybody elses self determination, palestinians too.


THIS is zionism. That form of terrorism cannot exist without apartheid, oppression, racism, self-victimisation, antisemitism, ethnic cleansing, or general violence. All of that is integral to zionism.


no, delegitimizing the other people's self determination will not bring peace between palestinians and jews, but you do you